• Project Description: <fill in project name, location, dates, and “application” -
keywords from attached list and short / concise bulleted narrative>
• Project Owner: <fill in organization’s name and address, and contact’s name,
affiliation/position, phone, email>
• Scope: <keywords from attached list and short / concise bulleted narrative of
study scope / objectives, including purpose, scale, schedule, budget and level of
accuracy / defensibility needed>
• Approach: <keywords from attached list and short / concise numbered narrative
and/or graphics, e.g., flow chart, of steps / activities>
o performance measures considered (see attached list)
o decision method used (if any)
o level of detail adopted
o input assessment methods used
o performance and probabilistic modeling methods used
• Key Results: <short /concise bulleted narrative and, if desired, graphics with
respect to scope>
o performance uncertainties / sensitivities
o decisions made
• Cost and Value of Results: <short / concise bulleted narrative>
o duration (from start to substantially complete, i.e., results) and effort
(including owner’s, in then current US dollars) involved
o value from owner’s perspective
• Lessons Learned: <short / concise bulleted narrative of problems that arose and
how to solve them in the future, e.g., unreasonable expectations>
• References: <list available reports, papers, etc.>
• Disclaimer: <standard>
• Reviewer: <fill in reviewer’s name, affiliation, phone, email>
Keywords / Categories
• Type of project / application
o Market (choose one, or more if applicable)
water resources
waste disposal and environmental remediation
other <specify>
o Component (choose one, or more if applicable)
foundations / fill
slopes / embankments / excavations / retaining structures
dams / dikes / reservoirs
tunnels / underground construction
industrial systems
June 2004 3 TC32 Case Study Data Base Proposal
other <specify>
o Scale (choose one)
small (e.g., individual facility)
large (e.g., regional)
• Performance measures (choose all that apply)
o cost (time consideration, responsibility)
o schedule
o safety impacts
o environmental impacts
o social impacts
o operational impacts
o other <specify>
• Accuracy / defensibility goals (choose one):
o low (e.g., for internal scoping study)
o moderate
o high (e.g., for public / regulatory review of major project)
• Scope and Approach (choose all that apply, based on attached chart)
o Decision Analysis
among alternatives or optimization
based on full performance assessment or risks only (“risk
o Decision Criteria Development
o Performance Assessment
Full Uncertainty Analysis
Risk Assessment
• Hazard Assessment
• Vulnerability Assessment
Note: for any aspect of performance assessment, specify:
qualitative or quantitative
empirically-based or theoretically-based
static or dynamic (time consideration)
deterministic or probabilistic
objective or subjective or hybrid input assessments
analytical or analytical approximations or Monte Carlo simulation
probability model
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