Selasa, 20 Januari 2015

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Greeting a Neighbor

Greeting a Neighbor

A: Hello, it’s nice to meet you.
B: It’s great meeting you too.
A: Did you just move in?
B: I moved in this past weekend.
A: I had no idea that house was sold.
B: I had to buy. The first time I saw it, I fell in love.
A: It is a beautiful house.
B: Have you been living here long?
A: Oh, about 20 years now.
B: Wow! That’s a long time.
A: Hopefully we will be neighbors for a lot longer.
B: I love this house too much to ever move.

A: It is very nice meeting you.
B: I’m happy to meet you also.
A: When did you get moved in?
B: Just this past weekend.
A: I didn’t even know the house got sold.
B: I absolutely love this house, so I had to buy it.
A: I understand, because the house is extraordinary.
B: How many years have you been living in your house?
A: I’ve been living here for over 20 years.
B: Twenty years? That is a very long time.
A: I hope that we remain neighbors for a while longer.
B: I could never move out of this house.

A: Hey, nice to meet you.
B: It’s nice to meet you too.
A: When exactly did you move into the house?
B: I finished moving in this last weekend.
A: I didn’t realize that the house was bought.
B: Yeah, I saw the house and just fell in love with it.
A: It was impossible to pass up.
B: So, how long have you been living here?
A: Twenty years and counting.
B: That’s great to hear.
A: I sure hope that you stay here for that long.
B: I’d be crazy to ever move out.

Prohibited Parking

A: Is there anything specific that I should know about where to park my car?
B: You have an assigned place in the back of the building with your apartment number on it.
A: Are there any other spots available to me?
B: You will see several visitor and unmarked spots. These are available on a first-come basis.
A: What if there is nothing else available?
B: You can park on the street, but you have to pay attention to the rules.
A: What are the rules?
B: Most of the laws are posted on the signs, but you also cannot park anywhere on the street between two and six in the morning.
A: Are the parking tickets expensive around here?
B: Parking tickets are very expensive, and if you don’t pay them they may tow your car away.

A: What are the rules about where I should park?
B: Your assigned space is in the back where I marked it on the map.
A: Can I park anywhere else in the parking lot?
B: There are a few spots back there for visitors. They are unassigned.
A: Where can my guests park if all of those spots are gone?
B: You can park on the street, but you can get ticketed for failing to follow the rules.
A: How will I know what the rules are?
B: Just pay attention to street cleaning days and limits on the hours you can park out there.
A: Are parking citations costly?
B: Yes, parking tickets can be extremely expensive.

A: Where can I park my car?
B: You have one assigned place right beside your own apartment.
A: Are there any other open spots available in the parking lot?
B: Your guests can park in a visitor or unmarked spot if one is available.
A: Is there any place else to park if the spots are all gone?
B: There is always street parking, but you must obey the laws about parking out there.
A: Do they post the rules anywhere?
B: The rules for parking are all clearly posted. Just follow them and you’ll be OK.
A: Do you have to pay a large fine for a parking ticket?
B: You don’t want to get a parking ticket. You have better things to spend your money on!

Trash and Recycling

A: Can you tell me where we are supposed to take our trash?
B: Put it in the dumpster next to that stairway.
A: What day do they pick the trash up?
B: They empty the trash every Wednesday.
A: Are we supposed to mix our recyclables in, or sort them?
B: We are supposed to sort our recyclables.
A: Is there a special container for recyclables?
B: You should have a blue container in your kitchen. Empty that into the blue bin downstairs.
A: What about plant material?
B: Anything that can be composted goes into the bin with the green lid.

A: I need a little help about where to dump my trash bags.
B: Put them in the parking lot dumpster near the parking spaces.
A: When is trash day?
B: Trash day is Wednesday.
A: Do they sort our recyclables, or do we do it?
B: They expect us to take out our recyclables.
A: Do we put our recyclables in a separate bin?
B: Just take all of your recyclables to the blue bin downstairs.
A: Is there a special bin for yard waste?
B: All material to be composted goes into the bin with the green lid.

