Kamis, 22 Januari 2015

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Date and Time of a Field Trip

Date and Time of a Field Trip

A: When are we leaving for our field trip?
B: Our science field trip is next Monday at 8:00 in the morning. Can you mark that on your calendar?
A: Yes, I will write that down.
B: That will be Monday, December 2nd. We need to start loading the buses half an hour early, so plan to arrive at 7:30.
A: Yes, I will be there on time.
B: We will return 6 days later on December 8th. Will someone be picking you up?
A: Yes, someone is coming to get me.
B: The return bus will leave the campground at 5:00 p.m. and return to campus 3 hours later at 8:00 p.m.
A: What should we bring with us?
B: I am going to post all of that information on the geology club web page. Check it out when you get a chance. See you Monday!

A: Can you tell me what the date and time of our field trip is?
B: We are leaving on our science field trip at 8:00 a.m. next Monday. Do you have something to write that down on?
A: Yes, I can write that on my calendar.
B: That will be on the second of December. Be there ½ an hour early to get your bags on the bus. Do you understand?
A: Yes, I understand.
B: The bus will bring you back 6 days later on December 8th. Is someone coming to get you?
A: No, I don't have a ride yet.
B: We will be leaving the campground at 5:00 in the evening and arrive at our campus at 8:00 p.m. Any more questions?
A: How much will the trip cost?
B: I put all of that information in the packet. I'll give you another copy if you need one. See you on Monday!

A: What date will our field trip be on?
B: The science field trip is next Monday at 8 o'clock in the morning. Do you want to make note of that on your calendar?
A: Yes, I will make note of that.
B: Next Monday is December 2nd. The buses will leave at 8, but we must begin loading at 7:30.
A: Be there half an hour early.
B: You might want to tell whoever is picking you up that you will return on December 8th. Do you have a ride?
A: Yes, someone is picking me up.
B: To get back to campus by 8:00 p.m., we will be leaving the campsite at 5:00 p.m. Do you have any more questions?
A: Not at the moment—maybe later, though.
B: All of the extra information that you need is on the bulletin board in the hallway. See you on Monday!

Where to Buy Lunch

A: Hi, could you help me find a place where I could buy some lunch?
B: Sure! What kind of food would you like?
A: I was thinking of pizza or something else Italian, maybe.
B: I know the perfect place!
A: Good! Where is it?
B: It's right past that last building on the left. Do you want me to go with you?
A: That would be great.
B: Glad you asked me to join you. This will be fun!

A: Man, I'm hungry. Do you know a good place to have lunch?
B: Yes, I know a great place. What types of food do you like?
A: Mexican, Japanese or Chinese would be great.
B: Oh, I know a place where you might like to eat.
A: Is it close by?
B: It's down a block on the right; can I show you the way?
A: OK, I'd love the company.
B: This will work out well. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it.

A: Let's have some lunch; do you know of a great restaurant somewhere?
B: I'm hungry, too. What types of food sound good?
A: Maybe just a quick sandwich, salad, or something.
B: I have a great idea of where you might like to go.
A: Can we walk there?
B: It's on the second floor. May I join you?
A: Of course! Let's go.
B: Let's hurry. I'm starving!

Using a Vending Machine

A: Can you help me figure out how to use this machine?
B: Yes, I would be happy to help. What do you want to buy?
A: I want to buy that candy.
B: OK. So this machine will make change if you need it. Do you have your dollars ready?
A: Yeah, so far, so good.
B: Next, you feed your dollars into the machine in the slot. Make sure they are smooth.
A: Yeah, I already knew that.
B: I'm sure you know that if the dollar gets stuck, you might have to re-feed it.
A: OK, let's move on!
B: Now you just make your selection and pray. If nothing comes out, try again or call the number on the side of the machine.
A: I hope it works!
B: Well, good luck!

A: I've never seen a machine like this before and need some help.
B: Sure, no problem. What are you trying to get?
A: I want to buy a drink.
B: OK. This machine needs you to use that change machine first to get correct change.
A: I've got the correct change already.
B: First you put your money in the dollar slot or the coin slot. The dollars have to be smooth.
A: OK, what next?
B: Just know that sometimes the money doesn't go in perfectly the first time and you have to try again.
A: OK, next?
B: Choose what you want and push the button. Sometimes it takes a couple of tries.
A: I agree with you.
B: Hope that works for you!

A: I want to know how to buy something from this machine.
B: Yeah, the new ones can be tricky. What are you trying to buy?
A: I want to buy one of those snack things.
B: Are you ready to go?
A: I'm clear so far.
B: The money goes in the slot over there. It has to be smooth to go in.
A: It won't go in!
B: Just remember that you might have to feed the money in a couple of times to get it to work.
A: Yes, next step.
B: Make your selection and hope for the best. Vending machines aren't all that reliable.
A: They're totally unreliable.
B: You seem to have it down. Have a good day!

Returning Overdue Books

A: Can you help me with returning my late books?
B: This is the right spot to pay your fee. Put your books down right here.
A: OK.
B: I can see that you owe 25 cents a day. That will be one dollar and fifty cents total.
A: OK, here's the money.
B: We are interested in getting our books back; so as long as all the fines are paid off by the end of the semester, you will be fine. Does that make sense?
A: I'm not sure.
B: Your registration and transcripts can be held up if there is an outstanding fine.
A: Now I understand.
B: Well, you can always keep your late fees down by using the night drop if we are closed. Enjoy the library!

