Kamis, 05 Februari 2015

English Subjects from Radio Australia

Lesson 21: Calling for help
Pelajaran 21: Minta Pertolongan

Angel: Don’t you like roughing it, Rocky?
L1: Apa kamu tidak suka sedikit susah, Rocky?
John: Hell! We’ve blown a tyre!
L1: Celaka! Bannya kempes!
Katie: Oh no!
L1: Aduh!
John: Don’t worry. It’s OK. I joined a roadside assistance service. Someone will come and help us. I just have to call.
L1: Jangan kuatir. Tidak apa-apa. Saya ikut roadside assistance service atau layanan pertolongan jalan raya. Ada orang yang akan datang dan menolong kita. Saya
tinggal menelepon.
L1: Keesokan harinya.
Katie: Hey, where are the boys?
L1: Hey, dimana mereka?
Angel: They’re climbing up there, on the cliff.
L1: Mereka sedang memanjat disana, diatas tebing.
Angel: Oh yeah, I see. Isn’t this place beautiful, Katie?
L1: Oh yeah. Tempat ini cantik sekali, ya Katie?
Katie: Yeah. It reminds me of photos of Europe more than Australia.
L1: Yeah. Lebih mengingatkan saya pada foto-foto di Eropa daripada di Australia.
Angel: Wasn’t it fascinating to see the Aboriginal cave drawings? They’re very beautiful.
L1: Mengagumkan sekali gambar-gambar Aborigin yang kita lihat di dalam gua, ya. Bagus sekali.
Katie: Mmm, they’re very special. So ancient!
L1: Mmm, sangat istimewa. Dari jaman kuno!
Angel: And the kangaroos are so cute.… Ah, I can see the boys coming back.
L1: Dan kanggurunya lucu sekali…Ah, itu mereka kembali.
Rocky: Hi girls… Aaahhhhh!
L1: Hai girls… Aaahhhh!
John: Rocky!
L1: Rocky!
Katie: Rocky! Are you OK? He’s not answering.
L1: Rocky! Kamu baik-baik sajakah? Dia tidak menjawab.
John: He’s unconscious! His foot is caught under a rock.
L1: Dia pingsan! Kakinya terperangkap dibawah batu besar.
Angel: We have to call an ambulance.
L1: Kita harus memanggil ambulans.
Katie: But he doesn’t have insurance!
L1: Tapi dia tidak ikut asuransi!
John: Call triple zero. Quick!
L1: Telepon triple zero. Cepat!
Operator 1: Police, fire, ambulance?
L1: Polisi, kebakaran, ambulans?
Angel: Ambulance.
L1: Ambulans.
Operator 2: Ambulance. Where is your emergency?
L1: Ambulans. Dimana lokasi daruratnya?
Angel: We’re at McKenzie Falls in the Grampians.
L1: Kami di McKenzie Falls di Grampians.
Operator: What’s your call back number?
L1: Nomer kontak anda?
Angel: 0878 324 543
L1: 0878 324 543
Operator: What’s happened?
L1: Apa yang terjadi?
Angel: There’s been an accident. Our friend fell down a cliff. His leg is caught.
L1: Terjadi kecelakaan. Teman kami jatuh dari tebing. Kakinya terperangkap.
Operator: How old is he?
L1: Berapa umurnya?
Angel: He’s twenty.
L1: 20 tahun.
Operator: Is he conscious?
L1: Apakah ia dalam keadaan sadar?!
Angel: No.
L1: Tidak.
Operator: Is he breathing?
L1: Apakah ia masih bernafas?
Angel: Yes.
L1: Ya.
Angel: Oh, I think he’s coming to now.
L1: Oh, saya rasa dia mulai sadar sekarang.
Operator: An ambulance is on the way. Stay on the phone and listen carefully to these instructions.
L1: Ambulans segera datang. Jangan ditutup teleponnya dan dengarkan baik-baik instruksi ini.
John: Rocky, are you OK, mate?
L1: Rocky, kamu baik-baik saja, mate?
Rocky: Oh my foot. Ouch.
L1: Oh kakiku. Ouch.
John: Don’t try to move. An ambulance is on the way.
L1: Jangan bergerak. Ambulans dalam perjalanan kesini.
Rocky: Just as well I took out health insurance!
L1: Memang sebaiknya saya ikut asuransi!

