Kamis, 15 Januari 2015

UNIT 8. Present perfect (2) (I have done)

UNIT 8. Present perfect (2) (I have done)
A. Study this example conversation:/ pelajari conto dialog berikut:
DAVE: Have you travelled a lot, Jane?/ sudah banyakah kamu bepergian , Jane?
JANE: Yes, I've been to lots of places./ ya, saya sudah bepergian ke banyak tempat.
DAVE: Really? Have you ever been to China?/ benarkah? Sudahkah anda ke china?
JANE: Yes, I've been to China twice./ ya, aku sudah ke china 2 kali.
DAVE: What about India?/ bagaimana dengan india?
JANE: No, I haven't been to India./ tidak, saya belum pernah ke india

When we talk about a period of time that continues from the past until now, we use the present perfect (have been/have travelled etc.). Here, Dave and Jane are talking about the places Jane has visited in her life (which is a period that continues until now)./ ketika kita berbicara periode waktu yang terus berlanjut dari waktu lampau sampai sekarang, maka kita gunakan present perfect. Disini, Dave dan Jane sedang membicarakan tempat2 yang sudah Jane kunjungi selama hidupnya sampai saat ini.
* Have you ever eaten caviar? (in your life)/ pernahkah kamu memakan telur ikan.
* We've never had a car./ kami belum pernah punya mobi.
* 'Have you read Hamlet?' 'No, I haven't read any of Shakespeare's plays.'/ sudahkah anda membaca Hamlet? Tidak, saya belum pernah membaca satupun karya Shakespeare.
* Susan really loves that film. She's seen it eight times!/ susan sangat menyukai film itu. Dia sudah melihatnya 8 kali!
* What a boring film! It's the most boring film I've ever seen./ bener2 film yang membosankan! Ini film paling membosankan yang pernah saya lihat.
In the following examples too the speakers are talking about a period that continues until now (recently/in the last few days/so far/since breakfast etc.):/ pada contoh berikut masih tentang periode waktu yang berlangsung sampai saat ini
* Have you heard from George recently?/ sudahkah anda mendengar dari George baru baru ini.
* I've met a lot of people in the last few days./ saya sudah bertemu banyak orang beberapa hari kebelakang ini
* Everything is going well. We haven't had any problems so far./ semuanya berjalan baik. Kita belum pernah mendapat masalah sejauh ini.
* I'm hungry. I haven't eaten anything since breakfast. (= from breakfast until now)/ aku lapar. Saya belum makan apapun sejak sarapan.
* It's nice to see you again. We haven't seen each other for a long time./ senang bertemu anda. Kita belum pernah bertemu satu sama lain untuk waktu yang lama.
B. We use the present perfect with today/this morning/this evening etc. when these periods are not finished at the time of speaking (see also Unit 14B):/ kita gunakan present perfect dengan today/this morning/this evening dll. Ketika periode ini belum selesai pada saat berkata (lihat juga unit 14B)
* I've drunk four cups of coffee today. (perhaps I'll drink more before today is finished)/ saya sudah minum 4 cangkir kofi hari ini.
* Have you had a holiday this year (yet)?/ sudahkah anda mendapat liburan tahun ini?
* I haven't seen Tom this morning. Have you?/saya belum melihat Tom pagi ini. Apakah kamu lihat?
* Ron hasn't worked very hard this term./ Ron belum bekerja keras di tim ini.
C. Note that we say 'It's the first time something has happened' (present perfect). For example:/ catatan bahwa kita mengatakan ini saat pertama sesuatu sudah terjadi
Don is having a driving lesson. He is very nervous and unsure because it is his first lesson./Don sedang belajar menyetir. Dia sangat gugup karena baru pertama kali.
* It's the first time he has driven a car. (not 'drives') or He has never driven a car before./ ini pertama kalinya dia sudah mengendarai mobil, atau Dia belum pernah mengendarai mobil sebelumnya.
* Linda has lost her passport again. It's the second time this has happened. (not 'happens')/ Linda sudah kehilangan passport. Ini kedua kalinya sudah terjadi.
* This is a lovely meal. It's the first good meal I've had for ages. (not 'I have')/ ini makanan hebat. Ini makanan pertama yang pernah saya dapet dalam hidup.
* Bill is phoning his girlfriend again. That's the third time he's phoned her this evening./ Bill sedang menelpon pacarnya lagi. Itu ketiga kalinya dia sudah menelpon dia sore ini.
8.1 You are asking somebody questions about things he or she has done. Make questions from the words
in brackets.
1. (ever/ride/horse?)
Have you ever ridden a horse?
2. (ever/be/California?)
3. (ever/run/marathon?)
4. (ever/speak/famous person?)
5. (always/live/in this town?)
6. (most beautiful place/ever/visit?) What
8.2 Complete Bs answers. Some sentences are positive and some negative. Use a verb from this list:
be be cat happen have meet play read see see try
1 A: What's George's sister like?
B: I've no idea. I've never met her.
2. A: How is Amy these days?
B: I don't know. I --- her recently.
3. A: Are you hungry?
B: Yes. I --- much today.
4. A: Can you play chess?
B: Yes, but --- for ages.
5. A: Did you enjoy your holiday?
B: Yes, it's the best holiday --- for a long time.
6. A: What's that book like?
B: I don't know ---
7. A: Is Brussels an interesting place?
B: I've no idea --- there.
8. A: Mike was late for work again today.
B: Again? He --- every day this week.
9. A: Do you like caviar?
B: I don't know ---
10. A: The car broke down again yesterday.
B: Not again! That's the second time --- this week.
11. Who's that woman by the door)
B: I don't know --- before.)
8.3 Complete these sentences using today/this year/this term etc.
1. I saw Tom yesterday but I haven't seen him today.
2. I read a newspaper yesterday but I --- today.
3. Last year the company made a profit but this year ---
4. Tracy worked hard at school last term but ---
5. It snowed a lot last winter but ---
6. Our football team won a lot of games last season but we ---
8.4 Read the situations and write sentences as shown in the examples.
1. Jack is driving a car but he's very nervous and not sure what to do.
You ask: Have you driven a car before?
2. Len is playing tennis. He's not very good and he doesn't know the rules.
You ask: Have ---
3. Sue is riding a horse. She doesn't look very confident or comfortable.
You ask: ---
She says: ---
4. Maria is in London. She has just arrived and it's very new for her.
You ask: ---
She says: ---

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