Sabtu, 16 Mei 2015

TOEIC Incomplete Sentences

TOEIC Practice Test #1
Incomplete Sentences

1.  Several civic groups will band together __________ the serious sanitation situation.

        (A) will address
        (B) addresses
        (C) to address
        (D) addressed

         Answer: (  )

2.  The ad agency offers an __________ hands-on training for its new hires.
        (A) intensive
        (B) intensively
        (C) intentional
        (D) intending

        Answer: (  )

3.  Owing to __________ public demand, the discount promo has been extended until November 30, 2009.
        (A) various
        (B) insistent
        (C) variable
        (D) tedious

        Answer: (  )

4.  Selina Mayer filed a case against her supervisor when she was __________ suspended on the grounds of insubordination.

        (A) ungainly
        (B) indirectly
        (C) unfairly
        (D) incessantly

        Answer: (  )

5.  Brenda Jennings, the popular rock band member, announced that the rumors about her separation from her husband are __________.

        (A) under
        (B) untied
        (C) united
        (D) untrue

        Answer: (  )

6.  A wedding contract legalizes a couple’s __________ to their marriage.

        (A) continent
        (B) contentment
        (C) contingent
        (D) commitment

        Answer: (  )

7.  The president called __________ to a whole-day conference to take up the company’s new directions for next year.

        (A) ours
        (B) our
        (C) us
        (D) they

        Answer: (  )

8.  Unity Bank Corp. __________ 65 employees who had walked out of their branches to protest their low pay levels.

        (A) could be retrenched
        (B) retrenched
        (C) had a retrenchment
        (D) retrench

        Answer: (  )

9.  The Skullhill Virus is decidedly the __________worm ever to infest computers.

        (A) more persistent
        (B) persisting
        (C) persistence
        (D) most persistent

         Answer: (  )

10.  At bedtime, Clarisse reads nursery rhymes to his daughter Susan __________ she falls asleep.

        (A) if
        (B) despite
        (C) until
        (D) without

         Answer: (  )

11.  Most of these products can be delivered within two days, but those __________ with a red check will take a week.

        (A) marked
        (B) marking
        (C) mark
        (D) marks

        Answer: (  )

12.  As strong winds and torrential rains __________ to threaten lives on the Vietnam mainland, the government advised the residents to evacuate immediately.
        (A) continued
        (B) continuing
        (C) continuously
        (D) continues

        Answer: (  )

13. Mrs. Melinda Wilson thinks that our company will benefit __________ the help of an experienced financial consultant.

        (A) to
        (B) into
        (C) for
        (D) from

        Answer: (  )

14.  After the loss of Ms. Moore’s purse in the conference room, we asked all personnel not to leave their valuables unattended to prevent __________ incidents.

        (A) any
        (B) such
        (C) an
        (D) every

        Answer: (  )

15.  Before the mall’s security guard allows people to enter the building, he __________ their belongings for explosives.

        (A) inspects
        (B) inspection
        (C) inspected
        (D) inspect

        Answer: (  )

16.  Jonathan arrived at the station just __________ time for the 9:30 p.m. train to Atlanta.

        (A) at
        (B) on
        (C) of
        (D) in

        Answer: (  )

17.  The Women’s Liberation Club believes __________ it is a woman’s inalienable human right to bear a child.
        (A) what
        (B) that
        (C) when
        (D) which

        Answer: (  )

18.  According to Wisconsin law, students under 18 are minors and must present a duly notarized parental __________ to get medical treatment.

        (A) consensus
        (B) consensual
        (C) conscience
        (D) consent

        Answer: (  )

19.  Behavioral experts contend that that how comfortable we are with others can depend on how comfortable we are with __________.

        (A) them
        (B) us
        (C) ourselves
        (D) yourself

        Answer: (  )

20.  Judge Hemmings asked the court reporter to hand in all the notes she had taken during the trial as __________ as possible.

