Jumat, 06 Mei 2016

BBC English Learning Series 4

x; text-transform: none; white-space: Big City Small World Support Pack – Series 2 Episode 3
© The British Council, 2011 Page 1 of 4
The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
Series 2 Episode 3
Harry's New Girlfriend
This support pack accompanies:
Big City Small World Series 2 Episode 3
This support pack contains the following materials:
Before you listen
Audio script
Comprehension Task
Vocabulary Task
Grammar Task
Before you listen
We suggest you do the vocabulary activity below before you listen. Then listen to the episode and do the first
task to check your understanding. Finally, practise some vocabulary and grammar.
Match the words and phrases in the boxes to the definitions.
1. space 2. campaign 3. journalist 4. serious
5. banner 6. treat 7. regulars 8. interior design
a. important, not trivial
b. a long poster, usually made of cloth, with a slogan
c. reporter
d. the people who often go to a restaurant, café, shop, etc…
e. a planned series of events designed to change something
f. the amount of room in an area
g. the art of decorating the inside of a building such as a house or office
h. something special that you buy or make for someone
Big City Small World Support Pack – Series 2 Episode 3
© The British Council, 2011 Page 2 of 4
The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
Audio script
Fadi: Hello Tony! How are you?
Tony: Alright, I suppose.
Fadi: Good to hear you sounding so happy! Hey,
where is everyone?
Tony: Everyone who?
Fadi: You know, the regulars – Olivia, Sarah,
Harry, Magda...
Tony: Don’t know. They’ll probably come in
sooner or later. They’re always here.
Fadi: Hello!
Bindyu: Oh. Er, hello.
Fadi: I haven’t seen you in here before.
Bindyu: No. I haven’t been in here before.
Fadi: That’s probably why then!
Bindyu: Er, I don’t understand...
Fadi: Er, ok, well, never mind then. Listen, can I
get you a drink? Would you like a coffee or
Bindyu: Erm, well, that’s very kind of you, but no
Fadi: Go on! Have something! My treat! You can’t
sit here not eating or drinking anything.
Bindyu: Actually, I’m waiting for my boyfriend.
Fadi: Oh. Late, is he?
Bindyu: Well, only a little bit...
Fadi: You can talk to me if he doesn’t show up!
Harry: Hello there!
Fadi / Bindyu: Hi!
Harry: I see you two have already met each
Bindyu: Oh no, not really...
Fadi: No, I was just being polite, y’know...
Harry: Sure! Fadi, let me introduce Bindyu.
Fadi: Nice to meet you.
Bindyu: Nice to meet you.
Harry: Bindyu’s my girlfriend.
Fadi: Oh, er. Great! How long have you been
Bindyu: Oh, not long, only a couple of weeks.
Fadi: You didn’t tell me you had a new girlfriend,
Harry: Well, I haven’t seen you for a few weeks.
Fadi: No, of course. I was visiting my family... so,
what’s happening here?
Harry: The big news is that they’re trying to close
the café!
Fadi: No!
Harry: Yes, and Olivia’s shop too.
Fadi: That’s terrible! Why?
Harry: A big building company are building new
flats behind here. They want to knock down
the café and Olivia’s shop to make more
Fadi: Oh no... What can we do to stop them?
Harry: Well, we’ve got a few ideas. There’s a guy
who comes in here sometimes called
Carlos – he works for the builders. He might
help us. And Sarah and Olivia said they had
some ideas...
Fadi: We should start a campaign!
Bindyu: Good idea! I’m a journalist. I could write
something in the local newspaper.
Harry: Erm, I thought you wrote for interior design
Bindyu: Well, yes, I do, that’s true. But I know
somebody who works for the local
newspaper. And I want to do more serious
Fadi: Sounds like a great idea! Good luck! I think
we should put a banner in the window of the
Harry: A banner?
Fadi: Yeah, you know – a big sign that says
“Save Our Café!” or something like that...
Olivia: Hello all!
Fadi: Hey! Good to see you again!
Big City Small World Support Pack – Series 2 Episode 3
© The British Council, 2011 Page 3 of 4
The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
Olivia: Yeah... you too! How’s it going?
Fadi: Great – I’m going to put a banner in the
café window – “Save Our Café!”Olivia: Good idea... can you save my shop too?Fadi: Let’s hope so! Bindyu’s going to write anarticle in the local newspaper...Olivia: Bindyu?Bindyu: Hello! I’m Bindyu... I’m Harry’s girlfriend...I’m a journalist.Olivia: OK, great, nice to meet you!Carlos: Hi!Olivia: Here’s Carlos! He’s going to help us too!Carlos: Well, I don’t know, I’d like to help, but I’mnot sure what I can do...Harry: You make food for the builders, don’t you?Carlos: Yes, I do.Olivia: You could put poison in it!Carlos: Erm, well, no, I really don’t think...Olivia: Only joking!Carlos: I was looking for Sarah – is she here?Olivia: No, I think she’s coming in with Magdalater... why?Carlos: Oh, no reason... I just wanted to see her...Olivia: I see... oh look, here they are now!Magda / Sarah: Hello everyone!All: Hi!Sarah: Hi Carlos! Good to see you again!Carlos: Hi!Sarah: Listen everybody, Magda’s got some goodnews!Magda: Yes – I got my master’s degree with adistinction!All: Wow! Well done!Harry: So you get a well-paid, full-time job with thearchitects!Magda: Yes I do!Sarah: Which means we can afford to stay in ourexpensive flat...Magda: There’s only one problem, though...Olivia: Oh? What’s that?Magda: I’m not really sure how to tell you this...Olivia: Go on!Magda: Well, the architects I work for...Harry: Yeah? Go on!Magda: They have a big new project...Fadi: Sounds interesting...Magda: And they want me to work on it...Harry: Even better...Magda: Well, not really – you see, the project theywant me to work on...Olivia: Yes?Magda: It’s the new luxury flats... the buildinghere...the people who want to close thecafé and your shop!Big City Small World Support Pack – Series 2 Episode 3http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/big-city-small-world/series-2-episode-3-harrys-new-girlfriend© The British Council, 2011 Page 4 of 4The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.Comprehension TaskSelect what’s correctListen to the episode and choose the correct words.1. Bindyu is Fadi’s / Harry’s girlfriend.2. Fadi has been visiting his family / girlfriend.3. Fadi suggests starting a campaign / demonstration.4. Bindyu is an editor / a journalist.5. Sarah is pleased / annoyed to see Carlos.6. Magda / Olivia has got a distinction in her degree.Vocabulary TaskMatch upMatch the words with a word from the box to make eight common expressions that were used in the recording.1. Never _______2. My _______3. No _______4. Hello _______5. Not _______6. Of _______7. Only _______8. Good _______Grammar TaskGap FillFill the gaps in the sentences from the recording.1. I haven’t seen you ________ here before.2. I’m waiting ________ my boyfriend.3. That’s very kind ________ you.4. They want to knock ________ the café.5. I know somebody who works ________ the local newspaper.6. I’m going to put a banner ________ the café window.7. You make food ________ the builders, don’t you?8. Nice ________ meet you!9. I was looking ________ Sarah – is she here?10. I got my master’s degree ________ a distinction.Answersthere joking really idea mind treat course thanksHint! Use these prepositions:in with of to down for

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