Kamis, 22 Januari 2015

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris A Medical Emergency

A Medical Emergency
A: What seems to be the problem?
B: Oh, my God! It’s my stomach. It’s killing me!
A: Where does it hurt the most?
B: Right here! It hurts right here!
A: How long has it felt like this?
B: I felt OK when I woke up, and then, suddenly, I had this really sharp pain.
A: Do you have a history of stomach pain?
B: No, and I haven’t done anything out of the ordinary.
A: Well, I think that we are going to have to get you to an emergency room right away.
B: Thank you for helping me.

A: Can you tell me where it hurts?
B: I am so glad they called you. It feels like something is really wrong with my stomach!
A: Does it hurt when I push here?
B: It’s mostly on my right side. Right here!
A: Have you been feeling this way for awhile?
B: I started feeling kind of sick last night after dinner, but this morning the pain got really bad!
A: Have you eaten anything unusual lately?
B: No, not that I remember.
A: We are going to take you to an emergency room right now.
B: I will feel better when I know what the problem is. Thank you.

A: Where are you feeling the pain?
B: I can’t stand up! My stomach is killing me!
A: Can you put your hand where it hurts the most?
B: It hurts smack in the middle of my gut!
A: Did this just come on suddenly?
B: I felt OK until an hour or so ago, and then I just doubled over.
A: Have you exercised strenuously or played sports recently?
B: No, and I don’t usually get a lot of stomachaches.
A: We need to get you to an emergency room to see what the problem is.
B: I think that that is the best way to figure out what is causing this. Thank you.

Going to an Emergency Room

A: Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you could drive me to the emergency room.
B: Of course. What is the problem?
A: I am running a really high fever of 105 degrees, and I have a rash on my stomach.
B: If you can, go and unlock the back door, so I can get in when I get there if you fall asleep.
A: I can do that when I get off of the phone.
B: Do you know where your driver’s license and insurance card are?
A: I already had them out before I called you.
B: Where is your nearest emergency room?
A: It’s just a few blocks away.
B: Fine, I am on my way. I’ll be there in about five minutes.

A: I hate to call you this late at night, but could you possibly help me get to the emergency room?
B: We will come right over. What happened?
A: My temperature went up to 105, and I have a rash!
B: Make sure that someone unlocks the back door, so I can get in if you fall asleep before I get there.
A: I will do that in a minute.
B: Make sure that you have your insurance card and driver’s license where we can grab them.
A: I know right where they both are.
B: Is there an emergency room near you?
A: It is on the other side of town, next to city hall.
B: I am on my way. Give me ten minutes and I’ll get to you.

A: I really need your help and want to know if you could drive me to the emergency room.
B: I will take you there right away. What is wrong?
A: I woke up with a rash and a temperature of 105!
B: I want to be able to get to you when I get there. If you can unlock the back door right now, that would be great.
A: I will make sure that I do that before you get here.
B: Also, make sure that we have your driver’s license and insurance card before we leave for the emergency room.
A: I am getting them out while I am speaking to you.
B: Do you know where your nearest emergency room is?
A: It is near the bridge that crosses over the river.
B: I am driving to you even as we speak. Hang in there!

A Stomachache

A: You don’t look so good.
B: I have a major stomachache
A: Did you eat something strange?
B: I had spaghetti with clam sauce for lunch.
A: Maybe you have food poisoning.
B: Yes, that could have been it, but I haven’t been feeling that great for the past few days.
A: Are you under a lot of stress?
B: Not really. Things have been going OK.
A: Maybe you have a touch of the flu.
B: I think that I might be getting the flu.

A: Are you feeling OK?
B: My stomach is bothering me.
A: What have you been eating?
B: I had a ham sandwich with mayonnaise for lunch.
A: Maybe the food had something wrong with it.
B: It could be bad food, but I didn’t feel so well yesterday, either.
A: Have you been under a lot of pressure lately?
B: I haven’t been under any more stress than usual.
A: Perhaps you have caught that bug that is going around.
B: I feel like maybe I am coming down with the flu.

