Rabu, 28 Januari 2015

Percakapan B Inggris Applying for a Credit Card (1)

Applying for a Credit Card (1)

A: Can you tell me where the pots and pans are?
B: Pots and pans are right over there.
A: Oh, thank you.
B: Could I interest you in our store credit card?
A: No, thanks. I already have credit cards.
B: But our credit card saves you 10 percent.
A: That's a nice discount.
B: Here. Let me give you an application form.
A: Thank you, but I'm just browsing today.
B: Okay. Enjoy your browsing.


A: Hi. I'm looking for pots and pans.
B: That section is right over there.
A: Thank you so much.
B: Perhaps you'd like to sign up for our store credit card.
A: No, but thank you. I have plenty of credit cards.
B: Our credit card saves you 10 percent instantly on all purchases.
A: Well, that does sound nice.
B: Just fill out this form and you'll get your discount immediately.
A: You know, I'll pass on it today.
B: No problem. These forms are also at the front of the store on your way out.


A: I'm looking for your pots and pans section.
B: We have a huge pots and pans section right over there.
A: Thank you for your help.
B: You know, we have a store credit card.
A: No, thank you. I already have 1,000 credit cards.
B: But our credit card gives you 10 percent savings.
A: Well, 10 percent is certainly better than zero percent.
B: All you have to do is fill out this form for an instant discount.
A: Thank you. Maybe next time.
B: Okay. If you need anything else, I'll be right here.


A: Where are your pots and pans?
B: All our pots and pans are right over there.
A: Oh, I walked right past it.
B: Perhaps you'd be interested in a store credit card.
A: Thanks, but no thanks. My wallet is full of credit cards.
B: But only our credit card will save you 10 percent on all purchases.
A: Well, that sounds nice.
B: Just take this form, fill it out, and get your instant discount.
A: Not today, thank you. I'm in a bit of a hurry.
B: If you change your mind, I'm right here.


A: Where is the pots and pans section?
B: You'll find all our pots and pans right over there.
A: Thank you. All I had to do was open my eyes.
B: Would you like to receive our store credit card?
A: No, thank you. The last thing is need is another credit card.
B: But with our credit card, you save 10 percent instantly.
A: Well, that's something to think about.
B: If you fill out this form, you'll get a discount starting today.
A: Maybe next time, when I have more time.
B: I understand. Good luck in the pots and pans section.

Applying for a Credit Card (2)


A: Hi. I'd like to get your store credit card.
B: Here's the application form.
A: ...I'm finished. Here's the form.
B: Thank you. Now if you'll just give me a credit card.
A: Here's my VISA.
B: Thank you.


A: I want to get a store credit card.
B: I have the application form right here.
A: ...Okay. I've filled out the form. Here you go.
B: Thanks. Now all I need to see is a credit card.
A: Here's my MasterCard.
B: Thank you very much.


A: I want to fill out the form for a store credit card.
B: Very good. Here's the application form.
A: ...Okay. I've filled out all the information. Here's the form.
B: Thank you. Now I need to see one of your credit cards.
A: Here's my American Express.
B: Thanks.


A: Hello. I want to apply for your store credit card.
B: It only takes a few minutes. Just fill out this form, please.
A: ...I'm done. Here's the form.
B: Thank you. Now if you'll just show me a credit card.
A: Here's my Discover card.
B: Perfect. Thank you.


A: I'm interested in a store credit card.
B: Okay. Here's the application form.
A: ...Okay. I've filled everything out.
B: Thank you. Now let me see a credit card, please.
A: Certainly. Here's my VISA card.
B: Very good. Thank you.

The Sale Is Over


A: Excuse me, but is this dress on sale?
B: The dress was on sale yesterday.
A: Are you sure? I'd be happy to pay the sale price today.
B: I'm so sorry, but rules are rules.
A: Okay. I'll just check out a few other stores.
B: I'm sorry I couldn't help you.


A: Pardon me. Is this dress on sale?
B: Actually, the sale ended yesterday.
A: You know, it's only one day later. How about giving me the sale price?
B: I'm sorry, but I can't change the price that's in the computer.
A: Okay. Let me think about it. Maybe I'll wait until the next sale.
B: Take a look around. Maybe you'll see something else you like.


A: Is this dress on sale?
B: It was on sale—yesterday.
A: Still, couldn't you sell it to me today at the sale price?
B: I'm sorry, but I'd lose my job if I sold it to you at yesterday's sale price.
A: I had my heart set on buying this dress.
B: Well, feel free to browse. We have other items on sale today.


A: Am I right in thinking that this dress is on sale?
B: I'm sorry. You're one day too late for the sale.
A: Couldn't you still sell it today at the sale price?
B: I'm sorry. One day can make a big difference sometimes.
A: No problem. Other stores are having sales. I'll check them out.
B: Before you go, let me show you some other dresses that are on sale.


