Kamis, 22 Januari 2015

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Asking for Permission

Asking for Permission  

A: I was wondering if I could borrow the company van for a fundraiser this weekend.
B: Sure, I think that would be possible. Where is the fundraiser?
A: It is in the park downtown.
B: Would you need it for both Saturday and Sunday?
A: We will need it for Saturday only.
B: I think that would be OK. Who will be driving it?
A: Mary and I will be driving the van.
B: Could you drop it off on Sunday night?
A: Yes, we can do that. Can we borrow the chairs from the lunchroom also?
B: Yes, that would be fine. Just make sure that everything is returned by Sunday night.

A: Our unit is participating in a fundraiser this weekend and would like to borrow the van, if possible.
B: I would need to check on that. Where is the fundraiser?
A: It will be at the beach by the pier.
B: What day will you need it for?
A: We will only be needing it for Sunday.
B: Maybe that could work. I need to know who will be driving it.
A: The only two drivers will be Mary and I.
B: If I give you the keys to the garage, could you bring it back on Sunday evening?
A: Sure. We also would like to use the chairs from the lunchroom. Would that be OK?
B: OK, but make sure that everything is back by Sunday night at the latest.

A: Could we borrow the company van for a fundraiser this weekend?
B: That would be a possibility. Where is this fundraiser taking place?
A: It is in the hotel ballroom down the street.
B: Do you need it for the whole weekend?
A: We will need it for both days.
B: We will need to know who will be driving the van.
A: The van will be driven by Mary and me.
B: It needs to be back on Sunday night. Can you arrange for that?
A: Oh yeah, no problem. Would you mind if we borrowed a few of the chairs from the lunchroom.
B: Just keep track of everything and get it all back where you took it from by Sunday evening.

Agreement and Disagreement  

A: I was thinking of holding the company retreat in the mountains.
B: I agree, I think that that would be perfect!
A: I was thinking it could take place sometime in January.
B: That might be a little too cold for some people.
A: Yes, you are right.
B: What about April? April has good weather that isn't too cold or too hot.
A: Yes, that would work out better.
B: You know, maybe we could take a survey to see how that works for everyone.
A: Good idea! We'll have to get right on it.
B: Fine! Well, I'll get right on it now!

A: I think that the company retreat should be in the mountains this year.
B: What a great idea!
A: January would be a good month for a mountain retreat.
B: I like the mountain idea, but I am not so sure about the month of January.
A: You know, now that I think about it, you might be right.
B: April might be nice. It is far enough away to make the necessary arrangements.
A: That is a good suggestion.
B: We could ask everyone what would be the best time for them.
A: Yeah, that would let us know what would work best.
B: I'll put the survey online this afternoon.

A: The Mountains would be a great place for the company retreat.
B: That's a wonderful choice.
A: I have chosen January as the month for this retreat.
B: January is a little too close to the Christmas holidays.
A: Yes, maybe another choice might be better.
B: I think that April would work. Spring is a lovely time to be in the mountains.
A: Thank you for thinking of that.
B: Maybe if we asked around we could see what people would prefer.
A: That is a good idea.
B: I'll take care of taking the survey and get back to you with the answers.

Likes and Dislikes  
A: Whoa, look at all those ice cream choices!
B: Yes, that is a lot of choices. What is your favorite?
A: I love anything with chocolate the best.
B: I like chocolate myself.
A: Is there any kind of ice cream you don't like?
B: I really don't like any ice cream with nuts in it.
A: I haven't ever cared for that myself.
B: Have you ever had garlic ice cream?
A: That sounds absolutely disgusting!
B: It was. Let's stick with the regular choices today, though.

A: There are so many flavors of ice cream to choose from!
B: Yes, there must be about a hundred. Do you have a favorite?
A: I love fruit flavored ices the best.
B: Yes, fresh fruit flavored is the best ever.
A: What is your least favorite ice cream?
B: I don't like peppermint ice cream.
A: Yeah, I know what you mean.
B: One time, I tried garlic ice cream.
A: That could be interesting.
B: That doesn't sound like a good choice for today. Let's order!

