Kamis, 28 November 2013

latihan soal b inggris smp kls 7,8,9 diambil dari http://4englishcourses.blogspot.com


Choose the best arrangement to make a correct sentence!
1. returned – to – this book – the date above – must – library – by – be – the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a. 9 – 6 – 5 – 8 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 7 – 4
b. 9 – 6 – 8 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 7 – 4
c. 3 – 8 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 9 – 6 – 7 – 4
b. 3 – 5 – 8 – 1 – 2 – 9 – 6 – 7 – 4

2. is – The – dug – the ground – ore – out of – usually
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
a. 2 – 5 – 1 – 7 – 3 – 6 – 4
b. 2 – 3 – 1 – 6 – 7 – 4 – 5
c. 2 – 5 – 7 – 3 – 1 – 6 – 4
d. 2 – 3 – 6 – 1 – 7 – 4 – 5

3. “Did you watch Lawyers Club program last night?”
“No, I didn’t. What about you?”
“________. “
a. I didn’t too
b. So didn’t I
c. I did either
d. Neither did I

4. “Our classmates are going to join the tour.”
a. So am I
b. So I am
c. I do too
d. Am I too

5. Jaka : “Is it alright if I park my car here?”
Eta : “I’m sorry, that’s not allowed.”
From the italicized utterance, we know that Jaka’s permission is _______.
a. Accepted by Eta
b. Refused by Eta
c. Interrupted
d. Agreed by Eta

6. Thasya : which do you prefer, banana or star fruit?
Lia : I’d rather have star fruit than banana.
The italicized words express ________.
a. Intention
b. Invitation
c. Preference
d. Offer

Hi! My name is Dian Wahyu Dinata. I’m the winner of an English Poetry Reading Competition in Sempu. I live in Maron. I was very happy to meet Sue and Ayu on early February 2008. I’m very comfortable speaking English with you. I have one question for Kang Guru when I can invite KG to our school in SMP Genteng.

Dian Wahyu Dinata

Sempu, Banyuwangi

7. Who is the winner of an English Poetry Reading Competition in Sempu?
a. Sue and Ayu
b. Dian Wahyu Dinata
c. Dian’s friends
d. Dian’s teacher

8. When did Dian met Sue and Ayu?
a. Before an English Poetry Reading Competition
b. When Dian invited Kang Guru
c. On early February 2008
d. When Sue and Ayu came

9. Which statement is TRUE based on the letter above?
a. Sue and Ayu have one question for Kang Guru
b. Sue and Ayu live in Maron
c. Dian Wahyu Dinata is not the winner of an English Poetry Reading Competition
d. The writer of the letter is Dian Wahyu Dinata

Animals are widely used in laboratories. Mice, rabbits, dogs, and monkeys are a few examples of animals used by researchers and scientists for scientific and medical purposes. Scientists use the animals to investigate biological processes in humans and animals, to study the causes of diseases, to test drugs, vaccines, and surgical techniques, and to evaluate the safety of chemical used in pesticides, cosmetics, and other products.

Many chemical functions like human so that they can be good models to understand the human body. Some animals suffer from the same diseases as humans do. Animals also carry a number of genes that are identical to human genes. With those similarities, scientists are able to learn much about the human body by studying the animals.

10. What do researchers and scientists do in laboratories?
a. Make drugs
b. Do experiment
c. Take care of animals
d. Give medical treatment

11. Scientists learn about the human body by studying ________.
a. Certain animals
b. Human body itself
c. All kinds of animals
d. All living things

12. “. . . . . . . . . . so that they can be good models to understand human body.” What does the bold typed word refer to?
a. Animals
b. Functions
c. Humans
d. Genes

13. Based on the text, why do the scientists use animals for their experiments?
a. Animals are the most suitable objects
b. Scientists do not want to use humans
c. It is easier to use animals than humans
d. Animals have similarities to humans

14. “They are used for scientific and medical purposes.” (Paragraph 1)
The word ‘they’ in the sentence refers to ________.
a. Researchers
b. Laboratories
c. Scientists
d. Animals

To: Emmy Suliastiningsih

I will be glad if you want to come to my 15th birthday party. It will be held:
Date : October 28th 2010
Time : 5:00 p.m
Place : Jl. Raya Baruga No. 26, Makassar

Yours truly,

Rahmi Handayani

15. Who will have a birthday party on October,28th 2010?
a. Emmy
b. Emmy’s sister
c. Rahmi
d. Emmy and Rahmi

16. How old will Rahmi be in on October, 28th 2012?
a. Fifteen
b. Sixteen
c. Seventeen
d. Eighteen

17. When will the party be held?
a. In the morning
b. In the afternoon
c. At noon
d. At night

18. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?
a. Emmy invites Rahmi to her birthday
b. Emmy lives in Jl. Raya Baruga No. 26
c. Rahmi is Emmy’s twin sister
d. Rahmi was born on October, 28th 1995

19. Reza _______ than her sister.
a. is prettier
b. is more pretty
c. is the most pretty
d. is prettier from

20. Dion ________ play tennis than volley ball.
a. prefer
b. would rather
c. would
d. would like

21. Ann has four books and a couple of pens. This sentence means _______.
Reza _______ than her sister.
a. is prettier
b. is more pretty
c. is the most pretty
d. is prettier from

22. Dion ________ play tennis than volley ball.
a. prefer
b. would rather
c. would
d. would like

23. Ann has four books and a couple of pens. This sentence means _______.
a. She has more books than pens
b. She has more pens than books
c. She has fewer books than pens
d. She has as many as pens as books

24. Yesterday, Mike and I went to buy two bags. Mike’s bag is _______ as mine.
a. more expensive
b. bigger
c. larger
d. as expensive

25. Cessa _______ studying grammar to math. Wherever she goes, a grammar book is always in her hand.
a. would rather
b. prefer
c. likes better
d. likes more

26. Yetti _______ watching TV at home to going out with friends.
a. would rather
b. prefers
c. is like
d. is fond of

27. Ron is in London at the moment. He _______ at Hilton Hotel.
a. stayed
b. is staying
c. stays
d. has stayed

28. Kathy usually sits in the front row during the class, but today she _______ in the last row.
a. sits
b. seat
c. is sitting
d. is to sit

29. I wrote to my old friend Ann last week. Up to know, she hasn’t answered my letter. Now, I ______ the reply.
a. wait for
b. will wait for
c. am waiting for
d. want to wait for

30. Diane can’t come to the phone because she _______ her hair.
a. is to wash
b. washed
c. was washing
d. is washing

31. Please be quite. I _______ to concentrate.
a. tried
b. am trying
c. was trying
d. will try

32. Barbara often tutors other students in her math class. This morning, she ________ Steve with his math assignment.
a. is helping
b. wants to help
c. must help
d. helped

33. Tomorrow, she _______ to UK.
a. will go
b. went
c. gone
d. has gone

34. The hunter’s fatal accident ________ in the newspaper yesterday.
a. was reported
b. will be reported
c. has been reported
d. can be reported

