Senin, 19 Januari 2015

Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Setting up a Bank Account

Setting up a Bank Account

A: How are you doing today?
B: Great. Thanks.
A: What can I help you with?
B: I would like to open a bank account.
A: What kind would you like to open?
B: I need a checking account.
A: Would you also like to open a savings account?
B: That’s fine.
A: In order to open these accounts, you need to deposit a minimum of $50.
B: I want to deposit $300.
A: I’ll set up your accounts for you right now.
B: Make sure to put $150 in each account.

A: How are you?
B: I’m well. Thank you for asking.
A: What can I do for you?
B: I need to open a bank account.
A: What kind of account?
B: I just need a checking account.
A: You can open a savings account, too.
B: All right. Open both.
A: You need to deposit at least $50 into both accounts.
B: I will be depositing $300 today.
A: I will set your accounts up right now.
B: Would you please put $150 in both accounts?

A: How are things with you?
B: I’m fine. Thank you.
A: May I help you with something?
B: I want to open a bank account.
A: Do you know what kind of account you want to open?
B: I want to open a checking account.
A: You should also open a savings account.
B: That would be great.
A: To open these accounts, you will need to make a deposit of at least $50.
B: I would actually like to deposit $300 today.
A: Let me do that for you now.
B: Please put $150 in each account for me.

Asking about Checks

A: How are you doing today?
B: Great. Thanks.
A: What can I do for you today?
B: I just have one question.
A: What’s your question?
B: How do I order checks?
A: You can order them right now, if you’d like.
B: That would be great.
A: Just fill out this application.
B: Then what?
A: Give it about 5 to 7 business days, and you should receive them in the mail.
B: Here’s my application. Thanks for your help.

A: How are you?
B: I’m fantastic.
A: What can I help you with?
B: Could you answer a question for me?
A: What would you like to know?
B: I need to order checks. How do I do that?
A: You can do that right now, if you want to.
B: Let me do that now.
A: I’m just going to need you to fill out this application.
B: What do I do next?
A: You will receive your checks in the mail in about a week.
B: I’ve finished my application. Thank you so much.

A: How’s it going?
B: I’m fine. Thank you.
A: May I help you?
B: I have a question.
A: Ask away.
B: How can I order new checks?
A: If you want, you can order some right now.
B: I would like to do that right now.
A: First, you need to fill out this application.
B: What else do I have to do?
A: Give it about a week, and you should get your checks in the mail.
B: I appreciate your help. Here’s my application.

Making a Deposit

A: How are you doing?
B: Great. Thanks for asking.
A: What can I do for you today?
B: I would like to deposit some money.
A: Are you depositing cash or a check?
B: I want to deposit cash.
A: How much are you depositing?
B: I would like to deposit $300.
A: What account do you want your money in?
B: I want to deposit it into my checking account.
A: Do you need anything else?
B: No. That’s all. Thank you.

A: How are you?
B: I’m fantastic!
A: What can I help you with?
B: I want to make a deposit today.
A: Cash or check?
B: It will be cash today.
A: How much do you want to deposit?
B: I need to deposit $300.
A: What account will you be depositing this money into?
B: Deposit it into my checking account.
A: What else can I do for you today?
B: That’s all I need today. Thanks.

A: How are things with you?
B: I’m fine. Thank you.
A: How may I help you?
B: I need to make a deposit.
A: Will you be depositing cash or a check?
B: I will be depositing cash.
A: How much would you like to deposit?
B: It’s going to be $300.
A: What account would you like to deposit that into?
B: Could you deposit that into my checking account, please?
A: Can I do anything else for you today?
B: That’ll be all. Thank you very much.

Making a Withdrawal

A: How are you doing today?
B: Great. Thank you.
A: What can I do for you?
B: I need to withdraw some money.
A: How much would you like to take out?
B: I need to withdraw $300.
A: Which account would you like to take the money from?
B: I want to take it from my checking account.
A: Okay, here you go.
B: Thank you very much.
A: Can I do anything else for you?
B: No. That’ll be all.

A: How are you?
B: I’m fabulous.
A: What can I help you with?
B: I need to make a withdrawal.
A: How much are you withdrawing today?
B: I need $300.
A: What account would you like to take this money from?
B: Take it from my checking account.
A: Here’s your $300.
B: Thank you so much.
A: Will you be needing anything else?
B: That’s it for today.