A: I have never seen so many flavors of ice cream in one place!
B: There certainly are a lot. Can you choose a favorite?
A: Vanilla with toppings is my favorite.
B: Is there anything as good as a hot fudge sundae?
A: No way!
B: I don't like ice cream with too many different flavors in it.
A: I agree with that, it just doesn't work for me.
B: I saw garlic ice cream on the menu once.
A: I think that that would be horrible!
B: I think I'll stick with a more traditional choice today!

Making Promises  

A: I need help preparing for my presentation on Friday.
B: I could help you with that.
A: Are you sure you have the time?
B: I promise you that I have the time to do this. If I didn't, I wouldn't offer to help.
A: What would be the best time for you to help me?
B: Tomorrow night would work for me.
A: Should we just meet here?
B: OK, and I'll bring some information that helped me with my presentation.
A: I'll see you then.
B: See you tomorrow night.

A: Could you help me prepare for my presentation on Friday?
B: I would love to help you prepare for your presentation.
A: I hate to ask you to do something like that.
B: This will not interfere with my work. I promise you that.
A: When could we get together?
B: I could easily give you some time tomorrow night.
A: Would you like to meet at the coffee house next door?
B: Yes, and could you write down anything you might be having trouble with?
A: I'll come prepared.
B: Goodbye until then. I promise you that you'll do well after we meet.

A: I am a little nervous about my presentation on Friday.
B: If you would like me to, I could help you with that.
A: Wouldn't that take you away from your project?
B: I have plenty of time to do this. I promise you it won't be a problem for me.
A: Is there a good time for you to help me?
B: If we work on this tomorrow night, you could easily be ready for Friday.
A: How about meeting in my office?
B: That would work out well. Bring any concerns that you might have.
A: Sounds like you'll be able to help me a lot.
B: Don't worry. Everything will go well. I promise!


A: What do you feel like eating this morning?
B: I usually just have a bowl of cereal.
A: The most important meal of the day is breakfast.
B: Yeah, but I don't usually have time to eat a big breakfast.
A: You can always make an easy breakfast.
B: What do you make?
A: All I make is oatmeal, toast, and some orange juice.
B: That sounds pretty good.
A: I like it, and it's a fast meal.
B: That is a very quick meal to make.
A: I can make it for you if you like.
B: Oatmeal and toast sounds good to me.

A: What are you going to have for breakfast?
B: I just have some cereal each morning.
A: You're supposed to always have a hearty breakfast.
B: I don't always have time to make breakfast.
A: It's easy to make a quick breakfast.
B: What do you have for breakfast?
A: When I need to make a quick breakfast, I just make some oatmeal, toast, and OJ.
B: That's a good idea.
A: It's not time consuming at all.
B: It doesn't take much time to make?
A: Would you like me to make something?
B: Why don't you make me some oatmeal and toast?

A: What do you want to eat for breakfast?
B: All I usually have is some cereal for breakfast.
A: You know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day?
B: I sometimes run late in the morning, and can't make breakfast.
A: That's not a good excuse.
B: Tell me what you eat in the morning.
A: I just eat some oatmeal, toast, and orange juice.
B: That sounds like a great breakfast.
A: It's good, and it's easy to make.
B: That sounds like a very quick meal.
A: So, are you still going to have cereal?
B: I think I'm going to make myself some oatmeal and toast.


A: What's for lunch?
B: I don't know. What do you want to eat?
A: I was thinking of pizza.
B: That's what I ate yesterday.
A: Well, what do you want to eat?
B: I wouldn't mind a burger.
A: I ate a burger just the other day.
B: We're going to have to compromise.
A: You could always get a burger, and I can get a pizza.
B: Sounds good to me.
A: Where can we go to get both?
B: We can get both at the cafeteria.

