Sabtu, 24 Januari 2015

Examples of English Dialogue

Asking For Address

Rakesh: Excuse me please. Could you tell me the way to Moti Nagar ?
Passer-by: Yes please. Go straight on this road for about 2 kms. There you will find Fun Republic. Just turn to left after it. You will be at Moti Nagar.
Rakesh: Thanks.
Passer-by: Welcome.
Rakesh: (From a passer-by at Moti Nagar) Excuse me. Where can I locate this house B-32?
Passer-by: Whose house is it?
Rakesh: Dr. Ravi Verma’s. He is a popular person.
Passer-by: Yes. I know him. You can locate this house very easily. (Indicating towards a juice corner). Turn right from that juice corner, and go straight. After 60-70 steps you will find Durga Temple on right side. Ask any body there.........
Rakesh: (From a shopkeeper near Durga Temple). Could you tell me where Dr. Ravi Verma lives ?
Shopkeeper: Yes, why not. Are you his relative?
Rakesh: Of course, I am. He is my uncle. But how have you guessed it ? You seem an astrologer ?
Shopkeeper: (Laughing) I am not an astrologer. Your face resembles his face.
Rakesh: How far is his house from here ?
Shopkeeper: Less than 20 steps. Turn left from there. You will see a park. Dr. Verma’s kothi, having a big black gate, is at the corner.
Rakesh: Thanks.

At The Sari Shop

Seller: Good evening madam!
Customer: Good evening!
Seller: Please be seated. What would you like to have, cold or hot ?
Customer: Just a glass of cold water. It is very hot today....
Seller: Yes ma’m, what can I do for you? Would you like saris or suits?
Customer: Please show me different varieties of Manipuri Saris.
Seller: Sure ma’m...... Here the saris are. These are indeed very pretty. You can see different colours & designs.
Customer: Please show me more designs & bright colours.
Seller: These are beautiful saris in bright colours.
Customer: (Picking up a sari) This is the sari I was looking for.
Seller: It is unique, rarely available in the market. Your choice is appreciable.
Customer: O.K. Tell me its price.
Seller: Yes, its price is Rs.2,650/- only
Customer: The price is too much. Won’t you give me any discount.
Seller: Sorry ma’m, our rates are fixed and minimum in the market. We don’t want to waste the precious time of our customers in bargaining (act of buying/offering something at a low price).
Customer: O.K. pack it. Now show me some simple saris for wearing in the office.
Seller: I am showing you some latest designs of Paraag saris. These are so attractive that you would like to buy at lease half a dozen. The colour matching of these saris is excellent.
Customer: (After selecting two saris) Please pack these two saris.
Seller: Do you need anything else ma’m? We also have a good variety of suits.
Customer: Nothing else. How much have I to pay?
Seller: Only Rs.4350/-

Buying a Computer

Ruchi: Excuse me! Could you suggest me a good computer?
Salesgirl: Please have a seat. Would you tell me the configuration?
Ruchi: I exactly don't know what the configuration should be. It must have enough power to help me operate Internet easily and do my graphic works comfortably.
Salesgirl: You can go for 2GB MHz with 15'' colour monitor. Would you like to get a computer assembled?
Ruchi: No, I want HCL. I think it is the best one.
Salesgirl: Certainly. It is HCL's latest model.
Ruchi: It's beautiful computer. What's its price?
Salesgirl: Rs.34,000/- only.
Ruchi: Is there any discount?
Salesgirl: There is no discount. Prices are fixed. But under the company's scheme you will get one HP printer free with this computer.
Ruchi: How much warranty is there on computer?
Salesgirl: It has one year onsite warranty. But this is a good computer. It won't give any problem.
Ruchi: Please get it packed and help me to keep it in my car.
Salesgirl: Sure ma'am.... This is your bill ma'am.
Ruchi: Here is amount of the bill. Please count it.
Salesgirl: Thanks.

Buying Shoes

Shopkeeper: Welcome, sir! Have a seat please. Would you take a cold drink?
Sunny: No, thanks. Do you have Liberty shoes?
Shopkeeper: Certainly, sir! What size do you wear?
Sunny: Size 9 and black colour. Please show me the latest designs only.
Shopkeeper: Don’t worry sir. We have beautiful and the latest designs and maximum variety. Try this shoe.
Sunny: It is bit tight.
Shopkeeper: Sorry sir, I brought size 8 by mistake..... Please try this one.
Sunny: Yes, it fits well. And it is comfortable too. But its design is not much good.
Shopkeeper: Here are other designs.
Sunny: I have liked this pair. What is its price?
Shopkeeper: Rs.1500/- only.
Sunny: Oh! It’s too much. Who will come to your shop if you loot the customers? Please tell me the minimum price.
Shopkeeper: It’s an excellent and durable pair. And how beautiful it looks. The price is reasonable. You know we never overcharge. Still we are giving you 5% discount as you are our old customer.
Sunny: I won’t give you more than 1200/-. Give it or I am going. I am in a hurry.
Shopkeeper: We don’t want to annoy you as you are our old customer. Now we are giving up our profit. Please give only Rs.1300/-
Sunny: I’ll give you Rs.1250/- only, not even a single rupee more.....say yes or no.....
Shopkeeper: OK., be happy sir. It is our first sale today. Take it.
Sunny: Please don’t pack it, I am going to wear it just now.....