# L1: Boleh saya minta peta jalan raya Victoria?
English: Could I have a Victorian road map please?
L1: Pom bensin terdekat dimana, ya?
English: Where’s the nearest petrol station?
L1: Saya ingin pesan caravan.
English: I’d like to book a caravan please.
L1: Bagaimana caranya memesan tempat untuk camping?
English: How do I book a camping site?
L1: Boleh saya pinjam tendamu untuk akhir pekan?
English: Could I borrow your tent for the weekend?
L1: Kamu punya sleeping bag yang bisa saya pinjam?
English: Do you have a sleeping bag I could borrow?
L1: Tolong panggilkan ambulans.
English: Ambulance please.
L1: Ada kecelakaan.
English: There’s been an accident.
L1: Kami di persimpangan High Street dan Black Street, Ballarat.
English: We’re on the corner of High and Black Streets, Ballarat.
L1: Teman saya jatuh dari sepeda.
English: A friend has fallen off his bike.
L1: Mobil saya mogok.
English: My car’s broken down.
L1: Boleh saya minta penerjemah bahasa Mandarin?
English: Could I have a Mandarin interpreter please?

L1 Female Sekarang anda akan mendengar sebagian dari percakapan hari ini dalam bahasa Inggris. Anda akan diberi waktu untuk mengulang setiap kalimat. Coba dengarkan dan ulangi.
Operator 1: Police, fire, ambulance?
Angel: Ambulance.
Operator 2: Ambulance. Where is your emergency?
Angel: We’re at McKenzie Falls in the Grampians.
Operator: What’s your call back number?
Angel: 0878 324 543
Operator: What’s happened?
Angel: There’s been an accident. Our friend fell down a cliff. His leg is caught.
Operator: How old is he?
Angel: He’s twenty.
Operator: Is he conscious?
Angel: No.
Operator: Is he breathing?
Angel: Yes.
Angel: Oh, I think he’s coming to now.
Operator: An ambulance is on the way. Stay on the phone and listen carefully to these instructions.

