Minggu, 08 Februari 2015

Lesson 17 – Out on the ferry

Lesson 17 – Out on the ferry
Pelajaran 17: Di feri
Sekarang mari kita dengarkan bagian pertama percakapan: Leo, Mona dan Jack berwisata di laut sambil melihat ikan lumba-lumba. Mereka berada di dalam feri.
Leo: Just follow me.
Leo: Where would you like to sit?
Leo: Inside or outside?
Jack: Where do you recommend?
Leo: Outside.
Leo: There's a much better view.
Leo: Watch your step.
Leo: Be careful of the ropes.
Leo: What about here?
Jack: This looks fine.
Leo: Are you comfortable, Ms White?
Mona: Fine, thanks.
Leo: Can I get you anything?
Mona: I'm right, thanks.
L1: Sekarang dengarkan percakapan itu lagi dengan terjemahannya.
Leo: Just follow me. Where would you like to sit? Inside or outside?
L1: Mari ikuti saya. Mau duduk dimana? Di dalam atau di luar?
Jack: Where do you recommend?
L1: Dimana sebaiknya?
Leo: Outside. There's a much better view.
L1: Di luar. Pemandangannya jauh lebih bagus.
Leo: Watch your step. Be careful of the ropes.
L1: Awas, hati-hati. Ada tali.
Leo: What about here?
L1: Bagaimana kalau disini?
Jack: This looks fine.
L1: Disini kelihatannya enak.
Leo: Are you comfortable, Ms White?
L1: Cukup enak duduknya, Ms White?
Mona: Fine, thanks.
L1: Ya, terima kasih.
Leo: Can I get you anything?
L1: Mau diambilkan sesuatu? Minum barangkali?
Mona: I'm right, thanks.
L1: Tidak, terimakasih.
L1: Coba dengarkan bagaimana Leo menunjukkan perhatian menyangkut keselamatan tamunya.
Leo: Watch your step.
L1: Awas, hati-hati.
Leo: Be careful of the ropes.
L1: Hati-hati, ada tali.
L1: Peringatan-peringatan ini, tentu saja, bervariasi, tergantung pada situasinya, tetapi ungkapan-ungkapan "Be careful of…" dan "Watch your…" sangat umum dipakai.
Mari kita berlatih dengan beberapa contoh.
Coba dengarkan dan ulangi.
Eng: Watch your…
Watch your step.
Watch your back.
Mind your….
Mind your foot.
Mind your head.
Be careful.
Be careful of the ropes.
Be careful of the water.
L1: Sekarang coba dengarkan: Leo ingin memastikan bahwa tamunya merasa nyaman.
Leo: Are you comfortable, Ms White?
L1: Cukup enak duduknya, Ms White?
Leo: Can I get you anything?
L1: Mau diambilkan sesuatu?
L1: Terserah kepada pemandu wisata untuk menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan ini. Ada tamu yang tidak memerlukan terlalu banyak perhatian, tetapi ada juga yang mengharapkan perhatian.
Ayah Mona, Jack, umpamanya, cukup gampang orangnya, dan mungkin malah kikuk kalau terlalu diperhatikan. Tamu lain mungkin membutuhkan perhatian lebih banyak, seperti misalnya orang-orang lanjut usia, atau yang cacat tubuh, atau mungkin yang seperti Mona, sedikit rewel. Bagaimanapun, anda pasti akan membutuhkan ungkapan-ungkapan ini suatu saat , maka mari kita berlatih.
Coba dengarkan dan ulangi.
Leo: Are you comfortable?
Are you comfortable?
Can I get you anything?
Can I get you anything?
L1: Sekarang coba dengarkan kembali percakapan tadi. Anda akan diberi waktu untuk mengulang setiap kalimat Leo.
Leo: Just follow me.
Leo: Where would you like to sit?
Leo: Inside or outside?
Jack: Where do you recommend?
Leo: Outside.
Leo: There's a much better view.
Leo: Watch your step.
Leo: Be careful of the ropes.
Leo: What about here?
Jack: This looks fine.
Leo: Are you comfortable, Ms White?
Mona: Fine, thanks.
Leo: Can I get you anything?
Mona: I'm right, thanks.