A: These books should have been turned in last week.
B: You have come to the correct place. Hand me your books.
A: Here they are.
B: Whoa, these are pretty late! You owe five dollars total to clear your fine.
A: I don't have the money right now.
B: We only require that all fines must be paid off by the end of the semester. So you will be okay to go.
A: What would happen if I didn't pay it?
B: It's really important to always clear your fines, so you'll get a report card and transcripts on time.
A: Yeah, but I don't know how they can do that.
B: Always remember that the night drop is here, and we really appreciate you returning your books for all to use.

A: My library books are late; where can I put them?
B: This is where they need to be turned in. Let me see them to check the date, OK?
A: Yeah, I think that they are really late!
B: Not all that late. You only owe the library fifty cents.
A: What if I can't pay it?
B: We appreciate you paying off all fines as soon as possible, but always before the end of the semester.
A: Yeah, I get it.
B: Your report card and transcripts will be held until you pay all fines, so always make sure that you do that.
A: That's not really fair!
B: If we aren't here, always feel free to use the night drop outside. Thanks for coming in!

Using a Parking Meter

A: Excuse me, could you help me figure out how to use this new parking meter?
B: Sure, it was confusing for me also. Have you ever used a regular meter?
A: Yes, I understood the old one.
B: Well, on this one you can use coins or a debit or credit card; which one would you like to use?
A: Debit or credit card.
B: OK. Now, do you see what the rate is on the sticker?
A: Yes.
B: OK, now that we know what it will cost, put the money or card into the machine.
A: Yes, I can do that.
B: Wonderful; now, this machine asks you the number of your spot, so put that in also.
A: Yes, I'm ready.
B: All you have to do now is take your receipt and put it on your dashboard.

A: Whoa, I never saw a meter like this before; how do you use it?
B: It's simple, once you do it a few times. Do you know how the old one worked?
A: I never used a parking meter before.
B: So we start out by deciding whether you will use cash or a credit or debit card.
A: Cash.
B: Fine, can you read the rate on the display?
A: Yes, I can.
B: Fine. Now that we know what they are ripping us off for, insert the payment.
A: I'd rather not pay, but I have to.
B: Fine, this machine does not ask you the number of your spot, so we can move on, all right?
A: Perfect, let's do it.
B: Now just check the meter to see how many minutes you have.

A: This parking meter is really confusing. Can you help me figure it out?
B: It's just like the old one, but with new stuff added.
A: Yeah, OK.
B: The first step is deciding on debit or credit card payment, so which one is it?
A: I have coins.
B: Perfect. Now, can you see the rate on the sign?
A: I didn't see that, but now I do.
B: Once you know what it will cost, put the payment in.
A: Here it goes!
B: You are doing great! Let's move on to the next step.
A: I am a little confused.
B: Just make sure that everything registered, and then you are good to go!

Purchasing a Parking Permit

A: I'd like to purchase a parking permit for next semester.
B: Are you a daytime student or do you just come in the evenings?
A: I am a daytime student.
B: Will you be driving a motorcycle or a car?
A: I will be driving my car.
B: OK, that will be twenty-five dollars. How would you like to pay for it?
A: I'll pay for it with a check.
B: Would you like to pay for any extra permits for another vehicle?
A: No, thanks; I'm fine.
B: Here you go then. Have a great school year!

A: I'll need a parking permit for next semester.
B: Do you attend school during the day or only at night?
A: I only attend class part-time in the evenings.
B: Do you drive a motorcycle or an automobile?
A: I have both, but I usually use my car to get to school.
B: Great, the price for that permit is thirty dollars; cash, check, or credit card?
A: I'll pay cash.
B: Do you need to buy a duplicate permit for a second vehicle?
A: No, thank you.
B: OK, here is your permit; enjoy the new semester.

A: I want to buy a parking permit, please.
B: Are you a full-time student or do you attend part-time in the evenings?
A: I attend both day and evening classes.
B: Will you be riding a motorcycle or do you drive a car?
A: I ride a motorcycle.
B: That permit will run twenty-five dollars; will that be cash or credit card?
A: I'll use a credit card, thank you.
B: Do you need a second permit for a car?
A: No, just the motorcycle permit.
B: Fine, here it is and have a great semester!

Parking Your Vehicle at School

A: Can you tell me where I can park?
B: Are you driving a motorcycle or an automobile?
A: I drive an automobile.
B: Fine. You can either park in the student lot or on the street. Do you know what a handicapped space is?
A: Yes, I have seen those spots.
B: Well, when you see the blue spots with the handicapped logo, do not park there unless you have a special permit. Are you going to be parking in the daytime or evening?
A: I park in the evenings.
B: Then you also need to be aware of the time limits on the street signs. Have you seen those signs?
A: Yes, I have seen those signs.
B: The signs always tell you how long you can park there and on what days. Do you know how to read the curb colors?
A: Yes, I know what the curb colors mean.
B: Well, just as long as you realize that red means no parking and white means loading and unloading, I think you know what you need to know.