A: Where are the dumpsters located in this building?
B: Right now they are in the front of the building for pickup.
A: When do the dumpsters get emptied?
B: They usually get emptied Wednesday, unless there is a holiday in there somewhere.
A: Are there separate containers for recyclables?
B: We don’t mix our recyclables with regular trash.
A: What does the container for recyclables look like?
B: All of your recyclables go into the blue bin.
A: How about composting materials?
B: We have a great composting program that uses the bin with the green lid.

Laundry Room Rules and Hours

A: So where are the laundry rooms located?
B: There is a laundry room located at the end of each hallway.
A: Can I use them at any time?
B: All laundry rooms are locked at eleven at night and re-open at seven in the morning.
A: Do they use change?
B: You should bring quarters for the washer and dryer.
A: Can you buy detergent in the laundry room?
B: Yes, there are detergent dispensers in the laundry room.
A: Are there rules in the laundry room?
B: Yes, if you leave your laundry in the machine unattended, people can just take it out and put it on a table so they may use the machine.

A: Does every floor have a laundry room?
B: Each hallway has a laundry room located near the stairway.
A: Are they open for use around the clock?
B: The laundry room near the recreation center is open twenty-four hours a day. The rest have posted hours.
A: Do I need to bring coins with me?
B: The washers and dryers require correct change, but there is a change machine in the laundry room.
A: Are there any detergent dispensers in the laundry room?
B: Yes, but they are expensive.
A: Are there any specific rules about doing laundry?
B: Yes, you are only supposed to tie up three machines at a time for your own use, so that the other machines are available for other tenants.

A: Do you have a lot of laundry rooms?
B: We have many laundry rooms. Your closest one is next to the pool.
A: Are there any certain hours we can use them.
B: All of the laundry rooms can be used whenever you need to use them.
A: What type of payment do they require?
B: If you bring dollar bills, you will be in great shape.
A: Is there any place to buy laundry detergent in the laundry room.
B: There are detergent dispensers in the laundry room but it is cheaper to buy it across the street at the market.
A: Is there anything I should know about the rules of the laundry room?
B: Yes, we ask that you please clean up after yourself as in wiping up spilled detergent or cleaning out lint screens.

Neighbors and Help

A: Hi, I am your new neighbor and was wondering if I could ask you a question or two.
B: Hi! I would be happy to answer any questions you might have.
A: Everyone here seems very friendly.
B: Yes, many of us have lived here a long time and know each other well.
A: How long have you lived here?
B: I have lived in this building for ten years.
A: When I get settled, would you consider giving me a list of places you use, like cleaners and grocery stores?
B: I can help you with that. Would you like to go to the local farmer’s market with me this morning?
A: That would be great!
B: Fine. I’ll knock on your door around ten o’clock then.

A: Hi, I am your new neighbor and would like to ask you about a few things.
B: Hi, nice to meet you. Sure, ask me anything you need to know.
A: So far, everyone that I’ve met seems so helpful.
B: We all seem to get along pretty well.
A: Have you lived here a very long time?
B: I first moved here ten years ago.
A: I am having trouble figuring out the best places to shop and such.
B: I am a pretty good source for all of that information. You could go to the local farmer’s market with me today if you wish.
A: I would love to go with you!
B: I’ll be leaving around ten o’clock. I’ll pick you up.

A: Hi, I just moved in next door and have a few questions.
B: Hello, and welcome to our building. I would be happy to help you with your questions.
A: You all seem like a very pleasant group of tenants.
B: We all try and help each other out when we can.
A: When did you first move here?
B: I have lived here for quite awhile. Ten years!
A: I am not from around here, and I don’t know where basic services are.
B: I could help you find everything you need. Would you be interested in going to the local farmer’s market with me?
A: What a great opportunity to get oriented to the neighborhood!
B: It starts around ten. Just meet me in the parking lot around 9:45, and I’ll take you there.

