Rabu, 18 Februari 2015

RPP SMK kls X sem2 ktsp


Mata Pelajaran        :     Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester        :     X / 2
Pertemuan ke          :     1 - 10
Alokasi waktu         :     20 X 45 menit
Standar kompetensi      :         Berkomunikasi dengan bahasa inggris pada level novice.
Kompetensi Dasar  :      Menjelaskan secara sederhana kegiatan yang sedang terjadi.
Indikator                 :    Peristiwa yang sedang terjadi diceritakan dengan tepat sesuai
                                        dengan waktu dan tempat kejadian.
                                   Pernyataan dengan menggunakan ”there is/are” disampaikan
                                     dengan tepat sesuai dengan waktu dan tempat kejadian.
                                 Pertanyaan tentang peristiwa yang sedang terjadi disampaikan
                                   dengan tepat.
                                     Pengungkapan perasaan / pendapat tentang peristiwa yang
                                        sedang terjadi disampaikan dengan tepat.

I.      Tujuan Pembelajaran
1.     Siswa dapat menggunakan peristiwa yang sedang terjadi dengan tepat sesuai
        dengan waktu dan tempat kejadian.
2.     Siswa dapat membuat pernyataan dengan menggunakan there is/are disampaikan dengan tepat sesuai dengan waktu dan tempat kejadian.
3.     Siswa dapat membuat pertanyaan tentang peristiwa yang sedang terjadi.
4.     Siswa dapat mengungkapkan perasaan / pendapat tentang peristiwa yang
        sedang terjadi.

II.    Materi Ajar
·   Words and expressions used in the context of telling or describing events.
- The students are cleaning the foor.
- When you arrive, the guests will be travelling around the city.
·   Grammar: Present continuous, future continuous.
·   Sentences using ‘there + be’
·   Prepositions: in, on, at, under, etc.
- There is a napkin on the table
·   Questions about events:
- How/When did it happen?
·   Expessions of feelings / opinions concerning an event
- I was very shocked to learn about the number of the victims.

III. Metode Pembelajaran
1. Listening
2. Speaking
3. Reading
4. Writing
IV. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

Pertemuan 1 dan 2 :
        1. Kegiatan awal   : 1. Berdoa
                                        2. Mengabsen siswa
                                        3. Mengulang materi yang telah disampaikan
                                            dan  menginformasikan materi yang akan di pelajari

2. Kegiatan inti     : Listening   : - Completing passage
                                                      - Dictation
                                Speaking  : - Pronounciation practice
- Dialogue practice about something that is
                                        • Reading    : - Reading for information.
                                        • Writing     : - Completing some dialogues.
                                                              - Making some sentences deal with describing

3. Kegiatan akhir  : Membuat rangkuman.

Pertemuan 3, 4, 5 dan 6 :
        1. Kegiatan awal   : 1. Berdoa
                                        2. Mengabsen siswa
                                        3. Mengulang materi yang telah disampaikan
                                            dan  menginformasikan materi yang akan di pelajari

 2. Kegiatan inti    : • Reading    : - Reading for information
                                                      - Explanation deal with simple present continuous.
                                                      - Explanation deal with future continuous.
                                        • Writing     :- Completing dialogues dealing with simple present
- Completing dialogues deal with simple future
- Completing dialogues deal with simple future
 3. Kegiatan akhir : Membuat review.

Pertemuan 7 :
         1. Kegiatan awal  : 1. Berdoa
                                        2. Mengabsen siswa
                                        3. Mengulang materi yang telah disampaikan
                                            dan  menginformasikan materi yang akan di pelajari

 2. Kegiatan inti    : Listening   :   Dictation dealing with sentences using
                                • Speaking   :   Pronounciation practice.                       
                                        • Writing     :   Writing short paragraph contain sentences using
3. Kegiatan akhir  : Membuat rangkuman.

Pertemuan 8 :
         1. Kegiatan awal  : 1. Berdoa
                                        2. Mengabsen siswa
                                        3. Mengulang materi yang telah disampaikan
                                            dan  menginformasikan materi yang akan di pelajari

  2. Kegiatan inti   : Listening   :   Dictation dealing with sentences using
                                                        Preposition (in, on, at, under, etc)
                                Speaking  :   Pronounce and practice.
                                        • Writing     :   - Writing a paragraph contain sentences using
                                                                - Completing dialogue or paragraph.
3. Kegiatan akhir  : Membuat rangkuman.

