Rabu, 21 Januari 2015

Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris

Calling the Landlord about Moving Out
A: Good afternoon, Jim. This is Olivia.
B: Oh, hi, Olivia. How can I help you?
A: I'm going to be moving out.
B: Oh, really? When are you leaving?
A: I'll be leaving on the last day of June.
B: Any particular reason?
A: I got a new job.
B: Congratulations! What is it?
A: I'm going to be an ESL instructor at Pasadena City College.
B: Great! By the way, what's ESL?
A: ESL stands for English as a Second Language.
B: Well, I'm glad it wasn't your neighbors causing you to move.
A: Just because they play their TV loud enough for the whole complex?
B: Yes, I know. I'm going to have another talk with them.
A: Anyway, it's been nice knowing you for these past few years.
B: You, too. Keep in touch, and good luck with your new job.

A: How's it going, Jim? This is Olivia.
B: Hello, Olivia. What's up?
A: I wanted to let you know that I have to move out.
B: I'm sorry to hear that. When are you moving?
A: The thirtieth of June.
B: May I ask why you're leaving?
A: I found a new job.
B: Good for you! What's your new job?
A: I am an ESL teacher at Pasadena City College.
B: Very good! What does ESL mean?
A: ESL means English as a Second Language.
B: Well, I'm glad you're not moving because of your neighbors.
A: I can't tell you how happy I'll be not to have to listen to their TV.
B: Yes, I'm going to tell them one more time to turn down their TV and keep it down.
A: You've been a good apartment manager and a good person. I'll see you in June.
B: Thank you. I hope your new job and new apartment are good for you.

A: Hey, Jim. How are you? Olivia here.
B: Hi, Olivia. What's going on?
A: I just wanted to give you notice that I'm moving.
B: Oh, that's too bad. What's the moving date?
A: I'll be gone on the last day in June.
B: Can I ask you why you're moving?
A: I've been looking for a long time, and I finally found a good job.
B: Very good! What's your new job?
A: I'm going to teach ESL at Pasadena City College.
B: Good for you! What does ESL stand for?
A: ESL is English as a Second Language.
B: Well, I'm glad you don't feel you're being chased out by your neighbors.
A: Their TV is so loud you'd think they were stone deaf.
B: I'll tell them one more time to turn down their TV. Then I'm going to evict them.
A: Thanks for all your help over the past few years.
B: Thanks. Good luck with your new neighbors and your new job.

A: Hi, Jim. It's Olivia.
B: Hey, Olivia. What's happening?
A: I'll be moving out in a while, so I wanted you to know.
B: Well, that's not good news. When are you moving?
A: The last day of June.
B: Is something wrong with your apartment?
A: No, not anything new. But I just found out that I've been hired for a new job.
B: Great! What is the new job?
A: I'm going to be an ESL instructor at Pasadena City College.
B: That's great! ESL is some kind of electronics class?
A: ESL is a class for students who are learning English as their second language.
B: I'm glad that your neighbors aren't the reason that you're moving.
A: I won't miss having to listen to their darn TV.
B: I'm giving them one more warning about their TV. Then they're out of there.
A: I appreciate what a good apartment manager you've been these past few years.
B: It's been nice knowing you, too. Good luck teaching LES.

A: Hello, Jim. It's Olivia.
B: Hi, there. What can I do for you today?
A: You should know that I'll be moving out in a while.
B: Gee, that's too bad. What day do you plan to leave?
A: June 30 is my last day.
B: I hope it's not your neighbors or the latest rent increase.
A: No, neither one. I got lucky. I found a new job.
B: Hey, give me five! Good for you! What is it?
A: I'll be teaching ESL at Pasadena City College.
B: Great! Is ESL a class about the Internet?
A: No. ESL is English for students whose native language is not English.
B: I was worried that you were moving because of your neighbors.
A: Whoever my next neighbor is cannot possibly be as loud as those people.
B: I'm going to give them 30 days' notice if they don't turn that TV down.
A: Thanks for everything. I'll give you the keys on the thirtieth.
B: You've been a very good tenant. Good luck with your new SLE job.

Warning about Late Rent Payment
A: Hello, Nicole here.
B: Nicole, this is Richard. I think you know why I'm calling.
A: Oh, it's about the rent.
B: Yes, this is the second month in a row.
A: I thought there was a grace period.
B: There is no grace period in the rental agreement.
A: Oh, I guess I forgot.
B: Well, when can I expect the rent?
A: You'll get it by Monday.
B: Don't forget the $50 late fee.
A: Is that in the rental agreement?
B: The late fee is circled in red ink!
A: Oh, Well, I can't find my copy of the agreement.
B: If you're late next month, I might give you an eviction notice.