A: What are we eating for lunch?
B: I have no idea. What about you?
A: I kind of want pizza.
B: I ate pizza the other day.
A: So, what do you feel like eating then?
B: How about some burgers?
A: I already had a burger yesterday.
B: What are we going to do?
A: We can just each get what we want to get.
B: That sounds like a plan.
A: Do you know a place that sells pizza and burgers?
B: I think they sell both at the cafeteria.

A: Do you know what you want to eat for lunch?
B: What do you feel like having?
A: I want to get some pizza.
B: I had pizza for lunch yesterday.
A: Tell me what you want to eat.
B: Do you want to get a burger?
A: See, I had a burger for lunch yesterday.
B: Think of something.
A: How about I get pizza and you get a burger?
B: Let's do that then.
A: Where do they sell both at?
B: They sell pizza and burgers at the cafeteria.


A: What's for dinner tonight?
B: What are you planning on cooking?
A: I'm not making anything.
B: If you plan on eating, you are.
A: What am I supposed to cook?
B: What do you feel like having?
A: I want some chicken and potatoes.
B: That sounds really good.
A: When are you going to make it?
B: I have no plans on cooking tonight.
A: Fine, I'll make it.
B: I knew that already.

A: What are we going to eat for dinner?
B: Are you going to cook anything?
A: I didn't plan on cooking tonight.
B: If you're hungry, then cook something.
A: I don't know what to make.
B: Tell me what you want to eat.
A: I've been craving chicken and potatoes.
B: I'd like that.
A: Are you going to cook it tonight?
B: I'm really not going to cook tonight.
A: Okay, I guess I'll cook.
B: Why don't you start cooking then?

A: Are we going to have dinner tonight?
B: What are you planning on making?
A: I'm not cooking dinner.
B: The only way you're eating tonight is if you cook.
A: I'm not sure what to cook for dinner.
B: I don't know. What do you want to eat?
A: I have a taste for some chicken and potatoes.
B: That sounds delicious.
A: So are you planning on cooking it?
B: I already told you that I'm not cooking tonight.
A: I'll cook dinner.
B: I already know. Start cooking.

A: I'm so thirsty.
B: Let's go get something to drink.
A: That's a good idea.
B: Do you know what you want to drink?
A: I kind of want a soda.
B: You shouldn't drink soda when you're really thirsty.
A: What do you mean?
B: When you're thirsty, you're not supposed to drink soda.
A: What are you supposed to drink?
B: Water is what's best for you.
A: I guess I will get water.
B: It's better for you.

A: I am really thirsty.
B: How about we go and get something to drink?
A: Let's do that.
B: Do you know what you want to get?
A: A soda sounds good.
B: Soda isn't the best thing to drink when you're thirsty.
A: Why is that?
B: Soda isn't good for you.
A: What should I drink then?
B: You should really drink water.
A: That sounds good.
B: It's a lot better than soda.

A: My throat is really dry.
B: Do you want to go get something to drink?
A: Yes, I'm parched.
B: What did you want to drink?
A: I was thinking about getting a soda.
B: Do you know that soda doesn't quench your thirst?
A: Why not?
B: Soda is really bad for you.
A: I don't know what else to drink.
B: You're supposed to drink water when you're dehydrated.
A: I would like some water.
B: That's what will keep you from being thirsty.

A: What are you going to eat with your sandwich?
B: I think I'm going to eat a piece of fruit.
A: What kind do you like?
B: I really like apples and grapes.
A: What kind of apples do you like to eat?
B: I love green apples.
A: I don't like green apples.
B: Really? Why not?
A: Green apples are too sour for me.
B: So, you like red apples better?
A: Yeah, I love red apples.
B: I think green apples are a lot better.

A: What are you going to have along with your sandwich?
B: I may have a piece of fruit.
A: What's your favorite kind of fruit?
B: I really only eat apples and grapes.
A: What is your favorite kind of apples?
B: Green apples are the best!
A: Green apples don't taste good to me.
B: Why is that?
A: They are way too sour for my taste.
B: You only like red apples?
A: Red apples are great.
B: They're not as good as green apples.