A: You look kind of green.
B: I don’t feel so good. I am feeling sick to my stomach.
A: Have you had anything to eat lately?
B: I had fried shrimp and clams for lunch.
A: Perhaps the food was bad.
B: Perhaps, but I haven’t felt well for a few days now.
A: Has anything been upsetting you lately?
B: My stress level is pretty much what is usually is.
A: Do you think that maybe you are getting the flu?
B: It seems to me like I may have caught a bug.

A Toothache

A: What can I do for you today?
B: Doctor, I have the worst toothache!
A: How long have you had this pain?
B: For about a week or so, but it’s gotten really bad in the last couple of days.
A: Did you do anything that might have aggravated your tooth?
B: You know, I was eating jawbreakers in the movies the other day, and I accidentally bit down really hard on one.
A: What kind of toothbrush do you use?
B: I just use a regular hard bristle toothbrush.
A: Does it bother you when you eat something really cold?
B: Yes, it definitely bothers me more when I do that.

A: So what brings you to my office today?
B: My tooth is killing me!
A: How long has your tooth been bothering you?
B: It just started hurting me last night.
A: Have you injured your tooth in any way?
B: I think one of my fillings might be coming loose.
A: Do you have a special kind of toothbrush that you like to use?
B: I have an electric toothbrush.
A: Does it bother you when you eat something really sweet?
B: Oh yeah, when I do that, it hurts a lot more!

A: How have you been doing?
B: I can’t sleep or eat. I have a really bad pain in my tooth!
A: How long have you had this toothache?
B: It bothers me off and on, but it’s gotten much worse these past few weeks.
A: Is there anything that you’ve done to your tooth that might have caused the pain?
B: My girlfriend told me that I grind my teeth a lot when I sleep. Maybe that is the problem.
A: When you brush your teeth, what do you use?
B: I use a soft bristle toothbrush.
A: Does it bother you when you have to chew a lot?
B: Absolutely. That set it off big time!

Buying over-the-counter medicine
A: Excuse me, could you help me pick out a lotion?
B: Sure, what is the problem?
A: I got poison oak while hiking, and I need something to help me with the itching.
B: I can suggest a product called Technu that comes in a lotion or cream.
A: Which do you prefer?
B: Hikers tell me that the cream is best because it stays on longer.
A: Is there anything else I can do to help with the itching?
B: You can take an antihistamine.
A: Thank you so much for all of the information.
B: You are welcome. Please feel free to ask me a question any time you need help.

A: I need help picking out a lotion.
B: It would be my pleasure to help you. What do you need help with?
A: I picked up some poison oak while hiking, and I can’t stop itching.
B: We have Technu, and it is available in lotion or cream.
A: Do you find that one works better than the other?
B: I have heard that the cream is longer lasting.
A: Is there anything I can take that will help with the itching?
B: If you take an antihistamine, that would help a lot.
A: Thank you for helping me figure out what to do with my poison oak.
B: It was a pleasure. Come back anytime.

A: Can you help me find a lotion for a problem I am having?
B: That’s what I am here for. What questions can I answer for you?
A: I have poison oak, and I need help with the rash that won’t stop itching.
B: The best product is Technu, and you can buy either the lotion or cream.
A: Which one is best?
B: The cream form is very popular.
A: Can I do anything else to help with the itching?
B: You could also take an antihistamine to help the rash go away quicker.
A: I appreciate you helping me find a solution to the itching.
B: Anytime you have a question, please feel free to ask.
 Getting Your Prescription Filled
A: I need to get my prescription filled.
B: You may pick it up in twenty minutes.
A: If I wanted to, could I have it mailed to me?
B: Yes, and you can renew this prescription by phone.
A: Are there any special instructions about this medication?
B: Take it three times a day.
A: Can I take it with food?
B: You should take this medicine with food and no alcohol.
A: Are there any side effects with this medication?
B: You might get a little dizzy, but that is it.

A: I am here to get my prescription filled.
B: Your prescription will be ready in twenty minutes.
A: Do you ever deliver prescriptions by mail?
B: Yes, in fact, you can renew this prescription over the Internet and have it delivered to your home.
A: How should I take this medication?
B: You should take it twice a day.
A: Should I avoid alcohol with this medication?
B: You need something in your stomach when you take it. Don’t drink alcohol with this medication.
A: Should I expect any side effects?
B: Sometimes you might feel dizzy, but that isn’t common.