35. Last week, I _______ a job at a local bank, but I didn’t accept it.
a. was offering
b. was offered
c. was to offer
d. was offers

36. About ten percent of the earth’s land area, or nearly 5,8 million square miles, ________ by glacial ice.
a. were covered
b. has covered
c. to be covered
d. is covered

37. The Amazon valley is extremely important to the ecology of the earth. Forty percent of the world’s oxygen ________ there.
a. are being produced
b. are produced
c. is produced
d. was produced

38. Madona ________ a single concert next July in Jakarta.
a. will have
b. will be had
c. will be
d. has

39. Floritte ________ you a salad in Cafe’ Makassar next Saturday.
a. will be treated
b. will be
c. will treated
d. will treat

40. ________ you overjoyed at the party yesterday?
a. Was
b. Were
c. Am
d. Is

1. Ron is in London at the moment. He _______ at Hilton Hotel.
a. stayed
b. is staying
c. stays
d. has stayed

2. Kathy usually sits in the front row during the class, but today she _______ in the last row.
a. sits
b. seat
c. is sitting
d. is to sit

3. I wrote to my old friend Ann last week. Up to know, she hasn’t answered my letter. Now, I ______ the reply.
a. wait for
b. will wait for
c. am waiting for
d. want to wait for

4. Diane can’t come to the phone because she _______ her hair.
a. is to wash
b. washed
c. was washing
d. is washing

5. Please be quite. I _______ to concentrate.
a. tried
b. am trying
c. was trying
d. will try

6. Barbara often tutors other students in her math class. This morning, she ________ Steve with his math assignment.
a. is helping
b. wants to help
c. must help
d. helped

7. Tomorrow, she _______ to UK.
a. will go
b. went
c. gone
d. has gone

8. The hunter’s fatal accident ________ in the newspaper yesterday.
a. was reported
b. will be reported
c. has been reported
d. can be reported

9. Last week, I _______ a job at a local bank, but I didn’t accept it.
a. was offering
b. was offered
c. was to offer
d. was offers

10. About ten percent of the earth’s land area, or nearly 5,8 million square miles, ________ by glacial ice.
a. were covered
b. has covered
c. to be covered
d. is covered

11. The Amazon valley is extremely important to the ecology of the earth. Forty percent of the world’s oxygen ________ there.
a. are being produced
b. are produced
c. is produced
d. was produced

12. Madona ________ a single concert next July in Jakarta.
a. will have
b. will be had
c. will be
d. has

13. Floritte ________ you a salad in Cafe’ Makassar next Saturday.
a. will be treated
b. will be
c. will treated
d. will treat

14. Reza _______ than her sister.
a. is prettier
b. is more pretty
c. is the most pretty
d. is prettier from

15. Dion ________ play tennis than volley ball.
a. prefer
b. would rather
c. would
d. would like

16. Ann has four books and a couple of pens. This sentence means _______.
a. She has more books than pens
b. She has more pens than books
c. She has fewer books than pens
d. She has as many as pens as books

17. Yesterday, Mike and I went to buy two bags. Mike’s bag is _______ as mine.
a. more expensive
b. bigger
c. larger
d. as expensive

18. Cessa _______ studying grammar to math. Wherever she goes, a grammar book is always in her hand.
a. would rather
b. prefer
c. likes better
d. likes more

19. Yetti _______ watching TV at home to going out with friends.
a. would rather
b. prefers
c. is like
d. is fond of

20. Their teacher plans to give them an exam next week, ________?
a. isn’t he
b. doesn’t he
c. will he
d. don’t they

21. There have been a lot of students in the classroom, ________?
a. haven’t there
b. doesn’t it
c. isn’t there
d. won’t there

22. The climbers got lost in the mountain, ________?
a. don’t they
b. didn’t they
c. did they
d. didn’t he

23. Come to the meeting on time, ________?
a. don’t you
b. won’t you
c. will you
d. can you

24. he said to me, “Let’s go shopping down town, ________?
a. don’t we
b. won’t we
c. will we
d. shall we

25. Ann was very busy yesterday, ________?
a. isn’t she
b. was she
c. wasn’t she
d. didn’t she

26. You don’t need to wait for her too long, ________?
a. need you
b. do you
c. will you
d. won’t you

27. I’m the one who has lost the wallet, _______?
a. do I
b. aren’t I
c. am I
d. didn’t I

A man had a parrot. It was a very beautiful bird and every day the man talked to it.
“Pretty Polly,” he said. “You are a pretty Polly.”
“Pretty Polly,” the parrot said. “You are Pretty Polly.”
Every day the man spoke new words to the parrot “Hallo” he said, and “Goodbye.”
One day the parrot was not in its cage. It was flying about the room. The man came into the room and saw the parrot. “What are you doing?” he said.
“What are you doing?” the parrot said.
The man laughed. Then he went out to visit his friends.
That evening a thief came to the house. He walked round the house and looked into the windows. There was no one at home. The thief broke open the door and entered the house. First he went into the sitting room. In the sitting room he found some bowls and vases. He put them into a sack. Then he went into the bedroom. In the bedroom he found a gold watch and some money. He put these into the sack, too. He stole many things from the house and put them into his sack.

The sack was soon full. The thief put it over his shoulder and walked to the door. He opened the door and looked out. There is no one there.
“What are you doing?” a voice said.
The thief jumped high into the air and dropped his sack. Then he ran out of the house and down the road.
“What are you doing?” the voice said again: “Pretty Polly. Hallo, Goodbye. What are you doing?”

28. To whom did the parrot belong?
a. Pretty Polly
b. A thief
c. A man
d. A beautiful bird

29. What did the parrot do one day?
a. It saw the man’s friends.
b. It refused to talk.
c. It taught the man some words.
d. It flew about the room.

30. What did the parrot do when the man spoke new words to it?
a. It understood the new words.
b. It said “Hallo” and “Goodbye”.
c. It spoke the new words.
d. It flew about the room.

31. Why did the man laugh?
a. He saw the parrot flying.
b. The parrot was not in its cage.
c. A thief came into his house.
d. It could imitate him.

32. Who did the man visit?
a. A thief
b. His friends
c. A funny man
d. No one

33. Who did the thief see at home?
a. The man’s friends
b. The man
c. The owner of the parrot.
d. No one.

34. Why did the thief run out of the house?
a. Because someone saw him
b. Because he made a noise
c. Because the parrot frightened him
d. Because he was under the siege

Dear Hasri,
Hi, friend, here I invite you to my 15th birthday party
Date : Sunday, May 17 2010
Time : 4 p.m
Place : My house, Jl. Martadinata no. 57 Sukabumi
Please, arrive on time! Without you the party will be different.