        (A) clear
        (B) concise
        (C) precise
        (D) soon

        Answer: (  )

21.  The energy department announced this morning that there would be a 12% __________ in fuel oil prices starting next week.

        (A) increase
        (B) will increase
        (C) increasing
        (D) increases

        Answer: (  )

22.  As chairman of the corporate image task force, I’m delighted to announce that our company’s __________ grew by 35% during the last quarter.

        (A) population
        (B) popularity
        (C) popular
        (D) populace

        Answer: (  )

23.  It has been shown that an activity such as ping pong can increase one’s hand and eye __________.

        (A) coordinates
        (B) cooperating
        (C) cooperation
        (D) coordination

        Answer: (  )

24.  The doctor who called me last night is the one __________ an appendectomy on my cousin right now.

        (A) being performed
        (B) performed
        (C) performing
        (D) is performing

        Answer: (  )

25.  Our technical people need to gather more __________ about possible harmful levels of radiation from using mobile phones.

        (A) informative
        (B) informing
        (C) informed
        (D) information

        Answer: (  )

26.  Sortel, a TV show producer,  __________ a state-of-the-art video editing machine yesterday.

        (A) purchases
        (B) purchasing
        (C) purchase
        (D) purchased

        Answer: (  )

27.  It is __________ deep disappointment that we are asking for your resignation as national peace adviser effective immediately.

        (A) for
        (B) at
        (C) with
        (D) on

        Answer: (  )

28.  Jeannie waited nervously __________ the teller checked if her bank account was still active.

        (A) meanwhile
        (B) awhile
        (C) for
        (D) while

        Answer: (  )

29.  Mr. Walsten, our general manager, is very much __________ with your sales record for the past two years.       

        (A) satisfied
        (B) satisfying
        (C) satisfy
        (D) satisfaction

        Answer: (  )

30.  Corrine is a great hostess because she makes sure that all the __________ of her guests are provided.

        (A) need
        (B) needs
        (C) needy
        (D) needed

        Answer: (  )

31.  __________ the strong winds, the students were required to go to class this morning.

        (A) Even if
        (B) Not until
        (C) In spite of
        (D) As though

        Answer: (  )

32.  For the past three years, the gross sales of our feeds business has __________ increased.

        (A) steadfastly
        (B) steadily
        (C) steadied
        (D) steady

        Answer: (  )

33.  Linda, the executive assistant, __________ to finalize the memo when her boss asked her to not go ahead with it.

        (A) was just started
        (B) had just started
        (C) would have started
        (D) has been started

        Answer: (  )

34.  During a media conference last night, Senator Ryan announced his __________ to run for the vice presidency.

        (A) intending
        (B) intend
        (C) intention
        (D) intended

        Answer: (  )

35.  Our managers were __________ impressed with the ad agency’s product launch presentation yesterday.
        (A) concretely
        (B) unknowingly
        (C) unerringly
        (D) certainly

        Answer: (  )

36.  Our insurance manager discussed the __________ of the new fire insurance coverage.

        (A) benefited
        (B) benefiting
        (C) benefits
        (D) beneficial

        Answer: (  )

37.  Alice went to the grocery store to buy a box of chocolate __________ a tube of toothpaste.

        (A) as
        (B) nor
        (C) but
        (D) and

        Answer: (  )

38.  Each congressman had been furnished a __________ of the draft bill on increasing specific taxes on liquor.

        (A) copying
        (B) copies
        (C) copied
        (D) copy

        Answer: (  )

39.  They would like to __________ Mrs. Alistair to be their resource person for next week’s executive etiquette workshop.

        (A) provide
        (B) invite
        (C) report
        (D) inquire

        Answer: (  )

40.  Dr. Mayer advised the architectural designer to __________ his sitting position every now and then to avoid straining his body while at work on his drafting table.

        (A) tally
        (B) vary
        (C) tarry
        (D) carry

        Answer: (  )

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