A: Where should I park?
B: Do you have a car or motorbike?
A: I drive a scooter
B: In that case, you can park either in a student lot or on the street. Are you aware of the marked handicapped spots?
A: No, I haven't seen those spots.
B: The handicapped logo with blue means that you are not to park there unless you have a handicapped permit. Will you mostly be parking during the day or night?
A: I park in the daytime.
B: Make sure you pay special attention to the street signs with time limits. Have you noticed those signs?
A: No, I have not seen the signs.
B: Pay attention to what the signs tell you in terms of time limits and what days you can park there. Do you know what the curb colors mean?
A: No, I don't know what the curb colors mean.
B: Just remember that red means absolutely no parking and white means loading and unloading only. I think you'll be good to go!

A: What is the best place to park?
B: What vehicle do you usually bring to school? Is it an automobile or a motorbike?
A: I drive a motorcycle.
B: OK. That means you can park in the student lot or on the street. Have you seen the handicapped spots?
A: I am not sure what a handicapped spot is.
B: Look for the blue signs and blue marked spaces. Do you usually park in the daytime or the evening?
A: I park days and evenings.
B: Be careful about the time limits on the streets. Have you seen the signs for time limits?
A: What signs?
B: As long as you are careful reading the signs, you will always know how long you can park and what days are OK to park there. Are you aware of the curb colors?
A: What curb colors?
B: If you can remember that red means absolutely no parking and white means that you can only load and unload, you are going to be OK.

Fighting a Parking Ticket

A: Hey, I got this parking ticket; can you help me figure a way out of it?
B: First of all, did you park somewhere too long or in the wrong spot?
A: I was there too long.
B: Was the area clearly labeled with the time limit and all?
A: Yeah, I saw it.
B: You will need to convince the judge that you couldn't see the signs.
A: Yeah, I understand.
B: Whatever you do, you need to be respectful and polite to the judge.
A: Yeah, you're right.
B: Just try to talk to him about how IF you made a mistake that it won't happen again.
A: OK.
B: Good luck!

A: Man, I got another parking ticket. I am so unlucky--what can I do?
B: Was your car where it wasn't supposed to be, or did you stay there too long?
A: I was in an area where I wasn't supposed to park.
B: Could you tell where you were supposed to park and for how long?
A: I could tell what I was supposed to do.
B: That's too bad. That means that you can't use receipts or a witness to help you out.
A: I guess not.
B: Try brown-nosing the judge, but don't be too obvious about it.
A: Sure, if it will help.
B: Try and convince him that something was labeled wrong or something.
A: Sounds good!
B: Give it your best shot; it might work.

A: I don't know how to fight a parking ticket.
B: Did you get written up for exceeding the time limit or for parking where you weren't supposed to be?
A: Both.
B: Did you see all the signs and just decide to blow them off?
A: I was confused.
B: Maybe you could explain that you are new and got confused--could you do that?
A: If it might work, I'll go for it!
B: Let the judge see that you are only a poor starving student who won't do it again.
A: I can see how that might work.
B: Without actually saying that the parking ticket guy was an idiot, make it seem as though it was HIS mistake, not yours!
A: I could do that!
B: Try it. It just might save you the price of a parking ticket.

What to Do in the Neighborhood

A: I just recently moved into the neighborhood.
B: Is that right? How recently?
A: Just last week.
B: What kinds of things have you been doing out here?
A: I haven’t been doing much.
B: Why not?
A: I don’t know what to do.
B: There’s all sorts of things to do.
A: Like what?
B: How about shopping, or seeing a movie, or even going to the beach?
A: That’s more than I’ve been doing.
B: There are plenty of things to do out here.

A: I just moved in recently.
B: When was this?
A: About a week ago.
B: What have you done so far?
A: Nothing really.
B: What? Why haven’t you been doing anything?
A: What is there to do?
B: There’s a lot that you can do.
A: Name one thing.
B: You can always go to the beach or catch a movie.
A: I haven’t done any of that.
B: There’s no way for you to be bored here.

A: I recently moved into town.
B: When did you move in?
A: I’ve been here for only a week.
B: What have you been doing this past week?
A: I haven’t done much of anything.
B: Why is that?
A: I don’t know what there is to do.
B: You can do plenty of things.
A: Tell me what there is to do.
B: You can go shopping, go to the beach, or even see a movie.
A: I didn’t know what to do.
B: There’s a lot to do if you just look.

Meeting New People

A: Are you new in town?
B: Yes, I am new in town.
A: It’s very nice to meet you.
B: It’s nice to meet you too.
A: How long has it been since you moved here?
B: It’s been a month.
A: Do you like it here so far?
B: I actually do like it here.
A: Isn’t it beautiful?
B: It is absolutely beautiful here.
A: Let me welcome you to the neighborhood.
B: Thank you. I’m glad to be here.

A: Are you new around here?
B: I just moved here.
A: Nice to meet you.
B: I’m happy to meet you too.
A: When did you move here?
B: I’ve been here a month now.
A: How do you like it?
B: I love it here.
A: It’s gorgeous here, don’t you think?
B: It’s wonderful.
A: I would like to welcome you to the neighborhood.
B: That’s very sweet of you.

A: I haven’t seen you around, so you must be new here.
B: As a matter of fact, I am.
A: It’s nice meeting you.
B: Nice to meet you too.
A: When did you move out here?
B: I moved here about a month ago.
A: What do you think of it so far?
B: It’s great.
A: Don’t you think that it’s beautiful here?
B: It really is gorgeous.
A: Well, welcome to the neighborhood.
B: Thank you for making me feel welcome.