A: I am dropping off my prescription to get it filled.
B: You can come back in twenty minutes, and it will be ready.
A: If I couldn’t wait, could the prescription be mailed to me?
B: Yes, you can have it delivered or filled at any location in our HMO.
A: When should I take this medication?
B: You need to take it at bedtime.
A: Should I take this medicine on an empty stomach?
B: Don’t mix alcohol with this medication, but you can take it with or without food.
A: What are the side effects of this medication?
B: You might feel a little dizzy at first, but it should pass.
 Normal Test Results
A: Hi, I was wondering if you have my test results in.
B: I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, but I want you to log onto our website for a printout of all of the details.
A: So, basically, I am OK?
B: If there were any major problems, I would always notify you by phone to come in.
A: What will I learn when I see the results on the website?
B: A description of each test is given on the site.
A: What will the numbers tell me?
B: The website will give you a normal range and then tell you what your results are.
A: Are all of my test results on that site?
B: Your entire test history is on the site. You can compare your results from other years.

A: Hello, could you tell me my test results?
B: Your results are posted on the website. Just put in your password and you can see the exact numbers.
A: Are you saying that all my results were normal?
B: We always contact you by phone to come in if there is a need for follow-up.
A: How will I know what the results mean on the website?
B: The purpose of each test is given on the site.
A: Will the numbers mean anything to me?
B: The website will give you your results and then tell you what the normal range is.
A: Can I see all of my test results at once?
B: Yes, you can see every test for the past five years. You can compare them.

A: Hi, I think I was supposed to call for my test results today.
B: If you go onto our website and put in your password, you can access your test results.
A: Are you saying that there weren’t any problems?
B: I will always have you come in for a discussion if there is a major problem.
A: Will I be able to read the results on the website and understand them?
B: Yes, if you go there, you can see what each test is about.
A: How will I know what the numbers mean?
B: You can see your results and how they compare to the normal range.
A: How can I see test results from tests I have taken before?
B: We put all of your test results up in the same place. Just check the dates for what you need.

Calling in Sick

A: Good morning, is this Ryan?
B: You are speaking with Ryan. How can I help you?
A: Ryan, this is Malia, and I need to call in sick today.
B: What seems to be the problem?
A: I went hiking and have terrible poison oak.
B: When did you get that?
A: I think I got it on Saturday, but it just showed up today.
B: What are you doing for it?
A: The doctor prescribed an ointment and gave me a shot.
B: Good. You probably should be much better by tomorrow.

A: Hi, may I speak to Ryan, please?
B: This is Ryan you are speaking with. What can I do for you?
A: Hi, Ryan, this is Malia, and I will not be coming to work today.
B: What is wrong with you?
A: I have really bad poison oak and can’t stop itching.
B: How long have you had it?
A: I’ve had it a few days, but the rash really got bad last night.
B: How have you been treating it?
A: I have some lotion that the doctor gave me, as well as an antihistamine.
B: That should work. I’ll see you tomorrow when you return to work.

A: Hello, I would like to speak with Ryan.
B: This is Ryan. How may I help you?
A: Ryan, this is Malia, and I am afraid that I am feeling a bit under the weather.
B: Do you know what the problem is?
A: I have a horrible rash from poison oak.
B: Have you had it a long time?
A: The doctor said that I probably have had it a few days.
B: Have you been using anything for it?
A: I bought some over-the-counter lotion, and I am taking an antihistamine.
B: That will probably take care of your symptoms. I’ll see you tomorrow.

Missing classes

A: Hi, is this Professor Clark’s office?
B: This is Professor Clark speaking.
A: Hi, this is Kalia from your morning literature class.
B: Yes, what can I do for you?
A: I had a skydiving accident over the weekend and won’t be able to come to school today.
B: My goodness! Are you OK?
A: I broke my leg, but it is healing.
B: How long will you be out of class?
A: I should be able to return by next Monday.
B: Fine. Well, thanks for calling and letting me know you will be absent. I hope you feel better soon.

