Rabu, 21 Januari 2015

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Asking about Where to Get Off

Asking about Where to Get Off

A: This bus goes all the way to Santa Anita mall, right?
B: Yes, it'll take us there.
A: Are you positive?
B: I always catch this bus.
A: How long is this bus ride?
B: It only takes half an hour.
A: Where do we get off at?
B: We can get off the bus right behind Macy's.
A: There's a stop right next to the mall?
B: Yeah, it's right in the parking lot.
A: That's cool.
B: Yes, I know.

A: Does this bus really go to the mall?
B: It goes all the way there.
A: Are you sure?
B: I know it does. I catch this bus a lot.
A: How long does it take for the bus to get there?
B: The bus ride is only thirty minutes or so.
A: Where do we get off the bus?
B: Right behind Macy's is a bus stop.
A: The stop is really at the mall?
B: It's in the middle of the parking lot.
A: That's perfect.
B: I know it is.

A: Are you sure that this bus will take us to Santa Anita mall?
B: Yes, it will.
A: You know that for a fact?
B: Yeah, I catch this bus all the time.
A: Is it a very long bus ride?
B: It's about thirty minutes long.
A: Do you know where we get off at?
B: There's a bus stop right behind Macy's.
A: Really, there's a bus stop right by the mall?
B: There's a bus stop in the mall parking lot.
A: That's convenient.
B: Absolutely.

Asking for a Transfer

A: I need to get on another bus, but I have no more money.
B: Where'd the rest of your money for the bus go?
A: I spent it on a bag of chips.
B: Well, that was an intelligent thing to do.
A: You don't have any spare change?
B: No, I don't.
A: How am I going to get home?
B: You should just ask the bus driver for a transfer.
A: How much does that cost?
B: It's free; just go ask for one.
A: Thanks for letting me know.
B: No problem, just go ask.

A: I'm broke, and I have to catch another bus.
B: Why don't you have any money for another bus?
A: I got hungry and bought some chips.
B: That was smart.
A: Do you have any change I can use for the bus?
B: I don't have any.
A: I don't know how I'm going to get home.
B: Get a transfer from the bus driver.
A: How much is a transfer?
B: It doesn't cost anything.
A: Thanks for your help.
B: Don't mention it.

A: I don't have any more cash, and I have to get on another bus to get home.
B: Why don't you have any more money?
A: I wanted some chips at lunch today, so I spent it.
B: That was a bright idea.
A: Do you have some change I can borrow?
B: I don't have any change for you.
A: I need to get home.
B: Why don't you just ask the bus driver for a transfer?
A: I don't have money for a transfer.
B: Go ask for a transfer. They're free.
A: I'm glad you let me know.
B: You're welcome.
Complaining about a Late Bus

A: Where is the bus?
B: I think it's running late.
A: It should've been here 30 minutes ago.
B: It should be coming soon.
A: It better, because I'm already late for work.
B: I can't stand riding the bus.
A: Me too, it's so unreliable.
B: That is true.
A: It's also horrible having to be at a bus stop in any kind of weather.
B: Exactly.That's the worst part.
A: I think it's time we started driving.
B: Yes, I agree.

A: When is the bus going to get here?
B: It's obviously late.
A: It was scheduled to be here about thirty minutes ago.
B: I'm sure it'll be here in a little bit.
A: I hope so, because I'm running really late for work.
B: I hate having to take the bus every day.
A: So do I, you can never count on public transportation.
B: Exactly.
A: I really can't stand being at the bus stop in the heat and rain.
B: I know what you mean.
A: We're going to have to get a car of our own.
B: I couldn't agree with you more.

A: I want to get on the bus already.
B: It just isn't on time today.
A: It was supposed to be here thirty minutes ago.
B: I think it'll be here pretty soon.
A: I need to get to work, so it better.
B: I really do hate public transportation.
A: I agree, it's just never on time.
B: That's right.
A: I also hate having to stand at a bus stop in all kinds of weather.
B: Oh, that's the worst.
A: We need to get a car.
B: I completely agree with that.

Getting Off Too Early

A: Is this our bus stop?
B: I think this is it. Get off.
A: Dude, where are we at?
B: I have no idea.
A: I thought this was the right stop.
B: It doesn't look right to me.
A: Did you make us get off early?
B: I think we did.
A: I should not have listened to you.
B: I really thought this was our stop.
A: Now we have to walk.
B: Maybe we should just wait for the next bus.

A: I'm not sure, is this our stop?
B: Yeah, get off the bus.
A: Do you have any idea where we are?
B: I'm really not sure.
A: This can't be the right stop.
B: I don't think this is right.
A: We got off too early, didn't we?
B: Yeah, we did get off too early.
A: I should've just stayed on the bus.
B: I messed up.
A: Great, we have to walk now.
B: You want to wait for the next bus?

