Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2015

Chapter 18: Greys and Draconians

Chapter 18: Greys and Draconians 
‘You’ve done it, you’ve done it you crazy genius!’ said Professor Schriever, slapping Barry vigorously on the back. Barry had created the world’s first working anti-matter reactor, the world’s first machine capable of 100% pure energy conversion, completely bypassing the now seemingly Stone Age fusion reactor some unimportant mortals had been working on. The absurdly enormous horsepower the reactor produced, mixed with the anti-gravity Element 115 gave humanity the opportunity to create a vehicle that rendered all current air and space transport obsolete. Working on a hunch after confirming Element 115 served as the one of the fuel sources for the alien vessel, Barry had managed after months of effort to get this fairy dust to work in tandem with magnetism. This combined with the raw power of the anti-matter reactor was a potent mixture, the result being propulsion and manoeuvrability on a previously unimagined scale. While the construction of the spacecraft’s body was left to Barry’s lesscapable colleagues, Barry worked on something entirely new. He was sure the alien craft didn’t use its anti-matter/anti-gravity engine to cross the unimaginably vast voids in space, as even with the new reactor it would still take many years to reach the nearest star. After being confronted with this dilemma he’d originally toyed with the idea of wormholes, believing at first that the ship might travel through naturally occurring ones or that it might even somehow create its own. He eventually discarded this idea though after successfully creating one: it was a genuine wormhole but it became apparent you couldn’t make one any wider than the width of an amoeba. Obviously it
256 goes without saying that you’d never be able to let a ship containing a number of humans and all their associated paraphernalia pass through something so small. The theories and giant complex formulas he’d written on his blackboard were amounting to nothing as the limits in the laws of physics were repeatedly getting in the way. Every time he thought he came close to discovering the secret of interstellar travel some pesky law would rear its ugly head. Barry became immensely frustrated because the damaged alien craft wasn’t much help either, unwilling to shed anymore light on the riddle of how it got here. One morning Barry was surprised to find Professor Schriever standing outside his living quarters. ‘You run like clockwork don’t you Barry? Always out of your room for exactly 0700 hours, not a minute sooner, not a minute later.’ ‘I like to keep to a routine.’ Ever since Barry was a child anything that deviated from his routine made him feel uncomfortable. ‘You’ve been granted a Triad Level 4 access and you’ve also got full shuttle clearance for Level 2.’ Barry was surprised by the slackening of the security restrictions upon him and said: ‘I thought information was only given on a need-to-know basis.’ ‘Yes, that’s right it is, but we realise you’ve been trying your best to get man to the stars and we’ve decided to make an exception in your case. I recommend you go down to Level 4 and take a look around, you never know, you might find answers to the questions that torment you.’
257 Level 4: Visitor Housing. Completely unaware of what to expect, but knowing it wouldn’t be nice judging from the horror his colleague Charles Delve professed to having seen on the lower levels, Barry braced himself. The doors of the lift that connected Level 3 to 4 opened, after which it quickly became clear that no amount of bracing would ever be enough. What Barry saw was so earth shattering he thought the three levels of the Complex above his head might fall in: Standing only a few feet away from his position was a greyskinned little alien. And this was not just any alien, this was the one that’d abducted him in the Hickey Woods and boldly stretched his rectal crevice in strange new ways. Carrying a ghetto blaster on its shoulder the alien danced to the rhythm of
Baccara’s Yes Sir I can Boogie. ‘YOU,’ Barry shouted. ‘YOU!’ he shouted again. More aliens, attracted by the commotion began to gather round to witness the spectacle, intrigued to see what the hairless monkey was so angry about. They found watching the ape stamp its feet great entertainment and began to roar with laughter. The rapid accumulation of these bi-pedal intelligent species would be a monstrous situation to face for your average human, but they didn’t—as you might expect—stifle Barry’s rage: he wanted more than anything to throttle the little git that had left him with not only severe mental scars, but a rear end that now could accommodate the winning marrow from The World’s Largest Vegetable Growing Contest. Among the aliens was a reptilian species called the Draconians. They were particularly frightening to look at as they had green scaly skin, lizard eyes and a forked tongue.