A: Good morning, may I speak with Professor Clark, please?
B: You are speaking with Professor Clark.
A: Professor, I am Kalia from your morning literature class.
B: Yes, how can I help you?
A: I ran my car into a tree yesterday and need to miss a few days of school.
B: Oh, my God! I hope you are all right.
A: I have a concussion, but I will be OK.
B: How much school will you miss?
A: I only need to take this week off.
B: I appreciate you calling and telling me that you won’t be in class. See you next week!

A: Hello, is this Professor Clark?
B: Yes, I am Professor Clark.
A: Hello, Professor, this is Kalia, and I am in your literature class on Monday mornings.
B: Yes, how are you doing?
A: I was partying hard over the weekend, fell down the stairs, and need time to recuperate.
B: That sounds painful. Are you going to be OK?
A: I sprained my wrist, but the doctor says it will be fine.
B: How many days will you be out of school?
A: The doctor said I should be good enough to return next week.
B: I am glad you let me know that you will be missing class. Get well!

Discussing Test Results

A: Hi, I was wondering if I could get my test results from the other day.
B: Yes, I would like to schedule an appointment for you to come in and talk with me.
A: Is something wrong with me?
B: No, sometimes the test results aren’t clear and we need to do more to get a clearer picture.
A: Can we talk about it now?
B: I would if I knew anything for sure, but I want to take a second look.
A: When can I come and see you?
B: You can come in this afternoon. If you would feel better, bring your husband with you.
A: Now I know that something bad is up!
B: Just relax. We will talk about it this afternoon.

A: Hello, the nurse said that you might have my test results in from the other day.
B: I would like for you to come in and talk about a few more tests that I would like to run.
A: Does this mean that you have bad news for me?
B: I just want to talk to you about the tests that I want to run.
A: Can’t you just tell me now?
B: I don’t know anything for certain. We always do a double check if there is a question.
A: I want to see you right away.
B: You can come in this afternoon. If you are feeling too stressed, feel free to bring a friend along.
A: I know for sure that something is wrong!
B: Don’t worry about a thing; we are just taking a second look and talking.

A: Hi, the lab said that you would be getting my test results in today.
B: I want you to come in and discuss some further tests that I would like to run.
A: I think that this is a bad sign.
B: For now, I would like to run a few more tests to look into some of the problems that you mentioned.
A: Why wouldn’t you tell me over the phone?
B: If there is any question about test results, we always do a recheck.
A: I need to come in right away.
B: I would be happy to see you this afternoon. If you are feeling upset, please bring a friend or relative along.
A: You are scaring me!
B: Come on in this afternoon and we will talk. It will be fine!

Changing an Appointment Time

A: Hi, I have a doctor’s appointment scheduled with Dr. Smith, and I need to change it.
B: What day did you have it scheduled for?
A: My appointment was on Tuesday.
B: What time was it scheduled for?
A: It was for two o’clock in the afternoon.
B: I see your appointment. What day would you like to switch to?
A: I would like to switch it to next Friday.
B: What time would you like?
A: I would like to come in at 10:00 in the morning.
B: Fine, I will pencil that in right now. We will see you then.

A: Hello, I scheduled an appointment with Dr. Smith, and I can’t make it on that day.
B: What day was your appointment on?
A: My appointment was on Monday.
B: What time had you chosen?
A: It was for 10:00 in the morning.
B: I am looking at your appointment right now. What day would you prefer?
A: I would prefer next Thursday.
B: What time would be best for you?
A: I want to come in at 2:00 in the afternoon.
B: I am writing you down for that time. We look forward to seeing you.

A: Good morning, I made an appointment with Dr. Smith, but I have to change it.
B: When you made your appointment, what day did you choose?
A: My appointment was on Wednesday.
B: At what time was that appointment?
A: It was for 4:00 in the afternoon.
B: I can see the appointment that you had. What day do you need to change to?
A: I want to change to next Tuesday.
B: What time would you prefer?
A: I would prefer three o’clock in the afternoon.
B: I will put you down for that time. Thank you for calling to reschedule.

Going Home Early Because Of Being Ill

A: Professor, excuse me, but I need to leave early.
B: What seems to be the problem?
A: I am not feeling well.
B: What is bothering you?
A: I think I am beginning to have an asthma attack.
B: Would you like someone to walk you over to the Student Health Center?
A: No, I think that I should just go home because I have some medicine there.
B: Do you need a ride home?
A: I live in the dorms across the street, so I’ll be OK.
B: OK, then, hope you feel better soon. Check your e-mail for missed assignments.