Pertemuan 9  :
         1. Kegiatan awal  : 1. Berdoa
                                        2. Mengabsen siswa
                                        3. Mengulang materi yang telah disampaikan
                                            dan  menginformasikan materi yang akan di pelajari

  2. Kegiatan inti   : Listening   :    Completing passage.
                                        • Speaking   :    Pronounce and practice.                                                                                         • Writing :     Making question about event using WH-Words.
3. Kegiatan akhir  : Membuat rangkuman.

Pertemuan 10 :
         1. Kegiatan awal  : 1. Berdoa
                                        2. Mengabsen siswa
                                        3. Mengulang materi yang telah disampaikan
                                            dan  menginformasikan materi yang akan di pelajari

  2. Kegiatan inti   : Listening   :    Dictation.                      
                                Speaking  :    Expressing deal with feeling / opinion
                                                         concerning an event.
                                        • Writing     :    - Making an opinion based on concerning
                                                                    an event.
                                                                 - Making a sentence for expressing feeling.

3. Kegiatan akhir  : Membuat rangkuman.

III.         Alat / Bahan / Sumber Belajar
a.       Global Access to the world of work book 1.
b.      English for Vocational School book (LP2iP)1.
c.       Modul Prasasti 1
d.      Modul Sekawan 1.
e.       The universe of english 1.

IV.         Penilaian
1. Tes lisan      : Memperagakan dialog secara berpasangan.
2. Tes tertulis   : Melengkapi dialog.

VII. Evaluasi
A. Change the word in the bracket into the correct form of tense.
     1. At this time my parents (build) a new house.
     2. Right now we (study) English.
     3. At 8.40 tomorrow we (go) to Jakarta.
     4. I saw your father when I (wait) for the bus.
     5. My sister (listen) to the radio this time.

B. Fill in the blank space with preposition: at, in, on, to, from, inside.
1. I live…………..rose street no 329.
2. I saw him…………………the library.
3. He has a pain……………his chest
4. I’ll go…………..Bandung next week.
5. Those books are……………a small village in west java.

C. Express your feeling from these situations!
1. Do you remember about the earthquake and tsunami wave in Aceh? What do you think of that? Tell your feeling at least five sentences!

      2. Have you ever felt a special event that makes you happy in your life? What is that?
          Tell your feeling at least five sentences!

VIII. Kunci jawaban

A.      Skor maksimal 5
1.                                                                                                                                                    Are building
2.                                                                                                                                                    Are studying
3.                                                                                                                                                    will go
4.                                                                                                                                                    was waiting
5.                                                                                                                                                    are listening

B.       Skor maksimal 5
1.      In
2.      At
3.      On
4.      To
5.      At

C.      Skor maksimal 10
1.      The earthquake in Aceh happened two years ago made everyone felt sad and worry. Most of people died and hurt that condition was horrible. Many people competed to help the victims as their sympathy. They gave whatever they had such as money, food and drink, blanket, dresses and medicine. The victims felt happy because beside they lost some of their family still many people care with them.

2.      At about two weeks ago I went to Jakarta for holiday. It’s very special because that was my first time I went there. I’m very happy and surprised when my parents asked me to join them. I visited Dufan and it’s wonderful. I also visited the fantastic Monas. Both of them were famous place in Jakarta. Even I felt satisfied enjoying my journey but I think that was my great experience.

Total nilai = Jumlah skor



Mata Pelajaran        :     Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester        :     X / 2
Pertemuan ke          :     11 - 22
Alokasi waktu         :     24 x 45 menit
Standar kompetensi      :         Berkomunikasi dengan bahasa inggris pada level novice.
Kompetensi Dasar  :      Memahami memo dan menu sederhana, jadwal perjalanan
                                      kendaraan umum, dan rambu-rambu lalu lintas.
Indikator                 :    Pesan ditulis dalam bentuk memo dengan benar.
                                      Memo yang sudah ada dijelaskan dengan tepat.
                                      Menu ditulis dan dijelaskan dengan tepat.
                                      Tanda-tanda dan lambang (misalnya: rambu lalu lintas)
                                         dijelaskan dengan benar.
                                      Berbagai macam jadwal (time table) dibuat dan dijelaskan
                                        dengan benar.
                                      Bentuk kata sifat dan keterangan digunakan secara tepat untuk
                                        membandingkan sesuatu.

