Kamis, 05 Februari 2015

English Conversation practice from Radio Australia

Lesson 18: A trip down the coast
Pelajaran 18: Wisata ke pantai
Angel: Katie! Down here. We’ve saved you a seat.
L1: Katie! Sini. Kami sudah menyediakan tempat duduk untuk kamu.
Katie: Thanks, Angel. Hi John. Hi Rock… Is he asleep?
L1: Terima kasih, Angel. Hai John. Hai Rock… dia tidur, ya?
John: Yeah. Too early a start for him I think.
L1: Yeah. Terlalu pagi untuk dia, saya rasa.
Katie: How can he sleep? This is so exciting!
L1: Kok bisa tidur, sih? Perjalanan ini kan menyenangkan sekali!
John: He said to wake him up when we stop. What have you got there?
L1: Dia minta dibangunkan pada perhentian pertama. Kamu bawa apa itu?
Katie: I made us some spring rolls for lunch!
L1: Saya bikin lumpia untuk makan siang!
Rocky: Spring rolls!
L1: Lumpia!
John: That woke you up!
L1: Kamu langsung bangun dengar lumpia!
Rocky: Are we there yet?
L1: Sudah sampai?
Tour Guide: G’day everyone, my name’s Darren and I’m your driver and tour guide for today.
The weather is going to be fine so we’re in luck…
L1: G’day semuanya, nama saya Darren dan saya sopir sekaligus pemandu wisata anda hari ini. Cuacanya bakal bagus jadi kita beruntung…
Tour Guide: If you look up to your left, you’ll see a koala sleeping. Koala’s sleep for 23 hours a day.
L1: Kalau anda melihat ke kiri, anda akan melihat koala sedang tidur. Koala tidur 23 jam sehari.
Katie: Oh, aren’t they cute!
L1: Oh, lucu ya!
Angel: Look, that one has a baby in its pouch.
L1: Lihat, yang itu membawa bayi di kantongnya.
Rocky: What are baby koalas called?
L1: Bayi koala namanya apa ya?
Tour guide: They’re called cubs or joeys.
L1: Disebutnya cub atau joey.
John: Darren? Could you tell me where the toilets are, please?
L1: Darren? Toiletnya dimana, ya?
Tour guide: The dunnies are over there. Blokes’ on the left, sheilas’ on the right.
L1: Toiletnya disana. Untuk pria di sebelah kiri, wanita di sebelah kanan.
Katie: What did he say?
L1: Apa katanya?
Angel: I don’t know!
L1: Tidak tahu!
Tour Guide: OK, we’ll stop here for lunch. Grab yourselves some tucker. And we’ll meet back at the bus at half past, on the dot.
L1: OK, kita berhenti disini untuk makan siang. Silahkan menikmati makan siang. Dan kita akan berkumpul kembali di bis nanti lewat setengah-jam,, tepat.
Rocky: Darren, is it safe to swim here?
L1: Darren, apakah aman berenang disini?
Tour Guide: It’s not safe to swim anywhere on a full stomach. But if you feel like taking a dip before lunch, swim between those flags.
L1: Tidak aman berenang dimanapun dengan perut kenyang. Tetapi kalau kamu ingin berenang sebelum makan siang, berenanglah diantara bendera-bendera itu.
Rocky: Thanks.
L1: Terima kasih.
Angel: Are you really going for a swim, Rocky?
L1: Kamu benar-benar mau berenang, Rocky?
Rocky: Of course. Watch me!
L1: Tentu saja. Lihat!
John: Rocky! Be careful!
L1: Rocky! Hati-hati!
Rocky: Aaah!
John: Rocky! What happened?
L1: Rocky! Ada apa?
Katie: Did you see a shark?
L1: Kamu melihat ikan hiu?
Rocky: No. The water was just really cold!
L1: Tidak. Airnya dingin sekali!
Angel: Is that all? You had us scared stiff!
L1: Cuma itu? Kamu membuat kami ketakutan!!
Katie: I was ready to call an ambulance.
L1: Saya sudah siap memanggil ambulans tadi.
Rocky: I’m glad you didn’t. I can’t afford an ambulance.
L1: Syukur tidak. Saya tidak sanggup pake ambulans.
Angel: Haven’t you got health insurance?
L1: Kamu tidak ikut asuransi kesehatan?
Rocky: Nah. I’m young and strong. Who needs it?
L1: Tidak. Saya masih muda dan kuat. Tidak butuh.
John: Oh Rocky.
L1: Oh Rocky.
Tour Guide: And here are the Twelve Apostles.
L1: Dan ini Twelve Apostles.
John: It’s just stunning.
L1: Menakjubkan.
Rocky: Darren, would you mind taking a photo of us?
L1: Darren, tidak keberatan kan ambil foto untuk kami?
Tour Guide: No worries. Ready? Say “cheese”!
L1: Tentu saja tidak. Siap? Bilang “cheese”!
Katie, Angel, John and

