Rabu, 21 Januari 2015

Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Making an Appointment with the DMV

Making an Appointment with the DMV

A: I need to go to the DMV and don't know how to make an appointment with them.
B: First of all you need to figure out if you really need to be there in person. Sometimes you can take care of your business at the Automobile Club or at the DMV website.
A: If I do need to go in, how can I make an appointment?
B: You can either make an appointment by going online or by calling the phone number listed on their website.
A: What if I just show up there?
B: If you have all day to wait and a good book to read, that might work for you.
A: Is the DMV open on Saturdays?
B: Due to state budget cuts, the DMV is no longer open on Saturdays.
A: I think that you have just convinced me to join the Automobile Club!
B: Yes, the Automobile Club takes all the pain out of DMV transactions!

A: How can I make an appointment at the DMV?
B: You could check the DMV website or see if the Automobile Club could help you. Many things can be taken care of without actually going in to the DMV in person.
A: How do I make an appointment if I have to actually go in?
B: You have two choices. You can call them at the number listed on their website or you can contact them online.
A: Can I just walk in and get help?
B: Without an appointment, you will be waiting for many hours. I would not advise it.
A: Can I take care of this on a Saturday?
B: Unfortunately, the DMV is no longer open on Saturdays.
A: It probably would be easier for me to join the Automobile Club.
B: The Automobile Club has many benefits, and taking care of your DMV transactions is one of the best benefits.

A: Can you help me figure out how to make an appointment with the DMV?
B: I would try to avoid going in to the DMV in person. If you are a member of the Automobile Club, they oftentimes can take care of things for you or you can try the DMV website.
A: It would be nice not to have to go in but if I have to, how do I make an appointment?
B: The easiest way to contact them is online, but they also have a phone number listed on the website if you prefer to call them on the phone.
A: What do they do if you just show up with no appointment?
B: That is not a good way to go. You could be left waiting for many hours and there is no guarantee that they will see you at all!
A: What about going to the DMV on Saturday?
B: For a while the DMV was open on Saturday, but not anymore.
A: I think that the Automobile Club idea was a good suggestion.
B: You should check out the Automobile Club. I think you would enjoy being a member.
Negotiating a Price with a Student

A: This car is exactly what I want!
B: I am glad that you like it. I've had good experiences with this car.
A: So, how much do you want for the car?
B: Well, the price in the paper was five thousand dollars.
A: Yes, I know, but I think that might be a little high for this car.
B: I might be able to come down a little on the price.
A: How about selling the car for four thousand?
B: No, that's way less than I could accept. However, I could accept forty-five hundred.
A: That sounds fair to me.
B: It's a deal then. Thank you!

A: I really love this car!
B: Great! I was hoping that it would go to a driver who appreciates it.
A: How much are you willing to take for the car?
B: As I am sure you noticed, the price on the window is five thousand dollars.
A: Don't you think you could come down a bit on the price?
B: You seem like a nice person. Maybe I could lower the price a bit.
A: Would you sell it to me for four thousand?
B: I am thinking more in the line of four thousand five hundred.
A: I'll take it then!
B: Perfect! That works for both of us.

A: I am definitely interested in buying this car.
B: Wonderful! It's good to find a person who really needs this car.
A: What is the price for this car?
B: The price I listed on eBay was five thousand dollars.
A: I was thinking that maybe you might be willing to lower the price a bit.
B: You know I just got a good deal on my new car. I think I can afford to knock a little off of this car.
A: I was thinking that four thousand would be a good price.
B: I couldn't go that low, but I could sell it for forty-five hundred.
A: That would work well for me.
B: It's done then. I've enjoyed doing business with you.