Visitors and Extra Tenants

A: I have a question about extra people living with me in my apartment.
B: You may have one roommate, but they need to have an approved application on file with us.
A: What about overnight guests?
B: An occasional overnight guest is not a problem.
A: How many days could I have an extra guest?
B: We usually consider any guest who stays over a week to be a possible problem.
A: Will I have to pay extra for roommates or visitors?
B: If you are given permission for extended visitors, you may be charged extra.
A: Can my guests use the pool and laundry room?
B: Your guests may use the pool and laundry facilities, but you must be with them at all times.

A: Can I have roommates in my apartment?
B: You may have one roommate, but they need to pass a credit check.
A: Can overnight guests stay with me?
B: You may have an overnight guest, but they may not stay for an extended period of time.
A: How long could my friends and family stay with me without it being a problem?
B: No one can stay with you for over a week without special permission.
A: Will I owe extra money for more people staying in my apartment?
B: You are not charged extra for a roommate or short-term guests.
A: If I have visitors, may they use the pool?
B: Your short-term guests may use the facilities with you present.

A: What about roommates in my apartment?
B: You may have one roommate, but their name must appear on the lease.
A: Can I have someone visit me for a short period of time?
B: We understand that a family member or friend may visit from time to time. Just make sure that they are not moving in with you.
A: How many days could a friend stay without it being a problem?
B: You cannot have an extra tenant for over a week, unless we give you special permission.
A: Will I be charged extra money for having roommates or visitors?
B: A roommate or a short-term guest would not cost you anything extra.
A: Can my family and friends use the facilities when they visit me?
B: Your guests may not use the facilities unless you are with them.

Locked Out

A: I need your help with something.
B: What’s wrong?
A: I somehow locked myself out of my apartment.
B: How did you lock yourself out?
A: I’m really not sure.
B: Where’s your key?
A: I locked it inside the house.
B: I do have a spare key to your door.
A: May I use it, please?
B: Okay, but once you get in, bring my key right back.
A: I will, and thank you so much.
B: Make sure to keep your key with you next time.

A: Could you help me?
B: What happened?
A: I’m locked out of my apartment.
B: What did you do to lock yourself out?
A: I have no idea.
B: You don’t have your key?
A: It’s inside of my apartment.
B: I have a key to your apartment.
A: Could I borrow it for just a second?
B: All right. Bring it back when you’re done.
A: Great, thanks a lot.
B: I hope you’ll be more careful next time.

A: I really need you to do something for me.
B: What’s the problem?
A: I can’t get into my apartment.
B: How’d you manage that?
A: I don’t know.
B: Do you know where your key is?
A: It’s inside my apartment.
B: I have a spare key.
A: Will you let me use it to get inside?
B: Sure. Remember to give it back when you’re finished.
A: I appreciate this.
B: No problem. Try not to lock yourself out again.

Asking the Neighbor Not to Make Noise

A: I was meaning to talk to you about something.
B: What’s going on?
A: Were you having a party in your apartment last Friday?
B: Yes, I had a little party.
A: It was very loud.
B: I didn’t intend on being too loud.
A: It’s fine if you want to have people over, but I couldn’t sleep with the noise.
B: I really do apologize for all the noise.
A: Next time, do you think that you could keep it down?
B: Will do.
A: Thank you very much.
B: Okay, and once again I’m sorry for keeping you up.

A: May I talk to you?
B: What’s up?
A: Did you have a party Friday?
B: I did have a few people over.
A: It was way too loud.
B: I didn’t realize I was making a lot of noise.
A: I couldn’t sleep with how loud it was.
B: I’m sorry for being so loud.
A: Could you try not to be so loud the next time?
B: I’ll make sure to do that for you.
A: Thanks, I would appreciate it.
B: Let me apologize again for the noise.

A: We really need to talk.
B: What do we need to talk about?
A: Was there a party going on in your apartment on Friday?
B: I did throw a party on Friday.
A: Oh, well, you were quite loud.
B: I really didn’t mean to be loud.
A: I don’t mind if you have company, of course, but the noise made it difficult for me to sleep.
B: I am sorry if my party kept you up.
A: It’s all right, but next time could you try to keep it down?
B: I will try to.
A: Thank you, because that would be great.
B: You’re welcome, and I apologize for the inconvenience.

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