L1: Kami ingin tur sehari.
English: We’d like to go on a day tour.
L1: Berapa biayanya?
English: How much is it?
L1: Apakah ada diskon untuk pelajar?
English: Is there a student discount?
L1: Dimana dijemputnya?
English: Where do you pick up?
L1: Apakah ada tempat penjemputan dekat Elwood?
English: Is there a pick up point near Elwood?
L1: Jam berapa saya harus berada disana?
English: What time should I be there?
L1: Jam berapa kembalinya ?
English: What time will we return?
L1: Ada yang harus saya bawa?
English: Is there anything I should bring?
L1: Toiletnya dimana, ya?
English: Could you tell me where the toilets are please?
L1: Mengapa dinamakan The Twelve Apostles?
English: Why are they called The Twelve Apostles?
L1: Pohon gum ini tinggi sekali!
English: These gum trees are so tall!
L1: Lihat itu. Cantik sekali, ya!
English: Look at that. Isn’t it beautiful!
L1: Maaf. Bisa tolong ambilkan foto untuk kami?
English: Excuse me. Could you take our picture please?
L1 Female Sekarang anda akan mendengar sebagian percakapan hari ini dalam bahasa Inggris. Anda akan diberi waktu untuk mengulang setiap kalimat. Coba dengarkan dan ulangi.
Tour Guide: If you look up to your left, you’ll see a koala sleeping. Koala’s sleep for 23 hours a day.
Katie: Oh, aren’t they cute!
Angel: Look, that one has a baby in its pouch.
Rocky: What are baby koalas called?
Tour guide: They’re called cubs or joeys.
John: Darren? Could you tell me where the toilets are, please?
Tour guide: The dunnies are over there. Blokes’ on the left, sheilas’ on the right.
Katie: What did he say?
Angel: I don’t know!
Tour Guide: OK, we’ll stop here for lunch. Grab yourselves some tucker. And we’ll meet back at the bus at half past, on the dot.
Rocky: Darren, is it safe to swim here?
Tour Guide: It’s not safe to swim anywhere on a full stomach. But if you feel like taking a dip before lunch, swim between those flags.
Rocky: Thanks.
Angel: Are you really going for a swim, Rocky?
Rocky: Of course. Watch me!
John: Rocky! Be careful!