Negotiating a Price with a Dealer
A: How much does this car cost?
B: Well, come on in and we'll sit down and discuss that right now. How much do you want to pay?
A: I really was just wondering what the price is.
B: Well, figuring in tax, license, dealer prep, and registration, I can let this car go for fifteen thousand dollars.
A: I was thinking a little lower than that.
B: Whoa! Let's keep talking here. I am sure we can work something out. What price are you thinking is fair?
A: I was thinking more like thirteen thousand dollars.
B: You know, you look like you are a sweet kid. I'll give it to you for fourteen thousand dollars.
A: That would be a good price if the car was in great shape, but it is registered as having been in an accident.
B: OK, thirteen thousand seven hundred and fifty, and that's my final offer.
A: If I want to buy this car, what will it cost me?
B: Let me get my contract out, and we'll figure that out for you right now.
A: Can't you just tell me what it costs?
B: You know, I am prepared to offer you a great deal today on that car. With tax, license, registration, and dealer prep, the total will be fifteen thousand dollars.
A: Fine, I'll come back later with my father, who is a lawyer, and we can talk then.
B: I am sure that we can work something out. What price were you thinking would be a good deal for you?
A: Thirteen thousand would be more like it.
B: Fourteen thousand for this car is a good price. For that I am practically giving it away.
A: Normally that would be a good price, but that car has been in an accident.
B: Yes, I see your point. Thirteen thousand seven hundred and fifty is my final offer.
A: How much money for this car?
B: Yes, that car is beautiful, isn't it? Come on inside and we'll discuss the price.
A: I just want to know the price.
B: Fifteen thousand out the door! What a deal! That will, of course, include tax, license, registration, and dealer prep.
A: I appreciate your help, and I'll see you later.
B: Oh, you look like a smart person. What price would be fair to you?
A: I think that thirteen thousand would be fair for this car.
B: I can see that you are a smart buyer. Fourteen thousand is my best price.
A: If the car hadn't been in an accident, that would be a good price, but it has a few minor problems.
B: Thirteen thousand seven hundred and fifty is my final offer.

Test Driving the Car

A: I really love the look of this car.
B: Would you like to test drive this car?
A: Yes, I would love to take it for a drive.
B: I'll go get the keys, and you can get out your Driver's License and Proof of Insurance.
A: Here's my Driver's License and Proof of Insurance.
B: Well, just sign this card, and we'll be on our way. Don't forget to buckle your seatbelt!
A: Can I take it on the freeway to check for acceleration?
B: That would be fine; just don't exceed the speed limit!
A: This car handles great, and I love it!
B: I am glad that you like this car.
Title Transfer

A: So, now that I've decided to buy this car, how do I transfer the title to myself?
B: Actually, your best bet is to contact the Automobile Club or to go to the DMV website.
A: Basically, what will I need to do?
B: Both buyer and seller need to transfer the ownership by filling out a Change of Ownership form and signing over the Certificate of Title, which will be either pink or rainbow.
A: Will I have to pay any fees?
B: All of the transfer fees are the responsibility of the buyer.
A: How much will it cost to transfer the title?
B: The DMV has a special formula that they use to calculate the fees. They will figure it out for you.
A: Do I need a Smog Certificate?
B: No, only if your car was manufactured before 1975.
A: Where do I take my forms?
B: You can take them to the DMV. You have ten days to complete the process.

A: I don't really know all that much about the paperwork involved in buying a used car.
B: If you are a member of the Automobile Club, they can help guide you through the process, or just go to the DMV website.
A: What is the big picture of what I will need to take care of?
B: The car has a pink or rainbow Certificate of Title, which both the buyer and seller need to sign. They also both need to fill out the Change of Ownership form.
A: Who pays the fees to transfer the ownership?
B: The buyer must pay all of the fees.
A: Will it be really expensive to transfer the title?
B: The DMV will calculate the fees for you when you submit the paperwork.
A: What about a Smog Certificate?
B: No, your car was built after 1974, so you will be fine.
A: Where can I turn in my forms?
B: If you are a member of the Automobile Club, you can turn in your forms to them.

A: Can you help me figure out how to transfer the title of the car I wish to buy so it will be registered in my name?
B: You can go to the DMV website for information or, if you are a member of the Automobile Club, they can be very helpful.
A: Can you just fill me in on what needs to be done?
B: When you both fill out and sign a Change of Ownership form and sign the Certificate of Title, the ownership will be transferred.
A: Are there any fees involved?
B: As the buyer, you are responsible for all of the fees.
A: How much money will I have to pay to transfer the title?
B: The only way to calculate the fee is to turn your paperwork in to the DMV, and they will figure it out for you.
A: Do I need to take the car in for a Smog Certificate?
B: No, your car is a newer model, so you won't need one.
A: Whom do I give my forms to when they are completed?
B: Check online for special situations, but usually you can mail your forms in to the DMV.

