Jumat, 30 Januari 2015

Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Grocery Shopping (1)

Grocery Shopping (1)

A: Can you tell me where the produce is?
B: It's in aisle A.
A: Do you know what produce is on sale?
B: I don't know. Check the flyer or check with the produce person.


A: Where is the produce?
B: It's on the south wall of the store, in aisle A.
A: Is there any produce on sale?
B: I don't know. The produce person can tell you, though.


A: Where can I find the produce?
B: Aisle A is where you'll find all the produce.
A: What sales do they have today?
B: I'm sure something is on sale. Please check with the produce person.


A: Which aisle has the produce?
B: Aisle A is where you'll find all the produce.
A: Are cherries on sale today?
B: I don't know, but I'm sure the produce person can tell you.


A: I'm looking for the produce section, please.
B: All of the produce is in aisle A.
A: Are bananas on sale today?
B: Here you go. Look in this flyer, or check with the produce person.

Grocery Shopping (2)

A: I'm looking for some fresh produce that's on sale.
B: Well, we just got in some mangoes.
A: Mangoes. What are they?
B: Well, it's a fruit with a big nut in it.
A: Can you eat the nut?
B: No, you peel off the skin and throw out the nut.
A: How much are they?
B: Well, the sale price is $1 each.
A: What does a mango taste like?
B: They're like a citrus fruit.
A: How do I know if it's ripe?
B: You can buy them hard. Wait a few days for them to develop a soft feel.
A: Where do they come from?
B: Most of them in this store are from Mexico.


A: Can you direct me to some fresh produce that's on sale?
B: Well, we've got some great mangoes on sale.
A: Mangoes? What are mangoes?
B: Well, it's a fruit with a big seed in it.
A: Can you eat the seed?
B: No. Peel the skin with a sharp knife, and throw out the seed.
A: Well, how much are they?
B: Well, they're on sale today for only $1 each.
A: Can you describe their taste?
B: They usually taste sweet, but they remind me of an orange.
A: How can I tell if they're ripe?
B: You can buy them either ripe or unripe. Unripe ones are hard.
A: Where do they grow mangoes?
B: The ones that are on sale are from Central America.


A: Where is some fresh produce that's on sale?
B: Well, I think you'll like the mangoes.
A: I've never had a mango.
B: It's a fruit. It has a big stone in it.
A: Can you eat the stone?
B: No. You would break all your teeth on it.
A: How much are these mangoes?
B: The sale price today is $1 each.
A: Can you describe their taste?
B: They usually taste sweet, but they remind me of an orange.
A: How can I tell if they're ripe?
B: Don't cut into them until you can feel that they're soft on the outside.
A: What country produces them?
B: They come from tropical countries.


A: Can you tell me about some good deals on produce?
B: The mangoes are on sale today.
A: What exactly are mangoes?
B: They have yellowish red skin. It's a fruit with one big seed.
A: Is the seed edible?
B: Maybe if you were a parrot. I wouldn't recommend it.
A: How much does a mango cost?
B: Normally, they're $2 each. Today, they're only $1 each.
A: Maybe I won't like the taste.
B: It's hard to describe. They're sweet, but also sort of citrusy.
A: How do I tell the difference between a ripe one and an unripe one?
B: They're similar to an avocado. When the outside feels soft, they're ripe.
A: Where do most of them come from?
B: These are from Mexico.


A: Hi. I'm looking for some good deals on produce.
B: You might want to try the mangoes.
A: Can you describe a mango to me?
B: It's a fruit a little smaller than a grapefruit. It has a big seed in it.
A: Do I eat the seed?
B: Maybe some animals eat the seed, but humans don't. You'd have to soak it for 10 years.
A: What's the price of these mangoes?
B: Today you get a 50-percent discount. They're only $1 each.
A: Tell me what they taste like.
B: Their flesh is soft and juicy. It has a citrus taste. It's sweet.
A: Do I need to buy them ripe, or will they ripen at home?
B: Just press into it gently with your thumb. If it feels soft, it's ready to eat.
A: Where do mangoes come from?
B: These are from Guatemala, but we're going to start getting mangoes from India.

