Rabu, 21 Januari 2015

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris First Meeting with a Realtor

First Meeting with a Realtor

A: I am interested in buying a house and need some information.
B: Yes, of course. What area are you interested in?
A: I am interested in Pasadena or Arcadia.
B: What size house would you like?
A: We need a medium-sized house with at least 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.
B: Are you interested in being in a particular school district?
A: Yes, we want to stay in the ABC School District.
B: Would you like a home near the lake or would you prefer a view?
A: I would love to have a home with a view.
B: Fine, I will begin a search for the perfect home for you. I will call you in a few days.

A: I would like to discuss purchasing a home with you.
B: I can help you. What location are you looking for?
A: I would like to live in Pasadena or Arcadia.
B: Have you thought about what your needs are in terms of size?
A: We would like a smaller cozy cottage with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom.
B: Is living in a particular school district important to you?
A: No, we don’t really care because they are all pretty good around here.
B: Are you interested in purchasing on the lake, or would you like a home with a view?
A: We really want to live in a lakeside home with a dock for our boat.
B: Now that I have an idea of what you want, I can begin my search.

A: I have been thinking of buying a house and would like to speak with you.
B: I have time to speak with you. Where would you like to purchase your house?
A: I am most interested in Pasadena or Arcadia, but would be open to other suggestions.
B: How many bedrooms and bathrooms do you need?
A: We have several generations of family living in our household and so need a very large home.
B: Do you need to be located in a particular school district?
A: It doesn’t matter, as we do not have any children.
B: Is a view important to you, or would you rather be located on a lakeshore lot?
A: In a perfect world, we would like a home with a view of the lake.
B: Thank you for all of the information. I will help you find the perfect house for you.

Pre-Qualifying for a Loan

A: I need to see if I qualify for a home loan.
B: I can help you. How much money do you make per year?
A: I make around one hundred thousand dollars per year.
B: How long have you been on your current job?
A: I have only worked at this job for 6 months, but I have a longer job history elsewhere.
B: Do you have any other outside income from rental property or a trust?
A: No, I only receive my salary.
B: Do you know your credit score?
A: I think that it is around 600.
B: By crunching the numbers and putting in your expenses, I estimate that you can afford a house of around five hundred thousand dollars.

A: I am trying to see if I can afford to purchase a home that I wish to buy.
B: We can figure that out right now. How much do you earn annually?
A: My wife and I earned one hundred and fifty thousand dollars last year.
B: How many years have you held your current position?
A: I have been at my current job for 10 years.
B: Is there any extra income that you receive other than salary?
A: I collect one thousand dollars a month from a rental property.
B: Have you ever figured out your credit score?
A: I try not to think about it!
B: Adding in your expenses, I calculate that you can spend three hundred thousand on a house.

A: I want to go house shopping, and I want to know what I can afford to buy.
B: There is a formula that can help us figure that out. What is your annual salary?
A: I earn sixty-five thousand dollars per year.
B: What is the length of time that you have worked at the job you have now?
A: I have been at the job I now have for 2 years, and I have been with the company for 6 years total.
B: Do you receive any other income?
A: I own a small rental unit with a partner, and I receive five hundred dollars a month from that unit.
B: Do you know what your credit score is?
A: I don’t know, but the last time I checked, it was very good!
B: You are in good shape. Figuring in your other expenses, you can easily afford a house costing seven hundred thousand or maybe even a little more!

Setting up an Appointment to View Houses

A: Hello, I would like to make an appointment to look at houses.
B: Sure, would you prefer looking in the morning or afternoon?
A: I would prefer mornings.
B: Can you go during the week, or can you only go during the weekend?
A: Going to look at houses during the week is best for me.
B: Where would you like me to pick you up?
A: I will meet you at the real estate office.
B: I am thinking of looking at three houses, and it will take about two hours.
A: That sounds good to me.
B: Once I contact the owners and confirm the times, I will e-mail you a schedule.

A: I would like to pick a time to look at houses with you.
B: Would mornings or afternoons be best for you?
A: It is easier for me to take off work in the afternoon.
B: It is best if we can go during the week; does that work for you?
A: Because of work, I can only go look at houses on the weekend.
B: Would you like to meet at the real estate office, or should I pick you up at home?
A: If you could pick me up at home, that would be great.
B: We could spend most of the day looking at houses to see all that we have to see.
A: That might be a little too much, but we’ll see how it goes.
B: I will fax you a schedule as soon as I contact the owners to confirm the times.

A: Can we choose a time to look at houses together?
B: Can you do that in the mornings, or would the afternoons be best?
A: Either way is good for me.
B: There are a number of open houses this weekend in your area. Would that okay with you?
A: I can take a little time off of work, or I can go on a weekend, also.
B: We could meet at the real estate office, or I could pick you up at your home.
A: I am leaving from work, so maybe I could just meet you at the first house that we will look at.
B: I can think of five houses that we should look at. It will take most of the day.
A: I would like to see as many as possible.
B: When I have confirmed the times with the owners, I will e-mail you our plans for the day.