I.      Tujuan Pembelajaran
1.     Siswa dapat membuat memo dengan benar.
2.     Siswa dapat menjelaskan memo dengan tepat.
3.     Siswa dapat menulis dan menjelaskan menu dengan tepat.
4.     Siswa dapat menjelaskan lambang / rambu – rambu lalu lintas secara tepat.
5.     Siswa dapat dan membuat dan menjelaskan jadwal (time table) dengan tepat.
6.  Siswa dapat membentuk kata sifat dan keterangan yang digunakan untuk membandingkan sesuatu.

II.    Materi Ajar
·   Samples of memo
·   Sample of menu
·   Words and expressions to explain signs and symbols:
- That “P” sign means that you can park here.
- The symbol “Lady” means that the toilet is for women.
- “No smoking” means that you are not allowed to smoke in that area.
·   Samples of time table and schedule
·   Degrees of comparison:
- Bus is fast.
- Train is faster than the bus.
- Plane is the fastest of all.
- Travelling by plane is more convenient than travelling by bus.
·   Pronouns and reported speech.

III.  Metode Pembelajaran
a.       Listening
b.      Speaking
c.       Reading
d.      Writing

IV.  Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

Pertemuan 1 :
        1. Kegiatan awal   : 1. Berdoa
                                        2. Mengabsen siswa
                                        3. Mengulang materi yang telah disampaikan
                                           dan  menginformasikan materi yang akan di pelajari

2. Kegiatan inti     : Listening   : - Dictation
                                                      - Completing memos
                                Speaking  : - Pronounciation practice
- Dialogue practice involving memos.
                                        • Writing     : - Completing memos.
                                                              - Composing memos.

3. Kegiatan akhir  : Membuat rangkuman.

Pertemuan 2 :
        1. Kegiatan awal   : 1. Berdoa
                                        2. Mengabsen siswa
                                        3. Mengulang materi yang telah disampaikan
                                            dan  menginformasikan materi yang akan di pelajari

2. Kegiatan inti     : Listening   : - Dictation
                                                      - Completing menus.
                                Speaking  : - Pronounciation practice
- Dialogue practice involving menus.
                                        • Writing     : - Composing menus.
3. Kegiatan akhir  : Membuat rangkuman.

Pertemuan 3 dan 4 :
        1. Kegiatan awal   : 1. Berdoa
                                        2. Mengabsen siswa
                                        3. Mengulang materi yang telah disampaikan
                                            dan  menginformasikan materi yang akan di pelajari

2. Kegiatan inti     : Listening   : - Matching pictures based on sign and symbol.
                                Speaking  : - Pronunciation practice
- Dialogue practice involving sign and symbols.
                                        • Writing     : - Making some sentences deal with sign and
3. Kegiatan akhir  : Membuat rangkuman.
Pertemuan 5 :
        1. Kegiatan awal   : 1. Berdoa
                                        2. Mengabsen siswa
                                        3. Mengulang materi yang telah disampaikan
                                            dan  menginformasikan materi yang akan di pelajari

2. Kegiatan inti     : Listening   : - Matching pictures based on time tables and
                                                         Schedules given.
                                Speaking  : - Pronounciation practice.
- Dialogue practice involving time tables an
                                        • Writing     : - Completing time tables and schedules.
3. Kegiatan akhir  : Membuat rangkuman.

Pertemuan 6,7,8 dan 9 :
        1. Kegiatan awal   : 1. Berdoa
                                        2. Mengabsen siswa
                                        3. Mengulang materi yang telah disampaikan
                                            dan  menginformasikan materi yang akan di pelajari

2. Kegiatan inti     : Listening   : - Dictation.                                                
                                 Speaking  : - Pronounciation practice.
- Making sentences using degrees of comparison
  then expressed orally.  
                                        • Writing     : - Writing sentences using comparative degree.
3. Kegiatan akhir  : Membuat rangkuman.

Pertemuan 10,11 dan 12 :
        1. Kegiatan awal   : 1. Berdoa
                                        2. Mengabsen siswa
                                        3. Mengulang materi yang telah disampaikan
                                            dan  menginformasikan materi yang akan di pelajari

2. Kegiatan inti     : Listening   : - Dictation.                                                
                                Speaking  : - Pronounciation practice.
- Making sentences using pronouns.
- Making sentences using reported speech.
                                        • Writing     : - Writing sentences using pronouns.
                                                              - Writing sentence using pronouns.
3. Kegiatan akhir  : Membuat rangkuman.

