Senin, 26 Januari 2015


SPEAKING SKILLS                                                          by Henhen S S.Pd

1.       Offering Help

There are a number of formulas used when offering help in English. Here are some of the most common:

·         May I help you?
·         Can I help you?
·         Are you looking for something?
·         Would you like some help?
·         Do you need some help?
·         What can I do for you today?
·         Could I help you? 
·         How can I be of assistance to you? 
·         How can I be of help to you?
·         What can I help you              - What can I do for you?
·         How can I assist you?
·         How can I help you?
·         Let me help you?
·         Do you want me to help you?
·         Shall I …?

Respond offering help
·         Yes please, Sure,
·         Why not,
·         Ofcourse,
·         Certainly,
·         I’d love to,
·         It’s a good idea,
·         That’s great.
·         No, thanks,
·         Please don’t bother,
·         I’d love to but…,
·         That’s great but…   
Some ways to offering help for meals and drinks:
·         Would you like…?,
·         Would you care for …?,
·         Why don’t you have…?,
·         How about having …?
·         May I offer you …? 
- Would you like some bread?
Yes, please.
- Would you care for some coffee?
No, thanks. I don’t drink coffee.
- Why don’t you have some biscuit, please?
Thanks, I’d love to. 

2.        Introducing your self and other people

Introducing your self
Introducing people
·         I’d like to introduce myself.
·         May I introduce myself?
·         Let me introduce myself! 
·         I want to introduce myself

·         I’d like you to meet … (name)
·         This is my friend/boss/etc…(name)
·         Have you met…(name)?
·         May I introduce you to …(name/occupation)
·         Let me introduce you to ….
·         I want to introduce you to ….
1.  This is my friend, Jack.                                        Hi Jack. I'm Linda
    my brother, Bob.
    my sister, Cindy.
    my father, Mr. Harris.
    my mother, Mrs. Harris.
    my teacher, Ms. Watson.
    my student, Carrie.
    my friend, Mary Jones.
    my boss, Mr. Ritter.
    my co-worker, Penny Pitcher.

2.  Nice to meet you.                                            Nice to meet you too.
Pleased to meet you.                                                                              Like wise.
Very nice to meet you.                                                                            And you.
It's a pleasure to meet you.

How to introduce people (in formal situations)
Introducing yourself
I just wanted to introduce myself,
I don't believe we've met before,
I don't think we've actually met formally yet,
my name is...
Introducing someone else
I'd like to introduce you to…
There's someone I'd like you to meet, this is…
Have you met…?
Complete the following conversation with the correct expressions in the box.
Hi, Retno.                My name is Adib.
this is Retno.                I’m Arnys.

Situation: Adib, Arnys, and Retno are new students. They meet at the students’ orientation course.
Adib : Hi, Are you a new student?
Arnys          : Yes, I am. By the way, are you a new student, too?
Adib : I’m a new student too. 1) ______________________
Arnys          : 2) _________________ Well, Adib, 3) __________________
She was my classmate in the Junior High School.
Adib : 4) ________________ Nice to meet you?
Retno         : Nice to meet you too.
Adib           : Anyway, we still have half an hour before the class starts. Shall we go to the canteen? Arnys?
Retno         : Okay.

3.        Greeting (memberi salam)

Language in the programme

Mr Jones
Mrs Smith
How are you?
It's lovely to see you again!
It's been a long time, hasn't it?
How are things with you?

Examples of situations where you might use formal greetings
Working in the service industry, e.g. a restaurant, hotel, travel agent
Greeting someone older than you
At work, when speaking to your superiors
Meeting a VIP e.g. a politician
Being polite to someone you don't know very well

·         Good morning/afternoon/evening.
·         Hi!/Hello! (informal)
·         Greeting someone
·         How are you, Den?
·         How are you doing
·         Asking how someone is
·         I’m fi ne, thanks.
·         Very well, thanks.
·         Not so bad, thanks.
·         Saying how you are
·         See you.
·         Good bye.
·         Bye.
·         See you soon /later /tomorrow.
·         Saying good bye

Cultural Tips
Meeting and Greeting in Australia
• Shake hands with everyone present upon meeting and before leaving.
Allow women to offer their hands fi rst.
• Women generally do not shake hands with other women.
• Use titles, Mr, Mrs, and Miss when fi rst introduced.
Complete the dialogues below with correct
1)     Arnys                   : …
Ruben                  : Very well, thank you.
2)     Ayu                      : Good evening.
Denias : …
3)     Andi                     : How are you doing?
Retno                   : …
4)     Adib                     : See you tomorrow.
Virga                    : …
5)     Anita                    : Hi!
Marcell : …

4.        Inviting (mengundang/mengajak)

Here are some phrases and expressions for inviting in English.
·         Do you want to . . .
·         Do you wanna . . . (informal)
·         Would you like to . . . (more polite)
·         How about (V+ing) ?
·         How would you like to . . .
·         let’s + V1 
·         Why don’t we …? 
·         I’d like to invite you to…
·         I wonder if you’d like to
Some responds of inviting.
- I’m sorry I can’t
- I’d like to but…
- I’m afraid I can’t
- No, let’s not.
- I’d love to
- I’d like very much
- I’d be happy/glad to
- Yes, I’d be delighted to.
- That’s good ide


Polite invitations
Checking someone is not busy
Are you free on Friday?
Are you busy on Friday?
What are you doing on Friday?
Would you like...?
Would you like
...a chocolate bar? come to my house for dinner?
I wondered / was wondering
I wondered
...if you'd like to come to my house for dinner
I was wondering
Other expressions
I would very much like it if you could come along
Shall I bring a bottle?


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