A: Am I mistaken, or is this dress on sale?
B: I'm very sorry. The sale ended yesterday.
A: I really like this dress, but I want to pay the sale price.
B: If you like, I can put you on our mailing list for the next sale.
A: That's okay. Some days you win, some days you lose.
B: Let me ask my manager when he thinks this dress will be on sale again.

Misleading Advertisement

A: I'm glad these batteries are on sale.
B: I'm sorry. These batteries are not on sale.
A: But that's what the ad says.
B: I'm sorry. If you look at the ad again, you'll see that the other brand is on sale.
A: Oh, you're right. I misread the ad.
B: Yes, many people make that mistake.
A: Well, you can't blame them. It's a confusing ad.
B: You're right. Many ads are like that.
A: Well, as long as I'm here…
B: Just one second, and I'll get you the batteries that are on sale.


A: It's about time these batteries went on sale.
B: I'm sorry. These aren't on sale today.
A: You're kidding me. The ad says they're on sale.
B: Yes, the other brand of batteries is on sale.
A: Oh, I see. I've got the wrong brand.
B: Yes, it's an easy mistake to make.
A: Well, the ad is written in a misleading way.
B: I agree. It seems like all ads are meant to confuse you.
A: Oh, well, it's not the first or last time.
B: Hold on, and I'll get you the batteries that are on sale.


A: You don't often find these batteries on sale.
B: I'm not sure that these batteries are on sale today.
A: But the ad says they're on sale.
B: Yes, batteries are on sale, but not this brand.
A: Well, what do you know? I picked up the wrong brand.
B: Yes, several customers have made that mistake today.
A: Well, like many ads, it's deliberately confusing.
B: I couldn't agree more. They write ads just to get you into the store.
A: Well, I should know better by now.
B: If you can wait one minute, I'll bring you the batteries that are on sale.


A: This is the first time I've seen these batteries on sale.
B: I'm sorry, but they aren't on sale today.
A: Well, look at the ad. The ad says they're on sale.
B: Yes, the ad says that the other brand of batteries is on sale.
A: Oh, yes. I misread the ad.
B: Believe me, you're not the first person to make that mistake today.
A: No wonder people make a mistake. The price is in big letters, and the brand is in tiny letters.
B: You're right. You have to read an ad two or three times sometimes.
A: Yes, you have to be careful with every ad you read.
B: It's okay. I'll go get you the batteries that are on sale.


A: These batteries should be on sale more often.
B: I don't think these batteries are on sale.
A: Look at the ad. It says they're on sale.
B: You're right. Batteries are on sale, but not this brand of batteries.
A: Oh. I didn't pay attention to the brand name.
B: Several people have misread that ad already today.
A: People make the mistake because the ad is misleading.
B: I agree with you. Ads can be very tricky.
A: I don't know when I'll ever learn.
B: No problem. I'll bring you the batteries that are on sale. I'll be right back.

Exchanging a Dress

A: I would like to exchange this dress.
B: You can exchange this dress with anything of the same value.
A: Is there anything on sale today?
B: I'm sorry. There are no sales today.
A: Are dresses going to be on sale?
B: Everything's going to be on sale next weekend.
A: That's great. I'll wait. See you next weekend.
B: Okay. I'll see you then.


A: I want to exchange this dress.
B: You can exchange it with anything of the same price.
A: Are there any sales today?
B: We're having a big sale next weekend, but nothing today.
A: What's going to be on sale?
B: Dresses, skirts, blouses, pantsuits…everything will be on sale.
A: That sounds great. I'll come back next weekend.
B: Okay. Don't forget to bring your credit card.


A: This dress doesn't fit correctly.
B: No problem. Shop around until you find something you like.
A: What's on sale today?
B: If you can wait until next weekend, you can save some money.
A: Do you know what's going to be on sale?
B: You'll be happy to know that everything in the store will be on sale.
A: Well, I won't miss that. I'll wait until next weekend.
B: Great. Bring lots of cash so you can buy lots of things.


A: I don't want to keep this dress.
B: Just leave the dress with me while you find one that you like.
A: Do you have anything on sale today?
B: Next weekend is our next sale date.
A: Do you have any idea what's going to be on sale?
B: Everything except the cash registers will be on sale.
A: That sounds good. I'll see you next weekend.
B: Okay. See you then.


A: I've brought this dress back to exchange it.
B: That's not a problem. Leave it with me, and find something that you like.
A: I was hoping you'd have something on sale today.
B: We have nothing on sale today. But we're having a big sale next weekend.
A: Is the sale going to include dresses?
B: Everything you can see will be on sale.
A: I like the sound of that. I'll just come back next weekend.
B: The savings will be worth the short wait. See you next weekend.

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