A: Excuse me, professor. I need to go home now.
B: Is everything OK?
A: I just feel funny.
B: What exactly seems to be the matter?
A: I have a terrible headache.
B: Do you think that you should go to the Student Health Center?
A: I already have some medicine at home if I could just get there.
B: Do you need someone to drive you home?
A: Thank you, but the bus stops right at my house.
B: Well, go home and rest up. Make sure you check the website for your assignments.

A: I am sorry, but I cannot stay for the rest of class today.
B: Why do you need to leave early?
A: I don’t feel so good.
B: What doesn’t feel right?
A: I feel as if I am going to be sick to my stomach.
B: Perhaps you should get checked out at the Student Health Center before you go home.
A: I have some medicine at home that I could take.
B: Are you going to be OK to drive home, or would you like someone to go with you?
A: Thank you, but my friend is in the library, and he can give me a ride home.
B: We hope that you are feeling better soon. E-mail me if you have any questions.

Having a Blood Test in the Lab

A: The doctor sent me over here to have my blood drawn.
B: Certainly, please have a seat and roll up your left sleeve.
A: What is this test for?
B: Well, today your doctor wants us to check your white blood cell count.
A: What does that tell him?
B: Well, if it is elevated, you might have an infection.
A: Will the blood test hurt?
B: It is only a little pin stick. I am going to put a tourniquet on your arm to puff your veins up.
A: Ouch!
B: There we go! I got the blood that I needed.

A: My doctor says that I need a blood test.
B: I can help you with that. Just have a seat and roll up your left sleeve.
A: What are you taking my blood for?
B: Your doctor has requested a check of your white blood count.
A: What information does that give him?
B: If your white blood cell count is off, it could signal an infection somewhere in your body.
A: Is a blood test painful?
B: I am putting a tourniquet on your arm to plump up the vein. It will only feel like a little pin prick.
A: Oh, my God, that hurts!
B: That was it! Thank you for coming in today.

A: I came to this lab to have my blood drawn.
B: You are in the right place. Roll up your left sleeve and have a seat.
A: What am I being tested for?
B: Your doctor wants to know what your white blood cell count is.
A: What does my white blood cell count tell him?
B: Usually if your white count is off, the doctor suspects an infection.
A: How much will it hurt?
B: It is only a pin prick. I have to put this tourniquet on your arm to make the vein easier to find.
A: Is that my blood going into that tube?
B: That blood that just filled the tube is all that I needed. Thanks for coming in!

Making a Doctor’s Appointment

A: Hi, I need to make an appointment to see the doctor.
B: What seems to be the problem?
A: I have a rash that I need a doctor to look at.
B: Do you have a fever with that rash?
A: No, it just itches a lot.
B: I have openings on Tuesday or Wednesday. Which would be best for you?
A: I need an appointment on Tuesday.
B: Fine, I am putting you down for 9:00 on that day. Would you like to see Dr. Smith or Dr. Jones?
A: I would like to see Dr. Jones.
B: I can schedule you with him with no problem. We look forward to seeing you.

A: Good morning, I would like to make a doctor’s appointment.
B: Can you describe your health concern?
A: I have been having skin problems that aren’t going away.
B: Are you in any pain?
A: No. Except for the rash, I feel fine.
B: Would Tuesday or Wednesday be best for you?
A: I would like to come in on Tuesday.
B: I will write you in for that day at 4:00. You can see either Dr. Smith or Dr. Jones.
A: I would like to see Dr. Smith.
B: I will write you in on that doctor’s schedule. See you then.

A: Hello, I need to come in and see the doctor.
B: Are you scheduling a check-up, or are you ill?
A: I have really itchy skin and think I may have to have it looked at.
B: Have you been feeling any joint aches with that rash?
A: No, but I have a low fever.
B: I have times available for Tuesday or Wednesday. Which one would work best for you?
A: I want to come in on Wednesday.
B: I can fit you in on that day at 10:00. Dr. Smith or Dr. Jones is available.
A: I would prefer Dr. Smith.
B: You can see the doctor of your choice then, and we will see you at your scheduled appointment time.