A: Are you going to eat anything with your sandwich?
B: I may get some fruit.
A: Oh really, what kind of fruit do you like?
B: I tend to only eat grapes and apples.
A: What kind of apples do you prefer?
B: I've always liked green apples.
A: I don't really like green apples that much.
B: Why do you say that?
A: I think they are too sour.
B: You'd rather eat a red apple?
A: Don't you like red apples?
B: They're okay, I guess.

A: I really feel like eating a salad.
B: What kind are you going to make?
A: I'm really not sure.
B: I really like Caesar salads.
A: Caesar salads are pretty good.
B: What kind of salad do you want to make?
A: I want a salad with some chicken.
B: I love chicken salads.
A: I like my salads to have croutons, almonds, and shredded cheese.
B: That sounds really tasty.
A: You should make a salad like that.
B: I think that I will.

A: I feel like I'm craving a salad.
B: What kind do you want?
A: I have no idea.
B: Caesar salads are good.
A: I like those too.
B: What kind do you plan on making?
A: I'd really like a salad with chicken.
B: Chicken salads are really good.
A: I always make my salads with shredded cheese, croutons, and almonds.
B: That sounds like a great salad.
A: Why don't you put it in your salad?
B: That sounds like a plan to me.

A: I really want to make a salad.
B: Do you know what kind of salad that you want?
A: I'm not sure what kind that I want.
B: I usually make a Caesar salad.
A: Those taste really good.
B: Which kind of salad are you going to make?
A: I want a chicken salad.
B: I enjoy chicken salads.
A: I like salads with croutons, almonds, and shredded cheese.
B: I really like how that sounds.
A: Why don't you make a salad like that?
B: I'm going to do that then.

A: I want something sweet after dinner.
B: What do you have in mind?
A: A dessert sounds nice.
B: What kind are you thinking of getting?
A: I want to get some pie.
B: What kind of pie do you want?
A: I have no idea.
B: Do you want to know what kind of pie I like?
A: Sure, what kind do you like?
B: I love apple pie.
A: Oh, I love apple pie too.
B: There you go. Problem solved.

A: I have a sweet tooth.
B: What exactly do you want?
A: I would love to get some dessert.
B: What did you want to get?
A: I'd love to get a pie.
B: What kind do you want to get?
A: I'm not sure.
B: I can tell you what kind I like.
A: What kind do you like?
B: Apple pie is my favorite.
A: I love apple pie too.
B: See, I helped you out.

A: I have a taste for something sweet.
B: What are you thinking?
A: I want some kind of dessert.
B: Well, what kind of dessert do you want?
A: I was thinking about ordering some kind of pie.
B: Do you know what kind you want?
A: I honestly don't know.
B: Did you want to know my favorite kind of pie?
A: What's your favorite kind?
B: My absolutely favorite kind of pie is apple.
A: That sounds really good to me right now.
B: I'm happy to help.

A: I need to get some beef.
B: Do you know what kind of beef you want?
A: I want to get some ground beef.
B: How many pounds do you need?
A: I would like four pounds of ground beef.
B: What kind of ground beef do you need?
A: I would like the extra lean.
B: Let me go and get that for you.
A: Thank you very much.
B: No problem.
A: I'll wrap it up for you now.
B: I appreciate that.

A: I would like to buy some beef.
B: What kind do you want?
A: I need to get ground beef.
B: How many pounds would you like me to get you?
A: I need about four pounds.
B: Exactly what type of ground beef do you want?
A: Extra lean.
B: I'll get that for you right now.
A: I appreciate that.
B: Don't mention it.
A: I'll just wrap this up for you.
B: Thanks for your help.

A: Could I get some beef?
B: What kind of beef would you like to get?
A: Ground beef would be fine.
B: How many pounds would you like?
A: Four pounds is enough.
B: What kind of ground beef do you want?
A: I'm going to need extra lean ground beef.
B: I can get that for you.
A: Thanks so much.
B: You're welcome.
A: Let me go wrap the ground beef up for you.
B: Thanks for everything.