Lesson 22: Exam time
Pelajaran 22: Masa ujian

Rocky: Yes! Legend!
L1: Ya! Hebat!
Rocky: Yep?
L1: Yep?
John: Hey Rocky. Don’t you have exams next week?
L1: Hey Rocky. Bukankah kamu ada ujian minggu depan?
Rocky: Yeah, but I don’t need to study. It’s stuff we did in class.
L1: Yeah, tapi saya tidak perlu belajar. Bahannya dari yang sudah dibahas di kelas.
John: Hmmm. So you remember it all then?
L1: Hmmm. Jadi kamu masih ingat semua?
Rocky: No… Oh come on, man. Get off my case. I never do well in exams.
L1: No… Oh come on, man. Jangan bikin pusing saya. Saya tidak pernah mendapat nilai tinggi dalam ujian.
John: Well maybe if you gave yourself a fighting chance, you could do well. What are you being examined on?
L1: Well, mungkin kalau kamu mau benar-benar berusaha, kamu akan mendapat nilai bagus. Kamu akan diuji tentang apa?
Rocky: You’re not going to let me play my game until I answer this are you?
L1: Kamu tidak akan membiarkan saya main game sampai saya menjawab, ya?
John: Nup. You want to go on to do further study, don’t you?
L1: Nup. Kamu ingin melanjutkan studi, kan?
Rocky: Yeah... in hospitality!
L1: Yeah… di bidang hospitality!
John: OK. So these exams are important.
L1: OK. Jadi ujian ini penting.
Rocky: Mmm. Well there’s a reading test, a writing test and a listening test. See, I can’t really study for it. You either know it or you don’t.
L1: Mmm. Well, ada reading test, writing test dan listening test. Betul kan, saya tidak usah belajar untuk itu. Tergantung kemampuan kita saja.
John: I did those tests too, when I was studying English. Have you seen any sample tests?
L1: Saya juga pernah ujian itu, waktu saya belajar bahasa Inggris. Kamu sudah pelajari contoh test?
Rocky: No, but Katie and Angel have.
L1: Belum, tapi Katie dan Angel sudah.
John: And?
L1: Dan?
Rocky: And in the writing test, we have to describe a graph.
L1: Dan dalam writing test, kita harus menerangkan sebuah grafik.
John: So why don’t you study your notes on how to describe a graph. Where are they?
L1: Jadi mengapa kamu tidak pelajari catatanmu tentang bagaimana menerangkan sebuah grafik. Mana catatanmu?
Rocky: Ah, I think they’re over there somewhere. I dunno.
L1: Ah, kayaknya ada disana. Tidak tahu.
John: What, in that pile on the floor… under the pizza boxes? Rocky.
L1: Apa, di tumpukan yang di lantai itu… dibawah kotak pizza? Rocky.
Rocky: OK. OK. I’ll call Angel.
L1: OK. OK. Saya telepon Angel.
MALE NARRATOR: … so there’s been a significant increase in the number of women with dependent children who are in the paid workforce…
Rocky: This is hard. And we only get to hear it twice!
L1: Ini sulit. Dan kita hanya bisa mendengarnya dua kali!
Angel: Yes, that’s why we’re practising with this sample test.
L1: Ya, itulah mengapa kita latihan dengan contoh test ini.
Rocky: You’re starting to sound like John. He showed me his study notes. They’re just coloured diagrams on a piece of paper!
L1: Kamu mulai kedengaran seperti John. Dia menunjukkan catatannya kepada saya. Isinya cuma beberapa diagram berwarna di sehelai kertas!
Angel: Like this?
L1: Seperti ini?
Rocky: Oh no. You do it too!
L1: Ya ampun. Kamu juga punya!
Angel: They’re idea maps, Rocky. They help me remember things.
L1: Ini peta ide, Rocky. Untuk membantu saya mengingat.
Rocky: How?
L1: Bagaimana caranya?
Angel: Well this one reminds me how to describe different types of graphs. See?
L1: Well, yang ini untuk mengingatkan saya bagaimana menerangkan berbagai jenis grafik. Coba lihat?
Angel: Hi Rocky. What’s up?
L1: Hai Rocky. Ada apa?
Rocky: I think I’ve failed the exams.
L1: Saya rasa saya tidak lulus ujian.
Angel: Are the results out already?
L1: Apakah hasilnya sudah diumumkan?
Rocky: No, but Marion’s been calling students out of class and she hasn’t called me.
L1: Belum, tapi Marion memanggil beberapa orang keluar dari kelas dan dia belum memanggil saya.
Angel: Oh Rocky. That’s a good thing. Usually a teacher only talks to students about their results if they’ve failed.
L1: Oh Rocky. Itu bagus. Biasanya guru hanya berbicara kepada pelajar tentang hasil ujian kalau mereka tidak lulus.
Rocky: Really! What a relief.
L1: Oh ya! Wah saya lega.
Angel: Oh oh. Here comes Marion and she’s looking at you!
L1: Oh oh. Itu Marion datang dan dia mencari kamu!
Rocky: Oh! … Hi Marion.
L1: Oh!... Hai Marion.
Angel: Hi Marion.
L1: Hai Marion.
Marion: Hi guys.
L1: Hai guys.
Rocky: Not funny! You scared the life out of me!
L1: Nggak lucu ah. Kamu membuat saya takut setengah mati!
Angel: Rocky, from what you’ve told me, you did really well in the exams. So stop worrying! Just chill!
L1: Rocky, dari apa yang kamu ceritakan, kamu bisa mengerjakan ujian dengan baik. Jadi jangan kuatir! Tenang saja!
 # Dialogue Example 2
L1: Berapa lama tesnya?
English: How long will the test go for?
L1: Apakah saya boleh membawa kamus?
English: Can I bring a dictionary?
L1: Boleh saya pinjam contoh test?
English: Could I borrow a sample test please?
L1: Dimana saya bisa mendapat contoh test?
English: Where can I find sample tests?
L1: Boleh kami membawa air minum ke ruang ujian?
English: Can we bring water into the exam room?
L1: Apakah boleh membuka buku waktu ujian?
English: Is it an open book exam?
L1: Apakah kami boleh mengajukan pertanyaan?
English: Are we allowed to ask questions?
L1: Saya ingin berbicara tentang ujian saya.
English: I’d like to speak to you about my exam.
L1: Bagaimana kami mengetahui hasilnya nanti?
English: How will we find out our results?
L1 Female Anda akan mendengar sebagian percakapan hari ini dalam bahasa Inggris. Anda akan diberi waktu untuk mengulang setiap kalimat. Coba dengarkan dan ulangi.
John: Hey Rocky. Don’t you have exams next week?
Rocky: Yeah, but I don’t need to study. It’s stuff we did in class.
John: Hmmm. So you remember it all then?
Rocky: No… Oh come on, man. Get off my case. I never do well in exams.
John: Well maybe if you gave yourself a fighting chance, you could do well. What are you being examined on?
Rocky: You’re not going to let me play my game until I answer this are you?
John: Nup. You want to go on to do further study, don’t you?
Rocky: Yeah... in hospitality!
John: OK. So these exams are important.
Rocky: Mmm. Well there’s a reading test, a writing test and a listening test.
Rocky: See, I can’t really study for it. You either know it or you don’t.
John: I did those tests too when I was studying English.
John: Have you seen any sample tests?
Rocky: No, but Katie and Angel have.
John: And?
Rocky: And in the writing test, we have to describe a graph.
John: So why don’t you study your notes on how to describe a graph.
John: Where are they?
Rocky: Ah, I think they’re over there somewhere. I dunno.

