Minggu, 18 Januari 2015

contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris Calling to Report a Cockroach Problem (1)

Calling to Report a Cockroach Problem (1)
A: I have a little problem with room 507.
B: What exactly seems to be the problem, Mr. Sandals?
A: I found cockroaches in my room.
B: Cockroaches, sir? That's unbelievable.
A: I've seen at least nine different cockroaches in my room.
B: Sir, are you sure you haven't seen the same silverfish nine times?
A: There are nine cockroaches in my room. I don't have time for your disbelief!
B: I apologize. One moment, please, while I transfer you to my supervisor.

A: I'm in 507. I have a few problems with my room.
B: What is that problem, sir?
A: There are cockroaches in my room.
B: Are you sure, sir? Flies I could believe, but cockroaches?
A: I've counted nine different cockroaches, and I accidentally stepped on another one.
B: Sir, we run a spotless and cockroach-less hotel.
A: You dare to doubt me?
B: I'm sorry, sir. Let me transfer you to my supervisor.

A: There's a big problem with my room. I'm in 507.
B: Would you tell me the nature of the problem, sir?
A: I have cockroaches crawling in my room.
B: Perhaps you saw a silverfish, sir.
A: I've seen nine more cockroaches than I wanted to see.
B: Sir, you haven't been drinking by any chance, have you?
A: How dare you question my statement!
B: Forgive me. You're 100 percent correct. Allow me to transfer you to my supervisor.

A: There's a major problem with room 507.
B: I'm sorry to hear that. Please tell me the exact problem.
A: This room is overrun with cockroaches.
B: There has been an occasional silverfish in the hotel, sir.
A: I stopped counting at nine.
B: Sir, this hotel just passed a thorough insect inspection with flying colors.
A: Your inspector needs spectacles. The fact is that cockroaches are running rampant.
B: I apologize, sir. Just a second, while I transfer you to my supervisor.

A: I'm in 507, and I have a big problem.
B: I'm so sorry. Kindly tell me what the problem is, sir.
A: Everywhere I look, I see cockroaches.
B: Perhaps you could look again, sir, to double-check.
A: The next cockroach I see will be number ten.
B: Mr. Sandals, I've worked here five years without seeing one cockroach.
A: I've already suffered enough without seeing anymore to you!
B: You're right, sir. Please let me transfer you to my supervisor.

A: I have a little problem with room 507.
B: Problems are what we're here for, sir. Please tell me your problem.
A: This room is filthy with cockroaches.
B: Were you wearing your glasses when you noticed them, sir?
A: I've already seen nine of them and, as they say, eight is enough!
B: Sir, sometimes a fast elevator ride makes our guests see spots.
A: You are not in a position to question my vision or my statement!
B: I'm very sorry, sir. Will you please hold while I transfer you to my supervisor?

Calling to Report a Cockroach Problem (2)
A: I want to change rooms. In fact, I want a refund for tonight!
B: And the problem is, sir?
A: Cockroaches have taken over my room!
B: My apologies, sir. We'll give you a new room and refund the value of your current room.
A: Thank you. I want to continue to be able to recommend this hotel to others.
B: We always try to serve our guests in the most agreeable way possible.

A: I want to change rooms immediately, plus a refund for tonight.
B: I'm sorry, sir. Exactly what is the problem?
A: I'm knee-deep in cockroaches!
B: I'm so sorry, sir. We'll give you a new room immediately, and give you a refund also.
A: Thank you. I'm glad that this hotel strives to keep its reputation intact.
B: Sir, we always try to please our guests.

A: I'm quite upset! I want a new room and a refund for tonight.
B: Forgive me, sir, I haven't been told what the problem is.
A: I'm about to be swept away by millions of cockroaches!
B: My apologies, sir. We'll transfer you to a new room at once and give you a full refund.
A: Thank you. I didn't want to have to take this to court.
B: Sir, we never want a guest to stay here mad or unhappy.

A: This room is unacceptable. I want a new one, and I want a refund for tonight.
B: Would you please tell me the exact problem, sir?
A: I'm being attacked by hordes of cockroaches!
B: Oh, my gosh, they're back? Another room at once, sir, plus a full refund, of course.
A: Thank you very much. This has been a most unsettling experience.
B: Sir, our guests are our reason for being.

A: This room is unfit for humans. I want another room, and I want a refund for tonight.
B: Perhaps if you would be kind enough to tell me the problem, sir.
A: In a word, cockroaches!
B: Oh, no, are they back? I'll give you another room immediately, sir, and a refund for tonight.
A: Thank you. I'm glad that you don't believe that your guests are liars.
B: Sir, without happy guests, we are nothing.

A: I want to change rooms. In fact, I want a refund for tonight!
B: If you tell me the exact problem, I can be more helpful.
A: Cockroaches have declared war on my room!
B: Allow me to apologize. I'll give you another room right now, and a full refund for tonight.
A: Thank you for not asking me to collect the roaches in a jar as evidence.
B: Sir, only your mother wants to please you more than we do.

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