Jumat, 06 Mei 2016

BBC English Learning Series 1

ce: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0Big City Small World Support Pack – Series 2 Episode 1
http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/big-city-small-world/series-2-episode-1 -fingers-crossed-0
© The British Council, 2010 Page 1 of 4
The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
Series 2 Episode 1 - Fingers Crossed
This support pack accompanies:
Big City Small World – Series 2 Episode 1
This support pack contains the following materials:
• Before you listen: Vocabulary match up
• Audio script
• Comprehension Task
• Grammar Task: verb forms
• Vocabulary Task: phrasal verbs
Before you listen
We suggest you do the vocabulary activity below before you listen. Then listen to the episode and do
the first task to check your understanding. Finally, practise some vocabulary and grammar.
Match the words and phrases in the boxes to their definitions.
1. grumpy 2. soap opera 3. degree
4. demolish 5. cheer up 6. compensation
a. Destroy (a building)
b. Payment for damages caused
c. Miserable and moody
d. A TV series with a continuing storyline
e. Make oneself – or somebody else – happy
f. A university qualification
Big City Small World Support Pack – Series 2 Episode 1
http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/big-city-small-world/series-2-episode-1 -fingers-crossed-0
© The British Council, 2010 Page 2 of 4
The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
Audio script
Olivia: Hey! Good to see you again!
Sarah/Magda: Hey! You too!
Harry: Hello Sarah, hi Magda....
Sarah: How are you Olivia? Harry! Great to
see you too...
Olivia: Fine, fine thanks, all well. Tony!?
Could we have some coffees over here please?
Tony: Ok, ok...hold on...I’m rushed off my feet
Harry: He’s always so miserable, so grumpy
that guy....
Olivia: He’s not really, it’s just his way...
Harry: I’ll believe you then...his coffee’s always
Olivia: So, how are you two getting on?
Magda: Fine. It’s great, we’ve got this really
nice flat...
Sarah: We moved into Harry’s old place...
Olivia: Yeah, I remember. How’s it going? No
problems? Still friends? It’s not always easy
sharing a flat...
Sarah/Magda: No, no problems...
Sarah: …except she leaves the top off the
toothpaste tube…
Magda: ...and she spends too much time
watching soap operas on TV!
Sarah: No, really, we’re getting along fine.
Magda: The only problem is the rent...
Sarah: It’s really expensive.
Magda: I still need to find that proper job, and
that depends on me getting the right degree
Olivia: Yeah, I remember you telling me.
When will you find out?
Magda: Next week.
Olivia: Fingers crossed, then!
Magda: Fingers what?
Olivia: Crossed. It’s what we say when we
hope for something good to happen.
Magda: Oh, ok...fingers crossed!
Olivia: Has anybody heard from Johnny?
Sarah: Just because we’re both Chinese
doesn’t mean we keep in touch all the time, you
know! There are a lot of people in China!
Olivia: Of course...sorry...I just thought...
Sarah: He was more of a friend of yours,
wasn’t he Harry?
Harry: Yeah, we’re good mates. I hear from
him all the time.
Sarah: How’s he doing?
Harry: He’s still in Chongqing with his new job.
He says it’s really interesting, really exciting, but
he misses us – and he wants to come back to
Magda: Fingers crossed!
Sarah: And how about you Harry? What are
you up to? Are you still job hunting?
Harry: Yeah, that’s right. I’m still looking for a
new job.
Magda: Any luck?
Harry: I haven’t found anything yet, but I’ve got
a few possibilities. I really liked not working at
first, I really enjoyed the free time, but now –
well, I need the money, and also – well, I just
get bored if I haven’t got something to do all the
Magda: Where’s Fadi, Olivia? I haven’t seen
him for ages.
Olivia: Why ask me?
Magda: I thought you’d know...you know,
you’re like, good friends, aren’t you?
Big City Small World Support Pack – Series 2 Episode 1
http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/big-city-small-world/series-2-episode-1 -fingers-crossed-0
© The British Council, 2010 Page 3 of 4
The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
Olivia: Yes, that’s exactly what we are. Good
friends. Nothing more.
Magda: I wasn’t suggesting anything! (laughs)
Olivia: I hope not! Anyway, he’s away at the
moment, gone to visit his family. He’ll be back
next week.
Tony: Here you are...four coffees...
All: Thanks Tony!
Olivia: Cheer up Tony.
Harry: Yeah...it can only get worse...!
Tony: It might get worse! This café might be
closing down soon, so then you’ll all have to find
somewhere else to go.
All: Oh no....
Olivia: What’s this all about, Tony?
Tony: A big property company - they’re
building new luxury flats, just behind here. They
want to get rid of these old buildings.
Magda: “Get rid of”?
Tony: Yeah...knock them down. Demolish
All: Oh no, that’s terrible.Tony: It is terrible! I’ve worked here for ages. Imean, they’re offering me compensation, but Iwant to stay here.Olivia: Oh no...I’ve just realised...perhaps thatmeans my shop’s affected too...Tony: It might be. Your shop’s only nextdoor...Olivia: They can’t knock my shop down! Wemust do something...Comprehension TaskListen to the episode and answer the questions. Which characters are the questions referring to?Magda, Sarah, Harry, Fadi, Johnny or Olivia?1. Who thinks Tony makes good coffee?2. Who is sharing a flat with Magda?3. Who is waiting for exam results?4. Who is in Chongqing?5. Who is visiting their family?6. Who has a shop next door to the café?Big City Small World Support Pack – Series 2 Episode 1http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/big-city-small-world/series-2-episode-1 -fingers-crossed-0© The British Council, 2010 Page 4 of 4The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.Grammar TaskChoose the correct verb form in each sentence.1. I still need find / to find that proper job.2. He wants come / to come back to London!3. It might get / to get worse!4. They want get rid of / to get rid of these old buildings.5. But I want stay / to stay here.6. It might be / to be.7. They can’t knock / to knock my shop down!8. We must do / to do something...Vocabulary TaskMatch the phrasal verbs from the listening with the definitions.1. To hold on a. To destroy something or to throw it in thebin2. To keep in touch withsomebodyb. To stop a business (etc) from functioning3. To hear from somebody. c. To receive news from somebody4. To be up to something d. To maintain contact with somebody5. To look for something e. To wait6. To be away f. To try to find something7. To close (something)downg. To be doing something that you shouldn’tbe doing8. To get rid of (something) h. To be absent from your usual place (e.g. onholiday)Answers

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