A: I'm hungry.
B: You already ate.
A: It wasn't enough, because I'm hungry again.
B: There's nothing left from dinner.
A: I'm going to get a snack.
B: What kind of snack are you going to make?
A: I don't know.
B: You can always make a sandwich.
A: I don't know what kind of sandwich I want.
B: Just make yourself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
A: I may just do that.
B: Go right ahead.

A: I am starving.
B: Didn't you just eat?
A: I'm still hungry.
B: We ate everything from dinner.
A: I just need a snack.
B: What are you going to make?
A: I don't have the slightest clue.
B: Go make a sandwich.
A: I'm not sure what kind I want.
B: Why don't you make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?
A: I think I will do that.
B: Maybe you should.

A: I need to eat something.
B: You just ate.
A: I know, but I'm hungry again.
B: There's no food left from dinner.
A: I think I'm going to go make myself a snack.
B: Do you know what kind of snack that you want?
A: I'm not exactly sure.
B: Why don't you make yourself a sandwich or something?
A: I have no idea what kind of sandwich I want to make.
B: A PB&J is pretty easy to make.
A: I'm going to do that.
B: Knock yourself out.

A: What do you plan on making as a side dish for dinner?
B: I was planning on making some kind of vegetable.
A: Do you know what kind?
B: What kind of vegetable do you want?
A: I wouldn't mind eating some corn.
B: How do you want it?
A: What do you mean?
B: I can boil it, grill it, or microwave it.
A: You should throw some corn on the grill.
B: Is that really what you want?
A: That sounds good.
B: I guess I can do that.

A: Are you going to make anything to go with dinner?
B: I may make a vegetable.
A: What vegetable are you going to make?
B: What kind do you like?
A: I like corn.
B: How would you like me to make it?
A: Excuse me?
B: How do you want your corn?
A: I'd like it grilled.
B: Are you sure that's how you want me to make it?
A: I'd love that.
B: That's what I'll do.

A: What's the side dish that you're making for dinner?
B: I'm not sure. I was thinking of making a vegetable.
A: What kind of vegetable are you thinking about making?
B: Do you know what kind of vegetable you want to eat?
A: Why don't you make some corn?
B: How would you like the corn?
A: I don't understand what you mean.
B: Do you want it boiled, grilled, or microwaved?
A: Why don't you grill it?
B: That's how you want it?
A: Yeah, that sounds delicious.
B: Okay, I'll grill some corn then.

Nutrition of Foods
A: I really need to start eating healthier.
B: I have to start eating better too.
A: What kind of food do you usually eat?
B: I try my best to eat only fruits, vegetables, and chicken.
A: Is that really all that you eat?
B: That's basically it.
A: How do you stick to only those foods?
B: Actually, fruits and veggies are really good for you.
A: Yeah, I know, but what about the chicken?
B: I mainly eat baked chicken, because there's not a lot of fat.
A: That does sound pretty good.
B: I know it does, and that's because it is.

A: I think I may try to eat a little better.
B: I changed my diet recently, and I eat a lot healthier now.
A: What do you eat?
B: My diet consists mainly of fruits, veggies, and chicken.
A: That's it?
B: Just about.
A: How is that the only thing that you'll eat?
B: You know that fruits and vegetables are very healthy foods?
A: So, what about the chicken?
B: I bake chicken because it's a healthy way to eat it.
A: That sounds delicious and nutritious.
B: You should try it. You won't be disappointed.

A: I need to stop eating such unhealthy foods.
B: I know what you mean. I've started eating better myself.
A: What foods do you eat now?
B: I tend to stick to fruits, vegetables, and chicken.
A: Those are the only things you eat?
B: That's basically what I eat.
A: Why aren't you eating anything else?
B: Well, fruits and vegetables are very healthy.
A: And the chicken?
B: It's really healthy to eat when you bake it.
A: I guess that does sound a lot healthier.