Why You Moved

A: Are you new in town?
B: Yes, I did just move in.
A: How do you like it here so far?
B: I think it’s great.
A: Where did you move from?
B: I was living in El Salvador.
A: Why did you decide to move?
B: I figured I could have a better life here.
A: Is life hard there?
B: There aren’t many opportunities for people.
A: Was it hard for you to move?
B: It was hard, but I know my life will be better here.

A: Did you just move here?
B: Yes, I just moved here.
A: Do you like it here so far?
B: I love it here.
A: Where did you come from?
B: I came from El Salvador.
A: Why’d you move?
B: I want to make a life for myself.
A: Is that hard to do there?
B: It’s harder to make a good life there.
A: So, was it easy for you to leave?
B: It wasn’t easy, but things will work out better for me here.

A: Are you new here?
B: I moved here a couple weeks ago.
A: What do you think of it here?
B: I like it here. It’s very nice.
A: Where were you living before?
B: I was living in El Salvador.
A: Why’d you leave?
B: I wanted to start a better life for myself here.
A: You couldn’t do that there?
B: It’s not easy to do well there.
A: It must’ve been hard for you to leave.
B: I miss home, but I’m happy to start a new life here.

Where to Find a Church

A: Do you need help with something?
B: I’m trying to find something.
A: What are you looking for?
B: I’m trying to find a church.
A: What kind of church is it?
B: It’s a Catholic church.
A: There’s a Catholic Church right on Lake Avenue.
B: Is that right?
A: Yes, and it’s huge, so you can’t miss it.
B: Where exactly is it?
A: It’s right at Lake and Woodbury.
B: Thanks for your help.

A: Can I help you?
B: I’m having trouble finding something.
A: What is it that you’re looking for?
B: I need to find a church.
A: What kind of church are you looking for?
B: I want to find a Catholic church.
A: I believe that there’s one on Lake Avenue.
B: Are you sure?
A: It’s a huge white church.
B: Where at on Lake?
A: On the corner of Lake and Woodbury.
B: Thanks a lot.

A: Did you need any help?
B: Actually, I was looking for something.
A: What is it?
B: I’m looking for a church.
A: What kind?
B: A Catholic church.
A: On Lake Avenue there is a nice Catholic church.
B: Is there really?
A: Yes, really.
B: Where on Lake is it?
A: You’ll find it on the corner of Lake and Woodbury.
B: You’ve been such a great help. Thank you.

Where to Find a Movie Theater

A: I need your help.
B: What’s up?
A: I’m lost.
B: Where exactly are you trying to go?
A: I want to go see a movie.
B: You can’t find a theater?
A: No, I have absolutely no idea where one is.
B: Do you know where the mall is?
A: Yes, I know where the mall is.
B: Go to the mall; there’s a movie theater inside.
A: I did not know that.
B: It’s a new theater. Enjoy your movie.

A: Could you help me?
B: What’s wrong?
A: I think I’m lost.
B: Where are you going?
A: I need to find the movie theater.
B: You’re not sure where it is?
A: I really don’t know.
B: You do know where the mall is, right?
A: I know exactly where that is.
B: There’s a movie theater inside the mall.
A: When did they get a theater?
B: They just built it.

A: I need your assistance.
B: What’s the problem?
A: I can’t find the place I’m looking for.
B: What are you looking for?
A: I am trying to go see a movie.
B: You don’t know where the theater is?
A: I’m completely lost.
B: Do you have any idea where the mall is?
A: Yes, I do.
B: The mall has its own movie theater.
A: I didn’t know the mall had a movie theater.
B: It’s newly opened.

Where to Find Places to Eat

A: I’m new to the neighborhood.
B: Have you been able to find everything okay?
A: Actually, could you help me with that?
B: What can I help you with?
A: I’m trying to find a nice restaurant to eat at.
B: What kind of food do you want?
A: I wouldn’t mind some good Chinese food.
B: There’s a great Chinese restaurant right down the street.
A: Could you tell me how to get there?
B: It’s a few blocks down. You’ll find it on the right-hand side.
A: Would you like to come eat lunch with me?
B: I would love to. Thanks.

A: I just moved into the neighborhood.
B: Do you know where everything is around town?
A: I could use your help with something.
B: Exactly what can I do for you?
A: I’m looking for somewhere to eat.
B: What kind of restaurant do you want to eat at?
A: I want Chinese food.
B: I know of a fabulous Chinese restaurant down the street.
A: How do I get there?
B: It’s just a few blocks away.
A: Would you like to go to lunch?
B: That would be great.

A: I’m new to town.
B: Oh, really? Are you finding everything all right?
A: I need some help.
B: What do you need help with?
A: I would like to find a nice restaurant.
B: What kind of food would you like to eat?
A: Chinese food sounds good to me.
B: You can always go to this Chinese restaurant just a few blocks away.
A: Where exactly is it?
B: If you go three blocks to the east, you can’t miss it.
A: Why don’t you come to lunch with me?
B: Sure. Let’s go.

Where is the Nearest Mall

A: Could you help me with something?
B: What did you need help with?
A: I need to find the mall.
B: You don’t know where it is?
A: No, and I’ve been looking everywhere for it.
B: It’s in the same place as the movie theater.
A: Where is the movie theater?
B: It’s on Washington Boulevard.
A: You mean that huge plaza?
B: That’s exactly where it is.
A: Oh, I know where that is.
B: I’m glad I was able to help.