A: How’s it going?
B: I’m fine. Thanks for asking.
A: What did you need?
B: I would like to make a withdrawal.
A: How much money would you like to withdraw?
B: I want to take out $300.
A: Which account are you making this withdrawal from?
B: I want it taken from my checking account.
A: All right, here is your $300.
B: Thanks a lot.
A: Is there anything else that I can do for you today?
B: No. That’s everything. Thank you.

A Check Bounces

A: What can I help you with today?
B: I have a problem.
A: What is the problem?
B: I wrote a check for $100 and it bounced.
A: Do you have enough money in your account?
B: I think so.
A: Let me check that for you right now.
B: Okay. Thank you.
A: Apparently there is only $57 left in your account.
B: You can’t be serious!
A: That’s what my records show.
B: I see. Thanks for your help.

A: How may I help you?
B: There’s a problem with my check.
A: What problem?
B: My check for $100 bounced.
A: Are you sure you have $100 in your checking account?
B: I thought I did.
A: I’ll check for you.
B: Thank you very much.
A: It looks like you only have $57 left in your account.
B: That can’t be right!
A: That’s what my computer is showing.
B: All right. Thank you very much.

A: What can I do for you?
B: I have a problem with this check.
A: What’s wrong?
B: I wrote out a check for $100 and it bounced.
A: Do you have enough money in your checking account?
B: I believe so.
A: Give me a moment, and I’ll check.
B: All right. Thanks.
A: You only have $57 left in your checking account.
B: That’s impossible.
A: I’m sorry, but that’s what our records show.
B: Okay. Thanks. Have a nice day.

Transferring Money to Another Account

A: How are you doing?
B: Great. Thanks.
A: May I help you with something?
B: I would like to transfer some money.
A: Where would you like to transfer money from?
B: Take it from my savings account.
A: Where would you like the money transferred?
B: I want it transferred into my checking account.
A: How much would you like to transfer?
B: I would like to transfer $200.
A: Will that be all today?
B: That’s it for today. Thank you.

A: How are you today?
B: Very well.
A: Do you need help with something?
B: I need to make a transfer.
A: What account would you like to transfer the money from?
B: I want to transfer money from my savings account.
A: Where do you want the money to go to?
B: I want the money to be transferred into my checking account.
A: How much money are you going to transfer today?
B: $200 will be fine.
A: Is that all I can do for you today?
B: I won’t be needing anything else.

A: How’s everything with you today?
B: I’m fine. Thank you.
A: What can I do for you?
B: I need to transfer money.
A: Do you know which account you want to take the money from?
B: From my savings account.
A: Where are you transferring the money to?
B: I would like it transferred to my checking account.
A: How much?
B: I want to transfer $200.
A: Will that be all?
B: Yes. That will be all.

Canceling an Account

A: Can I help you with something?
B: I need to cancel one of my accounts.
A: Is there a problem with it?
B: I don’t need it anymore.
A: What would you like to do with all the money in this account?
B: Just transfer it over to my remaining account.
A: I can do that.
B: That would be great.
A: Do you want to take any money out?
B: Not today.
A: It’s going to take a moment for me to cancel your account.
B: That’s fine. Take your time.

A: What can I do for you?
B: I would like to cancel one of my accounts.
A: Is there a problem with your account?
B: I only need one.
A: What about all your money in that account?
B: Could you please transfer that money to my remaining account?
A: That’s fine.
B: I appreciate it.
A: Would you like to make a withdrawal?
B: That’s all for today.
A: I’ll just cancel your account right now.
B: I greatly appreciate your help.

A: Did you need help with something?
B: I need to cancel an account.
A: Do you have a problem with your account?
B: I don’t need two different accounts anymore.
A: What are you going to do about the money in your account?
B: Can I transfer it to my remaining account?
A: I’ll do that for you.
B: That’s lovely.
A: Would you like to withdraw any money?
B: No. That’s fine.
A: It’ll just take me a moment to cancel your account.
B: Thank you very much.

Canceling a Check

A: How are you doing today?
B: I’m fine.
A: What can I do for you?
B: I would like to cancel a check.
A: Is there a problem?
B: I wrote the check out for too much.
A: How much did you write it out for?
B: I wrote it out for $150.
A: How much was it supposed to be?
B: It was supposed to be for $100.
A: I’ll cancel that check for you.
B: I really appreciate your help.

A: How are you?
B: I’m doing well.
A: How may I help you?
B: Could you cancel a check for me?
A: What’s the problem?
B: I wrote the check out for way too much.
A: How much?
B: I wrote the check out for $150.
A: What were you supposed to write it out for?
B: I was supposed to write the check out for $100.
A: I’ll just cancel it for you right now.
B: That’s great. You’re a lifesaver.