Foods Available at the Cafeteria (1)
A: I'm hungry.
B: So am I.
A: Where should we go eat today?
B: How about we go eat in the cafeteria?
A: I never bought food from the cafeteria.
B: You haven't? They have a lot of good stuff.
A: What do they have?
B: They sell everything.
A: Well, I want Chinese food.
B: I've gotten chow mein from there before.
A: I guess we can eat there then.
B: Trust me, the food isn't half bad.

A: I am starving.
B: Let's go get something to eat.
A: Is there somewhere you wanted to go eat at?
B: We can always go to the cafeteria and eat.
A: I haven't eaten there before.
B: The food there is pretty good.
A: What kind of food do they serve?
B: You can get whatever you want at the cafeteria.
A: I have a taste for Chinese food.
B: They have really good chow mein.
A: Okay, let's go to the cafeteria.
B: It'll be fine.

A: I am absolutely famished.
B: Yeah. I am too.
A: Where did you want to go for lunch?
B: I was thinking we should just go to the cafeteria.
A: I don't think I ever got food from the cafeteria.
B: I actually like the food there.
A: Does the cafeteria sell a lot of different food?
B: They have anything you want.
A: I was thinking about getting some Chinese food.
B: I bought some chow mein at the cafeteria. It tasted great.
A: We can eat at the cafeteria.
B: I think you'll really like the food there.

Ordering Food at the Cafeteria
A: What can I get for you today?
B: Could I get a hamburger, please?
A: Would you like cheese on that?
B: No, thank you.
A: Would you like a drink?
B: Let me have a soda.
A: What kind of soda would you like?
B: May I have a Sprite, please?
A: Sure, no problem.
B: I would also like a bag of chips.
A: Will that be all?
B: That's everything.

A: What would you like today?
B: Let me get a hamburger.
A: Do you want cheese on it?
B: No cheese.
A: Can I get you something to drink?
B: Can I get a soda, please?
A: What kind do you want?
B: I'd like a Sprite.
A: Would you like anything else?
B: I'd like a bag of Doritos with that.
A: Is that all?
B: That'll be all.

A: What would you like to order?
B: I would like to have a hamburger.
A: Did you want it with cheese?
B: I don't want cheese on it.
A: Did you want anything to drink today?
B: I think I'm going to get a soda today.
A: What kind of soda can I get you?
B: A Sprite sounds good.
A: What else would you like?
B: Let me get a bag of chips too.
A: Anything else?
B: That's all. Thank you

Ordering Food at the Cafeteria
A: What can I get for you today?
B: Could I get a hamburger, please?
A: Would you like cheese on that?
B: No, thank you.
A: Would you like a drink?
B: Let me have a soda.
A: What kind of soda would you like?
B: May I have a Sprite, please?
A: Sure, no problem.
B: I would also like a bag of chips.
A: Will that be all?
B: That's everything.

A: What would you like today?
B: Let me get a hamburger.
A: Do you want cheese on it?
B: No cheese.
A: Can I get you something to drink?
B: Can I get a soda, please?
A: What kind do you want?
B: I'd like a Sprite.
A: Would you like anything else?
B: I'd like a bag of Doritos with that.
A: Is that all?
B: That'll be all.

A: What would you like to order?
B: I would like to have a hamburger.
A: Did you want it with cheese?
B: I don't want cheese on it.
A: Did you want anything to drink today?
B: I think I'm going to get a soda today.
A: What kind of soda can I get you?
B: A Sprite sounds good.
A: What else would you like?
B: Let me get a bag of chips too.
A: Anything else?
B: That's all. Thank you.

The Food You Ordered at the Cafeteria
A: What did you get for lunch today?
B: All I had was a sandwich, chips, and soda.
A: Where'd you get your food from?
B: I went to the cafeteria and bought it.
A: What sandwich did you order?
B: I ordered a ham sandwich, but they gave me a bologna sandwich instead.
A: Was it any good?
B: I enjoyed it, even though I had not asked for it.
A: I ordered a sandwich there before.
B: Is that right?
A: Yeah, and they messed my order up too.
B: That may be true, but I'm sure you enjoyed your sandwich.

