Jumat, 19 Juni 2015

How to Make a Successful ESL/EFL Teacher's Web Page

How to Make a Successful ESL/EFL Teacher's Web Page

Charles Kelly
Aichi Institute of Technology, Toyota, Japan
You will learn all that is absolutely necessary for writing a successful homepage without being confused by details which you do not need to know. Among other things, you will learn how to enhance your page to be fast-downloading, learn common mistakes to avoid and be given ideas on what makes a successful page. Even if you already have a page online, you are likely to pick up a few good ideas which you have not gotten elsewhere.
There is a frame version and a non-frame version of this page.
If you already have a web site, then perhaps you would prefer to read this related article.
Guidelines for Designing a Good Web Site for ESL Students
by Charles Kelly, The Internet TESL Journal, March 2000

HTML Basics

You don't need to understand much about HTML in order to write a web page. However, you should know the following.
  • Anything between < and > is HTML code and does not show on the page.
  • Any number of consecutive spaces, returns or tabs are reduced to one space on the web page.
  • You can view the source code of any web page, using the "View Source" or "Save as Source" menu items in Netscape or Internet Explorer. This means that you do not need to type any of the HTML code in the the page templates which are included since you can just download one and change the parts that need to be changed.
  • Different browsers and different computers display web pages differently which means the way the page looks on your computer is not necessairly the way it will look on other computers.
  • Files should always be saved as "text" and should have the extension ".html" or ".htm". (ie. index.html)

Overview of Basic HTML

  • Quick-Start Guide
    Go to this page, print it out and keep it near your computer as you edit your web page.

Page Templates

Take a look at these page templates, choose one you like and edit it to suit your needs.

Style Guide

There are many "style guides" on the Internet which you can read for more information later, but for now here is a concise summary of what most of them say.

Fine-Tuning Your Page

  • Good Color Combinations
    If you don't like the color of your page, copy and paste one of these <BODY> specifications into your page.

Samples of Things to Avoid

Samples of What Can Be Done

I'm not recommeding that you do these. In fact, some of these are nothing more than playing around and just waste the visitors' time.
  • Animation & Background Music
    This will only work on some browsers and requires a MIDI plugin, too.
  • JavaScript
    You must be using a JavaScript-enabled browser for these pages to work. Even then, some of the code on the following pages won't work on a pre-Netscape 3.0. View the source code of the pages to see how things were done. You can easily copy & paste the scripts you like into your own web page.

Things Not Covered in This Workshop

For Further Reference

Charles I. Kelly who has been teaching at Aichi Institute of Technology in Toyota, Japan since 1982, is one of the editors of The Internet TESL Journal and has written several ESL textbooks.

The Internet TESL Journal, Vol. III, No. 6, June 1997

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