Kamis, 22 Januari 2015

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Calling Credit Card Company

Calling Credit Card Company

A: I'm calling today about a bill that I never received.
B: Can you tell me which credit card it was for?
A: It was for my Master Card.
B: You should've gotten that bill two weeks ago.
A: I haven't got it in the mail yet.
B: The computer is showing that all bills have been mailed.
A: What am I supposed to do about my bill then?
B: Maybe you should call your post office.
A: But if it's their mistake, can I get an extension on my bill payment?
B: Yes, but you will need to send us proof of their mistake.
A: Okay, thank you very much for your help.
B: No problem. Enjoy the rest of your day.

A: I haven't received my credit card bill yet.
B: Which credit card are you speaking of?
A: My Master Card.
B: We sent that bill out a couple of weeks ago.
A: I never got it.
B: Your bill was mailed already.
A: What am I going to do since I haven't received the bill?
B: If you haven't gotten it yet, then you should probably take that up with your post office.
A: Can I get an extension on my bill if it does happen to be the post office's fault?
B: If that's the case, you will need to provide proof of their mistake.
A: Thanks for everything.
B: Don't mention it. Call back if you have any more problems.

A: I was inquiring about a bill that I never got.
B: Which credit card was the bill for?
A: The bill was for my Master Card.
B: That bill should have been mailed about two weeks ago.
A: It never came in the mail.
B: My computer shows that it has already been mailed.
A: I have not gotten my bill, so what should I do about that?
B: You should try contacting your post office.
A: If it is the post office's fault, may I have an extension on my bill?
B: You'll have to prove it was their error; then you can get an extension.
A: Thank you for all your help.
B: You are very welcome. Have a good day.

Disputing a Charge

A: There's a problem with my credit card.
B: Tell me what the problem is.
A: A charge came up on my bill that I didn't make.
B: What was the charge for?
A: The charge was for a $350 purse, but I did not buy it.
B: Are you sure that you didn't make that purchase?
A: I would know if I bought something that expensive.
B: I apologize. What day was this purchase made?
A: It was bought on November 12th at 3:15 pm, while I was at work.
B: All right, we'll do an investigation.
A: Until this investigation is finished, will I have to pay for the charge?
B: No, you don't. We'll take care of it.

A: I have a problem with my credit card.
B: What's wrong with it?
A: There is a charge on my card that I didn't make.
B: Can you tell me what the charge was?
A: It's for a purse that cost $350.
B: Are you positive that you didn't buy the purse?
A: I can't even afford a purse that expensive.
B: I'm very sorry. When was this purchase made?
A: I was at work, but the purchase was made at 3:15 on November 12th.
B: We're going to investigate this claim.
A: Do I have to pay for this charge?
B: You won't have to pay for anything.

A: There is something wrong with my credit card.
B: What's the problem?
A: There is a charge on here that I never made.
B: What charge was made?
A: It was a charge for a $350 purse that I never bought.
B: You didn't make this purchase?
A: I think I would remember if I made a purchase that large.
B: Sorry. When was this purse purchased?
A: It was purchased on the 12th of November at 3:15 pm, but I was at work.
B: We'll do an investigation and get to the bottom of this.
A: In the meantime, do I have to pay for this charge?
B: No. We'll take care of everything.

Ordering Cable Services

A: I would like to order cable.
B: Sure, what package do you want?
A: What kinds of packages do you offer?
B: We have all kinds of movie channel packages.
A: What else do you have?
B: There is a package for all sports channels.
A: Do you have a package that includes all the movie channels with the basic channels also?
B: Yes, we do offer that package.
A: I want that.
B: Do you want anything else?
A: No, but is it possible for me to add channels later?
B: You can always get rid of channels or add some later.

A: I want to get some cable.
B: Do you know what package you want to get?
A: What packages do you have?
B: We have movie channel packages.
A: What else have you got?
B: You can get the sports package.
A: Is there a package with basic and movie channels?
B: We have that package.
A: Let me get that package.
B: Is there anything else you would like?
A: That's everything, but can I add channels later?
B: You will be able to add or get rid of channels another day.

A: May I order some cable from you today?
B: Okay, what package would you like to order?
A: I'm not sure of what packages you offer.
B: We offer packages with all the movie channels.
A: Are there any other packages?
B: We also have packages with all the sports channels.
A: I want a package that has the basic and movie channels.
B: We have that available.
A: I would like to get that.
B: Would you like anything else with your package?
A: That's it, but will I be able to add more channels at another time?
B: Yes, you can add or get rid of channels later on if you would like.