Buying Business Cards

A: Hello. I would like to buy some business cards.
B: Excellent. How many would you like?
A: Two thousand would be fine.
B: You need to fill out this form, please.
A: All I want is the same thing on this card.
B: That will be no problem, sir.
A: ...Okay, I'm finished. Here's your form and my old card.
B: Very good, sir. Your order will be ready in one week.
A: Do you think you could finish it in three days?
B: No problem, sir. But it will cost you extra.


A: I need to purchase some business cards.
B: No problem. How many are you thinking about?
A: I think 2,000 would be fine.
B: If you'll just fill out this form, please.
A: I want the new cards to be exactly like this card.
B: We can do that very easily.
A: ...Okay, I'm done. Here's the form and my old card.
B: Great. Your order will take only one week.
A: You know, I think it would be better if I could pick it up in three days.
B: We can do that. It'll just cost you extra.


A: I need to get some business cards printed up.
B: Do you know how many you need?
A: I think I can get by with 2,000.
B: We can get started as soon as you fill out this form.
A: I hope you can make the new cards just like my old cards.
B: You won't be able to tell the difference with a magnifying glass.
A: ...Okay, I'm through. Here's the form and my old card.
B: Very good. You can pick up your order in one week.
A: Now that I think of it, three days is better than seven.
B: We can do that, but you'll have to pay a little extra.


A: I need to order new business cards.
B: Do you have any idea how many you'd like?
A: I think 2,000 would be enough.
B: Would you fill out this form, please?
A: I don't want to make any changes to my old card.
B: If you detect any difference, I'll take you out to dinner.
A: ...Okay, that's it. Here's the form, and here's my old card to use as a model.
B: Thank you. Your order will be ready seven days from now.
A: I need it sooner. Let me have it in three days, okay?
B: We can certainly give you faster turnaround, but it will cost you extra.


A: I'm about to run out of business cards. I need some new ones.
B: We can print as many as you like. Just tell me how many.
A: Two thousand should get me through the year.
B: Here's a form to get you started.
A: My old card is perfect, so all I want you to do is copy it exactly.
B: I think you'll be very pleased with how well we duplicate your old card.
A: ...Here you go: your form, and my old business card.
B: Thanks. Come back here next Wednesday to pick up your order, please.
A: I'm sorry, but can you give me a three-day turnaround?
B: If you don't mind paying a little extra, it's absolutely no problem.

Flea Markets

A: Do you know where I can find old music boxes?
B: You could try shopping at a flea market.
A: What's that? I never heard of such a thing.
B: A flea market is an outdoor place where people sell all kinds of used stuff.
A: Okay. Where can I find one?
B: Well, you can check the local paper or search ‘flea market' online.


A: Where can I find old music boxes?
B: Have you tried a flea market?
A: What's a flea market?
B: A flea market is like an outdoor thrift shop.
A: That sounds promising. Is there one nearby?
B: Flea markets occur weekly or monthly in various neighborhoods. Check online or in a local paper.


A: Do you know where they sell old music boxes?
B: How about a flea market?
A: A flea market? What's that?
B: A flea market is a big outdoor place where you can buy all sorts of second-hand things.
A: I like the sound of that. Tell me where one is.
B: I myself don't know of any, but maybe they're listed in the Yellow Pages.


A: Do you have any idea where I can buy old music boxes?
B: You can find almost anything at a flea market.
A: What in the world is a flea market?
B: A flea market sells all kinds of used things, some that you've never even heard of.
A: Great. Is there one near here?
B: Actually, our local community college has one on the first Sunday of each month.


A: I'm looking for old music boxes, but I can't find any.
B: If you go to a flea market, you can find all kinds of things.
A: I don't want a music box that's full of fleas!
B: Ha! A flea market is a popular outdoor place for selling used things. There are no fleas.
A: Well, that sounds like a good idea. Where is the nearest one?
B: Actually, there's a huge flea market at the stadium on the second Sunday of each month.

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