Viewing Houses with a Realtor

A: I really like the way this house looks.
B: Yes, it has great curb appeal.
A: The landscaping is wonderful!
B: Yes, it is nice, but wait until you see the interior.
A: Oh, I see what you mean!
B: The carpeting and paint are all new, as well as the window treatments.
A: I love the sage green carpeting with the sunset-colored walls.
B: Come and see the kitchen.
A: Oh, look at that beautiful countertop material and the double sink!
B: Let’s go check out the bedroom and bathroom.
A: I really like the Jacuzzi bathtub in the bathroom.
B: I am happy that you like the house. We should write down what we like so that we can remember it.

A: I have a good feeling about this house.
B: Yes, I liked it the first moment I pulled up to it.
A: I love the paint job!
B: If you like the outside, you are going to really love the inside.
A: What a beautiful home!
B: You’ll notice that the window treatments, carpeting, and drapes are all new.
A: I like the way the blinds give you privacy from the street.
B: Follow me into the kitchen. You will love it.
A: I love that they put a wine storage area in the kitchen.
B: The best part is the bedroom and attached bathroom.
A: I love the relaxing colors in the tile and floor covering!
B: Let’s take a few pictures so that we can remember what we like about this house.

A: This looks like a very nice house.
B: You know, I fell in love with this house the first moment I laid eyes on it.
A: The style of the exterior is just what I’ve been looking for!
B: The exterior is only half of the story. The interior is incredible.
A: This home is gorgeous on the inside!
B: Everything that you see on the walls, floors, and windows is brand new.
A: The wall colors totally suit the style of this house.
B: Straight ahead is the gourmet kitchen.
A: I love the bamboo flooring and granite countertops.
B: The master suite is the best. Let’s go look at that next.
A: There is plenty of room for our king-sized bed, and I love the light in this room.
B: I know that you like this house, but let’s take a look at the others before you make up your mind.

Houses You Don’t Like

A: Oh, I am not sure I even want to look at this house!
B: It is a bit of a fixer-upper. Let’s take a look inside.
A: It doesn’t look much better inside this place.
B: You know, with a little elbow grease and paint, you could spruce it up a bit.
A: There are hardly any windows in here, and that makes it really gloomy.
B: Let’s go check out the kitchen. The printout says that it is quite large.
A: Look at those broken tile countertops and the peeling wallpaper.
B: Maybe the master suite has some redeeming qualities. Follow me, please.
A: What’s that smell?
B: Perhaps we should move on to the next listing.

A: This house is not looking all that great from here
B: You can’t really tell everything about a house from the outside. Let’s go inside.
A: I don’t think that it is looking any better inside here.
B: I think that fresh paint and cleaning would help it look a little better.
A: It is just too dark in here with so few windows.
B: I hear that the kitchen is quite large. Let’s go check it out.
A: The kitchen may be large, but it doesn’t have any storage space.
B: The master suite is supposed to be quite elegant. Maybe it will be a little better.
A: How many dogs live in this house?
B: I think that we have seen all that we need to see here. Let’s go look at another house.

A: From the looks of this house from the outside, I don’t really think that I want to go inside.
B: From here, it does look like it could use a little work. Let’s see what the interior looks like.
A: I am not impressed by the interior of this house.
B: Sometimes all a place needs is a little bit of cleaning and some fresh paint.
A: With so few windows, how can you even see what the problems are?
B: I think that we should check out the kitchen. It is listed as roomy and spacious.
A: Where are you supposed to store things without any cabinet space?
B: The picture in the listing shows a lovely master suite. I think that we should go look at it since we are here.
A: Is there a dead animal somewhere in here?
B: Well, I think that it is pretty safe to say that this is not the house for you.

Making an Offer through a Realtor

A: I would like to make an offer on this house, but I don’t know much about the process.
B: As your realtor, I am here to take care of this process. How much were you planning on offering?
A: I really like the house and will pay the full asking price of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
B: We want to leave ourselves some bargaining room. Let’s offer three hundred and twenty thousand dollars.
A: That sounds good, but I don’t want this house to get away from me.
B: The market is fairly down right now, so the offer is a realistic one.
A: When will we know if they accept the offer?
B: The owners usually respond to an offer within a few days.
A: Should I be contacting my bank in the meantime?
B: You are already pre-qualified for your loan, so you are in good shape.

A: I have never bought a house before and don’t know how to make an offer.
B: The process of actually making the offer is something that I will take care of for you. What price were you considering offering?
A: I love this house and would be willing to pay the full asking price of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
B: Let’s leave some room on this offer. I think that three hundred and twenty thousand dollars is a fair offer in this housing market.
A: We could try that, but I really want this house!
B: It is common practice to offer and then have a counter-offer.
A: How long will it take to find out if they are going to accept the offer?
B: The sellers are usually fairly quick to respond. They want to get things moving.
A: Should I tell my bank that I have made an offer?
B: There really isn’t anything else to do right now except wait. You are already pre-qualified for your loan.

