Sabtu, 21 Maret 2015

Jadwal Lengkap Tuor Pramusim Liverpool 2015/2016

At/on/in (time)
A. Compare at, on and in:
* They arrived at 5 o'clock.
* They arrived on Friday.
* They arrived in October./They arrived in 1968.
We use:
at for the time of day:
at 5 o'clock, at 11.45, at midnight, at lunchtime, at sunset etc.
on for days and dates:
on Friday/on Fridays, on 12 March 1991, on Christmas Day, on my birthday
in for longer periods (for example, months/years/seasons):
in October, in 1968, in the 18th century, in the past, in (the) winter, in the 1970s, in the Middle Ages, in
(the) future
B. We use at in these expressions:
at night: I don't like going out at night.
at the weekend/at weekends: Will you be here at the weekend?
at Christmas/at Easter(but on Christmas Day): Do you give each other presents at Christmas?
at the moment/at present: Mr Benn is busy at the moment/at present.
at the same time: Liz and I arrived at the same time.
Note that we usually ask 'What time ... ?' (not usually 'At what time...?):
* What time are you going out this evening?
C. We say:
in the morning(s), in the afternoon(s), in the evening(s)
* I'll see you in the morning.
* Do you work in the evenings?
on Friday morning(s), on Sunday afternoon(s), on Monday evening(s) etc.
* I'll be at home on Friday morning.
* Do you usually go out on Saturday evenings?
D. We do not use at/on/in before last/next/this/every:
* I'll see you next Friday. (not 'on next Friday')
* They got married last March.
E. In a few minutes/in six months etc. = a time in the future
* The train will be leaving in a few minutes. (= a few minutes from now)
* Jack has gone away. He'll be back in a week. (= a week from now)
* She'll be here in a moment. (= a moment from now)
You can also say 'in six months' time', 'in a week's time' etc.:
* They're getting married in six months' time. (or ... in six months.)
We also use in... to say how long it takes to do something:
* I learnt to drive in four weeks. it took me four weeks to learn)

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