V.     Alat / Bahan / Sumber Belajar
1.  Global Access to the world of work book 1.
2.  English for Vocational School book (LP2iP)1.
3.  Modul Prasasti 1
4.  Modul Sekawan 1.
5.  The universe of english 1.

VI. Penilaian
1. Tes lisan      : Memperagakan dialog secara berpasangan.
2. Tes tertulis   : Melengkapi dialog.

VII. Evaluasi
A. Draw a picture of these signs and symbols!
1. You can park here.
2. The toilet is for woman.
3. You are not allowed to smoke in this area.
4. You are not allowed to under foot the grass in this park.
5. You can not make U turn

B. Complete the following statements with correct comparison of adjectives.
1. Climbing a ladder is dangerous but, climbing on the roof is…………..
2. The moon look bright but the sun looks……………………………….
3. Taxi drivers are bad in Jakarta but they are………………..in Bangkok.
4. A magazine is thin but a newspaper is…………………………………
5. A top is lighter than a football. A football is…………………………..

C.  Compare the new items with the old ones.

The new one
The old one


Answer key
A. Skor maksimal 25
B. Skor maksimal 5

1.      the most dangerous
2.      brighter
3.      better
4.      thinnest
5.      the heaviest

C. Skor maksimal 10

  1. The new old chair is more uncomfortable than the new one
  2. The new chair is more comfortable than the old one
  3. The new chair is more expensive than the old one
  4. The old chair is cheaper than the new one

Total nilai = Skor nilai



Mata Pelajaran        :     Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester        :     X / 2
Pertemuan ke          :     23 - 32
Alokasi waktu         :     20 x 45
Standar kompetensi      :         Berkomunikasi dengan bahasa inggris pada level novice.
Kompetensi Dasar  :      Memahami kata-kata dan istilah asing serta kalimat sederhana
                                      berdasarkan rumus.
Indikator                 :    Berbagai ungkapan untuk menyatakan pilihan (preferences)
                                        digunakan dengan tepat.
                                      Ungkapan untuk menyatakan pengandaian (conditional type I)
                                        digunakan dengan tepat.
                                      Berbagai ungkapan untuk menyatakan kemampuan  
                                        (capabilities) digunakan dengan tepat.
                                      Ungkapan untuk meminta dan memberi arah dan lokasi
                                        (direction) digunakan dengan tepat.

I.      Tujuan Pembelajaran
1.     Siswa dapat menggunakan berbagai ungkapan untuk menyatakan pilihan (preference) dengan tepat.
2.     Siswa dapat menggunakan kalimat pengandaian (conditional sentence type 1) dengan benar.
3.     Siswa dapat menggunakan ungkapan ”kemampuan” (capabilities) dengan tepat.
4.     Siswa dapat mengunkapkan cara meminta dan memberi arah dan lokasi (direction) dengan tepat.

II.    Materi Ajar
·   Words and expressions used in expressing preference:
- I prefer coffee to soft drink at this time of the day.
- I’d rather stay home over the weekend than go to movies.
- I like badminton better than  volley ball.
·   Conditional sentence type 1:
- If the weather is nice this morning, we can go to the beach.
·   Words and expressions used to talk about capabilities:
- Can you swim to cross this river?
- When I was a child, I could (was able to) climb that tree.
·   Words and expressing used in asking for and giving direction (location):
- Could you tell me the way to the Zoo, please?
- Go straight on as far as the junction, then turn left. The Zoo is on your left ...
·   Prepositions of place: in front of, behind, beside, dsb.

III. Metode Pembelajaran
1. Listening
2. Speaking
3. Reading
4. Writing
IV.Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

Pertemuan 1 dan 2 :
        1. Kegiatan awal   : 1. Berdoa
                                        2. Mengabsen siswa
                                        3. Mengulang materi yang telah disampaikan
                                            dan  menginformasikan materi yang akan di pelajari

2. Kegiatan inti     : Listening   : - Dictation.
                                                      - Lisening for information: dialogues.
                                Speaking  : - Interviewing for one’s preferences.
- Role playing, dialogues.
                                        • Reading    : - Reading for information: passage, dialogue.
                                        • Writing     : - Writing sentences expressing preferences.
                                                              - Composing dialogues involving preferences.
3. Kegiatan akhir  : Membuat rangkuman.