A: Hi, this is Nicole.
B: Hi, Nicole. Richard here. I think you've got a good idea why I'm calling.
A: Yes. It's about the rent, isn't it?
B: Yes, your rent is late. This is the second month in a row.
A: But I thought that I had a grace period.
B: I told you last month that the rental agreement contains no grace period.
A: Oh, I guess I was thinking about the last place that I lived.
B: Well, tell me when I'm going to get your rent.
A: I get paid tomorrow, so you'll get the check by Monday.
B: Don't forget to include the $50 late fee.
A: Are you sure a late fee is in the rental agreement?
B: How could you miss the late fee? It's circled in red ink!
A: I can't find my copy of the rental agreement. I know it's somewhere in my apartment.
B: If you're late one more time, I'm probably going to evict you.

A: Hello, Nicole here. Who's calling, please?
B: Hey, Nicole. It's Richard. I'm pretty sure you know why I'm calling.
A: Yes, a dollar gets a dime that you're calling about the rent.
B: Nicole, for the second month in a row, your rent is late.
A: I thought you said there is a grace period.
B: No, I didn't. There was no grace period last month, this month, or any month.
A: Maybe I'm confusing this place with my last place.
B: Well, I'm waiting to receive your rent check.
A: I get my money tomorrow, so I can pay you by Monday.
B: Remember, just like last month, you have to pay the $50 late fee.
A: I don't remember seeing a late fee in the rental agreement.
B: If you look at your agreement, you'll see the late fee circled in red ink!
A: I forget where I put my rental agreement.
B: One more late check and you're looking at eviction.

A: Hello. This is Nicole.
B: This is Richard. Let's not play games. You know why I'm calling.
A: Oh, not again! You're calling about the rent.
B: Yes, your rent check is late, just like last month.
A: What happened to my grace period?
B: Why would there be a grace period this month? There wasn't one last month.
A: I guess I might be a little confused.
B: What day in the near future can I expect your check?
A: My boss told me he will pay me tomorrow. You'll get my check by Monday.
B: Remember to include the $50 late fee.
A: Are you sure the rental agreement included a late fee?
B: The red ink around the late fee in your agreement should tell you something.
A: I seem to have lost my rental agreement.
B: Don't be late again, or you'll be evicted.

A: Hi, this is Nicole.
B: Nicole, it's Richard. You know why I'm calling.
A: Yes, I know. It's the rent, isn't it?
B: Yes, just like last month, your rent is overdue.
A: What about my grace period?
B: Are you getting Alzheimer's? There is no grace period in the rental agreement.
A: Sometimes my memory isn't so good. Maybe I do have Alzheimer's.
B: I'm looking forward to receiving your check in the very near future.
A: Is Monday okay? I get paid tomorrow.
B: Remember that the check amount must include the $50 late fee.
A: Okay, if the rental agreement actually has a late fee, I'll pay the $50.
B: Look at your agreement. There's a big red circle around the late fee.
A: As soon as I find my rental agreement, I'll read it again.
B: I'm not giving you any more chances. Be late again, and you'll be evicted.

Checking Smoke Detectors
A: Hello, this is Betty.
B: Hi, Betty. Larry here. How many smoke detectors are in your apartment?
A: Actually, I have two.
B: Are the batteries fresh?
A: Both batteries are good.
B: Great. I need to come by and check them myself.
A: No problem, when are you coming by?
B: Thursday at noon. I'll let myself in if you're not there.
A: Okay, remember to lock my door when you leave.
B: I'll be in and out of there in just a few minutes.
A: Hello, this is Betty.
B: Hello, Betty. This is Larry. How many smoke detectors are on your ceiling?
A: I have two smoke detectors.
B: Do you have fresh batteries in both of them?
A: Both batteries are pretty fresh.
B: Very good. I have to come by there and check out all the detectors.
A: Very good, when do you think you'll be coming over?
B: I'll be by on Thursday at noon. You don't have to be there.
A: I won't be home. Just remember to lock my door, okay?
B: You won't even know that I've been there.

A: Hello, Betty speaking.
B: Hey, Betty. This is Larry. Tell me how many smoke detectors you have, please.
A: This apartment came with one, and I installed another one.
B: Are there fresh batteries in each of them?
A: Each detector beeps when the battery is low. They're not beeping.
B: Good. I'm calling all the tenants because I have to check all the detectors.
A: Okay, What day were you thinking about dropping by?
B: I'll be at your building at noon on Thursday. If you're not there, I'll let myself in.
A: If you're thirsty, you can grab a beer or soda out of my frig.
B: Thanks, but it'll only take me about two minutes to test them and leave.