A: How’s it going?
B: Great. Thank you.
A: What can I help you with?
B: I need to cancel a check.
A: What’s wrong with the check?
B: I accidentally wrote the check for too much.
A: How much did you write the check for?
B: The check was written for $150.
A: How much were you supposed to write it for?
B: I needed to write it for $100.
A: I can cancel it for you right now.
B: Thank you so much.

Using the ATM

A: I need to use the ATM.
B: What’s stopping you?
A: I’m not sure how.
B: I don’t understand.
A: I’ve never used one before.
B: I can help you figure it out.
A: What do I have to do?
B: Slide your card into the machine.
A: Then what?
B: You need to type your PIN in.
A: What do I have to do next?
B: Click on whichever option you want, and you’re done.

A: I have to use the ATM.
B: Is there a problem?
A: I don’t know how to use it.
B: What are you talking about?
A: I have never used an ATM before.
B: I can show you how to use it.
A: How do I use it?
B: You need to push your card into the machine.
A: What’s next?
B: Enter your PIN.
A: What else do I have to do?
B: Every option you can choose will appear on the screen. That’s about it.

A: I need to go to the ATM.
B: So, why don’t you?
A: I have no idea how to use the ATM.
B: What do you mean?
A: This will be my first time using an ATM.
B: I can help you with that.
A: Explain to me how to use it.
B: Just put your card into the machine.
A: Now what do I do?
B: Then you need to type in your PIN.
A: Now what?
B: Just click on one of the choices they give you, and that’s it.

Your Debit Card Gets Declined

A: Your total comes to $36.78.
B: Put it on my VISA.
A: There’s a problem with your card.
B: What’s wrong with it?
A: I believe it was declined.
B: You’re kidding me!
A: Do you have another card I could try?
B: I only have one card.
A: Do you have cash, perhaps?
B: I don’t have any cash on me.
A: You’re not going to be able to take these items today.
B: I’ll be back tomorrow.

A: The total for all these items comes to $36.78.
B: Take my VISA.
A: There is something wrong with your card.
B: What’s going on?
A: Your card was declined.
B: That can’t be right!
A: Would you like me to try another card?
B: I don’t have another one.
A: What about cash?
B: I didn’t bring cash with me today.
A: I’m sorry, but you can’t take the items until you can buy them.
B: I’ll come back for them tomorrow.

A: You owe $36.78.
B: Here’s my VISA card.
A: I’m sorry, but your card isn’t working.
B: What’s the problem?
A: The machine says your card was declined.
B: It was?
A: Do you have another card?
B: That’s my only one.
A: Maybe you can just pay in cash?
B: No cash today.
A: I guess you won’t be able to purchase these items today.
B: I’ll come tomorrow with cash.

Asking about Fees

A: Do you have any other questions?
B: I want to know about fees.
A: Which fees?
B: Overdraft fees.
A: You will be required to pay a small fee for every time you overdraft.
B: How much is the fee?
A: You'll have to pay $25 every time you overdraft.
B: That’s a small fee?
A: It should stop you from overdrafting.
B: You would think it would, but it most likely won’t.
A: Can I help you with anything else?
B: That’s it for today. Thank you.

A: Do you have any questions?
B: Tell me about fees.
A: What fees are you referring to?
B: I want to know about overdraft fees.
A: We charge a small fee every time you overdraft.
B: How much?
A: For each time you overdraft, you have to pay $25.
B: That’s not a small fee.
A: You shouldn’t overdraft.
B: That’s for sure.
A: Do you need help with anything else?
B: That’s all I needed to know. Thanks.

A: Would you like to ask any questions?
B: I need to know about the fees.
A: What kind of fees?
B: I’m asking about overdraft fees.
A: You have to pay a small fee every time you overdraft.
B: What’s the fee?
A: The fee is $25 every time you overdraft.
B: How is that a small fee?
A: That fee should keep you from overdrafting.
B: I’ll say.
A: Do you have any more questions?
B: I don’t need to know anything else. Thank you.

Paying Your Fees

A: How are you doing today?
B: Very well. Thank you.
A: What can I help you with?
B: Do I have any fees to pay?
A: As a matter of fact, you do.
B: How much?
A: You owe $235.13.
B: That’s unbelievable.
A: Will you be paying some of that off today?
B: I want to pay all of it off today.
A: How will you be paying?
B: I’ll be paying with cash.