Perhatikan kata-kata dan ungkapan baru dalam percakapan berikut.
Leo: Over there, on the left you can see the Colonial quarter.
Mona: And what's that over there?
Leo: That's where they have the night market. If you look up there, on the
right, you can see the botanic gardens. That's where we'll go tonight. We'll
have a clear view of the full moon.
L1: Sekarang dengarkan percakapan itu lagi dengan terjemahannya.
Leo: Over there, on the left you can see the Colonial quarter.
L1: Di sebelah kiri, anda dapat melihat Colonial Quarter.
Mona: And what's that over there?
L1: Dan itu apa yang di sebelah sana?
Leo: That's where they have the night market. If you look up there, on the right, you can see the botanic gardens. That's where we'll go tonight. We'll have a clear view of the full moon.
L1: Itu tempat pasar malam. Di sebelah kanan, anda lihat Kebun Raya. Kita akan kesana nanti malam. Kita akan melihat bulan purnama dengan jelas.
L1: Leo menunjukkan tempat-tempat yang menarik. Perhatikan bahasa yang dipakainya:
Leo: Over there, on the left, you can see the Colonial quarter.
L1: Di sebelah kiri, anda dapat melihat Colonial Quarter.
Leo: If you look up there, on the right, you can see the botanic gardens.
L1: Di sebelah kanan, ada kebun raya.
L1: "Over on the left", "Up there on the right", "you can see" adalah ungkapan-ungkapan yang sering digunakan oleh pemandu wisata.
Mari kita berlatih. Pertama anda akan mendengar bahasa Indonesianya, kemudian ulangi bahasa Inggrisnya.
L1: Di sebelah kanan.
Eng: Up there on the right.
L1: Disebelah kanan, anda dapat melihat taman.
Eng: Up there on the right, you can see the gardens
L1: Di sebelah kiri.
Eng: Over on the left.
L1: Di sebelah kiri, ada pasar.
Eng: Over on the left, you can see the market.
L1: Coba lihat kesana.
Eng: If you look up there.
L1: Coba lihat kesana, ada pasar.
Eng: If you look up there, you can see the market.
L1: Coba dengarkan:
Leo: That's where they have the night market.
L1: Itu tempat pasar malam.
Leo: That's where we'll go tonight.
L1: Kita akan kesana nanti malam.
L1: "That's where.." digunakan sebagai pembuka kalau anda perlu menjelaskan tentang sesuatu tempat. Ada beberapa contoh untuk anda praktekkan.
Dengarkan bahasa Indonesianya dan kemudian ulangi bahasa Inggrisnya.
L1: Disana kediaman Presiden.
Eng: That's where the President lives.
L1: Disana tempat festival diselenggarakan.
Eng: That's where the festival is held.
L1: Disana tempat para biksu berdoa.
Eng: That's where the monks pray.
Coba dengarkan kembali percakapan tadi. Anda akan diberi waktu untuk mengulang setiap kalimat Leo.
Leo: Over there, on the left…
Leo: …you can see the Colonial quarter.
Mona: And what's that over there?
Leo: That's where they have the night market.
Leo: If you look up there, on the right…
Leo: …you can see the botanic gardens.
Leo: That's where we'll go tonight.
Leo: We'll have a clear view of the full moon.
L1: Sekarang mari kita dengarkan seluruh percakapan dari pelajaran ini….
Leo: Just follow me.
Leo: Where would you like to sit?
Leo: Inside or outside?
Jack: Where do you recommend?
Leo: Outside.
Leo: There's a much better view.
Leo: Watch your step.
Leo: Be careful of the ropes.
Leo: What about here?
Jack: This looks fine.
Leo: Are you comfortable, Ms White?
Mona: Fine, thanks.
Leo: Can I get you anything?
Mona: I'm right, thanks.
Leo: Watch your step. Be careful of the ropes.
Leo: Over there, on the left you can see the Colonial quarter.
Mona: And what's that over there?
Leo: That's where they have the night market. If you look up there, on the right, you can see the botanic gardens. That's where we'll go tonight. We'll have a clear view of the full moon.
L1: Berikut latihan untuk anda pelajari dan pratekkan agar anda dapat mengingatnya sampai kita bertemu kembali pada pelajaran berikutnya.
Eng: That's where
That's where
That's where the gardens are
Be careful of
Be careful of
Be careful of the car
Eng: That's where
That's where
That's where the gardens are
Be careful of
Be careful of
Be careful of the car