A: Hi, this is Betty.
B: Hi, Betty. It's Larry. I need to know how many smoke detectors are in your apartment.
A: There was one when I moved in. Then I added one.
B: Do both detectors have fresh batteries?
A: I always keep them fresh. I don't want to burn to death.
B: That's good. I have to come by there and check out all of the detectors.
A: Not a problem. When will you be here?
B: I'll be letting myself into all the apartments on Thursday at noon.
A: If it's raining, make sure you wipe your feet before you come inside, okay?
B: Not to worry. I'll be in and out of your place in a flash.

A: Hello.
B: Hi, Betty. It's Larry. Can you tell me how many smoke detectors you have?
A: There are two smoke detectors in my apartment.
B: Do you know how new the batteries are?
A: I'm very afraid of fires. I change the batteries every Labor Day.
B: Good. I'm calling all the tenants before I come by to test the detectors.
A: My detectors are ready for you. When will you be visiting?
B: This Thursday at noon. But you don't have to be there.
A: Okay, just pardon the mess when you come in.
B: You'll never even know that I was there.
Mailbox Key Missing
A: Hello, Nicole? This is Jimmy in 309.
B: Hello, Jimmy. What's up?
A: You're not going to believe this.
B: Believe me, I think I've heard everything.
A: I can't find my mailbox key.
B: Is that all? That's a lot better than losing your car keys.
A: I had a duplicate, but I can't find it either.
B: If you come by my place, I can loan you a key.
A: There's no emergency. All I get is junk mail and bills.
B: Can you wait till Wednesday? I'll make you two more keys.
A: Sure, that'll be fine.
B: Okay. I'll see you Wednesday. But it's going to cost you $2 per key.

A: Can I speak to Nicole? This is Jimmy in apartment 309.
B: Hi, Jimmy. This is Nicole. What's happening?
A: You probably never heard this one before.
B: Don't bet on it. I've been an apartment manager for a long time.
A: I've looked everywhere, but I can't find my mailbox key.
B: Well, that's pretty minor. I lost my car keys and house keys once.
A: To make matters worse, I can't find my duplicate either.
B: If you want, come over here and I'll lend you a key.
A: No, there's nothing vital in the mailbox. Just junk and bills.
B: If you can wait until Wednesday, I'll make two more keys for you.
A: Wednesday's fine.
B: Okay, I'll bring them by Wednesday. Have $4 ready for me.

A: Hi, Nicole. This is Jimmy in 309.
B: Hello, Jimmy. Can I help you?
A: I've got a little problem.
B: Tell me your problem, and maybe I can help.
A: I've looked everywhere, but I can't find my mailbox key.
B: Well, that's pretty minor. I lost my car keys and house keys once.
A: As if that wasn't bad enough, I also misplaced the duplicate.
B: Well, if it's an emergency, come by here and I'll lend you a key.
A: No, even if there's a bill in there, it can wait.
B: If you don't mind waiting until Wednesday, I'll make two more keys for you.
A: Oh, I can wait, believe me.
B: Okay, see you Wednesday. They're not free, you know. It'll be $4.

A: Hey, Nicole. It's Jimmy in 309.
B: Hi there, Jimmy. What can I do for you?
A: I screwed up, and I need your help.
B: Tell me the specific problem. Let me see what I can do.
A: I've torn my apartment apart, but I can't find my mailbox key.
B: Well, you should be grateful it wasn't your car keys.
A: On top of that, I couldn't find the duplicate either.
B: If you need to get in there, come by and borrow a key.
A: No, my mailbox is usually empty anyway.
B: Well, then, I'll make you two more keys on Wednesday.
A: No problem. I can wait till Wednesday. Maybe there'll be something in there by then.
B: Okay. Have $4 ready for when you see me Wednesday.

A: Hello? This is Jimmy in 309.
B: Hi, Jimmy. This is Nicole. What's going on?
A: Maybe you can get me out of a small jam.
B: Well, I can certainly try.
A: Somehow, I managed to lose my mailbox key.
B: Believe me, losing a mailbox key is a lot better than losing your car keys.
A: I've got a duplicate somewhere, but I haven't been able to find it either.
B: If you absolutely can't wait, come over here and borrow a key.
A: No, I doubt that there's anything important in my mailbox, if there's anything at all.
B: Well, if there's no emergency, I can make you two more keys on Wednesday.
A: Not a problem. All my fan mail can wait till then.
B: Okay, see you Wednesday. Have $4 for me, and I'll give you a receipt.

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