Senin, 19 Januari 2015

Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris A Mistake by the Waitress

A Mistake by the Waitress

A: Well, here is your breakfast!
B: Thanks so much. Miss, I believe I ordered my eggs scrambled, and these are fried.
A: Sorry, your friend over there ordered fried eggs, and I gave you his by mistake.
B: Oh yeah. Here, I will just trade with him.
A: Here are your pancakes, sir.
B: But I ordered waffles!
A: Oh, I am so sorry!
B: That's OK. I will eat my eggs and bacon, and you can take my pancakes back.
A: Good, sir. I will take care of that right away.
B: Thank you so much!

A: I believe you ordered the Grand Slam breakfast.
B: Oh, good! You know, I am looking at my plate and I ordered scrambled eggs, not fried.
A: Oh, I just noticed that I accidentally brought you your friend's breakfast.
B: I can just trade with him, thank you.
A: And pancakes for you, sir.
B: I am sorry, but I think I ordered waffles.
A: I am sorry that I misheard you.
B: Just please take my pancakes to trade for waffles. While I am waiting, I will eat my bacon and eggs.
A: I will get straight back to you with your waffles.
B: I would appreciate that.

A: One Grand Slam breakfast for you!
B: Thanks. You know, I just noticed that these eggs are fried, and I ordered scrambled.
A: Thank you for pointing that out. I mistakenly gave you your friend's breakfast.
B: Not a problem. I can just trade my plate with his.
A: A special order of banana pancakes for you!
B: Pancakes? I don't like pancakes. I ordered waffles.
A: I am so sorry, sir!
B: I can eat my bacon and eggs while you are exchanging my pancakes for waffles.
A: I will go trade those pancakes for waffles right now.
B: That would take care of it, thank you.

Making Positive Comments on Food

A: What a wonderful dinner!
B: Thank you. I am glad that you are enjoying it.
A: Where did you get your fantastic recipes?
B: I grew up cooking. My mother shared her recipes with me.
A: I especially like the wonderful chicken dish.
B: That is a special coconut ginger chicken with rice dish.
A: Is that shrimp in the soup?
B: Yes, do you like it? I added a little extra lemon grass and some sea vegetables.
A: I am happy that the wine I brought for you works well with this meal.
B: Yes, thank you for bringing the wine. It really complements the meal.

A: This is a great meal!
B: Thank you. I am glad that everything turned out so well.
A: Who taught you how to cook this well?
B: I took a cooking class at the Culinary Institute.
A: Wow, what is in this chicken dish?
B: Isn't that great? That is coconut ginger chicken with rice.
A: Is the soup a shrimp soup?
B: Yes, there is shrimp in there along with sea vegetables and lemon grass.
A: I think I got lucky in choosing a wine that blends with this meal.
B: I appreciate you bringing the wine. It goes well with the chicken.

A: I really love this meal.
B: Thanks. I was hoping that you would all enjoy this meal.
A: Where did you learn to cook these amazing dishes?
B: I got a really wonderful cookbook for my birthday and decided to try out a few of the recipes.
A: The chicken is out of this world!
B: I love that dish as well. It is coconut chicken with rice.
A: I was wondering if there was shrimp in the soup.
B: Yes, that soup has a shrimp base. I also added sea vegetables and lemon grass.
A: It worked out well that the wine that I brought to share seems to blend well with this meal.
B: I love this wine! It goes very well with the chicken.
Good Tips for Good Service

A: Do you want some dessert?
B: No thanks. We just need our check. Have you seen the waitress?
A: Oh, here comes our waitress with our check.
B: The service here has been really great, don't you think?
A: Yes, the service was quite good.
B: So, let's look at the check. The total is $36.00.
A: How much do you think we should leave for a tip?
B: Usually people leave 15%, but this was exceptional service. I am thinking that maybe 20% would be appropriate.
A: I agree that 20% would be just about right.
B: OK, so that will bring her tip to $7.20. Add it to the $36.00 and the total is $43.20.
A: Yes, what a nice dinner that was!
B: We'll have to make sure to come back here again real soon.

A: Would you like some more coffee?
B: No thanks. I'm full. We need to find our waitress and get our bill.
A: The waitress is bringing the bill right now.
B: This waitress has really been on top of things, hasn't she?
A: Yes, this waitress did a great job.
B: OK, let's see what the damage is. The total for our meal is $36.00.
A: What do you think would be the right amount to leave for a tip?
B: Fifteen percent is a normal tip, but she really did a great job. What do you think about 20% this time?
A: Yes, 20% would be perfect.
B: Her tip will end up being $7.20 plus the bill of $36.00. The total will be $43.20.
A: Yes, that was one fantastic meal!
B: I agree. Maybe we can come back again next week.

A: Would you like to order anything else?
B: No, I'm good. All we need now is our check.
A: The waitress is walking over here with our check even as we speak.
B: I have never had bad service at this restaurant, but this time was really exceptional.
A: Yes, she really went out of her way to make this a pleasant dining experience.
B: Let's take a look at our bill. The total price for our dinner is $36.00.
A: How much money should we leave for a tip?
B: I know that 15% is a normal tip, but I really thought that this waitress went out of her way for us. What do you think about tipping her 20%?
A: She definitely deserves 20% for a tip.
B: So we can add her tip of $7.20 to the bill of $36.00 and the total will be $43.20.
A: Yes, what a wonderful meal!
B: It absolutely was a great meal. We'll have to return here for lunch sometime.
Little Tips for Bad Service

A: Do you want some dessert?
B: No thanks. We just need our check. Have you seen the waitress?
A: Where is our waitress anyway?
B: Yes, the service hasn't been the best. Is that our waitress over there?
A: I'll walk over and get the bill, since I don't think the waitress is coming over here any time soon.
B: Good idea. Just bring it back and we'll figure it out together.
A: So the bill is $36.00.
B: How much do you think we should leave for a tip?
A: My first inclination is to leave nothing for a tip.
B: I agree, but we don't really know the whole story. There may have been problems in the kitchen beyond her control.
A: Let's leave 10%, so that we at least leave something for the service.
B: I agree. We will leave $3.60 for the tip.

A: Would you like some more coffee?
B: No thanks. I'm full. We need to find our waitress and get our bill.
A: Good luck finding the waitress!
B: The service this evening has kind of sucked. Is that our server over there?
A: I'll go get the check, since our server doesn't seem to be headed this way.
B: Good. I'll just stay here until you get back.
A: So the total is $36.00 for our dinner.
B: How much of a tip do you think our waitress deserves?
A: I wonder if no tip would be appropriate in light of the service.
B: I kind of feel the same way, but they may have just been really short-staffed tonight.
A: I think that we should leave 10%.
B: $3.60 will be the right amount for the tip.

A: Would you like to order anything else?
B: No, I'm good. All we need now is our check.
A: Our waitress has been kind of scarce tonight, hasn't she?
B: I think that is our waitress is over by the bar. Boy, the service has not been good this evening.
A: She doesn't appear to be headed this way, so I will go get the check.
B: Good. Just bring it back and we'll total it together.
A: Our total for dinner is $36.00.
B: What do you think would be the right amount to tip?
A: I kind of don't want to leave any tip for the lousy service we received.
B: I agree that it was bad service, but I heard one of the other waiters mentioning that it was our server's first night on the job.
A: I believe that 10% is just about right.
B: I think that a tip of $3.60 will be the right amount to leave.

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