Blood Pressure

A: Have you been having any problems lately?
B: No, but the nurse at school says that I should have my blood pressure checked.
A: Do you have a history of high blood pressure?
B: No, I have never been told that I have high blood pressure.
A: High blood pressure is called the silent killer because it hardly ever has symptoms.
B: How do you check for high blood pressure?
A: We are going to use this cuff here, and it will give me a reading.
B: What do the numbers mean?
A: They tell me how much your heart is working at rest and when pumping blood.
B: Good. That will help me know how I am doing.

A: How have you been feeling lately?
B: I’ve been feeling a little light-headed lately.
A: Has your blood pressure been high before?
B: If I have high blood pressure, it is news to me.
A: Usually people with high blood pressure have no symptoms, so we call it the silent killer.
B: What do you use to check for high blood pressure?
A: I am going to put a cuff on you to get a reading.
B: What does the reading tell you?
A: I get an idea of the pressure in your arteries when your heart is pumping blood versus at rest.
B: I hope that the test results show me to be really healthy.

A: Have you been feeling OK lately?
B: My coach wants you to check my blood pressure.
A: Has anyone ever told you that you had high blood pressure?
B: I don’t have any symptoms of high blood pressure.
A: People with high blood pressure seldom know they have it, which is why we call it the silent killer.
B: What test do you do for high blood pressure?
A: We will pump air into this cuff to get a reading.
B: When you get the reading, what information does it give you?
A: It tells me how hard your heart pumps blood and how much your arteries relax at rest.
B: I am hoping that this test goes well for me.

Not Feeling Well

A: So, how are you feeling today?
B: I’m pretty tired. I haven’t been sleeping well.
A: Do you have enough time to get the right amount of sleep?
B: I have enough time. I just can’t seem to fall asleep and stay asleep.
A: What time do you usually go to bed?
B: I don’t have one time in particular. I just go to sleep whenever I feel tired.
A: Have you been under a lot of stress lately?
B: I just lost my job, and I am unsure about being able to find another one.
A: Have you ever tried doing relaxation exercises before you go to bed?
B: I haven’t ever tried that, but it sounds like a good idea.

Physical Check-up

A: Good morning, how are you doing today?
B: I have been feeling pretty good, Dr. Smith.
A: So, I can see by your chart that you are here for your annual physical.
B: Yes, I am playing on the tennis team this year, and they are requiring me to get a physical exam.
A: We are basically going to check your heart, lungs, blood sugar levels, and eyes, ears, and nose.
B: I’ve kind of been having problems being out of breath. Can you look at that?
A: Yes, I will check you for asthma, and maybe we can check you for allergies later.
B: Thank you. What will the blood test tell you?
A: We will be checking for blood sugar, cholesterol, and white blood cell count.
B: I have been working hard to stay healthy. I hope the tests turn out well.

A: Hello, so how are we feeling today?
B: Things are going well for me, Dr. Smith.
A: Am I correct in thinking that you are here for your annual physical?
B: Yes, I am applying for new health insurance, and I need a physical examination to qualify.
A: Your basic physical exam will include lungs, heart, blood levels, and eyes, ears, and nose.
B: I’ve been having a little trouble breathing. Would you look into that, please?
A: We can do an allergy test, and later I can send you for an asthma test.
B: I would appreciate it. When you give me a blood test, what are you looking for?
A: I am going to check your cholesterol, blood sugar, and white blood cell count.
B: I am expecting the tests to go well. I have been taking good care of myself.

A: Nice to see you; how have you been feeling lately?
B: I have been feeling great, Dr. Smith.
A: I am happy that you have decided to come in for your annual physical.
B: Yes, I am going on a cross-country bike ride on vacation and want to make sure that I don’t have any problems.
A: We are going to look at your heart and lungs, do a few blood tests, and see that your eyes, ears, and nose are all working as they should be.
B: I’ve been having trouble with congestion in my chest. Can you give me some tests for that?
A: I can do a chest X-ray to check for congestion.
B: That would be great. What is the blood test for?
A: The blood test is for cholesterol, white blood cell count, and blood sugar.
B: I have been feeling great. I don’t imagine that any of my tests will turn out badly.