Inquiring about Internet Services

A: I would like to order some internet today.
B: What kind would you like?
A: What kind of internet is there?
B: You can get DSL or dial-up.
A: Which of those two is best?
B: I would recommend DSL.
A: Is that one better?
B: It's better because it doesn't tie up your phone.
A: What do you mean by that?
B: DSL isn't connected through your phone line, but dial-up is.
A: So then I can't use my phone if I'm on the internet?
B: That's correct. With DSL you can do both.

A: I need to get internet.
B: Which kind of internet connection do you want to get?
A: What kind can I get?
B: There is dial-up or DSL.
A: Which one do you feel is best?
B: I would get DSL if I were you.
A: DSL is better than dial-up?
B: It's the best choice; plus, it won't tie up your phone line.
A: I'm not sure what that means.
B: Dial-up is connected through your phone, unlike DSL.
A: That'll make it impossible for me to use.
B: Exactly. With DSL you don't have that problem.

A: I'd like to have internet on my computer.
B: Do you know what kind of internet you would like to get?
A: What are my options?
B: You can either get dial-up or DSL.
A: Which one would you recommend?
B: DSL is the best choice.
A: Why is DSL better?
B: It's a lot better because it doesn't tie up your phone line.
A: What exactly does that mean?
B: Well, with dial-up your internet is connected by your phone line.
A: That means that I can't use my phone and the internet at the same time, right?
B: That's right. You won't have that problem with DSL.

Installing High Speed Internet

A: I need to get my high speed internet installed.
B: You'll need to make an appointment.
A: Could I do that right now, please?
B: What day would you like us to do the installation?
A: Is Friday good?
B: We're only available at 3:00 pm.
A: You can't come any earlier than that?
B: I'm sorry. That's the only available time.
A: Are you available this Saturday?
B: Yes. Anytime on Saturday will be fine.
A: How does 11:00 sound?
B: We can do it. See you then.

A: I would like high speed internet installed in my house.
B: You have to make an appointment before we can come out and install it.
A: I'd like to make an appointment right now.
B: What day are you available?
A: I would like to have it done this Friday.
B: Three o'clock is the only time we can come in.
A: Is it possible for someone to come a little earlier?
B: I'm sorry, but that's our only available time.
A: How about Saturday?
B: We're completely open on Saturday.
A: Can you come over at 11:00?
B: That'll be fine.

A: When can I get high speed internet installed?
B: You're going to have to make an appointment.
A: Can I make one right now?
B: When would you like the installation to be done?
A: I'm off this Friday.
B: The only time we can come on Friday is at 3:00 pm.
A: I'm going to need it installed earlier than that.
B: I'm sorry, but we're booked up on Friday.
A: Is Saturday any better?
B: Saturday is perfect. What time would you like?
A: Is 11:00 fine?
B: That's perfect. See you on Saturday.

Reporting a Problem with Your Internet

A: I need somebody to come over and fix my internet.
B: What's wrong with it?
A: For some reason it's just not connecting.
B: How long have you been having this problem?
A: It hasn't been working the past few days.
B: Does the internet come up at all?
A: It does, but it won't connect to anything.
B: Well, the internet isn't down, so there must be something wrong with your connection.
A: Could you send someone to fix it today?
B: I'll send somebody over right away to fix it.
A: When will they be here?
B: They should be there in the next hour.

A: I need to get my internet fixed.
B: What's the problem with your internet?
A: It won't connect.
B: How long has this been happening?
A: This problem has been happening for a few days now.
B: The internet doesn't come up at all?
A: It just won't connect to a webpage, but it will pop up.
B: There's obviously a problem with your connection.
A: I'm going to need someone to come and fix it for me.
B: I can send somebody right now to fix it.
A: How long will it take for them to get here?
B: They'll be there in about an hour.

A: Can you send someone to fix my internet?
B: Are you having a problem with it?
A: My internet is having problems connecting.
B: Can you tell me how long your internet has been messing up?
A: I've been having this problem for the last few days.
B: Will the internet even pop up?
A: It'll pop up, but it won't connect to a webpage.
B: Since the internet isn't broken, your connection must be messed up.
A: Do you think you can send somebody over to fix it?
B: If you'd like, I can send someone to fix it right now.
A: How long will it be till they get here?
B: It should be no longer than an hour.