A: I need some help.
B: What’s up?
A: I’m looking for the mall.
B: You can’t find it?
A: I’ve looked everywhere.
B: The mall is right next to the movie theater.
A: Where is that?
B: You’ll find it on Washington Boulevard.
A: In that plaza?
B: Yes. It’s in that plaza.
A: I know where it is now.
B: I’m glad I could help.

A: Do you think that you can help me?
B: What can I help you with?
A: I’m trying to find the mall.
B: You’re not sure where the mall is?
A: I’ve looked all over the place for the mall.
B: The mall is in the same place as the movie theater.
A: I don’t know where the movie theater is either.
B: It’s over on Washington Boulevard.
A: Is it in that plaza?
B: That’s the place.
A: I know exactly where the plaza is.
B: I’m glad that I was some help to you.

Looking for the Library

A: Are you looking for something?
B: I’m trying to find the library.
A: How long have you been trying to find it?
B: I’ve been looking for it for a while now.
A: I can help you find it if you want help.
B: I would like that.
A: Do you know where the movie theater is?
B: Yeah, I know where that is.
A: You’ll find the library right around the corner.
B: Are you serious?
A: Yes, you can’t miss it.
B: I know exactly where it is now.

A: Are you lost?
B: I can’t find the library.
A: How long have you been looking?
B: I’ve been trying to find it for a while now.
A: Would you like my help?
B: That would be great.
A: Have you seen the movie theater?
B: I know where the movie theater is.
A: The library is on the same block as the movie theater.
B: Really?
A: There’s no way you can miss it.
B: I’ve got it now.

A: What are you looking for?
B: I have been looking everywhere for the library.
A: How long have you been looking for it?
B: I’ve been searching for the library for an hour.
A: I can help you.
B: I would really appreciate your help.
A: You do know how to find the movie theater, right?
B: I’ve found that already.
A: The library is right around the corner from the theater.
B: Is that right?
A: There’s no way that you’ll miss it.
B: I can figure it out now.

Searching for a Book in the Library

A: Could you help me with something?
B: What can I help you with?
A: I need help finding a book.
B: What book are you looking for?
A: A book on reptiles.
B: Most of our animal books would be found in the children’s section.
A: Where would I find the rest of them?
B: You’d find them in the science section.
A: Could you show me which direction they’re in?
B: Which direction for what?
A: The science section, please.
B: Sure I can. Right this way.

A: I need your help.
B: How may I help you?
A: I need to find a book.
B: Which book is it?
A: I need to find a reptile book.
B: You’ll find most of our reptile books in the children’s section.
A: Where are the rest of the books located?
B: The rest are in the science section.
A: Please show me where that section is.
B: Which section?
A: The science section.
B: It’s right this way.

A: Will you help me, please?
B: What do you need?
A: I’m looking for a book.
B: What book would you like?
A: It’s a book on reptiles.
B: Some of those books would be found in our children’s section.
A: And the rest?
B: The rest can be found in the science section.
A: Could you point me in that direction?
B: Point you in which direction?
A: Could you point me in the direction of the science section?
B: Follow me, please.

Taking a Walk around a Park

A: It’s such a beautiful day.
B: It’s a perfect day to take a walk in the park.
A: I think so too.
B: The sky is so clear, and you can see the mountains perfectly.
A: Check out those red roses.
B: You can tell that it’s the spring.
A: That's because everything’s in bloom right now.
B: Look! That man’s selling ice cream.
A: Do you want to go get one?
B: That sounds so good.
A: It’ll be my treat.
B: That’s very nice of you.

A: It’s really pretty today.
B: This is the best time to take a stroll through the park.
A: I feel the same exact way.
B: Look how nice the mountains look today.
A: Aren’t the budding roses beautiful?
B: It’s obviously spring.
A: All the flowers are blooming.
B: There’s a man selling ice cream.
A: Would you like one?
B: Yes, I’d like one.
A: I’ll get it for you.
B: You’re so sweet. Thank you.

A: What a nice day!
B: I’m glad we decided to walk today.
A: I agree.
B: I can’t believe how clear the sky is right now.
A: I know, and look how pretty those roses are.
B: You can tell it’s springtime.
A: The flowers are blooming so beautifully this year.
B: I think that guy is selling ice cream.
A: Should we get an ice cream cone?
B: I would love some ice cream right now.
A: I’ll pay for it.
B: Thank you. That’s so nice.

Playing with Kids at the Park

A: Here we are!
B: Hurray! We finally made it to the park.
A: What do you want to play on first?
B: I want to go on the slide.
A: All right, but be careful.
B: I’m having so much fun.
A: Did you like the slide?
B: I slid down it fast.
A: Now what do you want to do?
B: I want to go on the swings.
A: Would you like me to push you?
B: No. I can do it myself.

A: We made it!
B: Great! There so much I want to play on.
A: What do you want to do first?
B: Let’s go down the slide.
A: Make sure you’re careful.
B: This is great!
A: How’d you like the slide?
B: The slide was so much fun.
A: What would you like to do next?
B: I want to swing.
A: I’ll push you if you want me to.
B: I don’t need your help. I can do it.

A: We’re here!
B: I want to go play!
A: What do you want to do first?
B: I want to go down the slide.
A: Don’t run, and be careful.
B: I will. This is so much fun.
A: Did you enjoy the slide?
B: Yes. It was great. I went so fast.
A: What else do you want to play on?
B: Swinging would be fun.
A: Do you want me to push you?
B: I can do it by myself. Watch me.

