Jumat, 03 Agustus 2018

Redux: A Special 2016 Year-End Folio of My Essays

As a special year-end offering for 2016, the Forum presents a folio of six of Joe Carillo’s personal essays over the years (2002-2016) and as many general-interest readings that some Forum members might have missed.

The six personal essays are “Rediscovering John Galsworthy,” “How I Discovered Gabriel Garcia Marquez,” “Indignities in American Minor,” “The Roots of English,” “A World Without English,” and “The Evil That Ignorance and Incompetence Can Do.”

The six general-interest readings are “A Recovered Ancient Manuscript Changes the Course of Human Thought,” “A Great Teacher Shares Her Secrets To Persuasive, Compelling Writing,” “Antedated by 230 Years, A Poem’s Noble Thoughts Get Placed in Jeopardy,” “A Father’s Letter to His Son’s Teacher,” “A Taste of Vintage Mencken,” and “The Real Wonder is That Humans Ever Discovered Science at All.”

The 12 exemplify the wide range of personal and general-interest subjects I have written about for my English-usage column in The Manila Times since 2002, for which this online Forum has become a permanent home and repository.

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