Asking for Credit for Service Interrupted

A: Hello, I am calling about my cable service.
B: What's the problem?
A: For the past week my cable hasn't been working.
B: I apologize, but the cable has been down lately.
A: Do you know when it is going to start working again?
B: Give it a couple days, and it should be back on.
A: Will I still have to pay for the cable while it's not working?
B: Since it's not working, I'm going to give you a credit.
A: So I don't have to pay anything?
B: You won't pay anything until your cable starts working again.
A: Okay, thank you very much for your help.
B: No problem. Thank you for being so understanding.

A: I have a question about my cable.
B: What do you need?
A: I haven't been able to watch my cable for the past week.
B: Right now the cable isn't working.
A: Could you tell me when it will be back on?
B: The cable should be running again in a couple of days.
A: In the meantime, do I still have to pay for the cable?
B: We'll just give you a credit for the inconvenience.
A: Does that mean I won't have to pay for it?
B: It'll be free until it comes back on.
A: Thanks, I appreciate your help.
B: Thank you for all your patience.

A: I have a problem with my cable.
B: What about it?
A: My cable has been out for the past week or so.
B: The cable is down right now. I am very sorry.
A: When will it be working again?
B: It should be back on in the next couple of days.
A: Do I still have to pay for the cable?
B: We're going to give you a credit while the cable is down.
A: So, I don't have to pay for it?
B: No, not until your cable comes back on.
A: Okay, thanks for everything.
B: You're welcome, and I apologize for the inconvenience.

Troubleshooting a Computer Problem

A: I'm having problems with my computer.
B: What's wrong with it?
A: For some reason it won't turn on.
B: Have you checked the connections on your computer?
A: What connections?
B: There are cords that connect your computer to a power outlet.
A: Will the cords keep it from turning on?
B: It won't turn on if the cords aren't connected.
A: I didn't think of that.
B: Try it and see if it works.
A: I think that I will, thanks.
B: It should work, but let me know if it doesn't.

A: My computer isn't working.
B: Tell me what the problem is.
A: I'm trying to turn it on, but it won't work.
B: Try checking the connections.
A: Which ones are you referring to?
B: The cords that you see behind your CPU that plug into an outlet.
A: Is that why it won't turn on?
B: If they're not connected right, that will keep it from turning on.
A: I did not know that.
B: You should check the connections.
A: I'm going to do that.
B: Tell me if it's still not working.

A: Something's wrong with my computer.
B: What's the problem?
A: My computer won't turn on.
B: Did you see if all the connections are right?
A: I'm not sure I understand what you mean.
B: The connections between your CPU and your outlet.
A: Is that what's stopping my computer from turning on?
B: If your plugs aren't connected all the way, the computer won't turn on.
A: I had no idea.
B: Why don't you try it and see what happens?
A: I'll try it right now.
B: Let me know if that doesn't work.

Making Requests to the Hairdresser

A: I want to try something different today.
B: What do you mean?
A: I want a different hair style.
B: What style do you want?
A: Can you make my hair short?
B: Exactly how short do you want it?
A: Make it a few inches long.
B: Are you sure you want me to cut it that short?
A: I've been thinking about this for a while now.
B: Okay. I'll do it if you're positive that this is what you want.
A: I honestly want my hair that short.
B: All right, then let's begin.

A: Let's do something different today.
B: Like how?
A: I would like you to give me a different hair style.
B: What did you have in mind?
A: Give me a short haircut.
B: Do you know how short you want your hair to be?
A: I want you to cut it to a few inches long.
B: That's pretty short. Are you sure about this?
A: I've had this idea for some time now.
B: I'm going to do it, but you have to be sure you really want me to.
A: This is what I want.
B: Fine then. Let's get started.

A: I really want to switch things up.
B: What were you thinking?
A: I think I want to try a new style.
B: What would you like me to do?
A: I want you to cut my hair shorter.
B: How short?
A: I want my hair to be only a few inches long.
B: Do you really want it that short?
A: Yes, I've been wanting it short for a while now.
B: If you really want me to, then I'll do it.
A: I'm absolutely sure that this is what I want.
B: Let's do it.

Paying the Hairdresser

A: Are you almost finished with my hair?
B: I'm almost finished.
A: How much longer is it going to be?
B: I'm done now. Do you like it?
A: I absolutely love it.
B: You really like it?
A: Yes, I truly do.
B: I'm glad you like it.
A: How much do I owe you?
B: It's going to be $55.
A: Here you go, thanks for everything.
B: Make sure and come back in a couple of weeks.