Enrolling Your Child in a New School

A: Did you just move into town?
B: I moved in almost a month ago.
A: How many children do you have?
B: I have one child.
A: How old is your child?
B: She’s seven years old.
A: So she’s a second grader.
B: That’s correct.
A: I believe we do still have room for her.
B: That’s great news.
A: Let’s get started with all the paperwork.
B: The sooner I get her enrolled the better.

A: Are you new in town?
B: I’ve only been in town for about a month.
A: How many kids do you have?
B: Right now I just have one.
A: How old?
B: She is seven.
A: She should be in the second grade.
B: Exactly.
A: We have enough room for her.
B: I’m glad to hear that.
A: Let’s begin filling out the paperwork.
B: That would be great.

A: Did you just move here?
B: Yes, I moved in about a month ago.
A: Do you have a lot of kids?
B: I only have one child.
A: What’s your child’s age?
B: She just turned seven.
A: So, she’ll be in the second grade right now.
B: Yup. She’s a second grader.
A: I do have a class that I can place her in.
B: That’s wonderful.
A: We can get started on the paperwork now if you’d like.
B: Perfect. I’d like to get her enrolled as soon as possible.

Discussing a News Report on a Crime

A: Have you seen the news today?
B: Not yet. What happened?
A: Did you know there was a blackout last night?
B: Yes, I heard the lights were out all night.
A: Well, some people decided to loot last night.
B: I don't understand.
A: They took advantage of the blackout.
B: They really started looting?
A: Yes, apparently four stores were broken into.
B: Did the looters get caught?
A: There was no evidence of who did it.
B: Hopefully we won't have any more blackouts.

A: Did you see the news today?
B: I haven't had a chance to see it.
A: You know about the blackout last night, right?
B: The lights were out everywhere.
A: A bunch of people went looting last night.
B: They what?
A: They took full advantage of the lights being out.
B: That's crazy.
A: The news reported that four stores were broken into.
B: Were the looters found?
A: The police don't know who did it.
B: I hope this doesn't happen again.

A: Have you watched today's news?
B: No, I haven't. What's going on?
A: Did you hear about last night's blackout?
B: Yes. The lights were out all night.
A: Some people went looting because of the blackout.
B: What do you mean?
A: People decided to use the blackout to their advantage.
B: People went out and looted?
A: I guess they broke into about four stores.
B: Did the police find who did it?
A: There's no evidence of who it was.
B: I hope we don't have any more blackouts.

Discussing a Robbery

A: Did you hear about the robbery?
B: No, I didn't hear about it.
A: A man tried to rob our bank today.
B: Are you serious?
A: Yeah, he tired to rob the bank at gunpoint.
B: Did anyone get hurt?
A: Nobody got hurt.
B: That's good to hear.
A: He did get away, though.
B: That is horrible.
A: The cops don't know who the guy is.
B: I'm sure they'll catch him eventually.

A: Have you heard about the robbery?
B: What robbery?
A: Some guy attempted to rob our bank earlier today.
B: That's insane!
A: He tried to rob the bank at gunpoint.
B: Is everyone okay?
A: He didn't hurt anyone.
B: I'm glad to hear that.
A: I heard he got away.
B: That's not good.
A: The police don't know who the suspect is.
B: They'll figure it out.

A: Did you know there was a robbery?
B: I haven't heard anything about it.
A: Some dude tried to rob our bank.
B: Really? That's crazy!
A: He tried to rob the bank with a gun.
B: What happened?
A: Well, most important, no one got injured.
B: That's great.
A: Sadly, he did get away.
B: That's bad news.
A: The police have no idea who this man is.
B: They'll catch him.

Being Robbed

A: Are you okay?
B: No.
A: What's wrong?
B: I got robbed!
A: By who?
B: Some guy on the street just mugged me.
A: Are you hurt?
B: No, he just stole all of my things.
A: That's crazy.
B: I need to go to the police station.
A: Do you want me to take you?
B: That would be great. Thank you.

A: Is everything all right?
B: Not at all.
A: What's the problem?
B: Someone just robbed me.
A: What do you mean?
B: This guy just robbed me right on the street.
A: He didn't hurt you, did he?
B: I'm okay. He just stole my things.
A: I'm so sorry.
B: I have to file a report at the police station.
A: Let me take you.
B: I would like that.

A: Are you all right?
B: No, I'm not.
A: What's going on?
B: I was just robbed!
A: Are you serious?
B: Someone just robbed me.
A: Did he hurt you?
B: He took all my things, but he didn't hurt me.
A: I can't believe that.
B: I need to make a statement at the police station.
A: I'll take you, if you'd like.
B: Thanks. You're very kind.

Reporting a Break-in

A: 911. How may I help you?
B: I need to report a break-in.
A: When did this break-in occur?
B: Last night.
A: Where did the break-in happen?
B: It happened at my house.
A: Was anything taken?
B: I'm not sure yet.
A: What makes you think there was a break-in?
B: My front window was busted.
A: I'll send a squad car.
B: Please hurry.

A: 911. What can I do for you?
B: I am reporting a break-in.
A: When did it happen?
B: It happened last night.
A: Where did it happen?
B: It happened at my house.
A: What was taken?
B: I don't know.
A: How do you know there was a break-in?
B: Someone busted my window.
A: I will send a squad car to your house right now.
B: Please do.