Seeing a Doctor in an Emergency

A: Hello, I need a doctor’s appointment right away!
B: Is this an emergency?
A: I am having trouble breathing.
B: Have you had a cold lately?
A: It has been going on for a few days now.
B: You should hang up and dial 911.
A: I don’t think that this is that bad, but I need to see a doctor right away.
B: Is there someone who can drive you to our Urgent Care facility on Sunset Blvd.?
A: Yes, I can get a ride to Urgent Care.
B: Good. When you get there, a doctor will be able to see you right away.

A: Hi, I need to see a doctor soon!
B: Do you feel this is an emergency?
A: My chest feels tight, and I can’t catch my breath.
B: Did this come on suddenly?
A: It started yesterday.
B: If you feel this is a real emergency, you should dial 911 for the paramedics.
A: I don’t want to dial 911, but I want to see a doctor right now.
B: Do you have transportation to our Urgent Care facility on Sunset Blvd.?
A: My friend can drive me to Urgent Care.
B: That will work out well. Remember, if you have major problems, call 911.

A: Hello, I have to see the doctor right now!
B: What makes you feel this is an emergency?
A: I feel like I can’t breathe well.
B: How long has this been going on?
A: It started last night.
B: In the event of a real emergency, please dial 911.
A: I know that I can dial 911, but I just want to go to the doctor now.
B: In that case, can you come to our Urgent Care facility on Sunset Blvd.?
A: My family can bring me to Urgent Care.
B: Come in right away, and they will see you as soon as possible.

Taking an X-ray

A: I was told to come to you to get a chest X-ray.
B: No problem. Just take your clothes off from the waist up and put the gown on, with the opening in the back.
A: Then what should I do?
B: You will stand over here up against this plate.
A: Should I just stand naturally?
B: You will raise your arms up shoulder high.
A: Is this all right?
B: Yes, you are doing great.
A: Where will you be going?
B: I need to stand behind this shield. Now you will take a deep breath, hold it, and let it out.
A: Is that it?
B: That’s it. You can get dressed when the film is developed.

A: My doctor said that I need a chest X-ray.
B: Just take your clothes off from the waist up and put this gown on, with the opening in the back.
A: What should I do after that?
B: You need to come over here and face this plate.
A: Am I standing the right way?
B: I will need your arms raised to shoulder height.
A: Am I doing this the right way?
B: Everything you are doing is perfect.
A: Are you going to leave?
B: I am just getting behind this screen. You need to take a deep breath, hold it, and then breathe normally.
A: Is that all there is to it?
B: You can get dressed as soon as the film is processed. We will be all done here.

A: I came here to get a chest X-ray.
B: I will need you to take your clothes off from the waist up and put on the gown, leaving the opening in the back.
A: What comes next?
B: I will need you to face this glass plate right over here.
A: Should I do anything else?
B: Your arms need to be raised to shoulder height.
A: Is this OK?
B: So far, so good.
A: How come you are walking away?
B: I am not leaving. I just need you to take a really deep breath, hold it, and then let it out.
A: Will I be finished then?
B: You will be able to put your clothes on as soon as I have checked the film.

Talking to The Doctor about Your Problems

A: Hello, how are you doing today?
B: I’ve been having trouble breathing lately.
A: Have you had any type of cold lately?
B: No, I haven’t had a cold. I just have a heavy feeling in my chest when I try to breathe.
A: Do you have any allergies that you know of?
B: No, I don’t have any allergies that I know of.
A: Does this happen all the time or mostly when you are active?
B: It happens a lot when I work out.
A: I am going to send you to a pulmonary specialist who can run tests on you for asthma.
B: Thank you for your help, doctor.

A: Hi, what brings you to my office today?
B: I’ve been getting really short of breath, and my coach wanted to have a doctor check me out.
A: Have you had the flu lately?
B: No, I have been pretty healthy. I just have trouble taking a really deep breath.
A: Have you ever been tested for allergies?
B: Peaches make me break out, but I don’t have any other allergies.
A: Does this happen all the time or maybe a little more in the cold weather?
B: I’ve noticed that it is worse when I am under stress, like during finals week.
A: I feel that you should see a pulmonary specialist to check for asthma.
B: I appreciate the referral, doctor.

