Sabtu, 24 Januari 2015

contoh percakapan bahasa inggris

Life in Delhi

Shiva: Since when have you been living in Delhi?
Akram: I have been living here since my birth.
Shiva: Can you tell me something about Delhi?
Akram: Of course (certainly).
Shiva: Which type of people live here?
Akram: Delhi is a cosmopolitan city. People from all the states of India have settled here.
Shiva: Does your city have everything you need?
Akram: Yes, it has. It also has the best educational and medical facilities in India.
Shiva: Are you satisfied with public transport facility?
Akram: It is satisfactory. Government is trying to improve it further with Metro train network.
Shiva: Have you traveled by Metro?
Akram: Many times. It is an excellent train.
Shiva: Have you seen the international airport?
Akram: I haven’t yet seen the airport.
Shiva: Is this city clean and well-planned?
Akram: Many areas are old and dirty. There are also areas which are clean and well-planned.
Shiva: In which college are you studying?
Akram: I am studying in Ramjas College, University of Delhi.
Shiva: Do you like the university?
Akram: Yes. It is the best university in India.
Shiva: What are other attractions of Delhi?
Akram: President’s House, Parliament House, Connaught Place, Chanakya Puri, Lotus Temple, Red Fort, Appu Ghar, India Gate are the main attractions of the city.
Shiva: Have you visited all these places?
Akram: Yes, I have.
Shiva: Is Delhi one of the best cities in the world?
Akram: No. It is not. But it is developing very fast.
Shiva: Can you show me your city some day?
Akram: Definitely. We can go on coming Sunday.

Going Abroad

Reema: To which country do you want to go?
Gauri: Canada.
Reema: Why do you want to go to Canada?
Gauri: It is a large and beautiful country.
Reema: Do you think Canada provides good career opportunities for young persons?
Gauri: Definitely. Moreover it is fun to live in Canada. It is a vast and almost pollution free country. Roads are wide. You can own a large house.
Reema: Do you have any friends or relatives in Canada?
Gauri: My uncle lives there. He is calling me.
Reema: What does your uncle do there ?
Gauri: He is manager of an automobile show room.
Reema: Where does he live?
Gauri: He lives in Toronto City.
Reema: When are you going there?
Gauri: Next month.
Reema: Have you got your passport made?
Gauri: Yes, I got it made last year.
Reema: Are you going there on a short tour?
Gauri: No. I am going to settle there. My uncle has a vacancy of receptionist in his showroom.
Reema: Have you cleared your IELTS exam ?
Gauri: I am preparing and sit for it after ten days.
Reema: Will you be able to go through it successfully?
Gauri: Any student whose sentence making is good can pass this exam easily.
Reema: By which airline would you like to travel?
Gauri: I would like to travel by Air India.
Reema: Would you marry a boy living in Canada?
Gauri: I haven’t thought it yet.
Reema: You are a graduate. Would you like to study further ?
Gauri: I shall do my MBA in Canada.
Reema: Would you call your family members after settling down there properly?
Gauri: Life will lose its charm without any family members with me. So, I shall try my best.
Reema: There are lot of opportunities in India too. India has become one of the largest economies in the world ?
Gauri: I think career opportunities in India are much better than most of the countries, but still I don’t like to live here.
Reema: Why ?
Gauri: Pollution, over-population and corruption are the problems I don’t want to face. Moreover I have been dreaming to live in Canada since my childhood.

Job in a School

Isha: Are you a teacher?
Henna: Yeah, I am.
Isha: In which school do you teach?
Henna: In Winners Public School.
Isha: What subject do you teach?
Henna: I teach science.
Isha: Which classes do you teach?
Henna: Senior secondary classes.
Isha: Do you like your job?
Henna: Yeah, I like it very much.
Isha: How long have you been working at your present job?
Henna: For the last five years.
Isha: Where is your school situated?
Henna: It is at India Gate.
Isha: Who is the principal of this school?
Henna: Mrs. Radhika Khanna.
Isha: How many teachers are there in your school?
Henna: There are thirty teachers.
Isha: At what time do you reach the school?
Henna: I reach at 7.15am.
Isha: When does the school break up?
Henna: It breaks up at 1.30pm.
Isha: Do you also give a lot of home work to your students?
Henna: Our school is working differently. We don’t give home work like other schools.
We teach them well at school.
Isha: Why don’t you give home work?
Henna: Too much burden of studies hampers the physical and mental development of a student. It may actually crush the talent of many students.
Isha: Doesn’t the policy of your school affect the annual result?
Henna: No. Our school is considered one of the best schools in India.
Isha: How are you able to achieve good result without home-work. Home-work helps a student to revise and learn better.
Henna: If you help a student to develop personality it helps him/her to have sharper brain and better health. It improves their performance.
Isha: How does the school help a student to get a good personality?
Henna: Every week we arrange a personality development session.
Isha: What do you teach them in this session?
Henna: We teach them the art of getting more brain power and art of meditation. We advise them to do exercise or play games everyday. It is necessary for physical fitness. We also advise them to read newspapers and watch informative TV programmes.

Importance of English

Sumit: Are you learning English?
Sarita: Yes, I am learning.
Sumit: Why are you learning it?
Sarita: Without it we can’t make a good career.
Sumit: Where are you learning?
Sarita: I am learning it at LSE.
Sumit: Why have you joined this institute?
Sarita: It is a good institute to learn effective English.
Sumit: What do they teach?
Sarita: They teach good sentence-making, vocabulary, conversation, fluent speaking, group discussions, newspaper reading, personality development, art of interview etc.
Sumit: Do they take any test before admission?
Sarita: They take a simple verbal test.
Sumit: What is the benefit of learning English?
Sarita: It is an international language. If we know English we can talk to others in any foreign country.
Sumit: Can’t we get a good job if our English is poor?
Sarita: It is very difficult to get a good job. In almost every big company interview is held in English only.
Sumit: In your opinion, what are other benefits of learning English?
Sarita: Students learn to make good sentences so they get better marks in all the subjects. We also get social respect.
Sumit: Can’t we improve English at home?
Sarita: Most of the persons learn incorrect English at home. We need guidance of a good teacher to be really effective in English writing and speaking.

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