A: Did you get anything for lunch?
B: I ate a sandwich with some chips and soda.
A: Did you go somewhere and get your food?
B: I bought my food from the cafeteria today.
A: Tell me, what kind of sandwich did you decide to get?
B: They gave me a bologna sandwich, but I asked for ham.
A: How'd it taste?
B: I didn't want that sandwich, but it was quite tasty.
A: I got a sandwich at the cafeteria before.
B: Is that so?
A: Yes, and I believe they messed up on my order also.
B: That may be so, but I bet your sandwich was delicious.

A: What are you having for lunch?
B: I got a sandwich, some chips, and a soda.
A: Did you bring that from home?
B: I got it from the cafeteria.
A: What kind of sandwich did you get?
B: They messed up my order and gave me a bologna sandwich.
A: How was it?
B: Considering it wasn't what I ordered, it was still pretty good.
A: I think I got a sandwich there once before.
B: Really?
A: Yes, and they didn't get my order right either.

Where to Buy Food

A: I really want to get something to eat.
B: What are you going to get?
A: I don't know what I want to eat.
B: Well, do you want burgers, Chinese food, or Mexican food?
A: Chinese food sounds good.
B: Where are you going to get it from?
A: I haven't the slightest idea.
B: I usually get my Chinese food from Panda Express.
A: You like Panda Express?
B: The food there is actually pretty good.
A: Maybe I'll go there then.
B: You should. I know you'll like it.

A: I think I'm going to go get some food.
B: What do you want?
A: I can't decide what to get.
B: What kind of food do you want to get?
A: I think I might like some Chinese food.
B: Do you know where you're going to get it?
A: I honestly don't know.
B: I go to Panda Express for my Chinese food.
A: You like the food there?
B: I really like the food.
A: I think I'll go and get my food there.
B: I think you'll enjoy the food.

A: I want to get a bite to eat.
B: What are you thinking of getting?
A: I have no idea what I want.
B: You can get a burger, or some Chinese food. Or maybe you can get some Mexican food.
A: I wouldn't mind getting some Chinese food.
B: Where are you going to get your Chinese food from?
A: I'm not sure.
B: When I want Chinese food, I go to Panda Express.
A: Do they do a good job on the food?
B: The food isn't bad there.
A: I think I will get my food from Panda Express.

Making a Shopping List

This text will be replaced by the flash music player.
A: I think I'm going to go to the market today.
B: Do we need food?
A: Yeah, I think so.
B: What are you going to get?
A: I'm not sure what we need.
B: Maybe you should go and look in the refrigerator.
A: Could you do it for me, and write out a list of things that we need?
B: Just get the basics.
A: Like what?
B: You know. Get some eggs, milk, and bread.
A: Just go and make a list for me, please.
B: Fine, I'll go do that for you.

A: I may go grocery shopping later.
B: We need to get food?
A: I don't think we have any food.
B: What are you going to buy?
A: What food are we out of?
B: Go and look in the kitchen.
A: Could you look for me?
B: You should just get the basics.
A: What would that be?
B: Get some eggs, milk, and bread.
A: Would you please make a list for me?
B: Okay, I'll write it down for you.

A: I'm going to go shopping for groceries in a little bit.
B: Why, do we need groceries?
A: I believe we are all out of food.
B: Do you know what to get?
A: I don't know what we need.
B: Why don't you go and check the refrigerator?
A: I would appreciate it if you would do that for me.
B: Why don't you just get the basics?
A: What do you mean?
B: Eggs, milk, bread. Things like that.
A: Go make that list.
B: Sure, no problem.

Meat Prices
A: I would like to get some meat today.
B: What kind do you need?
A: I need about a pound of ground beef.
B: The ground beef is $2.48 a pound.
A: That sounds good.
B: What else would you like?
A: I also need three pounds of chicken breasts.
B: The chicken breasts are $4.05 a pound.
A: How much will the three pounds of chicken cost altogether?
B: Altogether, it's going to be $12.15.
A: That will be all for me.
B: All right, let me get your meat for you.