35. When will the Halima’s party be held?
a. At 4 p.m
b. At jl. Martadinata
c. At her house
d. On may 15

36. In what year was Halima born?
a. 1996 c. 1994
b. 1995 d. 1993

37. Halima hopes that Hasri ________.
a. Sings and dances
b. Wears new dress
c. Attend her party
d. Brings a present

38. The notice means ________.
No Littering
a. Throw your rubbish here
b. Do not pick up the rubbish
c. Do not throw rubbish here
d. Bring your own rubbish

Choose the best arrangement of the following words to make a correct sentence!
39. Worked – in – father – my – has – fifteen years – for – the museum
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
a. 2 – 8 – 3 – 5 – 7 – 6 – 1 – 4
b. 4 – 3 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 8 – 7 – 6
c. 4 – 3 – 2 – 8 – 6 – 7 – 5 – 1
d. 7– 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 1 – 2 – 8

Choose the arrangement of the words to make a correct sentence!
40. Speech – your – winner – English – contest – on – congratulations – the – in
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

a. 7 – 6 – 2 – 3 – 9 – 8 – 4 – 1 – 5
b. 1 – 3 – 8 – 2 – 5 – 4 – 6 – 7 – 9
c. 8 – 3 – 1 – 9 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 7 – 6
d. 2 – 5 – 3 – 1 – 6 – 9 – 4 – 7 – 8


1. I asked to come earlier, _______.
a. and she didn’t
b. but she did
c. but she didn’t
d. while she wasn’t

2. We have finished the work _______.
a. too
b. either
c. did too
d. have too

3. They had no enough time to participate in the discussion, ________.
a. and we didn’t either
b. and we didn’t neither
c. and we did too
d. and neither do we

4. If you have to come, ________.
a. so did I
b. so do I
c. so have I
d. but I do

5. ________ but I could.
a. He went to school early in the morning
b. He cannot speak English well
c. They couldn’t finish the test on time
d. They didn’t go to the restaurant last night

6. They failed the test because they didn’t have any preparation for it and he ________.
a. does too
b. did too
c. was too
d. didn’t either

7. X: My watch doesn’t say the right time I think. How about you?
Y: Oh sorry, mine ________.
a. doesn’t either
b. says the right time
c. didn’t say either
d. was not either

8. Among the students in the class, it is Tina who _______.
a. always comes earlier
b. always come to school in the morning
c. always comes earliest
d. usually come the most earlier

9. My hometown is ________ than your other towns in Java.
a. colder as much
b. as much cold
c. much colder
d. as much colder

10. He told the students not to come late on Monday, ________.
a. and neither did the students
b. and the students didn’t either
c. but they did
d. and they did

11. Because of the rain, the principle couldn’t come to school on time ________.
a. and the students didn’t either
b. and the students couldn’t either
c. and also the students couldn’t come
d. and so could the students

12. He is an honest young man. He never breaks his promise _______.
a. and so did his friend, Dani
b. and so does his friend, Dani
c. but his friend Dani doesn’t either
d. but Dani isn’t

13. All the students have to come on time, and ________.
a. is the teacher
b. did the teacher
c. does the teacher too
d. so does the teacher

14. Shally would answer the phone if she ________ at her office right now.
a. will be
b. stays
c. were
d. has been

15. If the mechanic had done the work properly, I ________ no problem with my car yesterday.
a. would have had
b. have had
c. would have
d. had had

16. “Why did you leave your very good job in that company?”
“I ________ if the payment had been better.”
a. have stayed
b. may stay
c. would stay
d. wouldn’t have done it

17. If only we ________ the police for directions, we wouldn’t have got lost.
a. asked
b. have asked
c. would asked
d. had asked

18. If the students had known that yesterday was public holiday, _______ to school.
a. they should come
b. they should have come
c. they wouldn’t have come
d. they wouldn’t come

19. If he ________ the permission to marry her, he wouldn’t have married another woman.
a. had loved
b. had gotten
c. got
d. would get

20. If he had established clean government, he _______ a lot of criticisms.
a. would get
b. wouldn’t get
c. would have got
d. wouldn’t have got

21. If the man _______ the bank scandals, he would have not been fined and jailed for several months.
a. was not involved
b. would not be involved
c. had not been involved
d. had involved

22. Reza _______ than her sister.
a. is prettier
b. is more pretty
c. is the most pretty
d. is prettier from

23. Dion ________ play tennis than volley ball.
a. prefer
b. would rather
c. would
d. would like

24. Ann has four books and a couple of pens. This sentence means _______.
a. She has more books than pens
b. She has more pens than books
c. She has fewer books than pens
d. She has as many as pens as books

25. Yesterday, Mike and I went to buy two bags. Mike’s bag is _______ as mine.
a. more expensive
b. bigger
c. larger
d. as expensive

26. Cessa _______ studying grammar to math. Wherever she goes, a grammar book is always in her hand.
a. would rather
b. prefer
c. likes better
d. likes more

27. Yetti _______ watching TV at home to going out with friends.
a. would rather
b. prefers
c. is like
d. is fond of

28. Ron is in London. at the moment he _______ at Hilton Hotel.
a. stayed
b. is staying
c. stays
d. has stayed

29. Kathy usually sits in the front row during the class, but today she _______ in the last row.
a. sits
b. seat
c. is sitting
d. is to sit

30. I wrote to my old friend Ann last week. Up to know, she hasn’t answered my letter. Now, I ______ the reply.
a. wait for
b. will wait for
c. am waiting for
d. want to wait for

31. Diane can’t come to the phone because she _______ her hair.
a. is to wash
b. washed
c. was washing
d. is washing

32. Please be quite. I _______ to concentrate.
a. tried
b. am trying
c. was trying
d. will try

33. Barbara often tutors other students in her matn class. This morning, she ________ Steve with his math assignment.
a. is helping
b. wants to help
c. must help
d. helped

34. Tomorrow, she _______ to UK.
a. will go
b. went
c. gone
d. has gone

35. The hunter’s fatal accident ________ in the newspaper yesterday.
a. was reported
b. will be reported
c. has been reported
d. can be reported

36. Last week, I _______ a job at a local bank, but I didn’t accept it.
a. was offering
b. was offered
c. was to offer
d. was offers

37. About ten percent of the earth’s land area, or nearly 5,8 million square miles, ________ by glacial ice.
a. were covered
b. has covered
c. to be covered
d. is covered

38. The Amazon valley is extremely important to the ecology of the earth. Forty percent of the world’s oxygen ________ there.
a. are being produced
b. are produced
c. is produced
d. was produced

39. Madona ________ a single concert next July in Jakarta.
a. will have
b. will be had
c. will be
d. has

40. Floritte ________ you a salad in Cafe’ Makassar next Saturday.
a. will be treated
b. will be
c. will treated
d. will treat

latihan soal kls X smk


Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini dengan memilih salah satu jawaban yang benar A, B, C atau D

1.    Budi     : This room is very hot, would you opening the window please?
Amir     : ...
a. thanks     b. thank you     c. that's good    d. I'd be glad to

2.    A : My father died two days ago
B : ...
a. congratulation        b. I am sad
c. I am sorry to hear that     d. that's great