A: Will you be done doing my hair soon?
B: Give me a little while longer.
A: How much time do you need?
B: There you go. How do you like it?
A: I think it looks gorgeous.
B: You think it looks nice?
A: I honestly think it looks great.
B: Thanks. I'm glad that I did a good job.
A: How much is it for my hair?
B: Just give me $55.
A: Thanks for doing such a good job.
B: No problem. I'll see you next time.

Complaining to the Hairdresser

A: You're spending a very long time on my hair.
B: I'm almost done.
A: I needed you to be finished an hour ago.
B: I'm all done now.
A: Are you sure you're finished?
B: I don't understand.
A: You did a horrible job on my hair.
B: What's wrong with it?
A: I don't like anything about it.
B: I apologize.
A: That's fine, but I'm not paying for it.
B: Excuse me? Let's try to work this out, okay?

A: It's taking you forever to do my hair.
B: Give me a minute.
A: You should've been done already.
B: There you go.
A: I don't think that you're done.
B: What's wrong?
A: My hair looks hideous.
B: What's so bad about it?
A: It doesn't look good at all.
B: Sorry about that.
A: I really hope that you didn't expect me to pay you for this.
B: Well, let me talk to my manager, okay?

A: What's taking you so long?
B: Don't worry. I'm almost finished.
A: I need you to hurry up.
B: All right. I'm finished.
A: I think there's more you need to do.
B: What do you mean by that?
A: My hair looks awful.
B: What don't you like about it?
A: I just don't like my hair.
B: I'm sorry that you don't like it.
A: I won't be paying you for this.
B: I'm sure we can work something out.

Talking to People at the Laundromat

A: Have you been coming to this Laundromat long?
B: I have been washing clothes here since a few years ago.
A: Why is that?
B: It doesn't cost me as much to wash here.
A: I've just started doing my clothes here.
B: Why are you washing your clothes here now?
A: My washing machine broke down.
B: You should just pay someone to fix it.
A: It's too expensive to get it fixed.
B: So you're just going to wash here?
A: Yeah, I think that's what I'm going to have to do.
B: It costs less to wash here.

A: How long have you been washing clothes here?
B: I started washing here about three years ago.
A: How come?
B: I can wash my clothes for less money here.
A: This is my first time washing clothes here.
B: What reason are you washing here today?
A: I can't wash at home because my machine is broken.
B: Go and get it repaired.
A: That'll cost too much.
B: Are you going to continue washing your clothes here for a while?
A: I have no choice.
B: Washing clothes at a Laundromat costs a lot less money.

A: Do you wash clothes here often?
B: I have been coming here for the past few years.
A: Why do you wash here?
B: It's actually a lot cheaper for me to wash my clothes here.
A: I've only washed my clothes here a couple times.
B: Why don't you wash clothes at home?
A: I would, if my washing machine wasn't broken.
B: Why don't you just get it fixed?
A: I can't afford it.
B: So you plan on washing your clothes here from now on?
A: That's my only option right now.
B: Don't worry. Besides, it's a lot cheaper to wash clothes this way.

Operating the Washer and Dryer

A: I'm not sure about how to operate the washer and dryer.
B: What's the problem?
A: I need help turning them on.
B: You need change.
A: The machines take change?
B: Yes. It costs fifty cents for the washer and a dollar for the dryer.
A: How do I do it?
B: You put the coins into the slot, push it in, and it will turn on.
A: That's it?
B: There's nothing else to it.
A: Thank you very much.
B: You're welcome. Let me know if you need anything else.

A: I need help using the washer and dryer.
B: Tell me what the problem is.
A: I can't figure out how to turn them on.
B: Do you have some quarters?
A: I didn't know I needed change.
B: The washer costs 50 cents and the dryer costs a dollar.
A: Where do I put the change?
B: The quarters go into the slot. You have to push the slot in, and the machine will turn on.
A: Is that everything that I have to do?
B: That's all there is.
A: I appreciate you helping me with this.
B: If you need anything else, just let me know.

A: Could you tell me how to use the washer and dryer?
B: What do you need help with?
A: Do you know how to turn them on?
B: Do you have any change?
A: I need change for the machines?
B: You need to put 50 cents into the washer machine and a dollar into the dryer.
A: So what do I need to do?
B: The machines will turn on once you put the quarters into the slot.
A: That's really all I have to do?
B: That's everything.
A: Thanks for all your help.
B: I'm here if you need any more help.

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