A: How are you?
B: I’m great. Thank you for asking.
A: What can I do for you?
B: Do I owe any fees?
A: You sure do.
B: Could you tell me how much I owe?
A: You owe $235.13 in fees.
B: I can’t believe that.
A: When will you be paying these fees off?
B: I’ll pay them off right now.
A: Cash or check?
B: I will pay with cash.

A: How’s it going?
B: I’m great. Thanks.
A: What do you need?
B: I need to know if I have any fees to pay.
A: Actually, you do owe some fees.
B: How much do I owe?
A: Your fees total $235.13.
B: That’s crazy!
A: You need to pay these fees soon.
B: Can I do that right now?
A: Will you be paying with cash or check?
B: I think I’ll be paying with cash.

Asking about Minimum Balance Requirements

A: I would like to open an account today.
B: What kind?
A: I want to open a checking account.
B: You need to keep a minimum balance.
A: How much is it?
B: You need at least $100 in your account.
A: Is that all?
B: Yes. That’s the minimum.
A: What happens if I don’t meet that requirement?
B: You will get a fine.
A: How much?
B: It’s going to be $25.

A: I need to open an account.
B: Do you know what kind you want to open?
A: I want a checking account.
B: Do you know what the minimum balance is?
A: What is that?
B: You need to keep it at $100.
A: That’s it?
B: That’s the least amount you can have.
A: What’ll happen if I don’t maintain that?
B: We will fine you.
A: How much will I be fined?
B: You will be fined $25.

A: I want to open an account.
B: What kind of account do you want to open?
A: I want to open a checking account.
B: Do you know the minimum balance you’re required to keep?
A: How much is that?
B: You have to maintain a minimum balance of $100.
A: Really?
B: Yes, really.
A: What if I can’t meet that requirement?
B: You will be fined.
A: How much is the fine?
B: It’s going to cost you $25.

Not Getting a Bank Statement in the Mail

A: How may I help you?
B: I’m having a problem.
A: What is it?
B: I apparently owe some fees, but I never got the bank statement.
A: I do apologize for that.
B: My fees went up, but I didn’t even know I had fees to pay.
A: I see your problem.
B: What are you going to do about it?
A: I will cancel the fees you owe.
B: I don’t have to pay any fees?
A: You’ll only have to pay the initial fee.
B: That’s fine. I appreciate your help.

A: What can I do for you?
B: I have a serious problem.
A: Explain it to me.
B: I never got a bank statement for fees that I owe.
A: I’m sorry, but I guess we didn’t send a statement out.
B: My fees increased, because I didn’t know about my fees.
A: I see where that is a problem.
B: Can you fix it?
A: I will cancel the fees that you owe.
B: You’re canceling all the fees?
A: You still need to pay the initial fee.
B: That’ll be fine.

A: May I help you?
B: I have a problem.
A: What’s your problem?
B: I owe fees, but a bank statement never came in the mail about it.
A: I apologize for the inconvenience.
B: I have no idea about the fee, so my fees went up.
A: I understand your problem.
B: Will you be able to solve my problem?
A: I’m going to cancel the fees you owe.
B: So, I don’t have to pay any of it?
A: The initial fee still must be paid.
B: That’s fabulous. Thank you very much.

Reporting Charges You Didn’t Make on Your Debit Card

A: What can I do for you today?
B: I have an issue.
A: What is your problem?
B: There were charges on my debit card that I never made.
A: Do you have a statement for your debit card?
B: I do.
A: Which charges are you talking about?
B: It’s the last four charges.
A: We’re going to have to do an investigation.
B: Is that going to take long?
A: I’m not sure, but in the meantime we will freeze these charges.
B: That’s wonderful. Thank you.

A: How may I help you?
B: I’m having a problem.
A: What problem are you having?
B: There have been charges made on my debit card that I didn’t make.
A: Do you have the statement for your card?
B: Here it is.
A: What are the charges you’re referring to?
B: The last four charges on the page.
A: I’m afraid we’re going to have to investigate these charges.
B: How long will an investigation take?
A: I honestly don’t know, but we will freeze payment on these charges.
B: That sounds absolutely fantastic.

A: May I help you?
B: I have a problem.
A: What’s the problem?
B: Someone else is making charges on my debit card.
A: I need to see a statement for your debit card.
B: I have it right here.
A: Can you show me which charges you’re referring to?
B: The last four charges.
A: We will need to do an investigation on this.
B: How long will that take?
A: We’ll have to freeze payment on those charges until the investigation is finished.
B: I really appreciate your help

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