A: 911 emergency. What is the problem?
B: I would like to report a break-in.
A: When was this break-in?
B: I believe it happened last night.
A: Where was the break-in?
B: It happened at my house.
A: Was anything stolen?
B: I haven't checked yet.
A: Why do you think there was a break-in?
B: My front window was broken.
A: We'll send a squad car shortly.
B: I'd appreciate that.

Witnessing a Robbery

A: Did you hear about the robbery?
B: Did I hear about it? I saw it happen.
A: Are you serious?
B: I was there.
A: What happened?
B: A man came into the bank with a gun.
A: That's insane.
B: I was so scared when I saw the gun.
A: Then what happened?
B: He took the money and tried to get away.
A: Did the cops show up in time?
B: He didn't even make it out the door.

A: Have you heard about the robbery?
B: I saw the whole thing happen.
A: For real?
B: I was in the bank during the robbery.
A: What went down?
B: Some dude came into the bank with a gun.
A: Are you serious?
B: When he pulled out the gun, I got so scared.
A: Tell me what else happened.
B: He got the money and tried to leave.
A: Did the cops get him?
B: The cops arrested him before he could even make it out the door.

A: Did you hear anything about the robbery?
B: I watched it happen.
A: Really?
B: Yes. I was right there.
A: What did you see?
B: This guy tried to rob the bank.
A: I can't believe it.
B: I was really scared when he pulled the gun out.
A: What happened next?
B: He tried to leave with the money.
A: Did he get caught?
B: They caught him before he could walk through the front door.

Picking a Suspect out of a Line-up

A: Did you get a good look at the suspect?
B: I got a great look at him.
A: Do you think you could pick him out of a line-up?
B: I can do that.
A: Could you please look at the five men in this line-up?
B: All right.
A: Do you recognize the suspect?
B: He's there.
A: What number?
B: He's number four.
A: Thank you very much for your cooperation.
B: I'm glad to help.

A: Did you see who the suspect was?
B: I got a perfect look at the suspect.
A: Would you be able to pick him out of a line-up?
B: That'll be easy.
A: Please take a careful look at these five men.
B: Okay.
A: Is the suspect in this line-up?
B: I see him.
A: Which number is he?
B: The suspect is number four.
A: Your cooperation is very much appreciated.
B: I'm happy to be of assistance.

A: Were you able to get a look at the suspect's face?
B: Yes. I know exactly what he looks like.
A: I must ask you to pick him out of a line-up.
B: That won't be a problem.
A: Look closely at the five men in this line-up.
B: I am looking.
A: Do you see the suspect?
B: Yes. He's in the line-up.
A: What number is the suspect?
B: Number four.
A: Thank you for all your help.
B: It was no problem at all.

Speaking to the Police about What You Saw

A: Were you around when the robbery happened?
B: Yes, I was.
A: Could you explain what you saw?
B: I was in the bank at the time of the robbery.
A: What did you see?
B: I saw a man come in with a gun.
A: Did you see his face?
B: No. He had a mask on.
A: Did he come in with anyone else?
B: He was by himself.
A: Would you come down to the station for further questioning?
B: That shouldn't be a problem.

A: Did you see the robbery?
B: I sure did.
A: Did you see everything?
B: I was in the bank at the time.
A: What exactly did you see?
B: I saw the guy come in with a gun.
A: Did you get a good look at his face?
B: He was wearing a mask.
A: Was anyone else with him?
B: He came in alone.
A: Could you come to the station for more questioning?
B: That'll be fine.

A: Were you at the scene during the robbery?
B: Yes, I was, Officer.
A: Were you able to see a lot?
B: I was there as it happened.
A: What happened?
B: The robber came in with a gun.
A: Could you see his face?
B: He had a mask over his face.
A: Was he with someone else?
B: He was alone.
A: Would you be willing to come down to the station for further questioning?
B: I would be happy to.

Being Arrested

A: I don't understand why I'm being arrested.
B: You have a warrant.
A: A warrant for what?
B: Apparently, you have a bench warrant.
A: What does that mean?
B: You missed a court appearance.
A: I wasn't aware that I had to go to court.
B: I don't know what to tell you.
A: I don't find this fair.
B: Life isn't fair.
A: Don't I have any rights?
B: You have the right to remain silent.

A: Why are you arresting me?
B: There is a warrant out for your arrest.
A: What kind of warrant?
B: You have a bench warrant.
A: What is that?
B: Have you missed a court date?
A: I never went to court.
B: I can't help you.
A: This is unfair.
B: A lot of things aren't fair. That's life.
A: I have rights, don't I?
B: You have the right to an attorney.

A: Why am I being arrested?
B: You have a warrant out for your arrest.
A: I don't have a warrant.
B: My computer shows that you have a bench warrant.
A: I don't know what a bench warrant is.
B: You apparently missed a court appearance.
A: I was never told to go to court.
B: There's nothing I can do about that.
A: This isn't fair.
B: That's life.
A: What about my rights?
B: Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

Being Pulled Over

A: Do you know why I pulled you over?
B: I have no idea.
A: Your left brake light is out.
B: I was not aware of that.
A: I'm going to have to write you a ticket.
B: You can't give me a break?
A: I'm just doing my job.
B: How much is the ticket for?
A: You will get that information in court.
B: I have to go to court?
A: That's right.
B: Fine. Give me the ticket.