Lesson 23: Extending your visa
Pelajaran 23: Memperpanjang visa
Angel: You can go first, Rocky.
L1: Kamu duluan, Rocky.
Rocky: Thanks Angel. Excuse me.
L1: Terimakasih Angel… Maaf.
Male Reception: Yes, how can I help you?
L1: Ya, ada yang bisa dibantu?
Rocky: I’m on a tourist visa but I want to apply for a student visa. Is that possible?
L1: Saya disini dengan visa turis tapi saya ingin minta visa pelajar. Apakah itu mungkin?
Male Receptionist: That depends on the country you come from.
L1: Itu tergantung dari negara mana kamu berasal.
Rocky: Really!
L1: Oh ya!
Male Receptionist: Yes, there are only a few countries allowed to apply onshore. For example, if you’re from China, you would have to go back and apply from there. Could I have your student card please?
L1: Ya, hanya ada beberapa negara yang diperbolehkan mengajukan permohonan dari dalam wilayah Australia. Misalnya, kalau kamu dari Cina, kamu harus kembali dan mengajukan permohonan dari sana. Boleh lihat kartu pelajarmu?
Male Receptionist: Yes, you’re in luck. You can apply for a student visa while you’re still here.
L1: Ya, kamu beruntung. Kamu boleh minta visa pelajar selagi masih disini.
Rocky: That’s great! So what do I have to do?
L1: Bagus! Jadi apa yang harus saya lakukan?
Male Receptionist: I’ll make an appointment for you to see a Student Services Officer. She’ll guide you through.
L1: Akan saya buatkan appointment untuk kamu untuk bertemu dengan Student Services Officer. Dia akan memberi petunjuk.
Rocky: Thanks.
L1: Terima kasih.
Angel: Excuse me. What if I want to extend my student visa? Do I have to go back to my country first?
L1: Maaf. Bagaimana caranya kalau saya ingin memperpanjang visa pelajar? Apakah saya harus kembali ke negara saya dulu?
Male Receptionist: No, if you already have a student visa, you can usually extend it as long as you submit a complete application. Do you have an agent?
L1: Tidak, kalau kamu sudah punya visa pelajar, biasanya dapat memperpanjang asalkan menyerahkan dokumen lengkap. Kamu punya agent?
Angel: Yes.
L1: Ya.
Male Receptionist: Then your agent can make the arrangements for you.
L1: Kalau begitu agent-mu dapat mengaturnya.
Angel: OK. Thanks.
L1: OK. Terima kasih.
Michelle: Rocky, since you intend to go on to Tafe, you should apply for a package visa.
L1: Rocky, karena kamu berniat melanjutkan studi ke Tafe, sebaiknya kamu minta visa paket.
Rocky: What’s that?
L1: Apa itu?
Michelle: Well instead of applying for an ELICOS visa, you apply for the whole period of your study. That includes your further ed.
L1: Well, daripada minta visa untuk ELICOS, lebih baik kamu minta visa untuk seluruh masa studimu. Itu termasuk studi lanjutan.
Rocky: So that way I won’t have to reapply when I finish my ELICOS course?
L1: Jadi dengan begitu saya tidak harus minta visa lagi setelah selesai kursus ELICOS?
Michelle: Exactly. Now here’s a list of the documents you need.
L1: Betul. Ini daftar dokumen yang kamu perlukan.
Rocky: All this?
L1: Semua?
Michelle: Not all. Some documents relate to people who have dependants with them. Do you have Overseas Student Health Cover?
L1: Tidak semua. Sebagian dokumen hanya untuk orang-orang yang membawa keluarga. Kamu punya asuransi kesehatan untuk pelajar internasional?
Rocky: Yes, I do.
L1: Ya, punya.
Michelle: Good.
L1: Baik.
Angel: So what did the Student Services Officer say?
L1: Jadi apa kata Student Services Officer?
Rocky: Just as well she’s going to help me. She showed me the application form. It’s twenty pages long!
L1: Untung dia mau membantu. Dia menunjukkan formulir permohonannya. 20 halaman panjangnya!
Angel: Which college are you applying for?
L1: Kamu mau mendaftar ke college mana?
Rocky: I’ve forgotten the name of it. You know, the big Tafe on the park?
L1: Saya sudah lupa namanya. Tahu kan, Tafe yang besar yang dekat taman itu?
Angel: Really! That’s where I’m going!
L1: Oh ya! Saya juga mau kesana!
Rocky: That’s great! And what’s even better is that I can get a work permit when I get my student visa. I’ve gotta get a job!
L1: Bagus! Dan yang lebih bagus lagi, saya bisa mendapat ijin kerja kalau sudah punya visa pelajar. Saya harus cari pekerjaan!