Lesson 19: A classroom presentation
Pelajaran 19: Presentasi di kelas
Angel: Good morning everyone.
L1: Selamat pagi semuanya.
Angel: Today we’re presenting the findings of our research into student stress.
L1: Hari ini kami akan menyampaikan temuan riset kami tentang stress di kalangan pelajar.
Angel: This presentation will last about 20 minutes. First Rocky will describe our methodology. Then Katie will show the results of our survey and then I’ll speak about the conclusions we drew. After that we’ll take questions. And now I’ll hand you over to Rocky.
L1: Presentasi ini akan berlangsung sekitar 20 menit. Pertama Rocky akan menjelaskan metodologinya. Lalu Katie akan menunjukkan hasil survey kami, dan kemudian saya akan menyampaikan kesimpulan kami. Setelah itu kami akan menjawab pertanyaan. Dan sekarang waktu saya serahkan kepada Rocky.
Rocky: Thanks Angel. As you can see, the title of our research is “Stress and the International Student. Major causes and suggested solutions”.
L1: Terima kasih Angel. Seperti kalian lihat, judul riset kami adalah “ Stress dan Pelajar Internasional. Penyebab utama dan usul solusinya”.
Rocky: We polled a group of 28 international students. The respondents’ ages ranged from 19 to 30. You can see the variety of nationalities in this column.
L1: Kami menanyai 28 pelajar internasional. Responden berusia antara 19 sampai 30 tahun. Kalian dapat melihat variasi kebangsaan mereka dalam kolom ini.
Rocky: This is a copy of our questionnaire. We asked students to rate their level of stress from zero to five. Zero was no stress and five was extreme stress. The next question concerned…
L1: Ini fotokopi kuesioner-nya. Kami meminta responden untuk menilai tingkat stress mereka dari nol sampai lima. Nol artinya tidak ada stress dan lima artinya stress
yang sangat tinggi. Pertanyaan kedua menyangkut…
Rocky: … And now Katie will talk about the survey results.
L1: … Dan sekarang Katie akan menyampaikan hasil survey.
Katie: Thanks Rocky. Well, the results of this survey were very interesting.
L1: Terima kasih Rocky. Well, hasil survey ini sangat menarik.
Katie: This first graph shows that most students experience some degree of stress.
L1: Grafik pertama ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar pelajar mengalami stress pada tingkat tertentu.
Katie: Here’s where it gets interesting. If I can draw your attention to this column here…
L1: Disinilah menariknya. Perhatikan kolom yang ini …
Katie: …you’ll notice that the main cause of stress in international students is separation anxiety. They miss their friends, their family, in other words, their support group.
L1: Anda dapat melihat bahwa penyebab utama stress di kalangan pelajar internasional adalah kecemasan karena berpisah. Mereka kangen teman-teman, keluarga, dengan kata lain, kelompok support mereka.
Angel: So students found that calling home regularly and also talking over their problems with new friends here, eased their stress a lot. And now we’ll take questions. Could someone get the lights please? Yes, George?
L1: Jadi para pelajar mendapati bahwa sering menelepon ke rumah dan juga membicarakan masalah mereka dengan teman-teman baru disini, sangat membantu mengurangi stress. Dan sekarang kami akan menjawab pertanyaan. Ada yang bisa membantu menyalakan lampu? Ya, George?
George: On your last slide, didn’t understand the first column.
L1: Di slide yang terakhir, saya tidak mengerti kolom pertama.
Angel: OK. Let’s go back to it.
L1: OK. Kita kembali kesana.
Angel: You mean this one?
L1: Maksudmu yang ini?
George: Yes.
L1: Ya.
Angel: One of our respondents said that his stress was relieved by foot massage!
L1: Salah seorang responden kami mengatakan, stressnya berkurang dengan pijat kaki!
Angel: So, if there are no more questions, we’d like to thank you all for your time today. You’ve been a great audience.
L1: So, kalau tidak ada pertanyaan lagi, kami mengucapkan terima kasih atas waktu kalian hari ini. Kalian sudah sangat membantu.

# L1: Selamat pagi semuanya.
English: Good morning everyone.
L1: Hari ini saya akan berbicara tentang Stress dan Pelajar Internasional.
English: Today I’m going to talk about Stress and the International Student.
L1: Presentasi saya akan berlangsung kira-kira 15 menit.
English: My talk will last about fifteen minutes.
L1: Pertama saya akan menjelaskan metodologi kami.
English: First I’ll take you through our methodology.
L1: Kemudian kita akan melihat hasil survey.
English: Then we’ll look at the results of the survey.
L1: Setelah itu saya akan menyampaikan kesimpulannya dan kemungkinan solusinya.
English: Following that I’ll discuss my conclusion and possible solutions.
L1: Dan kemudian saya akan menjawab pertanyaan.
English: And then I’ll take questions.

#L1: Memperkenalkan pembicara pertama.
L1: Dan sekarang waktu saya serahkan kepada John, yang akan membahas tentang metodologi.
English: And now I’ll hand you over to John, who’ll discuss methodology.
L1: Kalian lihat dari slide pertama ini bahwa kebanyakan pelajar pernah merasa stress.
English: You can see by this first slide that the majority of students feel some degree of stress.
L1: Dan grafik ini menunjukkan penyebab utama stress berkaitan dengan rasa kangen rumah.
English: And this graph shows a major cause of stress is related to homesickness.
L1: Jadi kesimpulannya, pelajar yang menggunakan strategi ini dan mencari pertolongan, mendapati bahwa stress mereka mulai berkurang.
English: So in conclusion, the students who use these strategies and seek help, find that their stress starts to pass.