3.    I  ………. Adam and her sister two days ago.
a. meet    b. met    c. meets    d. meeting

4.    It was the ……….dinner I've ever cooked.
a. worst    b. worse    c. bad    d. more bad

5.    Jannata     : How long can you stay under water?
    Nadia     : I can stay there ... I can hold my breath
    a. as     b. as long as     c.  since     d.  for

6.    X    : …………….
Y     : "oh, I like it very much. It's not too big but not too small either and most of the people are  
    a. why do you like        b. why don't you like    
    c. what did you think         d. what do you like

7.    Those gorillas have large heads and sharp ……….
a. toothes    b. tooth    c. tooths    d. teeth

8.    Sue lost her ring ………. the sand ………. the beach.
a. at – in    b. of – in    c. in – at    d. on – in

9.    Tony     : "shall we go out for some ice cream?"
    Tini     : " ... but I'm doing my assignment now."
    a. Yes, thank you     b. I'd love to     c. No, I have no time    d. I like it

10.    The luggage is twice the baby's weight. The luggage is ... the baby.
a. heavier than     b. as heavy as    c. not so heavy as     d. lighter than

11.    Tono found his dog sleeping in the car. This sentence means ...
    a. his dog was sleeping in the car when he found it
    b. when he found his dog he was sleeping in the car
    c. he found his dog when he was sleeping in the car
    d. when his dog found him he was sleeping in the car
12.    The smoke from vehicles and factories ... the air.
a. pollutes     b. destroys    c. dirties     d. contaminates

13.    He ………. his PhD at Delft Technical University in 1990
a. did    b. does    c. is    d. was

14.    X :"..."
    Y : "Certainly"
    a. could you carry this bag for me, please?     b. what is the weather like?
    c. why don't you see the doctor?     d. who's speaking please?

15.    We ………. basketball last week.
a. played    b. plays    c. has played    d. playing

16.    Mutia ………. a new cassette recorder last month.
a. buy    b. bought    c. buys    d. buyer

17.    Ani     : You promised to return my book now. I need badly?
    Dian     : ... I left it home. I'll give it you this afternoon.
    a. I'm very terrible    b. I don't mind     c. I'm sorry     d. I'm so pleased

18.    Please speak .……. little louder, I can’t hear you!
a.     b. an    c. the    d. a

19.    Irfan     : The test is very difficult.
    Toni     : Hopefully, you can.
    The underline utterance is an expression of ...
    a.  showing disappointment     b.  admitting something                 c.  showing expectation     d.  complaining something

20.    He ………. in Amsterdam for five years; then he ………. back to England
a. lived – come    b. lived – came    c. lives – comes    d. living – coming

21.    May I have your ………. phone number?
a.     b. the    c. a    d. an

22.    I have never seen ………. UFO, but I am not sure it is exist.
a. an    b. a    c. the    d. 

23.    David is ………. best student in our class.
a. an    b. a    c. the    d. 

24.    Rima     : I am hungry. Let's find something to eat at cafeteria
    Lusi     : That's a good idea
    The underlined utterance expresses ...
    a.  ability     b.  preference     c.  possibility    d.  agreement

25.    At a meeting of the Parent-Teacher's Association, Miss Rani rushes in and accidentally pushes Mr. Barman.
    Miss Rani     : "... I'm in a hurry"
    Mr. Barman     : "That's quite all right"
    a.  Well, I must apologize     b.  I regret, please
    c.  Oh, I am so sorry         d.  Mind your step

26.    What type of this ship is it?
a. crane vessel   
b. cruise ship
c. cargo liner   
d. cable ferry

27.    Rina and her brother, Budi, were talking in the verandah when Tuti, Rina's friend, come.
Rina introduced her brother to Tuti.
    Rina     : "...."
    Tuti     : "How do you do?"
    Budi     : "How do you do? Pleased to meet you"
    a. Tuti, this is my brother Budi     b. How are things, Tuti?    
    c. Tuti is my friend, Budi     d. How are you?

28.    Mr. Ben hard     : "Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the station?
    Rizal         : "Yes, it is not far from here, go straight down here, and take the first turning to
               your left"
    The italic utterance is about ...
    a. asking for information     b. refusing an offer    
    c.  introducing people         d.  expressing hope

29.    What is the name of part of ship pointed by arrow
a. deck    b. anchor
c. smokestack    d. propeller

30.    Martin ………. his car last year
a. crashed    b. crashes    c. crashs    d. has crashed

31.    Henry hit a baseball over the fence. ………. didn't know where ………. would land.
a. he – it    b. she – it    c. he – its    d. it – he

32.    Ms. Lindon met her husband in a gold mine. The first time ……….saw ………., she was in love.
a. her – him    b. she – him    c. she – it    d. he – him

33.    Henry had to pay for the broken window with his hard-earned money. ……….wasn't too happy about that, but ……….learned a lesson.
a. she – she    b. he – he    c. his – he    d. he – his

34.    They ………. the jumping race last year.
a. wins    b. won    c. winner    d. win

35.    Parents support their ………..
a. childs    b. children    c. childrens    d. childhood

36.    A: Where's your office?
    B: In Taipei, Taiwan.
    A: Really? What part of Taipei?
    B: It's ………. Chung Shan North Road.
    A: I know that area. Where exactly is it?
    B: It's ………. 105 Chung Shan North Road, next to the bookstore.
    a. in – on    b. on – at    c. at – on    d. around – with



There many kinds of pollution. They can be grouped into several major classifications, of which we mention here; water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution and radiation pollution.
Air pollution is caused by car engines and by big factories with large chimneys through which dirty air escapes.
Land pollution can be caused by waste or rubbish such as paper, bottles, alumunium, scraps, junk, etc. Because of our carelessness and laziness, our surrounding are very dirty. They are filled with household as well factory waste. Some waste can be broken down by natural organisms such as bacteria. Rubbish like this is called organic waste. On the other hand, rubbish which cannot be broken down by natural organisms is called in organic waste. This is more difficult to dispose of and it makes the surroundings very unpleasant to look at.
Noise pollution can be caused by several thins; loud music through loudspeakers, the noise of motorized vehicles such as trucks, buses, motorcycles, and also aircraft. Loud noise may caused deafness. It can affect the heart and cause nervous strain.
    Radiation pollution can kill many people in one moment. It is caused by uranium and other radioactive. The testing of atomic weapons is feared by people in general because atomic weapon are radioactive. These are a few example of the different kinds of pollution in our lives.

37.    Rubbish such as bottles, paper, plastic etc may cause ... pollution.
a.  air     b.  noise     c.  land     d.  water

38.    Why is loud noise dangerous to our ears?
    a. It can cause annoyance    b.  It makes us feel nervous
    c.  It was cause deafness    d.  It may disturb our concentration

39.    Radiation pollution can cause the death of many people. We can get information from paragraph ...
a.  two     b.  three     c.  five     d.  four

40.    Which of these statements is true according to the text?
a.  Loud noise is harmless to our ears.    
b.  Factories and cars can cause land pollution.
     c.  Natural organism can break down some waste.    
     d. People are in favour of testing or atomic weapon.