258 One of these Draconians spoke above Barry’s tantrum. ‘So Kredendum, exactly how many Earthlings have you terrorised in your short stay?’ All the aliens laughed heartily except the one called Kredendum. It was now clear to Barry that this individual had a habit of abusing humanity, and this wasn’t the first time he’d had a second awkward reunion with one of his abductees. Kredendum solemnly turned off his ghetto blaster because Baccara’s Yes Sir I
can Boogie, didn’t seem an appropriate backing soundtrack to this sordid and highly humiliating new episode in his life. The crowd of aliens, having got their fill of scandal began to filter away until there was only Barry and Kredendum left standing alone. Barry by now had ceased shouting. Kredendum steadfastly looked down at his feet in silence until he eventually decided to at least have a go at explaining himself. ‘I always feel embarrassed and don’t know what to say when this happens.’ Kredendum had not used telepathy to communicate with Barry because he felt it might scare him as it had done in the woods. ‘Sorry would be a good start.’ ‘Sorry,’ said Kredendum. ‘I am trying to change my ways: I’m going to HAA meetings now.’ ‘HAA meetings?’ ‘Human Abduction Anonymous meetings. I have a problem: I’m an addict.’ Barry Broomfield was never one to hold a grudge against a person, or an alien as it was in this case. He looked at the extraterrestrial hard and said: ‘Let bygones be bygones.’ It is a quite remarkable thing that Barry could find it in his heart to forgive this being after the abhorrent act he’d perpetrated upon him, but the truth was that there
259 were other reasons for Barry’s forgiving heart. Firstly he wanted to know the secrets of Kredendum’s vessel so that hopefully he might be allowed some time off. But secondly and probably more importantly he needed a friend as every human inside The Complex seemed to be suffering from some kind of cerebral atrophy.
So what if he’s a hideous monster from a nightmare that turned out to be real.
And so what if he probed me, God knows I could do with a companion in here. He held out his hand and said: ‘Friends.’ Kredendum glanced up from his grey feet and placed his hand in Barry’s. He was aware that humans showed respect to each other with something they called the handshake. Barry felt revulsion on noticing the little suckers on his new friend’s fingertips, but nevertheless managed to control his urge to throw up. Kredendum was feeling likewise disgusted when he saw Barry’s fingernails, having always thought it nauseating how these hairless monkeys had keratin formations on their hands that housed more dirt than the internet. After their reluctant handshake Barry and Kredendum strolled around Level 4 of The Complex with Barry getting introduced to some of the alien’s friends. It occurred to Barry that on the entire level there wasn’t any other human presence except his own. ‘So what are you and all your people doing down here?’ ‘The Draconians have lived under your feet for centuries. This is just another outpost for their empire. We’re here to serve them.’ ‘The Draconians?’ queried Barry. ‘The big green lizards. Greys like me have to be subservient to them because they’re the master race in this galaxy.’
260 ‘That sounds terrible.’ ‘Well it could be worse: I could be human.’ ‘Don’t humans run The Complex?’ asked a confused Barry. Kredendum laughed, although it wasn’t the maniacal one he’d used when abducting people. ‘Of course not, although they probably like to think they do. Who knows what the apes think.’ ‘Hey, that’s my people you’re talking about,’ replied Barry indignantly. ‘Okay big guy, don’t take it to heart. Humanity’s becoming more like us anyway.’ ‘What do you mean?’ Kredendum momentarily toyed with the idea of leaking to Barry some information that would shed light on the grim future in store for the human race. ‘It doesn’t matter.’ ‘So those Draconians, they’re your masters, you have to do everything they say? That’s saaadddd.’ ‘Well, it’s always been the way of things. It just makes me laugh how the humans think they’re the ones controlling us. Those stupid phosphorous lights they have for example that they think stop us from going out, it’s pathetic.’ ‘Ah, but humans shot down your spacecraft. We can’t be that stupid if we managed that.’ ‘Your lot never shot it down, my own people did coz I was on the run for performing unlicensed abductions.’ Kredendum looked back down at his feet in shame. ‘I couldn’t help myself: I was addicted. Seriously mate, I’ve got it under control now.’
261 The conversation between the hairless ape and the little alien then gravitated towards Kredendum’s damaged spaceship. Barry revealed the things he’d uncovered about the anti-matter/anti-gravity reactor and how he managed to build his own. ‘Wow I’m impressed. Maybe humans aren’t as dumb as I thought. You figured all that out yourself?’ ‘Yeah, pretty much. But I know there’s something else, something I’m missing. How did you get across the chasm of space Kredendum? Even with the antimatter reactor it would take years to travel to the nearest star.’ Kredendum shook his head and said: ‘I can’t tell you that: it’d be like giving a child a machine gun. You’ve got to figure it out for yourselves and earn the right to go beyond this little speck of dust you call home.’ ‘Come on, give us a clue at least, you did after all, you know; probe me.’ Kredendum paused to think about it. Maybe I can give them a hint; maybe I
owe them that. ‘Look, okay I’ll give you a clue but you won’t like it, and it probably won’t help you much,’ said the alien. ‘You’ve got to think beyond the three dimensions.’ Sitting in his living quarters back up on Level 3 now, Barry tried to think beyond the three dimensions just as Kredendum advised. It goes without saying a scientist of his brilliance was fully aware of Einstein’s work with regard to the fourth and fifth dimensions. The problem was, he didn’t see any way how he could he turn that knowledge into propelling a huge craft across the unimaginable distances in space? ‘It doesn’t make sense. Kredendum, you need to give me another clue, come on lad.’