A: Do you have any idea why I pulled you over today?
B: I'm not sure.
A: One of your brake lights is out.
B: Really? I'm sorry. I did not know that.
A: I'm going to give you a ticket.
B: Why can't you just let me off with a warning?
A: It's just a ticket.
B: How much is the fine?
A: The judge will let you know.
B: I have to be at court?
A: Of course.
B: All right. Just give me the ticket.

A: Are you aware of the reason why I pulled you over?
B: No, sir.
A: I pulled you over because your brake light is out.
B: I'm sorry. I did not know that.
A: I have to write you a ticket.
B: Can't you give me a warning?
A: I'm not going to be able to do that.
B: How much will the fine be?
A: You'll find that out on your court date.
B: I have to go to court over a brake light?
A: That's how it works.
B: Can I have the ticket, please?

Pleading Not Guilty in Court

A: Order in the court!
B: I would like to make my plea.
A: What is it?
B: I would like to plead not guilty.
A: You do realize that all the evidence points to you?
B: I know. But I did not do it.
A: How do you figure that?
B: I didn’t commit the crime.
A: Do you know who did?
B: If I tell you who did, will you release me?
A: I’m sure we can work out some kind of deal.
B: I’ll tell you all you need to know.

A: Order!
B: Your Honor, I am ready to make my plea.
A: What’s your plea?
B: I am pleading not guilty.
A: But all the evidence points to you.
B: I am not the guilty party
A: What are you saying?
B: I am not the person who committed that crime.
A: Who is?
B: Will you let me go if I tell you?
A: We can work something out.
B: I have no problem singing like a canary.

A: I need order in the court!
B: I am ready to make my plea.
A: What do you plead?
B: I plead not guilty.
A: All the evidence indicates that you are guilty.
B: I realize that, but I am not guilty.
A: Is that right?
B: I had nothing to do with the crime that was committed.
A: Who is the guilty party?
B: I’ll tell you if you let me go.
A: I’d be glad to make a deal with you.
B: I am willing to tell you that information.

Discussing a Lawsuit against the Police

A: What is your case against the police?
B: They arrested me for nothing.
A: What do you mean?
B: They weren’t supposed to arrest me.
A: Didn’t they let you go?
B: They didn’t let me go until the next morning.
A: So they kept you at the station?
B: They sure did.
A: Did they tell you why they arrested you?
B: I matched the description of a robbery suspect.
A: I understand.
B: I want to take them to court.

A: What case do you have against the police?
B: I want to take them to court for arresting me.
A: I don’t understand.
B: There was no reason for them to arrest me.
A: They let you go, didn’t they?
B: They released me the next morning.
A: They detained you at the station?
B: That’s exactly what they did.
A: Why did they arrest you?
B: They said I matched the description of a robber.
A: I get it now.
B: I’m definitely taking them to court.

A: Why do you want to take the police to court?
B: They arrested me without probable cause.
A: They did?
B: They had no reason for arresting me.
A: I thought they let you go.
B: Yes, the next morning.
A: They made you spend the night at the station?
B: Yes, they did.
A: What was their reason for arresting you?
B: I matched the description of a bank robber they were looking for.
A: I see.
B: I want justice.

Talking to a Lawyer

A: What can I help you with?
B: I need to hire you.
A: What do you need me for?
B: I need you for my court date.
A: What kind of case do you have?
B: I’m being charged with a felony.
A: I can help you with that.
B: What is your price?
A: I charge $150 an hour.
B: I can’t afford that.
A: That’s my rate.
B: That’s expensive, but I need you.

A: How may I help you?
B: I would like you to be my lawyer.
A: What can I do for you?
B: I’m going on trial.
A: What is your trial about?
B: It’s a felony charge.
A: I’d be glad to help.
B: How much do you charge?
A: My rate is $150 an hour.
B: That’s highway robbery.
A: I don’t know what to tell you.
B: Okay. You’re hired.

A: What can I do for you?
B: I’m in need of your services.
A: What do you need me for?
B: I have a court date coming up.
A: What are you being charged with?
B: It’s the felony charge.
A: I’m willing to provide my services.
B: What’s your rate?
A: I work for $150 an hour.
B: That’s too high.
A: That’s what I charge.
B: I’ll hire you anyway.

Filing a Complaint at the Police Station

A: What may I help you with?
B: I need to file a complaint.
A: What is your complaint about?
B: I got robbed.
A: When did this happen?
B: It happened this morning.
A: What was taken?
B: My wallet and cell phone.
A: Did you get a good look at the person who robbed you?
B: I sure did.
A: Would you able to pick him out of a line-up?
B: That shouldn't be a problem.

A: May I help you?
B: I want to file a complaint.
A: What's the problem?
B: A man robbed me today.
A: When?
B: I was robbed this morning.
A: What did he take?
B: He took my phone and my wallet.
A: Did you see his face?
B: I saw him perfectly.
A: Could you pick him out of a line-up?
B: I could do that.

A: What can I do for you?
B: I would like to file a complaint.
A: What happened?
B: I was robbed.
A: When did this happen?
B: It happened this morning.
A: What was taken from you?
B: My wallet and my cell phone.
A: Were you able to get a look at this person's face?
B: Yes, I was.
A: Would you be able to pick him out of a line-up?
B: That would be easy.

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