Good luck and keep smile

41.    Libraries keep ………. on ……….
a. books – shelves    b. book – shelf    c. books – shelfs    d. books – shelf

42.    Indonesia has several active ………..
a. volcanoes    b. vulcanos    c. vulcanics    d. volcano

43.    Eric talked to his friend ……….the phone ……….thirty minutes
a. on – for    b. in – with    c. on – on    d. for – for

44.    After we finished our ……….dinner, Frank helped me with the ……….dishes.
a. delicious – dirty    b. delicious – dirt    c. delicious – dirtier    d. delicious – dirtiness

45.    C: When is the wedding?
    D: It's ………. June.
    C: What day?
    D: It's ………. Saturday, the 25th.
    C: What time?
    D: It starts at 6:00.
    a. in – on    b. on – in    c. in – in    d. on – on

46.    I'm ………. today than I was yesterday.
a. busier    b. busy    c. busiest    d. more busy

47.    This is the ………. deal I can offer you.
a. best    b. good    c. better    d. more good

48.    This is ………. easy question.
a. an     b. a    c. the     d. 

49.    What is _the__ name of the next station?
a. the    b. a    c. an    d. 

50.    I went to _the__ sea during my summer vacation.
a. the    b. a    c. this    d. 

51.    Is there _a__ public telephone near here?
a. a    b. an    c. the    d. 

52.    A : I have a pain in my throat. What would you recommend?
    B : I'd advise you ... anymore
    a. not to smoke     b. not smoke     c. did not smoke     d. will not smoke

53.    Ida     : "Hello, Alfian. Are you working here?" .
    Alfian     : "Yes. I have been working here for a month."
    Ida     : "Oh, really? ..."
    a. by all means     b. I'm very surprised     c. I hope not     d. Not at all

54.    Johan     : Are you working here, Ivan?
    Ivan     : Yes, I have been working here for a month.
    Johan     : Oh, really ...
    a.  I'm very surprised     b.  I'm very anxious     c.  I'm confused     d.  I'm worried

1.    Budi     : This room is very hot, would you opening the window please?
Amir     : ...
a. thanks     b. thank you     c. I'd be glad to     d. that's good

2.    A : My father died two days ago
B : ...
a. I am sorry to hear that     b. I am sad
c. congratulation         d. that's great

3.    A : I have a pain in my throat. What would you recommend?
    B : I'd advise you ... anymore
    a. not to smoke     b. not smoke     c. did not smoke     d. will not smoke

4.    X    : …………….
Y     : "oh, I like it very much. It's not too big but not too small either and most of the people are  
    a. what did you think         b. why don't you like    
    c. why do you like         d. what do you like

5.    Tony     : "shall we go out for some ice cream?"
    Tini     : " ... but I'm doing my assignment now."
    a. Yes, thank you     b. No, I have no time     c. I'd love to     d. I like it

6.    The luggage is twice the baby's weight. The luggage is ... the baby.
a. as heavy as     b. heavier than     c. not so heavy as     d. lighter than

7.    Tono found his dog sleeping in the car.
    This sentence means ...
    a. he found his dog when he was sleeping in the car
    b. when he found his dog he was sleeping in the car
    c. his dog was sleeping in the car when he found it
    d. when his dog found him he was sleeping in the car

8.    The smoke from vehicles and factories ... the air.
a. destroys     b. pollutes     c. dirties     d. contaminates

9.    Ida     : "Hello, Alfian. Are you working here?" .
    Alfian     : "Yes. I have been working here for a month."
    Ida     : "Oh, really? ..."
    a. by all means     b. I'm very surprised     c. I hope not     d. Not at all

10.    X :"..."
    Y : "Certainly"
    a. could you carry this bag for me, please?     b. what is the weather like?
    c. why don't you see the doctor?     d. who's speaking please?

11.    Ani     : You promised to return my book now. I need badly?
    Dian     : ... I left it home. I'll give it you this afternoon.
    a. I'm sorry     b. I don't mind     c. I'm very terrible     d. I'm so pleased

12.    Irfan     : The test very difficult.
    Toni     : Hopefully, you can.
    The underline utterance is an expression of ...
    a.  showing disappointment     b.  showing expectation
    c.  admitting something     d.  complaining something

13.    Johan     : Are you working here, Ivan?
    Ivan     : Yes, I have been working here for a month.
    Johan     : Oh, really ...
    a.  I'm very surprised     b.  I'm very anxious     c.  I'm confused     d.  I'm worried

14.    Jannata     : How long can you stay under water?
    Nadia     : I can stay there ... I can hold my breath
    a. as     b. for     c.  since     d.  as long as

15.    Rima     : I am hungry. Let's find something to eat at cafeteria
    Lusi     : That's a good idea
    The underlined utterance expresses ...
    a.  ability     b.  preference     c.  agreement     d.  possibility

16.    At a meeting of the Parent-Teacher's Association, Miss Rani rushes in and accidentally pushes Mr. Barman.
    Miss Rani     : "... I'm in a hurry"
    Mr. Barman     : "That's quite all right"
    a.  Well, I must apologize     b.  I regret, please
    c.  Oh, I am so sorry         d.  Mind your step

17.    Rina and her brother, Budi, were talking in the verandah when Tuti, Rina's friend, come. Rina introduced her brother to Tuti.
    Rina     : "...."
    Tuti     : "How do you do?"
    Budi     : "How do you do? Pleased to meet you"
    a. How are you?         b. How are things, Tuti?    
    c. Tuti is my friend, Budi     d. Tuti, this is my brother Budi

18.    Mr. Ben hard     : "Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the station?
    Rizal         : "Yes, it is not far from here, go straight down here, and take the first turning to
               your left"
    The italic utterance is about ...
    a.  expressing hope     b. refusing an offer     c.  introducing people     d.  asking for information

19.    He ………. his PhD at Delft Technical University in 1990
a. did    b. does    c. is    d. was

20.    He ………. in Amsterdam for five years; then he ………. back to England
a. lived – came    b. lived – come    c. lives – comes    d. living – coming

21.    Martin ………. his car last year
a. crashed    b. crashes    c. crashs    d. has crashed

22.    Henry hit a baseball over the fence. ………. didn't know where ………. would land.
a. he – it    b. she – it    c. he – its    d. it - he

23.    Ms. Lindon met her husband in a gold mine. The first time ……….saw ………., she was in love.
a. she – him    b. her – him    c. she – it    d. he – him

24.    Henry had to pay for the window with his hard-earned money. He wasn't too happy about that, but he learned a lesson.
a. he – he     b. she – she    c. his – he    d. he – his