262 ‘You’re going to keep coming down here asking for clues until I’ve spelled out the whole thing for you—aren’t you?’ ‘Well if you could tell me it all now straight off, that would really help. You know Kredendum, the emotional damage after what you did to me still hasn’t healed, and that’s not all, I still can’t sit down properly.’ ‘Don’t go laying the guilt trip on me Broomfield. I’ll give you one more clue and then that’s it; got it?’ Barry nodded in agreement. ‘What is the shortest distance between two places?’ ‘A straight line,’ answered Barry perplexed. ‘No, not if they exist in the same space.’ ‘That doesn’t make sense either. How can you make two separate places exist in the same space?’ ‘I’ve given you your last clue and that’s it, that’s all you’re getting out of me. You’ll have to figure out the rest yourself, but don’t go getting your hopes up coz you might be figuring for a long time.’ While Barry attempted to squeeze more information out of an unwilling Kredendum, a grizzly curmudgeon of a man muttered to himself whilst busy at work inside Barry’s living quarters. ‘What a mess! That orang-utan hasn’t vacuumed once, the carpet’s filthy. And just look at the kitchen.’ The curmudgeon continued to mutter his discontent, branching into more general moaning about the terrible state of the world and how it was no place for an old man anymore. The perpetual bad mood that’d become his signature character-trait
263 was due to the fact he was the CCTV maintenance man for The Complex. It was his job to keep the four thousand odd cameras inside the base recording every second of every day. It was not an enviable job. Overworked and overstressed, he would regularly find his services required in middle of the night to patch up some malfunctioning piece of equipment. The man’s complaints persisted as he fixed Barry’s shower cam. ‘Christ almighty, it’s blacker in here than a coal mine.’ Distracted by the obscene mildew build up and the fact that he’d rather be anywhere else, the sour-faced man innocently forgot to tighten a screw fully. This seemingly innocuous mistake would have a profound impact on Finbar Cedric Broomfield’s life.
How on Earth can you make two places exist in the same space? thought Barry, still agonising over how Kredendum’s craft was capable of travelling such enormous distances. His alien friend had been adamant in his refusal to divulge anymore hints concerning the secrets of interstellar travel. This left Barry at a dead end. ‘I just can’t figure it out,’ he said aloud in frustration. Having already tried aimlessly meandering his way along The Complex’s corridors, waiting for inspiration to strike without success, Barry felt he might as well take another look inside the recovered alien ship: desperately he hoped that he’d ignite a creative fire after seeing or uncovering something he hadn’t noticed in the countless hours he’d already spent in there. Around 90 to 95% of the technology inside Kredendum’s craft Barry hadn’t yet been able to decipher what it was actually for, never mind how it all worked. He
264 doubted now whether he possessed the ability to achieve the task he’d been given, wondering miserably if it was just simply beyond the human brain’s capability to comprehend interstellar travel. The pioneering discovery he’d already made seemed worthless to him now. In his mind that was yesterday’s news. Over the months he’d come to hate the precious ship with all its unsolvable puzzles that made his head spin. But most of all he hated it for not revealing his holy grail, the secret of space travel. It had been a hopeless exercise entering the vessel expecting to come across something that would explain all. He knew this beforehand but had been so desperate he was willing to try anything. Feeling completely dejected and uncomfortable by a problem that seemed to have no answer, he inquired if his colleagues that were working nearby needed any help. The army of boffins were busy drawing up designs for the spaceship that was to contain the breakthrough anti-matter/anti-gravity reactor Barry had invented. Taking a look at the blueprints for the first time, Barry saw something that struck him as peculiar. ‘Why does the whole thing have to be encased in four foot of lead?’ The boffin closest to him answered: ‘Because when she goes out into space, into the Van Allen Radiation Belt, that four feet of lead will come in handy. Don’t worry about the increased weight as your reactor produces so much power it won’t really make a difference.’ ‘I wasn’t worrying about that, it’s just strange…’ ‘Why?’