# L1: Menjawab pertanyaan.
L1: Ada pertanyaan?
English: Are there any questions?
L1: Apakah ini menjawab pertanyaanmu?
English: Does that answer your question?
L1: Dan sekian presentasi saya.
English: And that concludes my presentation.
L1: Mengucapkan terima kasih kepada hadirin.
L1: Terima kasih, kalian sangat membantu.
English: Thanks, you’ve been a great audience.

L1 Female Sekarang anda akan mendengar sebagian percakapan hari ini dalam bahasa Inggris. Anda akan diberi waktu untuk mengulang setiap kalimat. Coba dengarkan
dan ulangi.
Angel: Good morning everyone.
Angel: Today we’re presenting the findings of our research into student stress.
Angel: This presentation will last about 20 minutes.
Angel: First Rocky will describe our methodology.
Angel: Then Katie will show the results of our survey.
Angel: …and then I’ll speak about the conclusions we drew.
Angel: After that we’ll take questions.
Angel: And now I’ll hand you over to Rocky.
Rocky: Thanks Angel.
Rocky: As you can see, the title of our research is “Stress and the International Student.
Rocky: Major causes and suggested solutions”.
Rocky: We polled a group of 28 international students.
Rocky: The respondents’ ages ranged from 19 to 30.
Rocky: You can see the variety of nationalities in this column.
Rocky: This is a copy of our questionnaire.
Rocky: We asked students to rate their level of stress from zero to five.
Rocky: Zero was no stress and five was extreme stress. The next question concerned…
Rocky: The next question concerned…
Rocky: … And now Katie will talk about the results.

Lesson 20: I need more time
Pelajaran 20: Saya perlu waktu lagi

Rocky: Hi John. You’re up early.
L1: Hai John. Pagi sekali kamu bangun.
John: Yeah. I got a call from home about an hour ago. My dad’s in hospital. Heart attack.
L1: Yeah. Saya mendapat telepon dari rumah kira-kira sejam yang lalu. Ayah saya di rumah sakit. Serangan jantung.
Rocky: Oh, that’s awful. Will he be all right?
L1: Aduh. Apakah dia akan segera pulih?
John: We’re not sure. Mum’s really upset. And my sister’s away on holiday. I might have to fly home.
L1: Kami belum tahu. Ibu saya benar-benar sedih. Dan saudara perempuan saya sedang berlibur. Saya mungkin harus terbang pulang.
Rocky: But it’s so close to your exam time…
L1: Tapi ini sudah hampir masa ujian…
John: Yeah I know. And my final report is due in next week.
L1: Yeah saya tahu. Dan laporan akhir harus diserahkan minggu depan.
Rocky: What are you gonna do?
L1: Apa yang akan kamu lakukan?
John: Ask for an extension I guess. I’ve emailed my lecturer to make an appointment.
L1: Minta perpanjangan waktu, saya rasa. Saya sudah kirim email ke dosen untuk bikin janji.
Rocky: Good luck, mate. I really hope you’re dad pulls through.
L1: Mudah-mudahan berhasil, mate. Saya sungguh berharap ayahmu lekas sembuh.
John: Thanks, so do I.
L1: Terima kasih, saya juga berharap begitu.
John: Professor Smythe? I’m John Lee.
L1: Professor Smythe? Saya John Lee.
Alan: Yes John, come in. You can call me Alan.
L1: Ya, John, silahkan masuk. Panggil saya Alan.
Alan: Take a seat.
L1: Silahkan duduk.
John: Thanks for seeing me at such short notice.
L1: Terimakasih mau menemui saya mendadak begini.
Alan: That’s OK. You said you’ve had some bad news?
L1: Tidak apa-apa. Katanya kamu dapat berita buruk?
John: Yes, I received word this morning that my father’s had a heart attack and I might have to fly home.
L1: Ya, saya menerima kabar pagi ini bahwa ayah saya mendapat serangan jantung dan saya mungkin harus pulang.
Alan: Oh dear. I’m very sorry to hear that, John.
L1: Waduh. Saya ikut prihatin, John.
John: Yeah. I’ve been trying to call my Mum to find out what’s happening. She must still be at the hospital.
L1: Yeah, saya sudah berusaha menilpun ibu untuk menanyakan keadaan. Ia pasti sedang di rumah sakit.
Alan: It’s happened at a very hard time too. You’ve almost finished your course, haven’t you?
L1: Kejadiannya juga pas pada waktu yang sulit. Studi kamu hampir selesai, kan?
John: Mmm. Just one last report and the exams. Could you tell me how I can apply for an extension?
L1: Mmm. Hanya tinggal satu laporan terakhir dan ujian. Anda bisa beritahu bagaimana saya bisa minta perpanjangan?
Alan: Sure. You just fill out a “Request for Extension of Assessment Due Date” form. You can download the form from the internet or pick one up from International Students Services. They’ll help you with all the details.
Tentu saja. Kamu tinggal mengisi formulir “Request for Extension of Assessment Due Date”. Formulir itu bisa di-download dari internet atau ambil dari kantor International Students Services. Mereka akan membantu mengisinya.
John: And when can I sit for my exams?
L1: Dan kapan saya boleh ujian?
Alan: Oh, we’ll arrange supplementary exams when you return.
L1: Oh, nanti kita atur ujian ulangan waktu kamu kembali.
John: Oh. That’s a relief.
L1: Oh. Saya lega.
Alan: Well, I hope all goes well for your father, John.
L1: Well, mudah-mudahan ayahmu baik-baik saja, John.
John: Yes. Thanks for your help, Alan. See you later.
L1: Ya. Terima kasih bantuannya, Alan. Sampai jumpa.
Rocky: Hey John. You look a bit happier now! Did you get the extension?
L1: Hey John. Kamu kelihatan lebih cerah sekarang! Kamu dapat perpanjangan, ya?
John: Better than that, I got a call from my sister. She’s back with Mum and she said that Dad’s going to be fine.
L1: Lebih dari itu, saya mendapat telepon dari saudara perempuan saya. Dia sudah kembali menemani ibu dan dia bilang ayah akan segera pulih.
Rocky: Fantastic! So you don’t need to go home?
L1: Bagus! Jadi kamu tidak usah pulang?
John: No. And if I get my report finished, we can still go away for the long weekend.
L1: Tidak. Dan kalau laporan saya sudah selesai, kita masih bisa bepergian untuk akhir pekan panjang.
Rocky: Yes!
L1: Ya!