25.    I  ………. Adam and her sister two days ago.
a. met    b. meet    c. meets    d. meeting

26.    They ………. the jumping race last year.
a. won    b. wins    c. winner    d. win

27.    We ………. basketball last week.
a. played    b. plays    c. has played    d. playing

28.    Mutia ………. a new cassette recorder last month.
a. bought    b. buy    c. buys    d. buyer

29.    Libraries keep ………. on ……….
a. books – shelves    b. book – shelf    c. books – shelfs    d. books – shelf

30.    Parents support their ………..
a. children    b. childs    c. childrens    d. childhood

31.    Indonesia has several active ………..
a. volcanoes    b. vulcanos    c. vulcanics    d. volcano

32.    Those gorillas have large heads and sharp ……….
a. teeth    b. tooth    c. tooths    d. toothes

33.    Sue lost her ring ………. the sand ………. the beach.
a. in – at    b. of – in    c. at – in    d. on – in

34.    Eric talked to his friend ……….the phone ……….thirty minutes
a. on – for    b. in – with    c. on – on    d. for – for

35.    After we finished our ……….dinner, Frank helped me with the ……….dishes.
a. delicious – dirty    b. delicious – dirt    c. delicious – dirtier    d. delicious – dirtiness

36.    A: Where's your office?
    B: In Taipei, Taiwan.
    A: Really? What part of Taipei?
    B: It's ………. Chung Shan North Road.
    A: I know that area. Where exactly is it?
    B: It's ………. 105 Chung Shan North Road, next to the bookstore.
    a. on – at    b. in – on    c. at – on    d. around – with

37.    C: When is the wedding?
    D: It's ………. June.
    C: What day?
    D: It's ………. Saturday, the 25th.
    C: What time?
    D: It starts at 6:00.

    a. in – on    b. on – in    c. in – in    d. on – on

38.    I'm ………. today than I was yesterday.
a. busier    b. busy    c. busiest    d. more busy

39.    This is the ………. deal I can offer you.
a. best    b. good    c. better    d. more good

40.    It was the ……….dinner I've ever cooked.
a. worst    b. worse    c. bad    d. more bad

41.    This is ………. easy question.
a. an     b. a    c. the     d. 

42.    Please speak a………. little louder, I can’t hear you!
a. a    b. an    c. the    d. 

43.    May I have your ………. phone number?
a.     b. the    c. a    d. an

44.    I have never seen ………. UFO, but I am not sure it is exist.
a. a    b. an    c. the    d. 

45.    David is ………. best student in our class.
a. the    b. a    c. an    d. 

46.    What is _the__ name of the next station?
a. the    b. a    c. an    d. 

47.    I went to _the__ sea during my summer vacation.
a. the    b. a    c. this    d. 

48.    Is there _a__ public telephone near here?
a. a    b. an    c. the    d. 


There many kinds of pollution. They can be grouped into several major classifications, of which we mention here; water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution and radiation pollution.
Air pollution is caused by car engines and by big factories with large chimneys through which dirty air escapes.
Land pollution can be caused by waste or rubbish such as paper, bottles, alumunium, scraps, junk, etc. Because of our carelessness and laziness, our surrounding are very dirty. They are filled with household as well factory waste. Some waste can be broken down by natural organisms such as bacteria. Rubbish like this is called organic waste. On the other hand, rubbish which cannot be broken down by natural organisms is called in organic waste. This is more difficult to dispose of and it makes the surroundings very unpleasant to look at.
Noise pollution can be caused by several thins; loud music through loudspeakers, the noise of motorized vehicles such as trucks, buses, motorcycles, and also aircraft. Loud noise may caused deafness. It can affect the heart and cause nervous strain.
    Radiation pollution can kill many people in one moment. It is caused by uranium and other radioactive. The testing of atomic weapons is feared by people in general because atomic weapon are radioactive. These are a few example of the different kinds of pollution in our lives.

49.    Rubbish such as bottles, paper, plastic etc may cause ... pollution.
a.  air     b.  noise     c.  land     d.  water

50.    Why is loud noise dangerous to our ears?
    a. It was cause deafness     b.  It makes us feel nervous
    c.  It can cause annoyance     d.  It may disturb our concentration

51.    Radiation pollution can cause the death of many people. We can get information from paragraph ...
a.  two     b.  three     c.  four     d.  five

52.    Which of these statements is true according to the text?
a.  Loud noise is harmless to our ears.    
b.  Factories and cars can cause land pollution.
     c.  Natural organism can break down some waste.    
     d. People are in favour of testing or atomic weapon.

53.    What type of this ship
a. crane vessel    b. cruise ship
c. cargo liner    d. cable ferry

latihan soal smk kls X

Ø  Answer the questions below!
The questions of number 1 - 5 are based on the dialogue below!
Budi introduces himself to Rendi on the way home from the school.
Rendi  : Hello.
Budi    : 1 …………. Have we met before?
Rendi  : Hmm, I don’t think so.
Budi    : Anyway, 2 ……………….Budi.
Rendi  : 3 ……………………….Rendi.
Budi    : Do you somehow stay around here?
Rendi  : Yeah. I stay in the Uptown Apartment on fifth Avenue.
Budi    : That's great. I also stay there on eleventh floor.
Rendi  : Mine's on tenth floor. Sorry,4 …………………….
Rendi  : See you then. Goodbye.
Budi    : 5………………
6.      What do we say if we greet someone at 06.00 until 12.00 A.M?
7.      Arrange this jumbled words!
Introduce  -  you  -  Let    my self    to  - me
         1               2         3           4              5       6
8.      Complete the following sentences with the correct pronoun!
a.       My friend, Isabella, is the best girl at school.  …. is beautiful, smart, and kind.
b.      Sule has many books in his private library. He collect … since he was in the Junior High School.
9.      Make into a correct verb!
Juwita always (pass) in every examination well.
( + ) …
10.  Change this sentence into interrogative!
Maria takes bus to the airport.
( ? ) …
11.  Change this sentence into a negative!
Bima is my friend.
( - ) …
12.  How do you write these numbers using digit?
a.       Five thousand seven hundred
b.      Thirty thousand, nine hundred, and fifty five.
13.  How do you write these numbers using word?
a.       375
b.      3000
14.  Arrange into a good word order!
a.       American – the – handsome – young – white – boy
b.      gold – expensive – a – ring - small
15.  How do you speak this name?
Elizabeth III
16.  Write these dates as numbers!
a.       November the second
b.      August the eleventh
17.  Complete the description of FRANK LAMPARD using adjective in 4 sentences!
He is Frank Lampard.
Lampard is a football player.
ΓΌ  He has a … hair (color).
Answer: He has a black hair.
a.       His face is … (shape).
b.      He is still … (age).
c.       His body is not slim, but rather … (size)
d.      For me, Lampard is very … man. (opinion)
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latihan soal b inggris smk quoted from http://kristinrahayu.blogspot.com/2012/09/latihan-soal-mid-semester-gasal-kelas_5.html