# Lesson 18 – Out on the ferry (continued)
Pelajaran 18: Di feri (lanjutan)

L1: Mari kita lanjutkan percakapan Di Feri
Leo: Here, try this.
Mona: What's in it?
Leo: It's moon cake.
Mona: No, I asked what's in it?
Leo: Oh, sorry, I misunderstood. It has walnuts, sesame seeds and egg yolks in it.
Jack: Thanks, Leo. It's delicious.
Leo: It's traditional.
Mona: Hmmm. Yes, very nice.
L1: Sekarang coba dengarkan percakapan itu lagi dengan terjemahannya:
Leo: Here, try this.
L1: Silahkan mencoba ini.
Mona: What's in it?
L1: Apa isinya?
Leo: It's moon cake.
L1: Ini kue bulan.
Mona: No, I asked what's in it?
L1: Bukan, maksud saya, isinya apa?
Leo: Oh, sorry, I misunderstood. It has walnuts, sesame seeds and egg yolks in it.
L1: Oh, maaf. saya salah mengerti. Di dalamnya ada sejenis kenari, biji wijen dan kuning telur.
Jack: Thanks, Leo. It's delicious.
L1: Terima kasih, Leo. Enak sekali.
Leo: It's traditional.
L1: Ini kue tradisional.
Mona: Hmmm. Yes, very nice.
L1: Hmmm. Ya, enak.
L1: Leo menawarkan kepada Jack and Mona, kue tradisional, kue bulan.
Coba dengarkan.
Leo: Here, try this.
L1: Silahkan mencoba ini.
L1: Ini adalah cara untuk menawarkan makanan. Cara ini lebih halus daripada mengatakan "Here, eat this", yang kedengaran agak kasar. Cara lain yang lebih formal, dan mungkin lebih aman, untuk menawarkan adalah "Would you like to try this?" Anda ingin mencoba ini? atau "Would you like to try some of this?", Apakah anda ingin mencoba sedikit?
Coba dengarkan dan ulangi.
Eng: Here, try this.
Here, try this.
Would you like to try this?
Would you like to try this?
Would you like to try some of this?
Would you like to try some of this?
L1: Dalam pembicaraan ini, Leo salah mendengar pertanyaan Mona. Coba perhatikan:
Mona: What's in it?
L1: Apa isinya?
Leo: It's moon cake.
L1: Ini kue bulan.
Mona: No, I asked what's in it?
L1: Bukan, maksud saya, apa isinya?
Leo: Oh, sorry, I misunderstood.
L1: Oh maaf. Saya salah mengerti.
L1: Leo mengira Mona bertanya, "What is it?", Ini apa?, padahal ia bertanya "What's in it?", Apa di dalamnya? Coba dengarkan bagaimana Leo merespon kesalahan ini.
Leo: Sorry, I misunderstood.
L1: Coba dengarkan dan ulangi.
Eng: Sorry, I misunderstood.
Sorry, I misunderstood.
L1: Masih tentang salah pengertian, mari kita lihat kembali bagaimana merespon kalau kita tidak mengerti apa yang dikatakan seseorang.
Dalam pelajaran terdahulu, kita telah belajar "Could you repeat that please?", Bisa tolong diulang ?" . Kita juga dapat mengatakan "Sorry, I didn't catch that", Maaf, saya tidak mengerti, atau "Could you say that slowly please?", Bisa tolong diucapkan pelan-pelan".
Mari kita berlatih. Coba dengarkan dan ulangi.
Eng: Could you repeat that please.
Could you repeat that please.
Could you say that slowly please?
Could you say that slowly please?
Sorry, I didn't catch that.
Sorry, I didn't catch that.
L1: Sekarang mari kita dengarkan kembali percakapan tadi. Anda akan diberi waktu untuk mengulang setiap kalimat Leo.
Leo: Here, try this.
Mona: What's in it?
Leo: It's moon cake.
Mona: No, I asked what's in it?
Leo: Oh, sorry, I misunderstood.
Leo: It has walnuts, sesame seeds and egg yolks in it.
Jack: Thanks, Leo. It's delicious.
Leo: It's traditional.
Mona: Hmmm. Yes, very nice.

L1: Pelajaran ke-18. Di Feri.
L1: Sekarang mari kita lanjutkan ini. Leo melihat topi baru Mona.
Leo: That's a beautiful hat, Ms White.
Mona: Thank you. I bought it yesterday. I'm going to wear it to the Melbourne Cup. Have you heard of that?
Leo: Yes, it's a very famous horse race.
Leo: Careful!
Mona: My hat!
Leo: There it goes.
Mona: That hat cost $200!
Jack: Oh well.
L1 (Sailor in background): Man overboard!
Mona: Look over there, Dad. Is that a dolphin in the water?
Jack: No, Mona. That's Leo. He's trying to save your hat!
L1: Coba dengarkan percakapan itu lagi dengan terjemahannya.
Leo: That's a beautiful hat, Ms White.
L1: Topinya cantik, Ms White.
Mona: Thank you. I bought it yesterday. I'm going to wear it to the Melbourne Cup. Have you heard of that?
L1: Terima kasih. Saya beli kemarin. Saya akan memakainya ke Piala Melbourne. Pernah dengar?
Leo: Yes, it's a very famous horse race.
L1: Ya, pacuan kuda yang sangat terkenal.
Leo: Careful!
L1: Awas.
Mona: My hat!
L1: Topi saya!
Leo: There it goes.
L1: Aduh, terbang.
Mona: That hat cost $200!
L1: Topi itu harganya 200 dollar.
Jack: Oh well.
L1: Apa boleh buat.
L1 Sailor in background: Ada orang jatuh ke laut!
Mona: Look over there, Dad. Is that a dolphin in the water?
L1: Coba lihat kesana, ayah. Itu ikan lumba-lumba, ya.
Jack: No, Mona. That's Leo. He's trying to save your hat!
L1: Bukan, Mona. Itu Leo. Ia berusaha mengambil topimu.

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