Minggu, 18 Januari 2015

Percakapan \B inggris Calling to Report a Medical Emergency

Calling to Report a Medical Emergency
A: I need a doctor immediately!
B: Sir, is everything all right?
A: My wife just collapsed on the floor!
B: Sir, I need you to calm down. Take deep breaths.
A: I'm sorry. It's just that my wife.I need the emergency room.
B: Sir, I'm dialing 911 on another line.
A: What's taking you so long?
B: I'm transferring you right now. Just remain calm.

A: Help me! I need a doctor!
B: What is the problem, sir?
A: My wife is on the floor!
B: Sir, please calm down. Take a deep breath.
A: I need some help, right now!
B: Sir, I'm going to put you through to 911.
A: Hurry, please!
B: I'm transferring you right now, sir.

A: I need a doctor right now!
B: Tell me the problem, sir.
A: My wife just passed out!
B: Sir, it's difficult to understand you. Please take a deep breath and calm down.
A: Don't tell me to calm down! My wife is passed out!
B: I'm getting 911 on another line, sir.
A: Okay, but hurry.
B: Stay calm, sir, and talk clearly.

A: Get a doctor here, immediately!
B: What's the problem, sir?
A: My wife is on the floor, she's unconscious!
B: Sir, could you calm down a little bit, please?
A: Calm down?! My wife is unconscious, and you're telling me to calm down?!
B: Hold on just a second, sir. I'm dialing 911.
A: Hurry up, please.
B: I'm connecting you now, sir.

A: A doctor! I need a doctor!
B: Give me some details, sir.
A: Something is wrong with my wife. She's lying on the floor.
B: Sir, if you don't calm down, you might have a stroke yourself.
A: You're right, I'm beside myself with worry.
B: Hold on, sir. I'm connecting you with 911.
A: Time is critical. Hurry up!
B: I hope everything turns out well, sir. Here's 911.

Calling for a Wireless Connection

A: I'd like to order broadband internet for my laptop.
B: Just plug the Ethernet cable into your computer, and a prompt will tell you the payment options.
A: Well, I don't have an Ethernet port. My computer runs entirely on wireless service.
B: That's too bad. But there are several alternatives, if you want to hear them.
A: Yes, please! Tell me about the alternatives.
B: We run a fully equipped computer lab on the first floor.
A: Very good. How much does that cost?
B: The service is free to hotel patrons. However, printing costs ten cents per page.
A: I see. And the other alternatives?
B: Alternatively, we do offer wireless in our lobby. You can bring your laptop down here.
A: Great! What if I need to print something in the lobby?
B: You would have to use the computer lab. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

A: Hi, I need broadband for my computer.
B: No problem. Just plug the Ethernet cable into your computer, and you're good to go.
A: That's a problem. My laptop has no Ethernet port, it's wireless only.
B: Hmm. Well, we have some alternatives, if you're interested.
A: Go ahead. I'm all ears.
B: We have a computer lab on the first floor.
A: That's great! How much is it?
B: It's absolutely free to guests. Except for printing, of course.
A: Okay. What about the other alternatives?
B: You could use your wireless right here in our lobby.
A: Yes, that's the ticket! And if I need to print something there?
B: Well, we don't have a printer in the lobby yet. You'll have to use the lab.

A: Hello! I'd like to get busy on my computer, but I need some broadband.
B: There's an Ethernet cable in your room. Just plug it into the back of your laptop.
A: Uh-oh! I can't use Ethernet. My computer is wireless only.
B: That's okay. I can tell you about some alternatives we have.
A: Any alternative that works will be great.
B: Well, there's our computer lab on the first floor.
A: That sounds good. What's the charge?
B: The lab and the computers are no charge, but you have to pay for whatever you print.
A: That sounds good. Now, how about the other alternatives?
B: Of course. Our lobby is set up for wireless, so just bring your computer down here.
A: Use my laptop in the lobby? That's great! Now, if I need to print something there?
B: They plan to install a printer here. But until then, you'll have to use the lab.