A: Are we supposed to get off right here?
B: I think so; hurry up and get off.
A: Where are we?
B: I don't know.
A: You said this was the right stop.
B: I think I was wrong.
A: Did we get off the bus too early?
B: I don't know; it kind of looks like we did.
A: Why did you tell me to get off?
B: I'm sorry. I thought this was our stop.
A: I really don't feel like walking.
B: We could always wait for the next bus to come.

How to Buy a Pass

A: I need to buy a bus pass.
B: What kind of bus pass would you like to buy?
A: What are the different kinds?
B: You can get a day, weekly, monthly, or student pass.
A: Could I get a student pass, please?
B: Sure, can I see your student ID?
A: Sure, here it is.
B: Very good.
A: How much for the pass?
B: It's free, but the monthly sticker is $24.
A: Okay, I'll take it.
B: Thank you for your purchase.

A: I would like to get a bus pass.
B: Do you know what kind of pass you want?
A: Can you tell me my options?
B: There are passes for a day, month, and week, and there are student passes.
A: I would like the student pass.
B: Let me see your student ID.
A: Here you go.
B: Thank you very much.
A: How much will it be for the pass?
B: The monthly sticker is $24, but the actual pass is free.
A: That'll be fine.
B: We appreciate your business.

A: Could I buy a bus pass today?
B: Which bus pass would you like to purchase?
A: What kinds of passes are there?
B: There are day passes, weekly passes, monthly passes, and student passes.
A: Let me get a student pass.
B: Could I see your student ID, please?
A: No problem, here you go.
B: Thanks.
A: How much does this pass cost?
B: The pass is free; the monthly sticker costs $24.
A: That's fine then.
B: I hope you enjoy your pass.

Missing the Bus Stop

A: Where do we get off at?
B: I think we have a little ways to go.
A: This bus ride is taking forever.
B: I know.
A: Did we miss our stop?
B: I'm not sure.
A: Didn't you say you knew where to get off the bus?
B: I don't know. We may have missed our stop.
A: Are you serious?
B: Yeah, we did miss it.
A: I can't catch the bus with you anymore.
B: Sorry.

A: Do you know which stop we get off at?
B: We still have more to go, I think.
A: We've been on this bus for a while now.
B: You're right.
A: Should we have gotten off the bus already?
B: I don't think so.
A: I thought you knew.
B: Maybe we did miss our stop.
A: Really?
B: I'm positive that we missed our stop.
A: I'm never catching the bus with you again.
B: My mistake.

A: When do we get off the bus?
B: I think we have a while longer.
A: I feel like we've been on this bus forever.
B: That's true.
A: Are you sure we weren't supposed to get off already?
B: I don't know.
A: I thought you knew where we get off at.
B: I wasn't really paying attention. I think we missed our stop.
A: Seriously?
B: Yeah, we definitely missed our stop.
A: That's the last time I get on a bus with you.
B: My bad.

On a Wrong Bus

A: So, where is this bus supposed to take us?
B: It should take us back up to Altadena.
A: Well, don't you know for sure?
B: I'm not really sure if it does or not.
A: Are you sure we got on the right bus?
B: I've never taken this bus, but I think it's the right one.
A: This place doesn't look like Altadena.
B: That's true, and we have been on this bus for a while.
A: Read one of the street signs or something.
B: Yikes! Temple City.
A: That's the last time I'm trusting you with the transportation.
B: My bad, but at least we know the right bus to take us back.

A: Do you even know where this bus is supposed to go?
B: It should take us all the way up to Altadena.
A: Don't you know?
B: I'm not positive if it does or not.
A: Is this the right bus, or not?
B: I have never been on this bus, but I'm sure it's the right one.
A: Where are we? This is not Altadena.
B: I know, and we've been on the bus forever.
A: Tell me what the street signs say.
B: Oh my gosh, that one says Temple City.
A: Next time, I'll look for the bus myself.
B: I know, but now I know the bus that'll take us back.

A: Are you sure you know where this bus goes?
B: It should go to Altadena.
A: What do you mean it should?
B: I'm not completely sure if it really does.
A: Dude, are we on the right bus?
B: I'm almost positive that this is the right one.
A: It doesn't look like we're on our way to Altadena.
B: We have been riding this bus for a long time.
A: What does that sign say?
B: I think it says Temple City.
A: Yup, I'm never trusting you with the bus schedules again.
B: I'm sorry. But at least we know which bus to catch to get back where we started.

Student Discount

A: How much does it cost for a bus pass?
B: It'll be $65 for a monthly pass.
A: Is there anything cheaper than that?
B: If you're in school, you can get a student pass.
A: Well, how much will that cost?
B: The pass is free.
A: I don't have to pay for anything?
B: You'll only have to pay for the monthly sticker.
A: How much is the monthly sticker?
B: It's $24 for each month.
A: I'll take the student bus pass.
B: Okay, I'll get you one.