# L1: Apa saya bisa bikin janji untuk bertemu dengan student services officer?
English: Could I make an appointment to see the student services officer please?
L1: Bagaimana caranya memperpanjang visa pelajar?
English: Could you tell me how I extend my student visa?
L1: Boleh saya minta informasi tentang visa paket?
English: Could you tell me about the package visa please?
L1: Berapa biaya seluruhnya?
English: How much will it cost altogether?
L1: Saya ingin memperpanjang visa pelajar.
English: I’m here to extend my student visa.
L1: Saya sangat menikmati studi saya selama ini.
English: I’ve enjoyed my studies very much.
L1: Saya tidak masuk karena sakit yang disebabkan oleh virus.
English: My absences were due to a viral illness.
L1: Saya ingin belajar perhotelan.
English: I want to study hotel hospitality.
L1: Saya akan belajar di Melbourne Tafe.
English: I’ll be attending the Melbourne Tafe.
L1: Terimakasih bantuannya.
English: Thanks for your help.
L1 Female Sekarang anda akan mendengar sebagian dari percakapan hari ini dalam bahasa Inggris. Anda akan diberi waktu untuk mengulang setiap kalimat. Coba dengarkan dan ulangi.
Male Reception: Yes, how can I help you?
Rocky: I’m on a tourist visa but I want to apply for a student visa.
Rocky: Is that possible?
Male Receptionist: That depends on the country you come from.
Rocky: Really!
Male Receptionist: Yes, there are only a few countries allowed to apply onshore. For example, if you’re from China, you would have to go back and apply from there. Could I have your student card please?
Male Receptionist: Yes, you’re in luck. You can apply for a student visa while you’re still here.
Rocky: That’s great! So what do I have to do?
Male Receptionist: I’ll make an appointment for you to see a Student Services Officer. She’ll guide you through.
Rocky: Thanks.
Angel: Excuse me. What if I want to extend my student visa? Do I have to go back to my country first?
Male Receptionist: No, if you already have a student visa, you can usually extend it as long as you submit a complete application. Do you have an agent?
Angel: Yes.
Male Receptionist: Then your agent can make the arrangements for you.
Angel: OK. Thanks.
Michelle: Rocky, since you intend to go on to Tafe, you should apply for a package visa.
Rocky: What’s that?
Michelle: Well instead of applying for an ELICOS visa, you apply for the whole period of
your study. That includes your further ed.
Rocky: So that way I won’t have to reapply when I finish my ELICOS course?
Michelle: Exactly. Now here’s a list of the documents you need.

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