Rabu, 28 Januari 2015

contoh percakapan Bahasa Inggris Talking to Someone about a Sweater

Talking to Someone about a Sweater

A: Hello, where can I buy an inexpensive cashmere sweater?
B: Maybe you should look around for an outlet.
A: That is a wonderful idea.
B: Outlets have more reasonable prices.
A: Thank you for your help.
B: No problem. Good luck.


A: Hi, where can I find a cheap cashmere sweater?
B: How about an outlet?
A: Great idea!
B: Outlets give good deals.
A: Thank you so much.
B: You're welcome.


A: Hello, do you know anywhere that sells cheap cashmere sweaters?
B: Outlets have cheap cashmere sweaters.
A: What a splendid idea!
B: Outlets usually give you great deals.
A: Thanks for helping me.
B: You're welcome.

A: Hi, do you know a place that sells cheap cashmere sweaters?
B: An outlet carries cheap cashmere sweaters.
A: That's a good idea!
B: I've always had good luck at outlets.
A: Thank you for the suggestion.
B: I hope you find a nice sweater.

A: Hello, I'm looking for a shop that sells inexpensive cashmere sweaters.
B: Have you tried an outlet?
A: Why didn't I think of that?
B: Many of my friends shop at outlets.
A: Thanks. That is a good suggestion.
B: I'm only too happy to help.

Shopping for a Sweater

A: Pardon me. Could you help me?
B: Of course. How can I help you?
A: I am looking for a sweater.
B: What size do you wear?
A: Medium, I think.
B: Here. How do you like this one?
A: It's pretty. Can I try it on?
B: You can try it on in the fitting room over there.


A: Excuse me. Can you help me?
B: Certainly. What can I do for you?
A: I need to purchase a sweater.
B: What is your size?
A: Medium should be fine.
B: Is this one okay?
A: Hmm. Can I try it on somewhere?
B: The fitting room is in the left corner.


A: Hello, may I ask you a question?
B: Yes. How can I assist you?
A: I want to buy a sweater.
B: What size?
A: I think a medium should fit me.
B: How about this one?
A: The color's nice. Do you have a dressing room?
B: There's a fitting room right over there.


A: Hi, do you have a second?
B: Sure. What do you need?
A: I'm here to buy a sweater.
B: What size do you wear?
A: I usually wear medium.
B: What do you think about this one?
A: It's nice. Where is your fitting room?
B: The dressing room is in that corner.


A: Excuse me. Could you help me with something?
B: I'll certainly try.
A: I'm looking for a nice sweater.
B: What size do you wear in a sweater?
A: Medium is my size for shirts and sweaters.
B: Here's a medium. What do you think?
A: I like it. Where can I try it on?
B: We have a large fitting room in that corner.

 After Trying on the Sweater

A: What do you think?
B: It looks great.
A: I would like to purchase it.
B: Will this be cash or charge?
A: Here, take my credit card.
B: Just sign here, please.
A: Sure. Here you go.
B: Here's your receipt. Have a nice day.


A: Does it look too big?
B: It looks like it was made just for you.
A: Yes, I like it. I'm going to get it.
B: How would you like to pay for it?
A: Here's my credit card.
B: Now, if you'll just sign here.
A: Yes. Here you are.
B: So long. Have a nice weekend.


A: Does it look too small?
B: It fits you to a T.
A: I agree. I'm going to buy it.
B: Cash or charge?
A: I'll charge it.
B: Sign here, please.
A: There you go.
B: Good-bye, and thank you for shopping here.


A: Does it look like a good fit?
B: It's definitely your size.
A: Yes, it is very nice. I'll take it.
B: How do you prefer to pay?
A: Let me use my credit card.
B: Now, if you'll just sign here.
A: No problem.
B: I hope you enjoy your purchase. Good-bye.


A: Well, how does it look?
B: It's a perfect fit.
A: Let me pay for it now.
B: Cash, credit card, or debit card?
A: I think I'll use my credit card.
B: Your signature here, please, and we're finished.
A: Here's my John Hancock.
B: Bye-bye. Visit us again soon!

Returning a Radio (1)

A: Hi. I'd like to return this radio.
B: All right. Do you have the receipt?
A: Here it is.
B: May I ask why you're returning the radio?
A: It does not work very well.
B: Would you like to exchange it?
A: No. I'd just like a refund.
B: Certainly. This will take only a few seconds.


A: I want to return this radio.
B: Okay. May I see your receipt?
A: Certainly. I have it right here.
B: What is the problem with the radio?
A: It has poor reception.
B: Perhaps you'd like a different one?
A: No, thank you. A refund is all I want.
B: Okay. Give me a few seconds, please.


A: I need to return this radio.
B: That won't be a problem, as long as you have your receipt.
A: Here you go.
B: What's the problem?
A: It doesn't pick up my favorite station.
B: I can exchange it for you.
A: Thanks, but I just want a refund.
B: A refund it will be. Do you have the original box?


A: I'm returning this radio.
B: No problem. You do have your receipt, don't you?
A: Here you are.
B: What seems to be the problem?
A: It doesn't have a headphone jack.
B: If you'd like, I can show you a different one.
A: No, thanks. A refund will be just fine.
B: No problem. This'll only take a minute.


A: I don't want to keep this radio.
B: No problem. Let me see your receipt, please.
A: Of course. I always keep my receipts.
B: Is there a problem with the radio?
A: Something is rattling around inside it.
B: Would you like a different model?
A: No. Just give me a refund, please.
B: Okay, a refund will be no problem.

Returning a Radio (2)

A: I'd like to return this radio.
B: Okay. Do you have your receipt?
A: I lost it.
B: I am sorry, but you need a receipt for a refund.
A: But I purchased it yesterday.
B: Perhaps you would like to talk to customer service.
A: Well, that's a start, I guess.
B: They're right upstairs.
A: That sounds good. I'll take the escalator.
B: Good luck. I hope someone can help you.


A: Hi. I want to return this radio.
B: Okay. Do you have your receipt?
A: I'm sorry, but I lost it.
B: I'm sorry, but store policy requires a receipt.
A: But I bought it yesterday.
B: Maybe you can find the receipt if you look harder.
A: Can I talk to a supervisor?
B: May I suggest customer service, upstairs?
A: That sounds good. I'll take the elevator right now.
B: Good luck.


A: Hello. Can I return this radio, please?
B: Sure. Do you have your receipt?
A: I misplaced it somewhere.
B: Unfortunately, I cannot give you a refund without it.
A: But I bought it right here just yesterday.
B: I'm sorry, but there are no exceptions.
A: Someone must be able to help me.
B: Someone in customer service might be able to help you.
A: Yes. If anyone can help me, it's customer service.
B: Just take the escalator upstairs.


A: Hi. I don't want to keep this radio.
B: No problem. May I have your receipt, please?
A: Sorry. I could not find it.
B: We can't give you a refund without a receipt.
A: You know, I bought it at 3 p.m. yesterday.
B: I wish I could help you, but it's store policy.
A: Every rule has an exception.
B: Perhaps if you try customer service.
A: Yes, they might be able to help me.
B: They're upstairs. Good luck!


A: Hi. I'm returning this radio.
B: Certainly. Can I see your receipt, please?
A: I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find it anywhere.
B: I'm sorry, but you can't return the radio without your receipt.
A: Even though I just bought it yesterday?
B: Are you sure that you looked everywhere for the receipt?
A: I looked everywhere, twice!
B: Well, customer service is right upstairs. Maybe they can help.
A: Great! I'll take the escalator.
B: If they can't help you, nobody can.

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