Where to Buy a Used Car

A: Where is the best place to buy a used car?
B: I have always purchased my used cars from an advertisement in the paper, but actually you have many options.
A: Where else could I look for a car?
B: You could look on the Internet. Craigslist is best, as most of the cars listed there are sold locally.
A: What would be best if I wanted to actually go see a lot of used cars that are for sale?
B: The best place is CarMax, which is a very large used car lot.
A: Where is CarMax?
B: There are many of them. You can look on the Internet or in the phone book for the one closest to you.
A: How about the listings on the college bulletin board?
B: Actually, that is not a bad way to go, especially near the end of a semester as students are moving away.

A: Can you help me figure out the best place to buy a used car?
B: There are a lot of different ways to go. I bought my last one from an advertisement in the paper.
A: What are my other options for looking for a used car?
B: Internet listings are good. Craigslist is pretty good because most of the cars are sold locally.
A: I think that I might actually like to see many used cars together so I can compare them.
B: The biggest used car lot is CarMax. I would check that place out.
A: How can I find out where CarMax is?
B: Look in the phone book or on the Internet for the one closest to you. There are a lot of them.
A: Have you ever seen the listings on the school bulletin board?
B: The school bulletin board can have some great deals, as many students sell their cars before they return home or as they get better paying jobs.

A: Where did you buy your last used car?
B: I found my last one in an advertisement in the newspaper, but there are a lot of other places to look for used cars.
A: Besides an advertisement, what else could I do to find a used car?
B: My friend bought his used car off of Craigslist. It works out better than eBay because the cars listed are located close by.
A: Is there anywhere I can go to see many used cars all in the same place?
B: Go to CarMax if you want to see the largest selection of used cars in one place.
A: I don't know where CarMax is.
B: CarMax has many car lots in many cities. For the one closest to you, check out the Internet or phone book.
A: Have you ever known anyone who bought a car off a listing on the university bulletin board?
B: You can get a good deal there. Especially at the end of the year, when students are selling things and returning home.

At the Window of the DMV

A: Hi, could you tell me what window I should go to?
B: Do you have an appointment?
A: Yes, I have an appointment.
B: The DMV windows are set up for different tasks. What are you here to do?
A: I need to transfer ownership of a used car.
B: I can see that you have all of your forms filled out. Drop the forms in that box, and I will call you when your name comes up.
A: OK, thanks for helping me.
B: You are welcome. May I see your current Driver's License?
A: Here is my license, it is not a very good picture of me!
B: That's a pretty good picture. Just pay the fee over at the last window and you're done!

A: This is my first time at the DMV, and I don't know what window to go to.
B: It depends on what you are doing. Did you make an appointment?
A: I made an appointment last month.
B: All of the windows are for specific services. What do you need to do today?
A: I just bought a used car and need to transfer the ownership.
B: If you just put all of your filled-out forms in the drop box, your name will be called when it comes up.
A: Thank you, that helps me know what to do.
B: My pleasure. The only other thing I need is your current Driver's License.
A: OK, here is my license, it is a very old picture of me!
B: You look good in that picture. Take this over to the last window to pay your fee, and you've finished registering your car.

A: Could you help direct me to the proper window?
B: There are different windows for different things. Did you make an appointment on the Internet?
A: I made my appointment over the Internet.
B: Different windows will be able to help you with different problems. What do you need help with?
A: I need help transferring the ownership of a new car from my friend to myself.
B: The signed forms go in the box, and I will call your name in a few minutes.
A: Thank you for making it seem less confusing.
B: If you would give me your current Driver's License, I will be able to complete the transfer process.
A: Well, here is my license, I never really liked that picture!
B: That is a great picture! Take the forms over to the last window to pay your fees and you're finished!

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