Pertemuan 3, 4, 5 dan 6:
        1. Kegiatan awal   : 1. Berdoa
                                        2. Mengabsen siswa
                                        3. Mengulang materi yang telah disampaikan
                                            dan  menginformasikan materi yang akan di pelajari

2. Kegiatan inti     : Listening   : - Dictation.
                                                      - Lisening for information: dialogues.
                                Speaking  : - Responding to questions using conditional
                                                        sentences type 1.
                                        • Reading    : - Reading for information: passage, dialogue.
                                        • Writing     : - Writing sentences using conditional type 1.
3. Kegiatan akhir  : Membuat rangkuman.

Pertemuan 7 :
        1. Kegiatan awal   : 1. Berdoa
                                        2. Mengabsen siswa
                                        3. Mengulang materi yang telah disampaikan
                                           dan  menginformasikan materi yang akan di pelajari

2. Kegiatan inti     : Listening   : - Dictation.
                                                      - Lisening for information: dialogues.
                                 Speaking  : - Interviewing for one’s capabilities.
- Role playing, dialogues.
                                        • Reading    : - Reading for information: passage, dialogue.
                                                              - identifying skills and and capabilities from
                                                                reading passages.
                                        • Writing     : - Writing sentences expressing capabilities.
                                                              - Composing dialogues involving capabilities.
3. Kegiatan akhir  : Membuat rangkuman.

Pertemuan 8 dan 9 :
        1. Kegiatan awal   : 1. Berdoa
                                        2. Mengabsen siswa
                                        3. Mengulang materi yang telah disampaikan
                                            dan  menginformasikan materi yang akan di pelajari

2. Kegiatan inti     : Listening   : - Dictation.
                                                      - Listening for information: dialogues.
                                                      - Listening and completing maps.
                                Speaking  : - Interviewing for giving directions based on maps
                                        • Reading    : - Reading and finding a location on the map.
                                        • Writing     : - Writing sentences expressing directions or
                                                              - Composing dialogues involving giving direction.
3. Kegiatan akhir  : Membuat rangkuman.

Pertemuan 10 :
        1. Kegiatan awal   : 1. Berdoa
                                        2. Mengabsen siswa
                                        3. Mengulang materi yang telah disampaikan
                                            dan  menginformasikan materi yang akan di pelajari

2. Kegiatan inti     : Listening   : - Dictation.
                                                      - Lisening for information: dialogues.
                                        • Reading    : - Reading for information: passage, dialogues.
                                        • Writing     : - Composing dialogues involving preposition.
3. Kegiatan akhir  : Membuat rangkuman.

V.Alat / Bahan / Sumber Belajar
1.  Global Access to the world of work book 1.
2.  English for Vocational School book (LP2iP)1.
3.  Modul Prasasti 1
4.  Modul Sekawan 1.
5.  The universe of english 1.

1. Tes lisan      : Memperagakan dialog secara berpasangan.
2. Tes tertulis   : Melengkapi dialog.

VII. Evaluasi
A. Answer these questions by using expressions of preferences.
1. A     : Which book do you prefer, science or fiction?
    B     :  ………………………………………………
2. A     : Which university do you like better, UGM or UI?
    B     :  …………………………………………………
3. A     : How do you like going to the office, by bus or on foot?
    B     : …………………………………………………………
4. A     : Whom do you prefer spending weekend with, Alex or Doni?
5. A     : Which do you like, going to the beach or staying in a star hotel?
    B     : ………………………………………………………………….

B. Complete the following sentences using can, be, be able, could, was able to, or were able to!
1. Indra has traveled a lot, he…..speak five languages.
2. My aunt loved music, she…….play the piano very well.
3. I can’t swim very far now but when I was young I …swim across the channel.
4. It took us a long time but we… find house.
5. It wasn’t easy but…to win the match.

C. Now, make conditional sentences using the verbs given!
1. If I (do) this test, I (improve) my English.
2. Simon (go) to London next week if he (get) a cheap flight.
3. If I (find) your ring, I (give) it back to you.
4. If her boyfriend (phone/not) today, she (leave) him.
5. You (be able/not) to sleep if you (watch) this scary film.

