Rabu, 18 Februari 2015

LKS B Inggris part 5

family         = keluarga                                           hobby           = kegemaran
friend          = teman                                              repeat           = ulangi
job              = pekerjaan                                         spell             = mengeja
introduce     = memperkenalkan                              what             = apa
live             = tinggal                                              where           = di mana
name          = nama                                               address         = alamat

Study this form !

Name               : Lastri
Job                   : Student
Address           : Jl. Merdeka 57 Jakarta
Hobby             : Reading and Singging

I.                    Answer the question based on the form above !

1.       What is her name ?
2.       Who is she ?
3.       Where does she live ?
4.       What is her hobby ?
5.       Is she a teacher ?

II.                  Cross ( X ) A, B, C, or D in front of the right answer!

1.       A : Where do you live?
B : I …. in Tasikmalaya
A. am                                 C. are
B. come                              D. live

2.       Teacher      : ‘What is your name ?’
Student       : ‘ ….name is Gito.’
A. your                                C. his
B. my                                 D. her

3.       Her hobby is ………….
A. fishing
B. cycling
C. singing
D. swimming

4.       Hello, my name is Budiman. This is my friend. ….name is Surya.
A. her                                 C. his
B. he                                  D. she
5.       Neneng       : Hi, what is your name ?
Dewi           : Hi, My name …Dewi.
A. am                     B. is                 C. not               D. are
6.       I am Freddy. Mr Sandy is …father.
A. your                    B. their              C. my               D. her

7.       Ayu            : …old are you ?
Irma            : I am ten
A. what                               C. how
B. who                                D. why
8.       A : What is ….. hobby?
B : My hobby is reading.
A. me                                 C. their
B. your                                D. her

9.       What do you do ?
A. I’m a student                               C. I’m ten years old
B. I’m Danu                                     D. I live in Taraju

10.   Dedi     : ……………….?
Riska    : R – i – s – k - a
A. What is your name?         C. How do you spell your name?
B. Where are you?               D. How old are you ?

III.                Arrange the jumbled words into the right sentence !

1.       uncle – is – Mr. Pendi – Gungun’s - not
2.       you – where – live – do ?
3.       my – I– love  – family
4.       grandfather– Agum – my– is
5.       rika – her – is - name

brother  -  family   -   father   -   mother   -    sister
Complete the following text using the words in the box !

My name is Farhan. This is my ……. This is my …. His name is Mr. Yayan. This is my …. Her name is Mrs. Nisa. This is my ….. His name is Muhamad. This my …. Her name is Desi.
numbers      = nomor                                              ten                = 10
word           = kata                                                 eleven           = 11
one             = 1                                                     twelve           = 12
two             = 2                                                     thirteen         = 13
three           = 3                                                     fourteen        = 14
four             = 4                                                     fifteen           = 15
five             = 5                                                     sixteen          = 16
six              = 6                                                     seventeen     = 17
seven         = 7                                                     eighteen        = 18
eght            = 8                                                     nineteen        = 19
nine            = 9                                                     twenty          = 20

I.          Cross ( X ) A, B, C, or D in front of the right answer!

1.       How many glass are there on the table ?
There are ….
A. nine
B. ten
C. eleven
D. twelve

2.                                                             How many pens are there on the table ?
There are ….
A. five
B. six
C. seven
D. eight

3.       How many chairs are there in the room ?
There are ….
A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five

4.                                                             How many flowers are there on the table ?
There are ….
A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five

5.       R – H – E – T – E
The right arranging of these letters is ….
A. three                               C. heert
B. teehr                               D. treeh

6.          5    +    2   =    7
five plus two is …..
A. seven                             C. nine
B. eight                               D. ten
7.        10    +    6   =  …..
Ten plus six is …..
A. fourteen                          C. sixteen
B. fifteen                             D. seventeen
8.         12    -    4   =    …..
Twelve minus  four is …..
A. seven                             C. nine
B. eight                               D. ten

9.         20    -   17   =    …..
twenty minus  seventeen is …..
A. one                                 C. three
B. two                                 D. four

10.   A : What is two …five?
B : Two plus five is seven.
A. minus                             C. and
B. plus                                D. is

II.                  Rearrange these letters and then write the numbers !

1.       W-E-L-V-E-T                    TWELVE                         12
2.       V-S-E-N-E                       ………….                        …….
3.       G-T-I-E-H                        ………….                        …….
4.       T-S-N-I-E-X-E                  ………….                        …….
5.       U-O-F-R                          ………….                        …….
6.       N-E-W-T-Y-T                   ………….                        …….
7.       T-G-H-N-E-E-E-I-T           ………….                        …….
8.       V-E-L-E-N-E                    ………….                        …….
9.       R-H-E-T-E                       ………….                        …….
10.       T-N-N-N-E-E-E-I              ………….                        …….

III.                Fill in the blanks with suitable numbers !







      … balls          plus    … balls          is   ….    balls

bicycle        = sepeda                                             ship              = kapal laut
boat            = perahu                                             taxi               = taksi
bus             = bis                                                   train              = kereta api
cart             = sado                                                vehicle          = kendaraan
helicopter    = helikopter                                         motocycle     = sepeda motor
plane          = kapal tebang                                     truck             = truk   

I.          Cross ( X ) A, B, C, or D in front of the right answer!

1.       I go to school on ….
A. foot                                            C. train
B. ship                                            D. plane

2.       It is a…..
A. ship       
B. plane
C. helocopter
D. cart

3.                                                 This is a …… 
A. motocycle                
B. train
C. car
D. cart

4.       This is a …..
A. boat       
B. ship 
C. plane
D. train

5.       My father goes to work by …..
A. bicycle   
B. motocycle
C. cart
D. taxi

6.                                                 We go to Jakarta by …..
A. bus              
B. car
C. van
D. train

7.       My uncle go to Bali by …..
A. boat       
B. ship
C. plane
D. truck

8.                                                 Riana goes to school by …..
B. taxi
C. motocycle
D. bicycle

9.       We usualy go to Surabaya by
A. bus                    
B. train
C. car
D. truck

10.   Dr. Raddi  go to the hospital by ……..
A. plane                                    C. bus
B. motocycle                             D. taxi

III.        Arrange the jumbled words into the right sentence !

1.       go –by – you –train – Bandung - to
2.       goes – My father – by- works – to - car
3.       do – to - How – go – school – you ?
4.       Imam – Bali – to – plane – goes - by
5.       on – I– go– to  – foot - school

IV.        Write the words from the box into the right column !

bicycle                                                                    ship
boat                                                                        taxi
bus                                                                         train
cart                                                                         helicopter
motocycle                                                               plane

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