Kamis, 28 November 2013

soal REMEDIAL uas semesert ! kls X TKJ 1 dan 2 juga TSM

  Soal Remedial Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 1 smk as-saabiq
Tahun pelajaran 2013-2014
11.  Diana             : Hi George. Long time no see. How are you?
George            : _____
  1. I gotta go now
  2. I’m in a hurry. See you.
  3. I’m very well. And you?
  4. It’s nice to see you
  5. I’m glad to hear that.
12.  Ann     : _____
Dick    : Hi. I hope we can be friends.
  1. Sorry, but I have to go.
  2. Very well, thank you.
  3. Allow me to introduce your self.
  4. Hi everyone. I am Ann.
  5. Hello. The people seem nice.
13.  Frodo : I lost my purse in the airport yerterday.
Sam    : _____
  1. I’m sorry to hear that.
  2. Wow, fantastic.
  3. Cool! You’re smart!
  4. Pardon me?
  5. Glad to hear that.
14.  Nakatsu          : You have broken my computer.
Mizuki           : _____
Nakatsu          : That’s all right.
  1. I have borrowed it for two weeks.
  2. I do apologize for my careless.
  3. Really? When will we go there?
  4. Never mind. You are my friend.
  5. Should we visit the veterinarian.
25.  Bilbo               : ____
Gandalf          : I am afraid you can’t. You have to smoke in the smoking area.
  1. Can you help me?
  2. May I smoke here?
  3. Could you go to smoking area?
  4. Could you pass the smoke?
  5. Is there anything I can do for you?
Error Analysis
In this section, you have to find the underlined word that is incorrect!
26.  We has many scientific books, magazines, comics, and novels at home. I really love
         A                                                                             B               C                            D
27.  He is a Japan guy. He is very gorgeous and every girl wants to be his girl friend.
    A                    B                                                       C             D
28.  Mary will return yours book tomorrow morning. It is a very interesting book. She likes
A      B                                                     C                                                  D
reading it.
29.  A lawyer is a person who cuts someone’s hair. Usually, he/she has a beauty saloon
       A                                                                                                  B
which is used as a place to run his/her business. Sometime, I go to that place too.
                                                C                                                     D
Choose the best answer of the question below!
210.  It _____ a bright day today.
  1. is
  2. was
  3. are
  4. were
  5. been
212.  Harry borrowed one of my dictionaries. He lost _____
  1. he
  2. him
  3. his
  4. it
  5. its
213.  She is _____ friend. She always _____ me when I get a problem.
            a. me, help                                         d. I, helps
            b. my, help                                         e. She, help
            c. my, helps
214.  How do you write this number using word?
  1. six hundred two thousand and forty
  2. six thousand two hundred and forty
  3. six thousand two hundred and fourty
  4. six thousand two hundred and fourteen
  5. six hundred two thousand and fourteen
215.  How do you say this name?
Edward III
  1. Edward the three
  2. Edward the third
  3. Edward three
  4. Edward third
  5. Edward thirteen
316.  Choose the correct word order!
  1. an old wooden square table
  2. a square wooden old table
  3. an old square wooden table
  4. a wooden old square table
  5. a table old wooden square
317.  Natasya comes from The United States. She is _____
  1. Unian
  2. American
  3. Dutch
  4. European
  5. USAn
318.  A person whose job is making clothes is called _____
  1. sailor
  2. barber
  3. fireman
  4. tailor
  5. lawyer
319.  I’m starting a new job next week. I’m quite … about it.
  1. excited
  2. exciting
  3. boring
  4. bored
  5. exhausting
Read this passage to answer the question no 34 to 36!

Good evening. Our speaker tonight is Dr Jamie Raditya, professor of chemistry at International University. Dr Raditya is a naturalist by hobby, and will speak to us about his recent hiking trip in the Kalimantan rain forest where he went on search of wild orchid and other exotic flowers. Following the talk, Dr Raditya will answer your questions. If you haven’t got any questions yet, please enjoy his wonderful photographs of his trip on display in the lobby.

320.  Who is Dr Raditya?
  1. a backpacker
  2. a professor of chemistry
  3. a photographer
  4. a journalist
  5. a teacher
321.  Why did Dr Raditya go to Kalimantan rain forest?
  1. Visiting his family
  2. Doing some research
  3. Searching wild orchids
  4. Exploring the life in Kalimantan
  5. Speaking his recent trip
322.  “ … please enjoy his wonderful photographs … “
What does the synonym of the underlined words?
  1. beautiful
  2. poor
  3. amazing
  4. strange
  5. pictures
Read the passage below! Then, answer the questions 37 to 40!
Egypt’s Capital
Cairo is the largest city in Egypt. Here you can always roll back the centuries. Modern Cairo has tall buildings and broad streets equal to any in the capitals of Europe or Australia. From the top floors of impressive blocks of flats you can gaze at magnificent views across the river Nile.
However, behind the modern buildings are narrow alleys where there is no sound of traffic. The only sounds that come to your ears are the calls of the stall-holders, water sellers and herdsmen wander through the streets as their forefathers did thousands of years ago. Many of the poorer people still dress in the same way as their ancestors.
323.  What does make Cairo well-known which equals to other capital cities in Europe?
  1. flats
  2. largest city
  3. blocks
  4. tall buildings
  5. magnificent views
334.  What can we see behind the tall buildings in Cairo?
  1. river Nile
  2. narrow alleys
  3. sound of traffic
  4. stall holders
  5. capital of Egypt
325.  How do the poorer people dress themselves?
  1. They become forefather
  2. They imitate their ancestors
  3. They wander through streets
  4. They did similar with thousands of years ago
  5. They wear fashionable clothes
426.  From the top floors of impressive blocks of flats you can gaze at magnificent views across the river Nile.”
What does the underlined word refer to?
  1. the readers
  2. the writer
  3. the people
  4. the herdsmen
  5. the Egypt
1.      Match the words in the box with the missing passage!
He a)_____ my best friend, Jacob Black. He b)_____ from Canada. Jacob is a very c)_____ boy. He likes d)_____ to everyone.

2.      Arrange into a correct word order!
  1. guy – the – Canadian – gorgeous – tall
  2. laptop – a/an – expensive – red – small

3.      Describe this picture in 5 sentences!
4.      What are the antonyms of these words?
  1. lazy
  2. ugly
  3. kind
  4. thin
5.      Complete the missing word with adjective –ing or –ed.
It has been raining all day. I hate this weather. (depress)
  1. I find the weather is so _____.
  2. I feel ____.

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