VIII. Kunci Jawaban

A.  Skor maksimal 5
1.      I prefer fiction to science
2.      I like UGM better than UI
3.      I like going to school by bus better than by foot.
4.      I prefer spending weekend with Alex to Doni.
5.      I like going to the beach better than staying in a hotel

B.  Skor maksimal 5
1.      Could
2.      Was able to
3.      Was able to
4.      Were able to
5.      Could

C.  Skor maksimal 5
1.      Do, will improve
2.      Will go, gets
3.      Find, will give
4.      Doesn’t phoned, will leave
5.      Won’t be able, watch

           Total nilai = Jumlah skor X 2



Mata Pelajaran        :     Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester        :     X / 2
Pertemuan ke          :     33 - 36
Alokasi waktu         :     8 x 45 menit
Standar kompetensi      :         Berkomunikasi dengan bahasa inggris pada level novice.
Kompetensi Dasar  :      Menuliskan undangan sederhana.
Indikator                 :    Sejumlah kata dirangkai menjadi kalimat yang mengandung
                                        unsur undangan.
                                      Kalimat dirangkai dengan benar untuk membentuk undangan.
                                      Undangan sederhana (misalnya: undangan ulang tahun)
                                         dituliskan dengan benar.

I.      Tujuan Pembelajaran
1.     Siswa dapat merangkai kalimat yang mengandung unsur undangan.
2.     Siswa dapat merangkai beberapa kata untuk membentuk undangan.
3.     Siswa dapat menulis undangan sederhana dengan benar..

II.    Materi Ajar
·   Grammar review: “will”, “could”, “would” and prepositions: in, on at.
·   Samples of invitation (personal invitation).
·   Parts of personal invitations.
·   Contents, style, spelling and pronounciation.

III. Metode Pembelajaran
1. Listening
2. Speaking
3. Reading
4. Writing

IV. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran
Pertemuan 1, 2, 3 dan 4:
        1. Kegiatan awal   : 1. Berdoa
                                        2. Mengabsen siswa
                                        3. Mengulang materi yang telah disampaikan
                                            dan  menginformasikan materi yang akan di pelajari

   2. Kegiatan inti    : Listening     : - Completing invitations
                                                          - Listening for information
                              Speaking     : - Pronounciation practice
                                                      - Dialogue practice
- Responding to questions dealing with invitations
  using “yes-no” and “wh-” questions.
                                                         - Telling about invitations,
                                                         - Creating dialogues in pairs.
                                      • Reading      : - Reading for information: passage, dialogue.
                                  • Writing       : - Rearranging jumbled sentences to create
                                                              - Writing personal invitations.
3. Kegiatan akhir  : Membuat rangkuman.

V. Alat / Bahan / Sumber Belajar
1.  Global Access to the world of work book 1.
2.  English for Vocational School book (LP2iP)1.
3.  Modul Prasasti 1
4.  Modul Sekawan 1.
5.  The universe of english 1.

VI. Penilaian
1. Tes lisan      : Memperagakan dialog secara berpasangan.
2. Tes tertulis   : Melengkapi dialog.

VII. Evaluasi
A. Answer these invitations!
1. A     : Could you watch the movie with me tonight?
    B     : ………………………………………………
2. A     : Would you come to my birthday party tomorrow afternoon?
    B     : ………………………………………………………………
3. A     : Will you have dinner with me tomorrow night?
    B     : ………………………………………………..
4. A     : Will you attend the meeting in my office tomorrow afternoon?
    B     : ………………………………………………………………..
5. A     : How about having lunch together?
    B     : …………………………………..

B. Make the replies letter from Firman to Cindy!

Dear Firman
Can we arrange to meet next week? Does Tuesday at 3.30 p.m suit you? If you can’t make it then. Please suggest another date. I’m free everyday next week except Friday morning.

With best wishes,

1. Fax A          : Firman agrees to meet Cindy.

2. Fax B          : Firman refuses to meet Cindy at 3.30 p.m. He can make it at 7.30 p.m. on

C. Make an invitation letter to your best friend, that you want invite his / her to your house for celebrating your parents wedding anniversary. And also says that he can ask her / his sister or brother for accompanying his / her.

VIII. Kunci Jawaban
A. Skor maksimal 5
1. I’d love to
2. Yes I would, but I have something to do
3. Yes, I will
4. Sure I will
5. I’m sorry I can’t because I should take my mother to the market

B. Skor maksimal 10
     Teacher wisdom

C. Skor maksimal 5
     Teacher wisdom

              Total nilai = Jumlah skor


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