1.       Rearrange the words to make good sentences
a.Are – my – swimming – hobbies – playing – and – football
b.          Usually – dinner – he – studies – after
2.       Add the correct question tags
a.         Adi is here,……..?
b.         The girls haven’t done their work, ……..?
3.       Complete the dialogue with the appropriate w-h question
a.         x : …………………………………………………? (apa yang kamu lakukan setiap minggu pagi?)
y : I  always plays football every Sunday morning.
b.         x : …………………………………………………..? (berapa umurnya?)
y : he is seventeen years old.
c.          x : ……………………………? (dimana dia)
y : she is in the classroom.
4.       Change the positive statement bellow into yes-no question.
Example :            (+) he is reading a book.
                                (?) is he reading a book?
    - yes, he is
    - no, he is not
a.          (+) she go to school by bike every day.
b.         (+) they are studying English.
c.          (+) I can help you.
5.        Translate the gerund sentences bellow into english
a.         Merokok tidak baik untuk kesehatanmu.(gerund as subject)
b.         Saya suka bermain bola.(gerund as object)
Answer the question based on the text
My life is a very busy one. If I don’t start the day early, I have the greatest difficulty to get all my work done in time. I get up early at five o’clock. I have not had a servant since Christmas. Consequently, all my responsibility of looking after my husband and four young children falls on me. The first thing I do when I am downstairs is to see to the breakfast. In the meantime, I do the dining room, dust it and go over the floor and the carpet with the vacuum cleaner and then I lay the table in the dining room. By six thirty, most of them are down stairs and they have breakfast. When breakfast over, I get the children off to school and my husband leaves the house soon in order to go to his office. After that I have it all myself and get on on with my work.
a.       Is she a housewife?
b.      Why must she do all the work by herself?
c.       What are the writer’s activities in the morning? (mention 3 of her activity)

1.       Rearrange the words to make good sentences
a.Are – my – swimming – hobbies – playing – and – football
b.          Usually – dinner – he – studies – after
2.       Add the correct question tags
a.         Adi is here,……..?
b.         The girls haven’t done their work, ……..?
3.       Complete the dialogue with the appropriate w-h question
a.         x : …………………………………………………? (apa yang kamu lakukan setiap minggu pagi?)
y : I  always plays football every Sunday morning.
b.         x : …………………………………………………..? (berapa umurnya?)
y : he is seventeen years old.
c.          x : ……………………………? (dimana dia)
y : she is in the classroom.
4.       Change the positive statement bellow into yes-no question.
Example :            (+) he is reading a book.
                                (?) is he reading a book?
    - yes, he is
    - no, he is not
a.          (+) she go to school by bike every day.
b.         (+) they are studying English.
c.          (+) I can help you.
5.        Translate the gerund sentences bellow into english
a.         Merokok tidak baik untuk kesehatanmu.(gerund as subject)
b.         Saya suka bermain bola.(gerund as object)
Answer the question based on the text
My life is a very busy one. If I don’t start the day early, I have the greatest difficulty to get all my work done in time. I get up early at five o’clock. I have not had a servant since Christmas. Consequently, all my responsibility of looking after my husband and four young children falls on me. The first thing I do when I am downstairs is to see to the breakfast. In the meantime, I do the dining room, dust it and go over the floor and the carpet with the vacuum cleaner and then I lay the table in the dining room. By six thirty, most of them are down stairs and they have breakfast. When breakfast over, I get the children off to school and my husband leaves the house soon in order to go to his office. After that I have it all myself and get on on with my work.
a.       Is she a housewife?
b.      Why must she do all the work by herself?
c.       What are the writer’s activities in the morning? (mention 3 of her activity)

KELAS X 2011/2012
Listening Section
In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are 4 parts to this section, with special direction for each part.
Part I. Pictures
Questions 1 to 3
For each item, there is a picture and four short statements about it on the tape. They are spoken twice, and are NOT WRITTEN out on your test book, so you must listen carefully. You must choose one sentence (A), (B), (C) or (D) that best describes the picture. Then, on your answer sheet, mark your choice.

Look at the picture and listen to the four sentences.
  1. He’s wiring his office
  2. He’s using the keyboard
  3. He’s repairing the computer
  4. He’s making some notes
Choice  ( d ) – “He’s making some notes” – best describes what can be seen in the picture. Therefore , you should mark ( d ) on your answer sheet.
Now let’s begin with picture number 1

Part II Question and Response
Questions 5 to 8
In this part of the test, you will hear several questions spoken in English, followed by three responses, also spoken in English. The question and responses will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You have to choose the best response to each question.
Now listen to a sample question
You will hear  :”Will you be here this summer?”
You will also hear       : ( A ) Yes. Summer is my favorite season.
                                      ( B ) Yes. They will be here soon.
                                      ( C) No, I won’t. I plan to visit my family
Choice ( C ) – “ No, I won’t . I plan to visit my family “ – is the appropriate response to the question ( Will you be here this summer ? ) Therefore you should mark ( C ) on your answer sheet.
Now let’s begin with question number 5
5.      Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
6.      Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
7.      Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
8.      Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
Part III
Question 9 to 11 Dialogue
In this part of the test, you will hear several short conversations. The conversations will not be printed in your test book. You will hear the conversation twice, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say.
In your test book, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.
Example :
You will hear :            Girl : Are you sixteen yet ?
                                    Boy : Not yet, but my birthday is in March.
                                    Girl : When in March ?
                                    Boy : It is March 20th
You will also read : What do you learn from the conversation ?
A.    The girl is sixteen years old
B.     The boy is sixteen years old
C.     The boy was born in March
D.    The girl’s birthday is on March 20th
Choice  ( C ) –“The boy was born in March”- best answers the question ( What do you learn from the conversation ? ). Therefore , you should mark ( C) on your answer sheet.
9.      What is the meaning of the sign?
  1. Parking area
  2. Smoking area
  3. No parking
  4. No entering
10.   What will the man do if he is a president?
  1. Build many supermarkets
  2. buy a jet plane for the country
  3. make free the education cost
  4. abolish the corruption
11.   How does Daniel travel?
  1. By bus
  2. By plane
  3. By train
  4. By ship
Part IV Monologue
Questions 12 to 15
In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks. Each will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand and remember what is said.
In your test book, you will read two or more questions about each short talk. Each question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.
12.   What event will be held based on the invitation?
  1. Birthday party
  2. Wedding party
  3. Harvest party
  4. Welcome party
13.   When will the party take place?
  1. July 19
  2. July 18
  3. June 19
  4. June 18
14.   What is the text about?
A.    Menu in Flamingo Restaurant
B.     Memo from Mr. Jacky
C.     Menu for breakfast
D.    Memo to Mr. Jacky
15.   What is the special offer for today?
  1. A free cup of coffee
  2. Delicious chicken soup
  3. A full plate of apple pie
  4. Ice cream and carrot cake


16.    Beni     : What does the sign mean?
Bono   : It means that we_____ to smoke there.
  1. Are allowed
  2. Are forbidden
  3. May
  4. Probably
  5. Can
17.    Alex    : What are you doing now?
Nurdin : I ______ a document.