A Guest At Home

Rita: Good evening uncle! How are you? I am so happy to see you today.
Uncle: I am fine my daughter. And how do you do?
Rita: Quite well. Please come in uncle.
Uncle: Where are your parents?
Rita: Papa is out of station, and Mummy has just gone to market.
Uncle: Where has your father gone?
Rita: He has gone to Jaipur on business.
Uncle: But he had asked me to meet him today as he wanted to talk over some matter.
Rita: Actually he had to go suddenly in the morning today because there was an urgent business call from Jaipur. And he had rung you up at your home at 8 a.m but no one picked up the phone. He had told me that you would come and he instructed me to inform you about his sudden departure. He will come back in the evening tomorrow and he will contact you then.
Uncle: When will your mother return from the market?
Rita: Probably she’ll be back after half an hour. Would you have water uncle?
Uncle: Oh yes.......... Are you doing B.A. Rita?
Rita: Yes, I am studying in B.A. 2nd year.
Uncle: In which college?
Rita: In Kalindi college. And uncle, what is your daughter Madhuri doing?
Uncle: You know she completed her graduation last year. These days she is doing a computer course. She remembers you a lot.
Rita: I will ring her up. I must prepare tea now.
Uncle: My child, there is no need for tea. I am leaving. Ask your papa to telephone me as soon as he comes back from Jaipur. Good night my child!
Rita: Good night uncle!

Computer Training Institute

Priya: Hello! Is it computer institute?
Receptionist: Yes. How can we help you?
Priya: I am Priya. I want to join your institute for a computer course. Can you give me some information?
Receptionist: Certainly. Which course do you want to join? We have many courses like Basic Computer Operations, DTP, MS Office, Programming, Accountancy, Internet, hardware etc.
Priya: Actually I don’t have much knowledge about computers. I don’t even know which course I should take up. I need your suggestion too.
Receptionist: Before I suggest you a course first let me know why do you want to do a computer course?
Priya: I want to get a job in a good office.
Receptionist: Then I suggest you to take up Basic Computer Operations. It'll be the best course for you. This course will make you capable enough to join any good office. Afterwards you may take up another course.
Priya: Which packages will you teach in this course? And what’s its duration?
Receptionist: MS Office, Internet, Windows etc. It's a three months course.
Priya: Do you have Windows XP in your computers?
Receptionist: Of course, we have. You’ll get a good training here.
Priya: Do you give practical training?
Receptionist: We have 5 days week - 3 days for practical and 2 days for theory.
Priya: Would you please tell me the course fee?
Receptionist: Rs. 1550/- per month for three months. Admission fee is Rs.500/- only. Please collect the details from our institute between 10 am to 1 pm on working days.
Priya: I’ll come to you tomorrow. Thanking you very much for giving me all the information.
Receptionist: It’s all right.



Admission Of A Child

Vandana: Hello Preeti, how are you? It seems you are a little worried.
Preeti: Yes, I am worried about the admission of my son. I don’t know what I should do.
Vandana: Why are you worrying? You can get him admitted in any good English medium school.
Preeti: I also want, but most of the good public schools demand huge donations, which lower middle class people like us can’t afford.
Vandana: Then why don’t you consider over a govt. school for him?
Preeti: In fact, the standard of education is not good in govt. schools. Although the teachers of these schools get good salaries yet they don’t take much interest in teaching the students. They are only interested in taking tuitions and earning more money.
Vandana: You are right Preeti. Due to that reason I got my children admitted in a public school. But even public schools are not perfect. My children have to take tuitions. And there are so much expenses that we find it difficult to make both ends meet.
Preeti: It is generally said that standard of education is much better in public schools than in govt. schools.
Vandana: I don’t think coaching is good in every public school. Though there are a few schools which really try hard to maintain a good reputation.
Preeti: But it is not easy to get the children admitted in those schools. And people like us can’t even meet the expenses.
Vandana: Yeah, it is true. Still we can’t say that those schools guarantee bright career for the students or freedom from headaches for the parents. You have to take pain and be careful even then.
Preeti: All these things have made me very confused and worried.
Vandana: Why don’t you get your son admitted in a govt. model school. These schools are similar to some good public schools.
Preeti: (Happily) It can solve my problem. I think a model school can be the best for my son under present circumstances. Will you accompany me to the nearest model school? I shall be thankful to you.
Vandana: Oh sure! Please come to my home at 8 am. But do talk to your husband first.

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