A: Can you tell me the price for a bus pass?
B: It costs $65 to buy a monthly pass.
A: Is there a cheaper bus pass?
B: There are student passes.
A: For how much?
B: It doesn't cost anything for the pass.
A: It's absolutely free?
B: The monthly sticker costs you.
A: How much is that?
B: Each month it'll cost $24 for a new sticker.
A: Let me get the student bus pass.
B: Let me go get it for you.

A: How much for a bus pass?
B: Well, for a monthly pass, it'll cost you $65.
A: Is there anything else that doesn't cost as much?
B: If you're a student, you can get a student bus pass.
A: How much does a student pass cost?
B: That actual bus pass is free.
A: It doesn't cost anything?
B: The only thing you'll have to pay for is the monthly sticker.
A: Can you tell me how much that'll cost?
B: It's only $24 a month.
A: Sounds good, let me get that.
B: I'll get it for you right now.

Talking to Someone on a Bus

A: Hey, how's it going?
B: Good. How about you?
A: Not bad, thanks for asking.
B: Have you been on the bus for a while?
A: Only about fifteen minutes.
B: Do you ride this bus often?
A: Not really, I usually drive.
B: You have a car?
A: Yes, I do.
B: So why aren't you driving it?
A: Once our President lowers gas prices, I'll be driving again.
B: That's smart thinking.

A: How are you doing?
B: I'm pretty good, you?
A: I'm awesome.
B: How long have you been on the bus?
A: I've been on here for like, 15 minutes.
B: Do you catch this bus a lot?
A: Not much, I have a car.
B: So, you have your own car?
A: I sure do.
B: Then, why are you on the bus with me?
A: I'm waiting till our President gets out of office, and the gas prices go down.
B: That's good thinking.

A: What's up, how are you?
B: I'm splendid. How about yourself?
A: Could be better.
B: So, have you been on the bus very long?
A: I got on about fifteen minutes ago.
B: How often do you ride the bus?
A: I usually just drive.
B: You have your own vehicle?
A: Yes, I have my own car.
B: So then, why don't you drive it?
A: I'm waiting for our President to lower the gas prices.
B: Smart.

The Bus System in LA

A: Can you tell me what bus to catch from Altadena to downtown LA?
B: You can catch the 486.
A: That bus goes all the way to LA?
B: I believe so.
A: Is the bus ride long?
B: It only takes 45 minutes to an hour.
A: That's all?
B: It's a pretty short trip.
A: Is there always a lot of people on that bus?
B: It only gets crowded once it gets to LA.
A: Oh okay, thank you.
B: No problem.

A: Do you know a bus I can take from Altadena to downtown LA?
B: I believe you can take the 486.
A: Will that bus really take me to LA?
B: It sure will.
A: Is it a very long ride?
B: It's a forty-five minute to an hour ride.
A: Really?
B: It doesn't take long at all
A: Do a lot of people ride that bus?
B: More people start getting on around LA.
A: Wow, thanks a lot.
B: Don't mention it.

A: Is there a bus in Altadena that'll take me to downtown LA?
B: The 486.
A: The 486 really goes downtown?
B: Yes, it does.
A: How long is the bus ride?
B: It's about forty-five minutes to an hour.
A: Is that right?
B: Yeah, it's not that long of a trip.
A: Is that a crowded bus?
B: It starts getting more crowded the closer you get to LA.
A: Thank you very much.
B: You're very welcome.

Where to Buy a Pass

A: Have you bought your bus pass yet?
B: I didn't get it yet.
A: Well, why not?
B: I have no idea where to get it from.
A: You should've just asked me.
B: Well then, where do I get it?
A: You can get it from the student business office.
B: I didn't know that.
A: I know you didn't.
B: I appreciate you telling me.
A: No problem.
B: I'll make sure to get it tomorrow.

A: Did you get your bus pass?
B: I haven't gone to get it yet.
A: Why haven't you got it?
B: I don't know where to go to get one.
A: I know where to get them from.
B: Where do I get it?
A: They sell them at the business office on campus.
B: I had no idea.
A: I'm sure you didn't.
B: Thank you.
A: Don't mention it.
B: I'll buy it later on today.

A: Did you go and buy your bus pass?
B: No, I didn't.
A: When are you going to go get it?
B: I'm not sure where they sell bus passes at.
A: Why didn't you just ask me?
B: Where should I go?
A: You can get one from student services.
B: I had no clue that I could get it there.
A: I already knew that.
B: Thanks for letting me know.
A: You're welcome.
B: I'm going to go and get it right now.

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