# L1: Terima kasih mau menemui saya.
English: Thanks for seeing me.
L1: Terima kasih mau menemui saya mendadak.
English: Thanks for seeing me at such short notice.
L1: Saya perlu perpanjangan waktu untuk tugas saya.
English: I need an extension on my assignment.
L1: Ibu saya sakit keras.
English: My mother is very ill.
L1: Saya ada beberapa masalah pribadi.
English: I’ve been experiencing some personal problems.
L1: Ini mengganggu kemampuan saya belajar.
English: It’s interfered with my ability to study.
L1: Sulit berkonsentrasi pada essay saya.
English: It’s been difficult to concentrate on my essay.
L1: Saya harus pulang secepat mungkin.
English: I have to return home as soon as possible.
L1: Saya tidak dapat menyelesaikan tugas sebelum November.
English: I won’t be able to complete my assignment before November.
L1: Kapan saya bisa ujian?
English: When can I sit the exams?
L1: Terima kasih waktunya.
English: Thanks for your time.

L1 Female Sekarang anda akan mendengar sebagian percakapan hari ini dalam bahasa Inggris. Anda akan diberi waktu untuk mengulang setiap kalimat. Coba dengarkan dan ulangi.
John: Professor Smythe? I’m John Lee.
Alan: Yes John, come in. You can call me Alan.
Alan: Take a seat.
John: Thanks for seeing me at such short notice.
Alan: That’s OK. You said you’ve had some bad news?
John: Yes, I received word this morning that my father’s had a heart attack.
John: …and I might have to fly home.
Alan: Oh dear.I’m very sorry to hear that, John.
John: Yeah. I’ve been trying to call my Mum to find out what’s happening.
John: She must still be at the hospital.
Alan: It’s happened at a very hard time too. You’ve almost finished your course, haven’t you?
John: Mmm. Just one last report and the exams.
John: Could you tell me how I apply for an extension?
Alan: Sure. You just fill out a “Request for Extension of Assessment Due Date” form. You can download the form from the internet or pick one up from International Students Services. They’ll help you with all the details.
John: And when can I sit for my exams?
Alan: Oh, we’ll arrange supplementary exams when you return.
John: Oh. That’s a relief.
Alan: Well, I hope all goes well for your father, John
John: Yes. Thanks for your help, Alan. See you later.

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