A: I want to buy some meat.
B: What kind would you like?
A: I want one pound of ground beef.
B: That's going to be about $2.48.
A: That will be fine.
B: What else can I get for you?
A: Let me also have three pounds of chicken breasts.
B: That's going to be $4.05 a pound.
A: Can you tell me the total cost of the chicken breasts?
B: That will be $12.15.
A: That's all I'm going to get today.
B: That's fine. Let me get your meat.

A: I would like to purchase some meat.
B: What kind of meat would you like to get today?
A: First off, I'm going to need a pound of ground beef.
B: A pound of ground beef is $2.48.
A: That's perfect.
B: What else will you be needing?
A: I'm also going to need three pounds of chicken breasts.
B: The chicken breasts cost $4.05 per pound.
A: What's the total price for the chicken?
B: It's going to be $12.15.
A: Okay, I think that will be all for me today.

Comparing Foods from Different Stores

A: Have you ever shopped at Whole Foods market?
B: Nope. How's the food there?
A: It's very good, and it's fresh too.
B: I do my shopping at Vons.
A: I shopped there before too, but the food is better at Whole Foods.
B: What's wrong with Vons?
A: Their range of organic foods is very limited.
B: Whole Foods has a lot of organic foods?
A: Yeah, the food there is very healthy.
B: I've never been, but I may start shopping there.
A: The food there is a great step up from Vons.
B: Thanks for letting me know.

A: Have you ever done your shopping at Whole Foods market?
B: I haven't shopped there. How is the food?
A: The food there is wonderful.
B: I go to Vons for my groceries.
A: I prefer the food at Whole Foods.
B: Is there something wrong with Vons?
A: Vons doesn't offer a lot of organic foods.
B: Do they offer organic foods at Whole Foods?
A: Yes, that's the place to go to get healthier food.
B: Maybe I'll try that store out.
A: If you like Vons, then I'm sure you'll love Whole Foods.
B: You're making me a believer.

A: Have you ever been shopping at Whole Foods?
B: No, I haven't. Is the food good there?
A: They have the freshest foods there.
B: I usually shop at Vons.
A: I used to shop there, but I find the food at Whole Foods to be a lot better.
B: What's the problem with Vons?
A: They don't have a lot of organic foods there.
B: Is there a big selection of organic foods at Whole Foods?
A: They have lots of healthier food at Whole Foods.
B: I haven't been shopping there, but maybe I'll try it sometime.
A: Whole Foods is way better than Vons, trust me.
B: I'll take your word for it.

Finding Foods in the Supermarket

A: I can't seem to find the cereal aisle.
B: You'll find the cereal by the breakfast foods.
A: What breakfast foods?
B: They're over by the oatmeal and the breakfast bars.
A: Oh, I think I know what you're talking about.
B: Can I help you with anything else?
A: Could you tell me where the dishwashing detergent is?
B: You'll find that by the paper towels.
A: Oh, I didn't think of that.
B: That's where it'll be.
A: Well, thank you very much.
B: If you need anything else, please feel free to ask me.

A: Could you tell me where the cereal is?
B: If you go to the breakfast aisle, you'll find the cereal there.
A: What aisle is that?
B: You'll find it by the oatmeal and breakfast bars.
A: I know where that is at.
B: Is there anything else you need help finding?
A: Could you point me toward the dishwashing detergent?
B: That's over by the paper towels and toilet paper.
A: I didn't even think about that.
B: That's where it is.
A: Thank you so much for helping me.
B: Let me know if you need anything else.

A: I need to find the cereal aisle.
B: The cereal is over by the breakfast foods.
A: Where is that at?
B: It's by the oatmeal and breakfast bars.
A: I think I can find that.
B: Did you need help finding anything else?
A: Actually, I do need to find the dishwashing detergent.
B: That would be over by the paper towels and toilet paper.
A: I thought it was over there.
B: Yeah, you'll find it there.
A: I really appreciate all your help.

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