  1. Am signing
  2. Was signing
  3. Were signing
  4. Sign
  5. Signed

18.    Look! There ____ much water on the bottle.

  1. Are
  2. Is
  3. Am
  4. Was
  5. Were

19.    There _____ a handsome boy in my class.

  1. Is
  2. Am
  3. Are
  4. Was
  5. Were

20.    Traveling by plane is _____ than by train.

  1. Cheap
  2. Cheaper
  3. Expensive
  4. More expensive
  5. Most expensive

21.    Martha : What do you like, reading or writing?
Sandy  : I would prefer _____ rather than write.

  1. Read
  2. Reads
  3. To read
  4. Reading
  5. To reading

22.    We can find a mouse _____ the laptop.
  1. Next to
  2. Behind
  3. In front of
  4. Under
  5. above
23.    Vandy : Can you play the piano?
Gilang : No, I can’t. But when I was a child, I ______play a guitar.

  1. Can
  2. Could to
  3. Am able to
  4. Was able to
  5. Were able to

24.     Sandy : Excuse me, _____ hospital is?
Dion    : Okay, follow this way, turn right. It is on your left.
Sandy  : Thank you.

  1. How long does it take to
  2. How far is it to
  3. Could you tell me the way to
  4. Where is it located?
  5. Does you know

25.    Vira     : I want to go to Mr Hadi’s house. Can you show me how to go there?
Yuni    : Of course. _____
  1. go down this street, turn right on the third intersection, go straight, then turn right
  2. go down this street, turn left on the third intersection, go straight, then turn right
  3. go down this street, turn right on the second intersection, go straight, then turn left
  4. go down this street, turn left on the second junction, go straight, then turn left
  5. go down this street, turn right on the third T-junction, go straight, then turn left

26.    If Frank _____ hard, he will get good mark in his final examination.
  1. Study
  2. Studies
  3. To study
  4. Will study
  5. Studied
Questions number 27 and 28 are based on the following Memo!.
27.    Who wrote the memo?

  1. Mom
  2. Bima
  3. Putri
  4. Bima’s birthday
  5. Clutch bag

28.    I need it for Bima’s birthday party tonight.
The word “it” refers to …

  1. Color
  2. Pockets
  3. Bag
  4. Party
  5. Mom

Number 29 and 30 are based on the following text!
Dear Mom,
I’ll be home late today because I’m going to have an extra class after school. I’ll be back after dinner.
29.    What’s the text about?

A.    Loving mom
B.     Being home late
C.     Having an extra class
D.    Having dinner after class
E.     Extra class before school

30.    Where can you possibly find the text?

A.    At school
B.     In the classroom
C.     On mother’s table
D.    In the dining room
E.     In the school hall

Number 31 and 32 are based on the following text!
31.  Someone takes a one-way of second class ticket to Greenville. How much does the ticket price?

  1. $21.20
  2. $40.50
  3. $17.50
  4. $31.50
  5. $41.25

32.  How long does the train leaving at 7:50 take time to get to Foxley?

  1. 4 hours 45 minutes
  2. 4 hours 50 minutes
  3. 4 hours 35 minutes
  4. 3 hours 50 minutes
  5. 3 hours 35 minutes

Number 33 and 34 are based on the following text!
33.    What is the available dessert?
  1. Onion soup
  2. Sirloin steak
  3. Roast beef
  4. Chocolate mousse
  5. Coffee
34.    How much will someone pay for his/her meal there?
  1. $ 20
  2. $ 200
  3. $ 2000
  4. $ 40
  5. $ 400
35.    I am not worry just because I will leave you. If I miss you, I will called you.
   A                              B                 C                      D                                    E
36.    Ten years ago, Shania were able to drive a car but now she can’t. She did not practice driving
      A                           B                                       C                                       D
since a long time.
37.    There is many books in the bookstore. We can choose anything we want. After that, we must pay
          A              B                                                C                                                                      D
for the book in cashier.
38.    Rose    : What are your parents doing now?
A                           B
Jack     : At the moment, my father is hanging a clock at the wall and my mother is painting in
                                                         C                                       D                                              E
the gallery.
39.    Novia prefer pizza to spaghetti. However, Tania likes eating spaghetti better than pizza.
A                B                          C                            D                          E
40.    Hannah got 80 in her examination yesterday. Mandra got 90. So, we can conclude that Mandra is
   A           B                                                                   C                  D
smartest than Hannah.
1.      Change the sentence below into Present Continuous form!
John studies in the library.
Answer            : John is studying in the library.
  1. Larry and Shania type the letter.
  2. Joanna reads a novel.
2.      Complete the table with the suitable answer!
Example: near
Nearer than
The nearest
  1. delicious
  1. tall
  1. handsome
  1. early
  1. diligent
3.      Change the sentences into the form in the bracket!
Joanna likes watering plants better than sweeping the floor.(would rather – than)
Answer: Joanna would rather water plants than sweep the floor.
  1. I prefer watching TV to going to the cinema (would prefer – rather than)
  2. Hannah would rather drink coffee than drink tea (like – better than)
4.      Answer the questions below based on the Menu!

Ø  Answer the questions below!
The questions of number 1 - 5 are based on the dialogue below!
Budi introduces himself to Rendi on the way home from the school.
Rendi  : Hello.
Budi    : 1 …………. Have we met before?
Rendi  : Hmm, I don’t think so.
Budi    : Anyway, 2 ……………….Budi.
Rendi  : 3 ……………………….Rendi.
Budi    : Do you somehow stay around here?
Rendi  : Yeah. I stay in the Uptown Apartment on fifth Avenue.
Budi    : That's great. I also stay there on eleventh floor.
Rendi  : Mine's on tenth floor. Sorry,4 …………………….
Rendi  : See you then. Goodbye.
Budi    : 5………………
6.      What do we say if we greet someone at 06.00 until 12.00 A.M?
7.      Arrange this jumbled words!
Introduce  -  you  -  Let    my self    to  - me
         1               2         3           4              5       6
8.      Complete the following sentences with the correct pronoun!
a.       My friend, Isabella, is the best girl at school.  …. is beautiful, smart, and kind.
b.      Sule has many books in his private library. He collect … since he was in the Junior High School.
9.      Make into a correct verb!
Juwita always (pass) in every examination well.
( + ) …
10.  Change this sentence into interrogative!
Maria takes bus to the airport.
( ? ) …
11.  Change this sentence into a negative!
Bima is my friend.
( - ) …
12.  How do you write these numbers using digit?
a.       Five thousand seven hundred
b.      Thirty thousand, nine hundred, and fifty five.
13.  How do you write these numbers using word?
a.       375
b.      3000
14.  Arrange into a good word order!
a.       American – the – handsome – young – white – boy
b.      gold – expensive – a – ring - small
15.  How do you speak this name?
Elizabeth III
16.  Write these dates as numbers!
a.       November the second
b.      August the eleventh
17.  Complete the description of FRANK LAMPARD using adjective in 4 sentences!
He is Frank Lampard.
Lampard is a football player.
ΓΌ  He has a … hair (color).
Answer: He has a black hair.
a.       His face is … (shape).
b.      He is still … (age).
c.       His body is not slim, but rather … (size)
d.      For me, Lampard is very … man. (opinion)
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