A: Hi. I can't get going on my computer until I get a broadband hookup.
B: Just plug the Ethernet cable into your computer, and you'll be off and running.
A: That would be okay if I had an Ethernet port. Unfortunately, my laptop uses wireless only.
B: In that case, let me tell you about some alternatives.
A: Anything to get me up and running.
B: For starters, we have a computer lab.
A: Fantastic! What do I have to pay per hour?
B: The lab is completely free. But you do have to pay a dime a page for printing.
A: That's fine. Now tell me about the other alternatives.
B: Just bring your laptop down here to the lobby. We're set up for wireless right here.
A: Great! I like that suggestion, but what if I need to print something there?
B: Unfortunately, you'll have to go to the computer lab for your printing needs.

A: Hello! How do I get online with my laptop?
B: Just plug the Ethernet cable into your computer, and you'll be online in a heartbeat.
A: Well, I see the cable. But my computer runs on wireless only.
B: No problem. I'll tell you about our alternatives.
A: Yes, I'd love to hear what the alternatives are.
B: Our state-of-the-art computer lab is on the first floor.
A: Great! But is it free?
B: Sir, the computers are free to guests, but you do have to pay a nominal printing fee.
A: You said there were other alternatives?
B: Just use your computer here in the lobby. It's set up for wireless.
A: Okay. That sounds like a winner. Now if I need to print something in the lobby?
B: We might have a printer here next month. But for now, you'll have to go to the lab.

Requesting More Supplies for the Minibar
A: I'd like to order a restock on my minibar.
B: You finished everything in there, sir?
A: Absolutely everything.
B: What would you like to order?
A: Three bottles each of Perrier and Jim Beam.
B: Uh-huh. What else do you want?
A: The apples were great. Could you bring a couple more up?
B: No problem. Is there anything else I can get for you?
A: Some grape juice would also be nice.
B: I'll get all of that for you right away. Someone should be up shortly.

A: I need my minibar restocked.
B: Everything is gone, sir?
A: There's not a drop left of anything.
B: Is there anything in particular you'd like?
A: Yes, the Perrier and the Jim Beam hit the spot. Let me have three more of each.
B: Got it. Anything else?
A: I really liked the apples. Bring me a couple of apples, please.
B: Not a problem. Anything else?
A: Oh, yes, one more thing: some grape juice.
B: Someone will be up shortly with your order, sir.

A: Hi. My minibar is empty.
B: You already finished off everything, sir?
A: I finished off everything.
B: Would you like anything in particular?
A: The Perrier and the Jim Beam. Let me have three more of each.
B: Beam and Perrier. Anything else, sir?
A: I really loved the apples in my room. Bring me a few more, please.
B: Sure thing. Might there by anything else?
A: Oh, yes, speaking of fruit, bring me some grape juice, too.
B: Perrier, Jim Beam, apples, and grape juice. It will all be there shortly, sir.

A: Hello! How do I restock my minibar?
B: You've drunk everything, sir?
A: I finished it all.
B: Do you want the whole minibar, or just certain items?
A: Send me up three bottles each of Perrier and Jim Beam.
B: That's three Jim Beams and three Perriers. Anything else, sir?
A: The apples in my room were delicious. Bring me a few more, please.
B: Okay. Are you sure there isn't anything else?
A: You know, some grape juice would be really nice, too.
B: Be patient for just a few minutes, sir, and someone will be at your door.

A: My minibar is completely empty.
B: Everything in that minibar has been consumed, sir?
A: Everything's gone.
B: Is there anything special you'd like?
A: Just bring me three bottles each of Jim Beam and Perrier.
B: Okay, sir. Three of each. Would you like anything else?
A: The fruit basket was great. I need a few more apples, please.
B: Perrier, Jim Beam, and apples. Is that it for now?
A: Yes, one last thing: I could use some grape juice.
B: Your order will be brought to you momentarily, sir.

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