A: Good morning, how have you been doing?
B: I haven’t been able to take a deep breath lately, and I need to know why.
A: Have you had any type of bug lately?
B: No, I’ve been feeling fairly good most of the time. It just is hard to breathe.
A: Has anyone ever told you that you have allergies?
B: No one has ever checked me for allergies.
A: Does this happen more when you are under stress?
B: When the weather gets really cold, it gets worse.
A: I am going to refer you to a pulmonary specialist who can run tests on you for asthma.
B: Thank you for pursuing this. I appreciate your help.

How to Stay Healthy

A: Doctor, can you give me some suggestions on how to stay healthy?
B: Well, first of all, you need to make sure that you eat the right foods.
A: What are the best foods to eat?
B: You should emphasize fresh fruits and vegetables, along with whole grains and protein.
A: What should I avoid?
B: You need to avoid highly fatty and greasy foods. You should also avoid too much sugar and caffeine.
A: What else is important to stay healthy?
B: You need to get plenty of exercise every day. If you smoke, you need to stop.
A: Is it OK to drink alcohol?
B: Actually, studies have shown that people who have one-half a glass of alcohol per day do better than those who don’t drink.

A: Doctor, what is the best way to stay healthy?
B: Having a good diet is probably the most important thing.
A: It is very confusing to know what to eat.
B: You need plenty of fruits and vegetables, small amounts of protein, and whole grains.
A: Are there certain things that I should avoid?
B: You shouldn’t consume too much sugar or caffeine. Also, watch your intake of fatty food.
A: After watching my diet, what else should I do?
B: You need to stop smoking, and make sure that you get 30 minutes of exercise every day.
A: Can I have a glass of wine now and then?
B: As long as you don’t overdo it, a glass of wine a day should be OK.

A: Doctor, what are some things I can do to stay as healthy as I can be?
B: You need to eat healthy foods and avoid unhealthy foods.
A: Sometimes I don’t know what the best foods are.
B: Fresh fruits and vegetables are important, along with protein and whole grains.
A: What things should I avoid?
B: You don’t want to eat food that is high in fat. You need to avoid caffeine and sugar.
A: Beyond diet, what else can I do to be healthy?
B: Getting 30 minutes of exercise a day is important. If you smoke, you need to stop.
A: How about having a beer on the weekend?
B: Less than a serving of alcohol a day can actually be good for you. Do not overdo it!

Prescribing Medicine

A: Is there a medication you can prescribe to help me with my problem?
B: There are various choices of blood pressure medication that we can try.
A: What is available?
B: We could start with Hydrochlorothiazide, which is a diuretic.
A: Are there many side effects?
B: There really are not many side effects. You need to drink a lot of water when you take this pill.
A: Is that the only medication I need to take?
B: It might be, but for a while I also want you to take an ACE inhibitor, Lisinopril.
A: What are the side effects of that drug?
B: You may have a little bit of a dry cough, but you will feel much better.

A: Can I get some medicine to help me?
B: For your high blood pressure, we have several choices of medications.
A: What types of drugs can I try?
B: Hydrochlorothiazide is a diuretic that helps with water retention.
A: What about side effects from that medication?
B: Most people have no side effects. You will have to make sure that you drink plenty of liquids with this medication.
A: Do I only need to take that one drug?
B: I am going to add a second drug for now, Lisinopril, which is an ACE inhibitor.
A: What can I expect when I take that medication?
B: You will feel much better except for the fact that you might have a little cough.

A: What about a medication to help me with my problem?
B: There are several types of medications that we can try for your high blood pressure.
A: What types of medications would be best?
B: For water retention, I am going to start you on Hydrochlorothiazide, which is a diuretic.
A: What are the side effects from taking that drug,
B: You need to stay hydrated on this drug, but most people experience little side effects.
A: Will that one medication take care of all of my problems?
B: For now I want you to take a second drug, Lisinopril, an ACE inhibitor.
A: Am I going to experience any complications with that drug?
B: The most you will experience will be a dry cough but you probably won’t experience anything negative.

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