Senin, 25 Mei 2015

blackhawks n arsenal

Instructions: Use the words in brackets to put each of the following into either the past simple or present perfect:

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1Jim: How many times (you/try) to pass your driving test?
     Michael: Three times so far.
2When (you/go) to Rome?
3You look different. (you/have) a haircut?
4I (not/see) David at all this week. I don't even know where he is.
5Jim: (you/speak) to Peter yet?
     Michael: No, not yet.
6When (you/start) your job?
7I (move) house three times in the last five years.
8My sister (be) to New York three times and she's going again next month.
9The US President (be) in our country last year.
10The US President (visit) our country three times in the last two years.

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