A: I have never done this before and don’t know where to begin as far as making an offer on this house.
B: Leave the details of making the offer up to me. What were you thinking you should offer?
A: I absolutely must have this house and will pay three hundred and fifty thousand dollars or more.
B: It is best to start a little low on the first bid to allow for a counter-offer. How about offering three hundred and twenty thousand dollars?
A: I hope that the owners aren’t insulted by that offer.
B: Your offering price is not out-of-line. The owners will either take it or make a counter-offer.
A: Does it usually take very long for the owners to get back to you with an acceptance?
B: It usually doesn’t take very long for owners to respond to an offer.
A: Should I be in touch with my bank to tell them to get the loan papers ready?
B: The only thing you should do now is relax. You already are pre-qualified for your loan.

Discussing Counter-Offer with a Realtor

A: Have the owners come up with a counter-offer to my offer to buy their home yet?
B: The owners have counter-offered three hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars.
A: Should I accept their offer?
B: There are two ways to respond. You can either come back with another offer or go with their counter-offer.
A: What if I make another offer, and they don’t accept it?
B: No one else has made an offer, so you could make another offer if you want to do so.
A: I think that I would like to offer three hundred and thirty thousand dollars as a counter-offer.
B: OK, I will present your counter-offer to the owners tonight.
A: How long before I find out what their decision is?
B: By now, the owners probably have a pretty good idea of what they will accept. It will go quickly.

A: Your office called and said that the owners had made a counter-offer to my offer to purchase their house.
B: To your offer of three hundred and twenty thousand dollars, the owners have counter-offered three hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars.
A: I think that maybe I should accept their offer.
B: You, of course, have two ways of responding. You can say yes or come up with another offer.
A: I want to make another offer, but I am afraid that they will decline and I will lose this house.
B: There is always a chance that someone could outbid you, but you could try one more offer if you like.
A: I would now like to offer three hundred and thirty thousand dollars as a counter-offer.
B: After the owners get home from work tonight, I will approach them with your offer.
A: Can you tell me how long it will take them to get back to me?
B: I don’t think that it will take as long as the response to the first offer.

A: Have the owners answered back with a counter-offer for my offer to purchase the house?
B: In response to your offer, the sellers have decided to counter-offer three hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars.
A: That sounds pretty good to me, but I am not sure what to do.
B: You can accept this offer or decline it and come up with another offer.
A: If I make another offer and they refuse, then what?
B: Personally, I would consider making one more offer, but it is up to you to decide what to do.
A: Let’s try going with three hundred and thirty thousand dollars for a counter-offer.
B: I will contact the sellers with your current offer.
A: Do you think that this will move along fairly quickly?
B: Usually the response to the second offer moves along a bit more quickly than the first one.

Re-offering and Acceptance

A: Did you get a chance to speak with the sellers about my counter-offer?
B: Yes, and I think I have good news for you.
A: Did they accept the counter-offer?
B: Yes, they accepted your counter-offer, but they want you to pay for the home inspection.
A: How much will that cost?
B: It will cost you around five hundred to one thousand dollars for a home inspection.
A: Can I choose the home inspector?
B: Yes, you are paying for it, so you get to choose. I would pick the best one.
A: So, when are you going to inform the owners of my acceptance?
B: I will call the owners right now. They will be happy to hear the good news.

A: I was anxious to find out what the sellers had to say about my counter-offer.
B: I was able to contact them so, if you’ll step into my office, we’ll talk.
A: Did they go with the proposed counter-offer?
B: They want you to pick up the cost of the home inspection, but they accepted your offer.
A: Is a home inspection very expensive?
B: It can cost between five hundred and one thousand dollars.
A: Do I get to choose who inspects the home?
B: Yes, you get to choose. I would spend a little more to get a really thorough inspection.
A: Can you call the owners with my acceptance right away?
B: I am going to contact the sellers immediately. They were looking forward to your acceptance.

A: Were you able to contact the owners about my counter-offer?
B: Yes, please have a seat, and we’ll discuss this right now.
A: I hope that they accepted the counter-offer.
B: The counter-offer was acceptable to them, but they want you to pay for the home inspection.
A: Will the home inspection cost me a lot?
B: It can cost as little as five hundred dollars and as much as one thousand dollars.
A: Is it my choice as to who inspects this house?
B: Yes, it is your choice as you are paying for it. Make a wise investment and choose the best inspector you can find.
A: How long until you contact the sellers with my acceptance?
B: Let’s call them right now. I am sure that they will be happy to hear that you have agreed to pay for the inspection.

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