265 ‘Well, the Apollo Moon landing programs, they went through the Van Allen Radiation Belt didn’t they? Why didn’t they need four feet of lead?’ Professor Schriever who always seemed to miraculously pop up when Barry asked an awkward question didn’t disappoint. ‘Because back in those days men were men, a dose of radiation that would be lethal to your soft, mollycoddled generation would’ve hardly of given them a headache.’ ‘Oh…’ ‘By the way Barry there’s something else I want to talk you about.’ Professor Schriever motioned his protégé over to a quiet corner away from everybody else. ‘You’ve been looking burnt out. I think you should have a couple of days off and just forget about everything to do with space and getting across it for a few days.’ ‘Yeah, maybe you’re right,’ said Barry in a tired and resigned voice. ‘I have been feeling a bit stressed with it all of late. It’s proving a difficult nut to crack.’ Building the hunk of lead that was to protect man from the many perils of space was a relatively simple undertaking that didn’t really require Barry’s input. The hard part was how to propel that hunk of lead. And the pressure was on Barry because everyone was looking towards him to uncover that final piece of the puzzle. Professor Schriever and his superiors hadn’t allowed their genius time off out of any kindness or gratitude: they knew he was the only one who could allow them to achieve their goals, and they also knew that it would be beneficial for him to rest and recharge. The anti-matter engine Barry had created was a massive step in the right direction, but it wasn’t powerful enough to even get to the nearest star outside our
266 own solar system in a reasonable amount of time. The Broomfield Reactor as it was now been dubbed didn’t get anywhere near the speed of light, and even if it could, that would still be far too slow. Barry’s vision was of using the reactor just for cruising speed, say when you’re busy exploring an object of interest like an alien planet, moon, nebula, red dwarf, etc. The astronaut would then switch on some kind of super-duper, mega-fast power drive to get to the next object of interest, effortlessly blasting through the annoying emptiness that made up the bulk of space. Lying on his bed he let his mind dream, what if, what if he could travel all the way to the very edge of the universe, what would he find there? Does the universe go on for eternity? Or does it come to a dead end like when Jim Carrey hit the edge of his universe on that boat in The Truman Show? Exhausted, he slept, dreaming for hours upon hours about a glorious ascent into the heavens on the wings of an angel. He discovered the Moon was made of Edam cheese and that freshly plucked Milky Way’s taste better than Mars Bars. It was a wonderfully contented sleep, one that he was very much in need of, and when he awoke he felt much better for it. There was still one problem though: he had one more day off and he was struggling to think how to make the most of it. Looking around his living quarters, waiting for an idea to formulate, he suddenly remembered he’d been granted shuttle access but as of yet hadn’t used it.
What am I doing lying here like a half-eaten poptart for?
267 What a special day it turned out to be. The spellbinding majesty of the underworld, with its ability to make you question the working order of your eyes is mesmerizing for all who are fortunate, or is that unfortunate enough to explore it. Even the shuttles, which used maglev technology to move faster than the speed of sound through tunnels cut into solid rock, were themselves a magnificent achievement of engineering. These tunnels stretched thousands of miles and were somehow polished up to give the appearance of black glass, thus allowing the shuttles to slide along them effortlessly. It goes without saying they’re an excellent tool for important, scary people when they want to be transported in secrecy. The sophistication of this technology amazed Barry, but not nearly as much as the fact that these epic developments had been constructed to the complete obliviousness of the general population on the surface. Spending the whole day travelling on this underground highway that criss-crosses the globe, he attempted to cram in as much sightseeing as possible. Among the military bases he visited, the infamous Area 51 was the first on his list. To his disappointment it turned out to be just a decoy secret base that’s purpose was to distract the attention of UFO hunters. The place was deathly quiet and appeared to be empty, save for an abandoned television set depicting an uncannily accurate reconstruction of the Apollo Moon Landings. Finding it impossible to resist indulging a childhood fantasy, Barry drove around in the Apollo Moon Buggy for a while. After crashing and writing it off he thought it wise to make a swift retreat back to the underground shuttle system. Ashamed, he knew an American hero of his—Buzz Lightyear—wouldn’t have been impressed with his sorry shenanigans.
268 Arriving back in his living quarters at The Complex late that night, Barry reminisced over the events of his action-packed day. The secrets he’d discovered: little gems like Los Alamos wasn’t just an immense military stockpile for nuclear weapons, but that it was also home to the best gift shop he’d ever come across. The homemade vanilla fudge sold there was nothing short of extraordinary. Taking a shower before bed, Barry’s mind was preoccupied with thoughts of why hadn’t he purchased more of that incredible fudge. While these thoughts bothered him as he lathered his sweaty flab, the CCTV camera inside his shower gave way, conking off the top of his head. Blows to the skull, while damaging for most other people’s brains seemed to have a tendency to enhance Barry’s one. Like Isaac Newton many years before him getting stuck by an apple, the falling camera revealed to the Barry one of the universe’s secrets. It had all become clear: he knew now how Kredendum’s craft had made it across the empty chasm of space! ‘Rock n roll!’

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