Kamis, 21 Mei 2015

How to Study for preparing the Test

  1. Hot dog eating champion retains title after tiebreaker

    Friday, July 4, 2008
    Joey ChestnutFor the second year in a row, American competitive eater Joey Chestnut defeated his Japanese rival Takeru Kobayashi at the annual Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest in New York City, after a tie forced a five-hot-dog eat-off to be held.

    After ten minutes of hot dog eating, two shorter than in previous years, Chestnut and Kobayashi were tied at 59 frankfurters. But after the rare tiebreaker, 24-year-old Chestnut emerged as the winner, claiming a $10,000 prize and a mustard-yellow belt. "It was crazy," he said. "I'm just a normal guy eating hot dogs on the Fourth. You can't overcomplicate it."

    Kobayashi, whose loss last year shattered a six-year winning streak, said that a sore jaw and a tooth problem may have altered his performance. "If I put one more mouthful in, I could have won", the 30-year-old Nagano native said through a translator. "I lost because I wasn't quick enough in the rematch."

    This year, the 22 competitors were under a 10-minute time limit, unlike the 12 minutes used for previous contests. The reason for this, according to Nathan's, was the discovery of a document from 1916, which revealed that the original competition was 10 minutes long.

    Thousands gathered at Coney Island to watch the annual event, which has become one of the more colorful traditions of America's Independence Day.
    1. Who won the contest last year?
      a.  Takeru Kobayashi
      b.  Joey Chestnut 
      c   First there was a tie, then Chestnut won
      d.  The text does not say
      2. Who came second last year?
      a. Takeru Kobayashi
      b. Joey Chestnut 
      c. Somebody else 
      d. The text does not say
  2. How long was the competition this year?
  3.  a.  10 minutes
  4.   b. 12 minutes c.  More than 10 minutes
    1. d.   The text does not say How long was the competition last year?
  5.  a. 8 minutes b. 10 minutes
  6.   c. 12 minutes
  7.  d.  The text does not say
    How many hot dogs did Joey Chestnut eat in the whole of the final?
  8. a. 59  b. 64
  9.   c. Between 59 and 64
  10.  d.  The text does not say 
  11. How many hot dogs did Takeru Kobayashi eat in the whole of the final?
  12.   a. 59
  13.  b.  64  c. Between 59 and 64 d. The text does not say Who won the contest two years ago and in the five years before that?
  14.   a. Takeru Kobayashi b. Joey Chestnut  c. Somebody else
  15.   d. The text does not say
    How long was the contest in 1916?
  16.   a. Under 10 minutes  b. 10 minutes
  17.   c. 12 minutes  d. The text does not say
    Where is Takeru Kobayashi from?
  18.   a. Coney Island  b. Nagano
  19. c. New York  d. None of the above Where is Joey Chestnut from?
  20. a. Coney Island  b. Nagano  c. New York  d. None of the above On what occasion is the contest held?
  21.   a. Coney Island's birthday b. The discovery of a document in 1916 c. Independence Day  d. None of the above
    Which sentence is true for Kobayashi?a. He said he had health problems after the contest b. He didn't speak English c.  He said the rematch wasn't fair
  22.  d.  None of the above

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