Jumat, 30 Januari 2015

Percakapan B. Inggris kegiatan Sehari hari


A: Did you go to the basketball game on Friday?
B: No, I couldn't make it.
A: You missed a really good game.
B: Oh, really? Who won?
A: Our school did. They played really well.
B: Too bad I was busy. I really wanted to go.
A: Yeah, you should have. It was really exciting.
B: So what was the score?
A: The score was 101-98.
B: Man, that was a really close game.
A: That's what made it so great.
B: I'll make sure and make it to the next one.

A: Were you able to attend Friday night's basketball game?
B: I was unable to make it.
A: You should have been there. It was intense.
B: Is that right. Who ended up winning?
A: Our team was victorious.
B: I wish I was free that night. I'm kind of mad that I didn't go.
A: It was a great game.
B: What was the score at the end of the game?
A: Our team won 101-98.
B: Sounds like it was a close game.
A: That's the reason it was such a great game.
B: The next game, I will definitely be there.

A: I was meaning to ask you if you saw the basketball game on Friday.
B: I wanted to go, but I couldn't.
A: It was a great game.
B: It's too bad that I couldn't make it. Who won?
A: Our team played hard and won.
B: I really wish I went to the game.
A: It was the best game ever.
B: So tell me the final score.
A: The other team lost by three points, 101-98.
B: It must've been a close game.
A: It really was. You should've gone.
B: Hopefully, I'll make it to the next one.

Invitation to a Movie

A: What are you doing this weekend?
B: I'm going to the movies with a friend. How about you?
A: I'm not sure yet.
B: Well, did you want to go see a movie with me?
A: What movie are you going to see?
B: I'm not sure yet. Is there something you want to see?
A: There's nothing I can think of.
B: So, did you want to go?
A: No, thanks, maybe another time.
B: Okay, sounds good.

A: Do you know what you're going to do this weekend?
B: I am going to see a movie with a friend of mine. What about you?
A: I don't know.
B: Would you like to see a movie with me and my friend?
A: Do you know what movie you're going to watch?
B: I don't know, but was there a certain movie you wanted to see?
A: None that I can think of.
B: Well, would you like to go?
A: Thank you for inviting me, but I think I'll pass.
B: All right. Another time then.

A: You have any ideas as to what you want to do this weekend?
B: I'm going to the movie theater with my friend. What are you going to do?
A: I'm not quite sure yet.
B: How about you see a movie with me and my friend?
A: What movie are you and your friend planning on watching?
B: Not sure. Is there a movie out that catches your eye?
A: No good movies come to mind.
B: Have you decided whether or not you would like to go?
A: No, thanks. Maybe another time.
B: For sure another day.

A Sick Classmate

A: Did you go to school today?
B: Yeah, I went to school today. Were you there?
A: No, I didn't go, I've been sick.
B: That sucks. Did you want the assignments from English class?
A: That would be nice, thank you.
B: No problem, you're welcome.
A: I will be glad to do the same for you when you're sick.
B: Well, thank you. I hope to see you at school tomorrow.

A: Have you attended school today?
B: I attended school today. Did you?
A: I wasn't able to attend school because I was feeling ill.
B: I'm sorry to hear that. Would you like the assignments from English class?
A: I would really appreciate that, thanks.
B: It's no trouble at all.
A: If you get sick, I'll return the favor.
B: Thanks. See you at school tomorrow if you feel better.

A: Have you gone to school today?
B: I went to school today. Did you go to school?
A: I couldn't go to school today, I was sick.
B: That's horrible. I'd be happy to give you the assignments from English class.
A: Thank you very much, that's kind of you.
B: Don't mention it.
A: When you miss a day of school, I'll be happy to give you the English assignments.
B: That is greatly appreciated and I hope you feel well enough to go to school tomorrow.

Sharing News and Information

A: Did you hear the news?
B: What happened?
A: Our cousin went into labor and had her baby last week.
B: She did? Why didn't anyone tell me?
A: I would've thought that somebody would have told you.
B: No, I had no idea.
A: Well, she did, her baby was 8 pounds 6 ounces.
B: Oh my God, that's great!
A: Are you going to go and visit her and the baby?
B: I think that I might.
A: Good! I just thought I'd let you know.
B: Thanks for telling me.

A: Have you heard what happened?
B: Heard what?
A: Debrah already had her baby.
B: I didn't know that.
A: I thought you knew.
B: I honestly didn't know.
A: The baby was 8 pounds 6 ounces.
B: That's good to hear.
A: Will you go and visit them?
B: Of course I will.
A: I just wanted to give you the good news.
B: Thanks for letting me know.

A: Have you heard the news?
B: I haven't heard anything.
A: Debrah had her baby last week.
B: Nobody told me.
A: I thought you heard.
B: I really wasn't told anything.
A: She was a cute 8 pounds 6 ounces.
B: Wow, how exciting.
A: I know, you should really go and see her and the baby.
B: Of course I will.
A: I just wanted to let you know what happened.
B: I appreciate that.

Changing the Subject

A: Did you go to school today?
B: Of course. Did you?
A: I didn't want to, so I didn't.
B: That's sad, but have you gone to the movies recently?
A: That's a switch.
B: I'm serious, have you?
A: No, I haven't. Why?
B: I really want to go to the movies this weekend.
A: So go then.
B: I really don't want to go by myself.
A: Well anyway, do you plan on going to school tomorrow?
B: No, I think I'm going to go to the movies.

A: Did you make it to school today?
B: I always do. Did you go to school today?
A: No, I didn't.
B: You should have, but have you seen any movies lately?
A: That was an odd change of subject.
B: Maybe it was, but answer the question.
A: No, not recently.
B: I want to go to see a movie this weekend.
A: What's stopping you then?
B: I don't want to go alone.
A: So, will you be at school tomorrow?
B: No, I want to go to the movies instead.

A: Did you even bother to go to school today?
B: Yeah, I went. Did you go?
A: No, I didn't feel like it.
B: That's nice, have you been to the movies lately?
A: No, but that was a random change of subject.
B: It may have been random, but have you?
A: I haven't lately.
B: I would love to catch a movie this weekend.
A: So then, why don't you just go?
B: I don't want to see a movie by myself.
A: Okay, so are you going to school tomorrow?
B: I think I might just go to the movies.

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